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Sun ONE Application Server 7 Migrating and Redeploying Server Applications Guide

About This Guide

This Migrating and Redeploying Server Applications Guide describes how J2EE applications are migrated from earlier versions of the Sun™ ONE Application Server (formerly known as ‘iPlanet Application Server’) to Sun ONE Application Server 7.

In addition, this guide describes how NetDynamics applications and applications from the Netscape Application Server (NAS) are migrated to the Sun ONE Application Server 7.

This manual is intended for system administrators, network administrators, application server administrators and web developers who have an interest in migration issues.

What You Should Know

Before you begin, you should already be familiar with the following topics:

How This Guide is Organized

This guide is organized as follows:

Documentation Conventions

File and directory paths are given in Windows format (with backslashes separating directory names). For Unix versions, the directory paths are the same, except forward slashes are used instead of backslashes to separate directories.

This guide uses URLs of the form: http://server.domain/path/file.html, where:

The following table shows the typographic conventions used throughout Sun ONE documentation

Table 1  Typographic Conventions 





The names of files, directories, sample code, and code listings; and HTML tags

Open Hello.html file.

<HEAD1> creates a top level heading.


Book titles, variables, other code placeholders, words to be emphasized, and words used in the literal sense

See Chapter 2 of the Migrating and Redeploying Server Applications Guide.

Enter your UserID.

Enter Login in the Name field.


First appearance of a glossary term in the text

Templates are page outlines.

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