Sun logo      �W�@��      �ؿ�      �d�      �U�@��     

Sun Java Enterprise System 2003Q4 �w�˫�n

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Java Enterprise System �w�˵{�������w�˫�A���ƭӤ��󲣫~�ݭn�z���Y���B�~�t�m�u�@�C�u�@���{�ר�M��z���t�m���� (�ۭq�t�m�γ̤p�t�m) �H�αz�����󲣫~�O�_�P Sun Cluster �n��@�P�t�m�C




��z���ۭq�t�m�Ҧ��ɡA�w�˴v��t�η|�n�D�z�����󲣫~��w�t�m�ȡC�b�w�˹L�{���̫�A�t�η|���ͤ@�ӺK�n��i�A�䤤�]�t�w�˴v��]�w���ȡC�z�i�H�q�x�s���ɮת��ؿ� (/var/sadm/install/logs) �˵���ɮסC


�Ҧ��� Java Enterprise System ���󲣫~���䴩�ۭq�t�m�A�� Calendar Server�BInstant Messaging�BMessaging Server �M Sun Cluster �������~�C�o�Dz��~�ȯ�b�w�˫�i��t�m�C


�p�G�z�b�w�˴v����̤p�t�m�Ҧ��A�h Java Enterprise System �w�˵{���|�N���󲣫~�M�˳n���ɮש�b���̦U�۪��ؿ�C���i��ѼƳ]�w�A�åB�ѩ󤣯�ϥιB��ɶ��A�ȡA�j�h�Ƥ��󲣫~���L�k�B�@�C

�b Java Enterprise System ��ҹB�@���e�A�������j�h�Ƥ��󲣫~����B�~�t�m�C


�p�G�z���̤p�t�m�w�˨ÿ�� Identity Server �@������A�h�b�w�˴v��A�w�˵{���|�n�D�z�� Identity Server �Ψ����p��������t�m�C�b�o�ر��p�U�A�\�h���󲣫~�]�|�b�w�˴v��t�m (�p Application Server�BDirectory Server�BDirectory Proxy Server�BServer Console�BAdministration Server �� Web Server)�C



Sun Cluster �t�m�u�@

�H�U���󲣫~�i�H��w���P Sun Cluster �n��t�X�ϥΡG

�p�� Sun Cluster �w�˶��Ǫ�����A�аѾ\�ϥ� Sun Cluster �n�骺���i�Ω��C

Java Enterprise System �w�˵{���|�� Sun Cluster �M�˳n����²�檺 pkgadd �w�ˡC�z�i�H�ϥ� pkginfo ��O���� Sun Cluster �M�˳n��O�_�w�g�w�ˡC�P Sun Cluster �������p���M�˳n��M���� Sun Cluster �n��M Sun Cluster Agents ���C

�w�˴v��AJava Enterprise System �w�˵{���|�w�� Sun Cluster �M�˳n��ó]�w /usr/cluster/bin �ؿ�C������t�m�C�M�˳n��w�˫�A�z�����إ��O���C��b�إ��O�����e�A������t�m�H�U���󲣫~�G

    �w�˫�t�m Sun Cluster �n��
  1. �z�L�Ұ� Sun Cluster �w�ˤ��ε{�� (/usr/cluster/bin/scinstall) �إ��O���C�b�z�n�w�ˬ��O���`�I���C�x��W��榹�@�~�C
  2. �Ұ� scinstall ���ε{����A�Ч��� Sun Cluster �t�m�u�@�C�p�ݬ����T�A�аѾ\�uSun Cluster 3.1 �n��w�˫�n�v(�C
  3. �b�����q���Ascinstall ���ε{���|���� Sun Cluster �M�˳n��C�p�G��|�F�M�˳n��A�h�|�X�{��~�T���A��� CD �W���M�˳n�餣�i�ΡC�p�G�o�ͦ����p�A�������� Java Enterprise System �w�˵{���O�_�w�w�˥��T�� Sun Cluster �M�˳n��C




�b�z�����󲣫~�t�m��ƪA�Ȥ��e�A�����إ��O���æw�� Sun Cluster Core �M Sun Cluster Agents �n�餸��C


�b�z�����t�m��ƪA�ȩM�Ҧ��䴩�h (�e��޲z�{���B�O���ɮרt�ΩM�귽�s�ո�T) ����AJava Enterprise System �� Sun Cluster �w�ˤ~�⧹���C



Administration Server �t�m

    �ۭq�w�˫�t�m Administration Server


�b�z�t�m Administration Server ���e�A������t�m Directory Server�C�аѾ\�̤p�w�˫�t�m Directory Server�C

�ۭq�t�m�w�˫�AAdministration Server �K�w�����t�m�åi�H�}�l�ϥΤF (��@�Өҥ~)�C�p�G�n�N Administration Server �P Sun Cluster �n��t�X�ϥΡA�аѾ\ Sun Cluster �t�m�u�@�A�H��o����p�󧹦����t�m������C

    �̤p�w�˫�t�m Administration Server

�̤p�t�m�w�˫�A�M�˳n��w�w�ˡA�åB�z�i�H�}�l�� Sun ONE Administration Server ���󲣫~���t�m�u�@�F�C


�p�G�N Administration Server �P Identity Server �@�P�w�ˡA�h�B�J 3 �����j���0t�m�|�b�w�˴v������C

  1. ����uSun ONE Directory Server 5.2 Installation and Tuning Guide�v( ���uInstalling Sun ONE Directory Server�v�@�����uConfiguring Administration Server�v�@�`��������A�� Administration Server �إߪ�l�t�m�C
  2. ����uSun ONE Directory Server 5.2 Installation and Tuning Guide�v( ���uInstalling Sun ONE Directory Server�v�@�����uCompleting the Installation Process�v�@�`�����B�J�C
  3. ���Ҧ@�Φ�A���]�w (�p�@�Φ�A���]�w�ҭz) �M Administration Server �]�w (�p Administration Server �t�m�������ҭz)�C
  4. �̻ݭn��s�]�w�C����o�dz]�w����T����uSun ONE Server Console Server Management Guide�v( ���C

