Sun Studio 12: Fortran Programming Guide

Locating an Exception by Handler

Example: Locate an exception (print address) and abort:

demo% cat LocExcHan.F
#include "floatingpoint.h"
      EXTERNAL Exhandler
      INTEGER Exhandler, i, ieee_handler
      REAL:: r = 14.2 ,  s = 0.0 , t
C  Detect division by zero
      i = ieee_handler( ’set’, ’division’, Exhandler )
      t = r/s

      INTEGER FUNCTION Exhandler( sig, sip, uap)
      INTEGER sig
      STRUCTURE /fault/
                  INTEGER address
      STRUCTURE /siginfo/
                  INTEGER si_signo
                  INTEGER si_code
                  INTEGER si_errno
                  RECORD /fault/ fault
      RECORD /siginfo/ sip
      WRITE (*,10)  sip.si_signo, sip.si_code, sip.fault.address
10        FORMAT(’Signal ’,i4,’ code ’,i4,’ at hex address ’, Z8 )
      CALL abort()
demo%  f95 -g LocExcHan.F
demo%  a.out
Signal   8 code    3 at hex address    11230

In 64–bit SPARC environments, replace the INTEGER declarations within each STRUCTURE with INTEGER*8, and the i4 formats with i8. (Note that this example relies on extensions to the f95 compiler to accept VAX Fortran STRUCTURE statements.)

In most cases, knowing the actual address of the exception is of little use, except with dbx:

demo% dbx a.out
(dbx) stopi at 0x11230     Set breakpoint at address
(2) stopi at &MAIN+0x68
(dbx) run               Run program
Running: a.out
(process id 18803)
stopped in MAIN at 0x11230
MAIN+0x68:      fdivs   %f3, %f2, %f2
(dbx) where           Shows the line number of the exception
=>[1] MAIN(), line 7 in "LocExcHan.F"
(dbx) list 7          Displays the source code line
    7         t = r/s
(dbx) cont            Continue after breakpoint, enter handler routine
Signal    8 code    3 at hex address    11230
abort: called
signal ABRT (Abort) in _kill at 0xef6e18a4
_kill+0x8:      bgeu    _kill+0x30
Current function is exhandler
   24         CALL abort()
(dbx) quit

Of course, there are easier ways to determine the source line that caused the error. However, this example does serve to show the basics of exception handling.