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Sun ONE Messaging and Collaboration User Management Utility 1.0 Installation and Reference Guide

Chapter 2
Configuring User Management Utility  

The User Management Utility configuration program (config-iscli) creates a new configuration file in the /opt/SUNWcomm/config directory with your specific requirements. This initial runtime configuration program performs minimal configuration. After you run the program, you might need to perform additional configuration, as described in the Sun ONE Messaging Server Administrator’s Guide and the Sun ONE Calendar Server Administrator’s Guide.

The following topics are described in this chapter:

Run the Configuration Program

The steps described in this section walk you through configuring the User Management Utility.

To run the configuration program, log in as (or become) root and go to the /opt/SUNWcomm/sbin directory. Then enter the command:

# ./config-iscli

Once you run the config-iscli command, the configuration program will start:

  1. Welcome
  2. The first panel in the configuration program is a copyright page. Click Next to continue or Cancel to exit.

  3. Select directory to store configuration and data files
  4. Select the directory where you want to store the User Management Utility configuration and data files. The default configuration directory is /var/opt/SUNWcomm. This directory should be separate from the is_cli_base directory (/opt/SUNWcomm).

    Enter the name of the directory, or keep the default and click Next to continue.

    If the directory does not exist, a dialog appears asking if you want to create the directory or choose a new directory. Click Create Directory to create the directory or Choose New to enter a new directory.

    A dialog appears indicating that the components are being loaded. This may take a few minutes.

  5. Select components to configure
  6. Select the component or components you want to configure on the Components Panel.

    • commcli-client—The User Management Utility client. This component is required and is selected by default. It cannot be deselected.
    • commcli-server—The User Management Utility server.
    • Click Next to continue, Back to return to the previous panel, or Cancel to exit.

  7. Identity Server host name and port number
  8. Enter the Identity Server host name and port number. If you are installing the User Management Utility server component, you must install it on the same host as Identity Server.

    Click Next to continue, Back to return to the previous panel, or Cancel to exit.

  9. Default domain
  10. Enter the default domain for the Top-Level administrator. This is the domain used when a domain is not explicitly specified by the -n option when executing the commadmin command-line utility. This is also known as the default organization. If the domain specified does not exist in the directory, it will be created.

    Click Next to continue, Back to return to the previous panel, or Cancel to exit.

  11. Default SSL port for client
  12. Enter the default SSL port that the User Management Utility client uses.

    Click Next to continue, Back to return to the previous panel, or Cancel to exit.

  13. Identity Server base directory
  14. This panel is displayed only if you are configuring the User Management Utility server component.

    Enter the Identity Server Base Directory. The default directory is /opt/SUNWam.

    Click Next to continue, Back to return to the previous panel, or Cancel to exit.

    The configuration program checks if a valid Identity Server base directory is specified. If not, a dialog box displays indicating that an existing Identity Server base directory must be selected.

  15. Directory (LDAP) Server
  16. This panel is displayed only if you are configuring the User Management Utility server component.

    This panel asks for information about connecting to the LDAP Directory Server for the user/group suffix. Enter the User and Group Directory Server LDAP URL, Directory Manager, and Password in the fields.

    The Directory Manager has overall administrator privileges on the Directory Server and all Sun ONE servers that make use of the Directory Server (for example, User Management Utility) and has full administration access to all entries in the Directory Server. The default and recommended Distinguished Name (DN) is cn=Directory Manager.

    Click Next to continue, Back to return to the previous panel, or Cancel to exit.

  17. Identity Server Top-Level Administrator
  18. This panel is displayed only if you are configuring the User Management Utility server component.

    Enter the user ID and password for the Identity Server Top-Level Administrator. The user ID and password are created when Identity Server is installed. The default user ID is amadmin.

    Click Next to continue, Back to return to the previous panel, or Cancel to exit.

  19. Identity Server internal LDAP authentication user
  20. This panel is displayed only if you are configuring the User Management Utility server component.