  5. �p�G�A�X�A�бN Administration Server �t�m���P Sun Cluster �n��t�X�ϥΡC�аѾ\ Sun Cluster �t�m�u�@�C
  6. �Y�n���Ұt�m�A�жi���ҰʩM���� Administration Server�C

Application Server �t�m

    �ۭq�w�˫�t�m Application Server
  1. �N as_svr_base/bin �[�J�z�� PATH ����ܼƤ��C�Y�n���Ҧ��]�w�A����J�H�U���e�G
  2. which asadmin

  3. �N as_svr_base/man �[�J�z�� MANPATH ����ܼƤ��C�Y�n���Ҧ��]�w�A����J�H�U���e�G
  4. man asadmin

    �ù�W�|��� asadmin �u�W���U���C

  5. �ϥΥH�U asadmin ��O�A�� Application Server �إߪ�l���G
  6. asadmin create-domain --path domain_path --sysuser sys_user --passwordfile file_name --adminport port_number --adminuser admin_user --adminpassword password domain_name asadmin


    asadmin create-domain --adminport 4848 --adminuser MyAdmin --adminpassword MyPassword MyDomain

    �p�ݦ���޲z Application Server ����L��T�A�аѾ\�uSun ONE Application Server Administrator's Guide�v(�C

  7. �p�G�z�n�N Application Server �P Identity Server �M Portal Server �@�P�t�m�A�h�������s�t�m Application Server�A�H�K��i�H�ϥΦw�˵{�Ǵv���w���t�m��T�C
  8. �Y�n���s�t�m Application Server�A��H�U��O�G

    asadmin -reconfig instance-name


    asadmin -reconfig server1

  9. �p�G�n�N Application Server �P Sun Cluster �n��t�X�ϥΡA�аѾ\ Sun Cluster �t�m�u�@�A�H��o����p�󧹦����t�m������C
  10. �Y�n���Ұt�m�A�жi���ҰʩM���� Application Server�C
    �̤p�w�˫�t�m Application Server

�̤p�t�m�w�˫�AApplication Server �M�˳n��K�w�w�ˡA�åB�z�i�H�}�l�i��t�m�F�C

  1. �N as_svr_base/bin �[�J�z�� PATH ����ܼƤ��C�Y�n���ҡA����J�H�U���e�G
  2. which asadmin

  3. �N as_svr_base/man �[�J�z�� MANPATH ����ܼƤ��C�Y�n���Ҧ��@�~�O�_���ġA����J�H�U���e�G
  4. man asadmin

    �ù�W�|��� asadmin �u�W���U���C

  5. �ϥΥH�U asadmin ��O�A�� Application Server �إߪ�l���G
  6. asadmin create-domain --path domain_path --sysuser sys_user --passwordfile file_name --adminport port_number --adminuser admin_user --adminpassword password domain_name asadmin


    asadmin create-domain --adminport 4848 --adminuser MyAdmin --adminpassword MyPassword MyDomain

    �p�ݦ���޲z Application Server ����L��T�A�аѾ\�uSun ONE Application Server Administrator's Guide�v(�C

  7. �p�G�A�X�A�бN Application Server �t�m���P Sun Cluster �n��t�X�ϥΡC�аѾ\ Sun Cluster �t�m�u�@�C
  8. �Y�n���Ұt�m�A�жi���ҰʩM���� Application Server�C

Calendar Server �t�m

    �w�˫�t�m Calendar Server

Calendar Server ���󲣫~�L�k�� Java Enterprise System �w�˵{���t�m�C

  1. �p�G�b Messaging Server �t�m�v�����榹�B�J�A�гz�L��� Directory Server Setup �{���� (/opt/SUNWics5/cal/sbin/ �b Directory Server �W�� Calendar Server �t�m Sun ONE Directory Server 5.x�C

  2. �Ƶ�

    ����B�J 3 �����ϥΪ̺޲z���ε{�����e�A�����w�˨ðt�m Identity Server�C

    1. ���� Directory Server �O�_���b���C�p�����n�A�аѾ\�Ұ� Directory Server�C
    2. �z�L���H�U��O�A�dz� Directory Server�G
    3. server-root/cal/sbin/

    4. ���{���ɮɡA�п�� Schema 2 ��������C

    5. �Ƶ�

      �p�G Messaging Server�BCalendar Server �M�ϥΪ̺޲z���ε{�����s�u�ܦP�@�ؿ��A���A�а��@�� �{���ɡC

      �p�G�C�Ӳ��~�ϥ����P�� LDAP �ؿ��A���A�й�C�� LDAP �ؿ���ӵ{���ɡC

  3. ������ /etc/hosts �ɮפ����ĤG��]�t�����X�檺���W�� (FQDN)�A�Ӥ��O²�檺�D��W�١C�Ҧp�G
  4.   loghost

  5. �ȷ�w�˥]�t Identity Server 6.1 �M LDAP Schema 2 �Φb Messaging Server �t�m�v�����榹�B�J�ɤ~��榹�B�J�C�z�L���ϥΪ̺޲z���ε{�� (/opt/SUNWcomm/sbin/config-iscli) �� Calendar Server �G�ا@�~�i��t�m�C
  6. �uSun ONE Messaging and Collaboration User Management Utility Installation and Reference Guide�v( ���Ѧ����榹���ε{��������C

  7. �z�L��� Calendar Server �t�m�{�� (/opt/SUNWics5/cal/sbin/ �Ӱt�m Calendar Server�C
  8. �p�ݦ���t�m Calendar Server ����T�A�аѾ\�uSun ONE Calendar Server �w�˫�n (�A�Ω� Solaris �@�~�t��)�v(�C

