Sun Studio 12: Fortran Programming Guide

Detecting an Exception by Handler

The following examples show how to create handler routines to detect floating-point exceptions.

Example: Detect exception and abort:

demo% cat DetExcHan.f
      EXTERNAL myhandler
      REAL :: r = 14.2 , s = 0.0
      i = ieee_handler (’set’, ’division’, myhandler )
      t = r/s

      INTEGER FUNCTION myhandler(sig,code,context)
      INTEGER sig, code, context(5)
      CALL abort()
demo% f95 DetExcHan.f
demo% a.out

SIGFPE is generated whenever that floating-point exception occurs. When the SIGFPE is detected, control passes to the myhandler function, which immediately aborts. Compile with -g and use dbx to find the location of the exception.