    Enter the User ID and password for the Identity Server Internal LDAP authentication user. This user is created by the Identity Server installer and is the Bind DN user for the LDAP service. The default user name is amldapuser.

    Click Next to continue, Back to return to the previous panel, or Cancel to exit.

  21. Web Server Instance directory
  22. This panel is displayed only if you are configuring the User Management Utility server component.

    Enter the Web Server instance directory. Files for the Web Server instance are stored in the https-host.domain directory under the Web Server installation directory, for example /opt/SUNWwbsvr/

    Click Next to continue, Back to return to the previous panel, or Cancel to exit.

  23. Organization
  24. This panel is displayed only if you are configuring the User Management Utility server component.

    Enter the Organization DN for the default domain. For example, if your organization DN is o=Engineering, all the users in that organization will be placed under the LDAP DN "o=Engineering, o=usergroup", where o=usergroup is your user/group suffix.

    Click Next to continue, Back to return to the previous panel, or Cancel to exit.

  25. Top-Level Administrator for the default organization
  26. This panel is displayed only if you are configuring the User Management Utility server component.

    Enter the user ID and password for the Top-Level Administrator that is to be created in the default domain (organization).

    Click Next to continue, Back to return to the previous panel, or Cancel to exit.

  27. Verification
  28. The Verification Panel displays the items that will be configured.

    Click Configure Now to begin the configuration, Back to return to any previous panel to change information, or Cancel to exit.

  29. Task Sequence
  30. A sequence of tasks being performed are displayed on the Task Sequence Panel. This is when the actual configuration takes place.

    When the panel displays “All Tasks Passed” you can click Next to continue or Cancel stop the tasks from being performed and exit.

    A dialog box appears reminding you to restart the Web Server in order for configuration changes to take effect.

  31. Installation Summary
  32. The Installation Summary panel displays the product installed and a Details... button that displays more information about this configuration.

    A log file is created in the /opt/SUNWcomm/Iscli-config_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS directory, where YYYYMMDDHHMMSS identifies the 4-digit year, month, date, hour, minute, and second of the configuration.

    Click Close to complete the configuration.

Post Configuration Tasks

If Sun ONE Identity Server is using Sun ONE Application Server as its web container, you will need to run the asadmin deploy command which deploys commcli-server.war into the Identity Server web container.

To manually deploy commcli-server.war:

  1. Edit the Application Server server.policy file and add the following line:
  2. permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "write";

  3. Go to the bin directory under the Application Server installation root directory (as_install_dir). The default as_install_dir is /opt/SUNWappserver7:
  4. cd app_server_base/bin

  5. Execute the asadmin deploy utility:

    ./asadmin deploy --user admin_user_name --password admin_user_password \
    hostname --port as_port_number --name commcli --contextroot commcli \

  6. The admin_user_name variable is the Application Server user associated for the instance. The admin_user_password variable is the password that corresponds to the Application Server user. The hostname variable is the local host name of the machine hosting the Application Server instance. The as_port_number is the Application Server port number associated with the host. See the Sun ONE Application Server Reference Manual for more description of the asadmin deploy utility.

  7. Stop the Application Server:
  8. ./asadmin stop-appserv

  9. Start the Application Server:
  10. ./asadmin start-appserv

Perform Silent Installation

The User Management Utility initial runtime configuration program automatically creates a silent installation state file (called saveState). This file contains internal information about the configuration program, and is used for running silent installs.

The silent installation saveState file is stored in the is_cli_base/Iscli-config_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS/ directory, where YYYYMMDDHHMMSS identifies the 4-digit year, month, date, hour, minute, and second of the saveState file.

For example, once you have run the config-iscli program once, you can run it in silent install mode:

is_cli_base/sbin/configure -nodisplay -noconsole -state fullpath/saveState

The fullpath variable is the full directory path of where the saveState file is located.

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