  9. �p�G�A�X�A�аt�m Calendar Server �P Sun Cluster �n��t�X�ϥΡC�аѾ\ Sun Cluster �t�m�u�@�A�H��o��������t�m����T�C
  10. �Y�n���Ұt�m�A�жi���ҰʩM���� Calendar Server�C

Directory Server �t�m

    �ۭq�w�˫�t�m Directory Server
  1. ��� idsktune ��O�A�H��o�ϥ� Directory Server ����ij�M��C
  2. �p�G�A�X�A�бN Directory Server �t�m���P Sun Cluster �n��t�X�ϥΡC�аѾ\ Sun Cluster �t�m�u�@�C
    �̤p�w�˫�t�m Directory Server

�̤p�t�m�w�˫�A�z�K�i�H�� Sun ONE Directory Server ���󲣫~���t�m�u�@�F�C


�p�G�N Directory Server �P Identity Server �@�P�w�ˡA�h�B�J 3 �����j���0t�m�|�b�w�˴v������C

  1. �z�L����uSun ONE Directory Server 5.2 Installation and Tuning Guide�v( ���uInstalling Sun ONE Directory Server�v�@�����uConfiguring Directory Server�v�@�`��������A�� Directory Server �إߪ�l�t�m�C
  2. ����uSun ONE Directory Server 5.2 Installation and Tuning Guide�v( ���uInstalling Sun ONE Directory Server�v�@�����uCompleting the Installation Process�v�@�`�����B�J�C
  3. ���Ҧ@�Φ�A���]�w (�p�@�Φ�A���]�w�ҭz) �M Directory Server �]�w (�p Directory Server �t�m�������ҭz)�C
  4. �̻ݭn��s�]�w�C

  5. ��� idsktune ��O�A�H��o�ϥ� Directory Server ����ij�M��C
  6. �p�G�A�X�A�бN Directory Server �t�m���P Sun Cluster �n��t�X�ϥΡC�аѾ\ Sun Cluster �t�m�u�@�C

Directory Proxy Server �t�m

    �w�˫�t�m Directory Proxy Server

�̤p�t�m�w�˫�A�z�K�i�H�� Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server ���󲣫~���H�U�t�m�u�@�F�C


�p�G�N Directory Proxy Server �P Identity Server �b�P�@�w�˶��q�@�~���@�P�w�ˡA�h�B�J 2 �����j���0t�m�|�b�w�˴v������C

  1. �z�L����uSun ONE Directory Proxy Server Installation Guide�v( ���uInstallation�v�@�����uConfiguring the Directory Proxy Server Instance�v�@�`��������A�� Directory Proxy Server �إߪ�l�t�m�C
  2. ���Ҧ@�Φ�A���]�w (�p�@�Φ�A���]�w�ҭz) �M Directory Proxy Server �]�w (�p Directory Proxy Server �t�m�������ҭz)�C
  3. �Y�n���Ұt�m�A�жi���ҰʩM���� Directory Proxy Server�C

Identity Server �t�m

    �w�˫�t�m Identity Server

Identity Server �n�D�z�b�w�˴v��Ӥ��O�b�w�˫��槹��t�m�C[�ۭq�t�m] �M [�̤p�t�m] �ﶵ���n�D�b�w�˴v��i��t�m�C���~�A�P Identity Server �۰����p�����󲣫~�n�D�b�w�˴v��t�m�C


�P Identity Server �۰����p�����󲣫~�]�A Application Server�BDirectory Server�BDirectory Proxy Server�BServer Console�BAdministration Server �M Web Server�C

��M�z�i�H�b��� Java Enterprise System �w�˵{����ߧY�Ұ� Identity Server �õn�J��D���x�A��O�z�L�k���򥻪��ϥΪ̺޲z�@�~�A���짹���Y�dz̲װt�m�B�J�C�ھ� Identity Server �O�_���b�ϥΤw�ϥΨϥΪ̸�ƧG�ت� Directory Server ��ҡA�o�ǨB�J�|���Ҥ��P�C


�p�G Directory Server �w�ϥΨϥΪ̸�ƧG��

�p�G Directory Server �w�ϥΨϥΪ̸�ƧG�ءA�аѾ\�uSun ONE Identity Server Migration Guide�v( �����uConfiguring a Provisioned Directory Server�v�A�H��o�̲װt�m�B�J������C

�Y�n���Ұt�m�A�жi���ҰʩM���� Identity Server�C

�p�G Directory Server �|���ϥΨϥΪ̸�ƧG��

�p�G Directory Server �|�� �ϥΨϥΪ̸�ƧG�ءA�а��H�U��ӵ{�Ǥ����B�J�G



  1. �b Directory Server �D���x���A��@�U [�t�m]�C
  2. �b����𤤡A�s���U [�~���{��] �H�i�} [�~���{��] �M��C
  3. �b [�~���{��] �M�椤�A��@�U [�@�~��ѷӧ����]�C
  4. �b�S�ʰϰ줤�A�֨� [�ҥΥ~���{��] ���C
  5. ��@�U [�x�s]�C
  6. ���s�Ұ� Directory Server �H�ҥΥ~���{���C
    �[�J Identity Server �d�

��Ʈw�dޥi�W�j Directory Server �����j�M�į�C

  1. �b Directory Server �D���x���A��@�U [�t�m]�C
  2. �[�J nsroledn �dޡC
    1. �b����𤤡A�s���U [���] �ϥܡA�M���@�U�]�t�z�n�b Identity Server ���ϥΪ��ؿ�ت��ڦr�!C
    2. ��@�U [�d�] ���ҡC
    3. �b [��L�d�] �U�A�� nsroledn �ݩʮ֨�H�U�֨���G[�۵�]�B[�u�W���A] �M [�l�r��]�C
    4. ��@�U [�x�s]�C
    5. �b [�d�] ���A�󦨥\�إ߯dޫ�A��@�U [��]�C
  3. �[�J memberof �dޡC
    1. �b [�d�] ���Ҥ��A��@�U [�[�J�ݩ�...]�C
    2. �b [����ݩ�] ���A����ݩ� memberof�A�M���@�U [�T�w]�C
    3. �b [�d�] ���Ҥ��A�� memberof �ݩʮ֨�H�U�֨���G[�۵�] �M [�u�W���A]�C
    4. ��@�U [�x�s]�C
    5. �b [�d�] ���A�󦨥\�إ߯dޫ�A��@�U [��]�C
  4. �[�J iplanet-am-static-group �dޡC
    1. �b [�d�] ���Ҥ��A��@�U [�[�J�ݩ�...]�C
    2. �b [����ݩ�] ���A����ݩ� iplanet-am-static-group�A�M���@�U [�T�w]�C
    3. �b [�d�] ���Ҥ��A�� iplanet-am-static-group �ݩʮ֨�H�U�֨���G[�۵�]�C
    4. ��@�U [�x�s]�C
    5. �b [�d�] ���A�󦨥\�إ߯dޫ�A��@�U [��]�C
  5. �[�J iplanet-am-modifiable-by �dޡC
    1. �b [�d�] ���Ҥ��A��@�U [�[�J�ݩ�...]�C
    2. �b [����ݩ�] ���A����ݩ� iplanet-am-modifiable-by�A�M���@�U [�T�w]�C
    3. �b [�d�] ���Ҥ��A�� iplanet-am-modifiable-by �ݩʮ֨�H�U�֨���G[�۵�]�C
    4. ��@�U [�x�s]�C
    5. �b [�d�] ���A�󦨥\�إ߯dޫ�A��@�U [��]�C
  6. �[�J iplanet-am-user-federation-info-key �dޡC
    1. �b [�d�] ���Ҥ��A��@�U [�[�J�ݩ�...]�C
    2. �b [����ݩ�] ���A����ݩ� iplanet-am-user-federation-info-key�A�M���@�U [�T�w]�C
    3. �b [�d�] ���Ҥ��A�� iplanet-am-user-federation-info-key �ݩʮ֨�H�U�֨���G[�۵�]�C
    4. ��@�U [�x�s]�C
    5. �b [�d�] ���A�󦨥\�إ߯dޫ�A��@�U [��]�C
  7. ���s�Ұ� Directory Server�C
  8. �Y�n���Ұt�m�A�жi���ҰʩM���� Identity Server�C

Instant Messaging �t�m

    �w�˫�t�m Instant Messaging

Instant Messaging ���󲣫~�L�k�� Java Enterprise System �w�˵{���t�m�C

����ϥ� Instant Messaging �t�m�{�� (/opt/SUNWiim/configure) �������A�]�t�b�uSun ONE Instant Messaging Installation Guide�v( ���uConfiguring Sun ONE Instant Messenger�v�@�����C

�Y�n���Ұt�m�A�жi���ҰʩM���� Instant Messaging�C

    �w�˫�t�m Message Queue

Message Queue ���󲣫~�L���B�~�t�m�A���D�n�N��t�m���P Sun Cluster �n��t�X�ϥΡC�b�o�ر��p�U�A�аѾ\ Sun Cluster �t�m�u�@�C

Message Queue ���B�~�t�m�b�uSun ONE Message Queue �޲z���n�v( ���׭z�C�Ҧp�A�z�i��n�ܧ�w�]�޲z�K�X�C

�Y�n���Ұt�m�A�жi���ҰʩM���� Instant Messaging�C

Messaging Server �t�m

    �w�˫�t�m Messaging Server

Messaging Server ���󲣫~�L�k�� Java Enterprise System �w�˵{���t�m�C

  1. �p�G�b Calendar Server �t�m�v�����榹�B�J�A�гz�L��� Directory Server Setup �{���� (/opt/SUNWmsgsr/lib/ �b Directory Server �W�� Messaging Server �t�m Sun ONE Directory Server 5.x�C
    1. ���� Directory Server �O�_���b���C�аѾ\�Ұ� Directory Server�A�H��o�����C
    2. �z�L��� server-root/cal/sbin/ �dz� Directory Server�C
    3. ���{���ɮɡA�п�� Schema 2 ��������C

    4. �Ƶ�

      �p�G Messaging Server�BCalendar Server �M�ϥΪ̺޲z���ε{�����s�u�ܦP�@�ؿ��A���A�а��@�� �{���ɡC

      �p�G�C�Ӳ��~�ϥ����P�� LDAP �ؿ��A���A�й�C�� LDAP �ؿ���{���ɡC

  2. ������ /etc/hosts �ɮפ����ĤG��]�t�����X�檺���W�� (FQDN)�A�Ӥ��O²�檺�D��W�١C�Ҧp�G
  3.   loghost

  4. �ȷ�w�˥]�t Identity Server 6.1 �M LDAP Schema 2 �Φb Calendar Server �t�m�v�����榹�B�J�ɤ~��榹�B�J�C�z�L���ϥΪ̺޲z���ε{�� (/opt/SUNWcomm/sbin/config-iscli) �� Messaging Server �G�ا@�~�i��t�m�C�uSun ONE Messaging and Collaboration User Management Utility Installation and Reference Guide�v( ���Ѭ����C
  5. �z�L��� Messaging Server �t�m�{�� (/msg_svr_base/sbin/configure) �Ӱt�m Messaging Server�C
  6. �p�ݦ���t�m Messaging Server ����T�A�аѾ\�uSun ONE Messaging Server �w�˫�n (�A�Ω� Solaris �@�~�t��)�v(

  7. �p�G�A�X�A�бN��t�m���P Sun Cluster �n��t�X�ϥΡC�аѾ\ Sun Cluster �t�m�u�@�C
  8. �Y�n���Ұt�m�A�жi���ҰʩM���� Messaging Server�C

Portal Server �t�m

    �ۭq�w�˫�t�m Portal Server

�p�G�z�n�ϥ� Web Server �� Application Server �@�� Portal Server �� Web �e���A�h�����N�ܧ�M�Ω�ӹ�ҡC�ϥ��uSun ONE Portal Server 6.2 Installation Guide�v( �� 2 ���uPost Installation Tasks�v�@�`��������C

�Y�n���Ұt�m�A�жi���ҰʩM���� Portal Server�C

    �̤p�w�˫�t�m Portal Server

Sun ONE Portal Server ���󲣫~���Ѥ@�Ӧ@�ΰt�m�{���A�i�Ω�t�m�Ҧ��� Portal Server �l����A�]�A Portal Server Secure Remote Access ����C

  1. �z�L��� Portal Server �t�m�{�� (portal-server-install-dir/lib/configurator) �� Port Server �إ߹B��ɶ��t�m�C
  2. �uSun ONE Portal Server 6.2 Installation Guide�v( ���uInstalling Sun ONE Portal Server�v�@�����Ѧ�����t�m�{��������H�ΰt�m�{���ҨϥΪ��]�w������C�z��i�Ѩ� Portal Server �t�m�������C

  3. �N�ܧ�M�Ω� Web Server �� Application Server ��ҡC�ϥ��uSun ONE Portal Server 6.2 Installation Guide�v( �� 2 ���uPost Installation Tasks�v�@�`��������C

�Y�n���Ұt�m�A�жi���ҰʩM���� Portal Server �M�ҰʩM���� Portal Server Secure Remote Access�C

Web Server �t�m

    �ۭq�w�˫�t�m Web Server

�ۭq�t�m�w�˫�AWeb Server �K�w�����t�m�åi�H�}�l�ϥΤF (��@�Өҥ~)�C�p�G�n�N Web Server �P Sun Cluster �n��t�X�ϥΡA�аѾ\ Sun Cluster �t�m�u�@�A�H��o����p�󧹦����t�m������C

�Y�n���Ұt�m�A�жi���ҰʩM���� Web Server�C

    �̤p�w�˫�t�m Web Server

�̤p�t�m�w�˫�A�z�K�i�H�� Sun ONE Web Server ���󲣫~���t�m�u�@�F�C


�p�G�N Web Server �P Identity Server �b�P�@�w�˶��q�@�~���@�P�w�ˡA�h�B�J 2 �����j���0t�m�|�b�w�˴v������C

  1. �z�L��� Web Server �t�m�{�� (ws_svr_base/setup/configure) �Ӱt�m Web Server�C�t�m�{���N�إ߹B��ɶ��t�m�A�]�A�@�Ӻ޲z��A���M�@�ӹw�]��ҡC
  2. ���Ҧ@�Φ�A���]�w (�p�@�Φ�A���]�w�ҭz) �M Web Server �]�w (�p Web Server �t�m�������ҭz)�C
  3. �̻ݭn��s�]�w�C����o�dz]�w����L��T����uSun ONE Web Server �w�˩M�����n�v( ���C

  4. �p�G�A�X�A�бN��t�m���P Sun Cluster �n��t�X�ϥΡC�аѾ\ Sun Cluster �t�m�u�@�C
  5. �Y�n���Ұt�m�A�жi���ҰʩM���� Web Server�C



�w�˥ؿ��M���� C�u����s���𸹡v�C�X�U���󲣫~���w�]�w�˥ؿ�M�s���𸹡C�b�\�h���p�U�A�H�U�U�`�����ҰʩM����d�ҳ��H�ӹw�]��T����¦�A�]���A�p�G�z��ѤF�����󲣫~��w���w�˥ؿ�M�s���𸹡A�i�H�xըϥνd�ҡC





�Ұʾ�� Java Enterprise System ���󶰪��@�붶�Ǧp�U��ҥܡC����C�X�z3���Ұʪ����ǡA������C�X�u�@�ʧ@�H�Φ���Ӱʧ@���Ҧ��`�!A�k��C�X��榹�u�@�������m�C

��� 8-1  ��ij�� Java Enterprise System �Ұʶ���  





�Ұ� Directory Server�C

�Ұ� Directory Server


�Ұ� Administration Server�C

�Ұ� Administration Server

�Ұ� Server Console�C

�Ұ� Server Console


�Ұʱz�� Web �e���C�Ұ� Identity Server �M Portal Server (�p�G�w�w��)�C


�Ұ� Application Server (�P�ɱҰ� Message Queue)�C

�Ұ� Application Server

���� Application Server �W�� Identity Server �M Portal Server

�Ұ� Message Queue

�Ұ� BEA Weblogic Server (�Ȱt�X Portal Server)�C

���� Identity Server �M Portal Server �b BEA WebLogic �W

�Ұ� IBM WebSphere Server (�Ȱt�X Portal Server)�C

���� IBM WebSphere �W�� Identity Server �M Portal Server

�Ұ� Web Server�C

�Ұ� Web Server

���� Web Server �W�� Identity Server �M Portal Server


�Ұ� Portal Server Secure Remote Access�C

�Ұ� Portal Server Secure Remote Access


�Ұ� Instant Messaging�C

�Ұ� Instant Messaging


�Ұ� Messaging Server�C

�Ұ� Messaging Server


�Ұ� Calendar Server�C

�Ұ� Calendar Server


�ҰʩM���� Administration Server

�Y�n���� Administration Server�A�бҰ� Administration Server �M Console Server�CAdministration Server �̿� Directory Server�C

    �Ұ� Administration Server
  1. �ܧ� ds_svr_base�C�Ҧp�G
  2. cd /var/opt/mps/serverroot

  3. �Ұ� Administration Server �{�ǡC
  4. ./start-admin

  5. ���� Administration Server �O�_���b���C
  6. /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep admin-serv/config

    root 2556 2554 0 13:19:07 ?0:01 ns-httpd -d /var/opt/mps/serverroot/admin-serv/config

    root 2553 1 0 13:19:05 ?0:00 ./uxwdog -e -d /var/opt/mps/serverroot/admin-serv/config

    root 2570 429 0 13:20:20 pts/1 0:00 grep admin-serv/config

    root 2554 2553 0 13:19:05 ?0:01 ns-httpd -d /var/opt/mps/serverroot/admin-serv/config

    ���� Administration Server
  1. �ܧ� ds_svr_base�A�Ҧp�G
  2. cd /var/opt/mps/serverroot

  3. ���� Administration Server �{�ǡC
  4. ./stop-admin

  5. ���� Application Server �O�_���A���C
  6. /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep admin-serv/config

    �Ұ� Server Console
  1. �p�����n�A�аt�m $DISPLAY �ܼơA�H�b�z����W��� Console Server�C
  2. ���� Administration Server �O�_���b���C
  3. /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep admin-serv/config

  4. �ܧ� ds_svr_base�C�Ҧp�G
  5. cd /var/opt/mps/serverroot

  6. �Ұ� Server Console�C
  7. ./startconsole

    ���� Server Console
  1. �Y�n���� Server Console�A�е���ϧΤ����C
  2. ���� Console Server �O�_���A���C
  3. /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep console

�ҰʩM���� Application Server

�Y�n���� Application Server�A�z�ݭn�Ұ� Application Server ��ҡA�M��I�s�ϧκ޲z�����õn�J�CApplication Server �̿� Message Queue�C

    �Ұ� Application Server
  1. �ܧ� as_svr_base/bin/asadmin�C�Ҧp�G
  2. cd /opt/SUNWappserver7/bin

  3. �Ұ� Application Server ��ҡC�Ҧp�G
  4. asadmin start-domain --domain domain1


    �p�G�z���컡��Ұʥ��Ѫ��T���A�i��O�]���|���M�ΰt�m�ܧ�C�b�o�ر��p�U�A�а�� asadmin -reconfig instance-name ��O�C�Ҧp�G

    asadmin -reconfig server1

  5. ���� Application Server �O�_���b���C
  6. /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep appservd

    root 4814 1 0 10:42:22 ?0:00 ./appservd-wdog -r /SUNWappserver7 -d

    /var/opt/SUNWappserver7/domains/domain1/a root 4815 4814 0 10:42:22 ?0:00 appservd -r /SUNWappserver7 -d

    /var/opt/SUNWappserver7/domains/domain1/admin-se root 4816 4815 0 10:42:23 ?1:37 appservd -r /SUNWappserver7 -d

    /var/opt/SUNWappserver7/domains/domain1/admin-se root 4819 4816 0 10:42:25 ? 0:00

    /SUNWappserver7/lib/Cgistub -f /tmp/admin-server-4f378e6f/.cgistub_4816 root 4820 4819 0 10:42:25 ? 0:00

    /SUNWappserver7/lib/Cgistub -f /tmp/admin-server-4f378e6f/.cgistub_4816 root 4821 4819 0 10:42:25 ? 0:00

    /SUNWappserver7/lib/Cgistub -f /tmp/admin-server-4f378e6f/.cgistub_4816 root 4828 1 0 10:43:09 ?0:00 ./appservd-wdog -r /SUNWappserver7 -d

    /var/opt/SUNWappserver7/domains/domain1/s root 4829 4828 0 10:43:09 ?0:00 appservd -r /SUNWappserver7 -d

    /var/opt/SUNWappserver7/domains/domain1/server1/ root 4830 4829 0 10:43:09 ?0:17 appservd -r /SUNWappserver7 -d


    �s�� Application Server �ϧΤ���

�b�z���s��A�ϥ� http://hostname.domain:adminport  �榡�s�� Application Server �޲z�����C�Ҧp�G

�z�n�J Application Server �Y�T�{�w�˦��\�C

    ���� Application Server
  1. �ܧ� as_svr_base/bin�C�Ҧp�G
  2. cd /opt/SUNWappserver7/bin

  3. ���� Application Server ��ҡC
  4. asadmin stop-domain --domain domain1

  5. ���� Application Server �O�_���A���C
  6. /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep appservd

�ҰʩM���� Calendar Server

Calendar Server �̿� Directory Server�C

    �Ұ� Calendar Server
  1. �ܧ� cal_svr_base/SUNWics5/cal/sbin�C�Ҧp�G
  2. cd /opt/SUNWics5/cal/sbin

  3. �Ұ� Calendar Server�C
  4. ./start-cal

  5. �{�DzM�椤3��ܥH�U�{�ǡC
  6. enpd




    �s�� Calendar Server �ϧΤ���

�p�G�z�w�g�b Calendar Server ��V�� LDAP �ؿ�G�ءA�h�i�H�n�J Calendar Server�C�b�z���s��A�ϥΥH�U�榡�s�� Calendar Server�G



�p�G�O�����n�J�ACalendar Server �N���z�إ߹w�]��ƾ�C�z�n�J Calendar Server �Y�T�{�w�˦��\�C

    ���� Calendar Server
  1. �ܧ� cal_svr_base/SUNWics5/cal/sbin�C�Ҧp�G
  2. cd /opt/SUNWics5/cal/sbin

  3. ���� Calendar Server�C
  4. ./stop-cal

�ҰʩM���� Directory Server

Directory Server ���㦳�̩ۨʡC�p�G Directory Server �O�O�����@����A�����ұz���b�޿�D��@�Τ��`�I�W�u�@�C

    �Ұ� Directory Server
  1. �ܧ� ds_svr_base/slapd-instance-name (instance-name �q�`�O��W��)�C�Ҧp�G
  2. cd /var/opt/mps/serverroot/slapd-host1

  3. �Ұ� Directory Server�C
  4. ./start-slapd

  5. ���� Directory Server �O�_���b���C
  6. /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep slapd

    root 1297 1 0 Jul 01 ?2:27 ./ns-slapd -D /var/opt/mps/serverroot/slapd-host1 -i /var/opt/mps/serverroot/slapd-host1

    ���� Directory Server
  1. �ܧ� ds_svr_base/slapd-instance-name�C�Ҧp�G
  2. cd /var/opt/mps/serverroot/slapd-host1

  3. ���� Directory Server�C
  4. ./stop-slapd

  5. ���� Directory Server �O�_���A���C
  6. /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep slapd

�ҰʩM���� Directory Proxy Server

�p�G��A���b�p�� 1024 ���s����W���A�h�H root �ϥΪ̪�����n�J�F�_�h�A�J�i�H root �ϥΪ̪�����n�J�A�S�i�z�L�Ӧ�A�����ϥΪ̱b��n�J�C(�̹w�]�A�p�G Directory Proxy Server �� root �ϥΪ̰��A���|�N��ϥΪ� ID �ܧ� nobody�C)

    �Ұ� Directory Proxy Server
  1. �ܧ� dps_svr_base/dps-hostID�C�Ҧp�G
  2. cd /dps-host1

  3. �Ұ� Directory Proxy Server �{�ǡC
  4. ./start-dps

  5. ���� Directory Proxy Server �O�_���b���C
  6. /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep dps

    root 13769 1 0 Oct 24 ?29:40 ./ldapfwd -t


    ���� Directory Proxy Server
  1. �ܧ� dps_svr_base/dps-hostID�C�Ҧp�G
  2. cd /dps-host1

  3. ���� Directory Proxy Server �{�ǡC
  4. ./stop-dps

  5. ���� Directory Proxy Server �O�_���A���C
  6. # ps -ef | grep SUNWdps

�ҰʩM���� Identity Server

�Y�n���� Identity Server�A�Цb�H�U�i�઺ Web �e���W�s��z�� Identity Server �S�w���p�t�m�G

Identity Server �̿� Directory Server �M Web �e���C


    �Ұ� Identity Server
  1. �ܧ� is_svr_base/SUNWam/bin �ؿ�C�Ҧp�G
  2. cd /opt/SUNWam/bin

  3. �Ұ� Identity Server �{�ǡC
  4. ./amserver start


    �p�G Identity Server �U�ަb Application Server �W�A�г�W�Ұ� Application Server ��ҡC

  5. ���� Identity Server �{�ǬO�_���b���C
  6. /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep SUNWam

    root[sh]@icebox25# ps -ef | grep SUNWam

    root 13893 1 0 Oct 24 ?0:00 /opt/SUNWam/share/bin/amsecuridd -c 58943

    root 13894 1 0 Oct 24 ?0:00 /opt/SUNWam/share/bin/amunixd -c 58946

    ���� Application Server �W�� Identity Server �M Portal Server
  1. �ШϥΥH�U URL �s��w�]�����G
  2. http://appserver-host:port/amconsole

    �ù�W�|��� Identity Server �n�J�����C

  3. �n�J�C
  4. �z�n�J Identity Server �Y�T�{�b Application Server �W���p Identity Server ���\�C

  5. �b�s���s��A�ϥΥH�U URL ��ܽd�Үୱ�G
  6. http://server:port/portal

    �d�Үୱ��ܧY�T�{�b Application Server �W���p Portal Server ���\�C

    ���� Web Server �W�� Identity Server �M Portal Server
  1. �ШϥΥH�U URL �s��w�]�����G
  2. http://webserver-host:port/amconsole

    �ù�W�|��� Identity Server �n�J�����C

  3. �n�J�C
  4. �z�n�J Identity Server �Y�T�{�b Web Server �W���p Identity Server ���\�C

  5. �b�s���s��A�ϥΥH�U URL ��ܽd�Үୱ�G
  6. http://server:port/portal

    �d�Үୱ��ܧY�T�{�b Web Server �W���p Portal Server ���\�C

    ���� Identity Server �M Portal Server �b BEA WebLogic �W
  1. �ШϥΥH�U URL �s��w�]�����G
  2. http://beaweblogic-host:port/amconsole

    �ù�W�|��� Identity Server �n�J�����C

  3. �n�J�C
  4. �z�n�J Identity Server �Y�T�{�b BEA WebLogic �W���p Identity Server ���\�C

  5. �b�s���s��A�ϥΥH�U URL ��ܽd�Үୱ�G
  6. http://server:port/portal

    �d�Үୱ��ܧY�T�{�b BEA WebLogic �W���p Portal Server ���\�C

    ���� IBM WebSphere �W�� Identity Server �M Portal Server
  1. �ШϥΥH�U URL �s��w�]�����G
  2. http://ibmwebsphere-host:port/amconsole

    �ù�W�|��� Identity Server �n�J�����C

  3. �n�J�C
  4. �z�n�J Identity Server �Y�T�{�b IBM WebSphere �W���p Identity Server ���\�C

  5. �b�s���s��A�ϥΥH�U URL ��ܽd�Үୱ�G
  6. http://ibmwebsphere-host:port/amconsole

    �d�Үୱ��ܧY�T�{�b IBM WebSphere �W���p Portal Server ���\�C

    ���� Identity Server
  1. �ܧ� is_svr_base/bin�C�Ҧp�G
  2. cd /etc/init.d

  3. ���� Identity Server �{�ǡC
  4. ./amserver stop

  5. ���� Identity Server �{�ǬO�_���A���C
  6. # ps -ef | grep SUNWam

�ҰʩM���� Instant Messaging

Instant Messaging �̿� Directory Server �M Identity Server SDK�C

    �Ұ� Instant Messaging
  1. �T�w�O�_���b���s�Ұʮɦ۰ʱҰʡC
    • �p�G���O�A�в����B�J 2�C
    • �p�G�O�A���~��C
    • �ܧ� /etc/init.d�C
    • �Ұ� Instant Messaging �{�ǡG
    • ./sunwiim start

  2. �p�G���b���s�Ұʮɦ۰ʱҰʡA�СG
    1. �ܧ� ims_svr_base/sbin�C�Ҧp�G
    2. cd /opt/SUNWiim/html/sbin

    3. �Ұ� Instant Messaging�C
    4. ./imadmin start

  3. �{�DzM�椤3��ܥH�U�{�ǡC
  4. /../lib/multiplexor -c ./../config/iim.conf


    /usr/j2se/bin/java -server -Xmx256m -cp ./../classes/imserv.jar:./../classes/im

    ���� Instant Messaging
  1. �ܧ� ims_svr_base/sbin�C�Ҧp�G
  2. cd /opt/SUNWiim/sbin

  3. ���� Instant Messaging�C
  4. ./imadmin stop

  5. �{�DzM�椤��3��ܥH�W�{�ǡC

�Ұ� Message Queue

    �Ұ� Message Queue
  1. �ܧ� mq_svr_base/bin �ؿ�C�Ҧp�G
  2. cd /usr/bin

  3. �Ұ� Message Queue �N�z�{���C
  4. ./imqbrokerd

  5. ���� Message Queue �{�ǬO�_���b���C
  6. /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep imqbrokerd

    root 4833 4830 0 10:43:13 ?0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/imqbrokerd -javahome /usr/j2se -name domain1_server1 -port 328

�ҰʩM���� Messaging Server

Messaging Server �̿� Directory Server�C

    �Ұ� Messaging Server
  1. ���ζǰe�l��{���C
  2. /etc/init.d/sendmail stop

  3. �N Sendmail �Ұʵ{���� ( /etc/rc2.d/S88sendmail) �����k�ɥؿ�C
  4. �ܧ� ms_svr_base/sbin�C�Ҧp�G
  5. cd /opt/SUNWmsgsr/sbin

  6. �Ұ� Messaging Server �{�ǡC
  7. ./start-msg

  8. ���� Messaging Server �{�ǬO�_���b���G
  9. /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep SUNWmsgsr


    /opt/SUNWmsgsr/lib/stored -d

    /opt/SUNWmsgsr/lib/popd -d 5

    /opt/SUNWmsgsr/lib/imapd -d 5 -D 6

    /opt/SUNWmsgsr/lib/mshttpd -d 5 -D 6






    ���� Messaging Server
  1. �ܧ� ms_svr_base/sbin�C�Ҧp�G
  2. cd /opt/SUNWmsgsr/sbin

  3. ���� Messaging Server �{�ǡC
  4. ./stop-msg

  5. ���� Messaging Server �{�ǬO�_���A���C
  6. /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep SUNWmsgsr

�ҰʩM���� Portal Server

Portal Server ���ҰʩM����O Web �e�� (Web Server ��3�ε{����A��) ���ҰʩM����@���!CPortal Server �̿� Directory Server�BIdentity Server �M Web �e���C

�Y�n���� Portal Server�A�в��ܥH�U�U�`�G

�ҰʩM���� Portal Server Secure Remote Access

    �Ұ� Portal Server Secure Remote Access
  1. �ܧ� /etc/init.d�C
  2. �Ұ� Portal Server �h�D�C
  3. ./gateway start

  4. ���� Portal Server Secure Remote Access �{�ǬO�_���b���G
  5. /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep entsys

    /usr/jdk/entsys-j2se/bin/java -ms64m -mx128m -classpath


    ���� Portal Server Secure Remote Access
  1. �ܧ� /etc/init.d�C
  2. ���� Portal Server �h�D�C
  3. ./gateway stop

  4. ���� Portal Server Secure Remote Access �{�ǬO�_���A���C
  5. /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep <tbd>

�ҰʩM���� Web Server

Web Server ���㦳�̩ۨʡC

    �Ұ� Web Server
  1. �ܧ� ws_svr_base/https-instance-name�C�Ҧp�G
  2. cd /opt/SUNWwbsvr/https-admserv

  3. �Ұ� Web Server �޲z�{�ǡC
  4. ./start

  5. �ܧ� ws_svr_base/https-hostname.domain�C�Ҧp�G
  6. cd /opt/SUNWwbsvr/

  7. �Ұ� Web Server ��ҡC
  8. ./start

  9. ���� Web Server �{�ǬO�_���b���C
  10. /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep SUNWwbsvr

    root 334 1 0 Jul 01 ?0:00 ./webservd-wdog -r /opt/SUNWwbsvr -d /opt/SUNWwbsvr/https-admserv/config -n http

    root 352 1 0 Jul 01 ?0:00 ./webservd-wdog -r /opt/SUNWwbsvr -d /opt/SUNWwbsvr/

    root 335 334 0 Jul 01 ?0:01 webservd -r /opt/SUNWwbsvr -d /opt/SUNWwbsvr/https-admserv/config -n https-admserv

    root 336 335 0 Jul 01 ?0:14 webservd -r /opt/SUNWwbsvr -d /opt/SUNWwbsvr/https-admserv/config -n https-admserv

    root 689 352 0 Jul 01 ?0:00 webservd -r /opt/SUNWwbsvr -d /opt/SUNWwbsvr/

    root 690 689 0 Jul 01 ?64:34 webservd -r /opt/SUNWwbsvr -d /opt/SUNWwbsvr/

    �s�� Web Server �ϧΤ���
  1. �b�z���s��A�ϥ� http://hostname.domain:port  �榡�s�� Web Server �޲z�����C�Ҧp�G

  3. �ϥ� http://hostname.domain:adminport  �榡�s��޲z��A���C�Ҧp�G

�z�n�J Web Server �Y�T�{�w�˦��\�C

    ���� Web Server
  1. �ܧ� ws_svr_base/https-instance-name�C�Ҧp�G
  2. cd /opt/SUNWwbsvr/https-admserv

  3. ���� Web Server �޲z�{�ǡC
  4. ./stop

  5. �ܧ� ws_svr_base/https-hostname.domain�C�Ҧp�G
  6. cd /opt/SUNWwbsvr/

  7. ���� Web Server ��ҡC
  8. ./stop

  9. ���� Web Server �O�_���A���C
  10. # ps -ef | grep SUNWwbsvr


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Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.�C���v�Ҧ��C