Java Dynamic Management Kit 5.0 Tutorial

InetAddressAcl File Format

An InetAddressAcl file contains an acl group defining community and manager access rights and a trap group defining the community and hosts for sending traps.

Format of the acl Group

The acl group contains one or more access configurations.

acl = {

Each access configuration has the following format:

   communities = communityList
   access = accessRights
   managers = hostList

The communityList is a list of SNMP community names to which this access control applies. The community names in this list are separated by commas.

The accessRights specifies the rights to be granted to all managers connecting from the hosts specified in the hostList. There are two possible values: either read-write or read-only.

The hostList item gives the hosts of the managers to be granted the access rights. The hostList is a comma-separated list of hosts, each of which can be expressed as any one of the following:

The set of all access configurations defines the access policy of the SNMP agent. A manager whose host is specified in a hostList and that identifies itself in one of the communities of the same configuration will be granted the permissions defined by the corresponding accessRights. A manager's host can appear in several access configurations provided it is associated with a different community list. This will define different access communities with different rights from the same manager.

A manager whose host-community identification pair does not appear in any of the access configurations will be denied all access. This means that protocol data units (PDU) from this manager will be dropped without being processed.

Format of the Trap Group

The trap group specifies the hosts to which the agent will send traps if the InetAddressAcl mechanism is used. This group contains one or more trap community definitions.

trap = {

Each community definition defines the association between a set of hosts and the SNMP community string in the traps to be sent to them. Each trap definition has the following format:

   trap-community = trapCommunityName
   hosts = trapHostList

The trapCommunityName item specifies a single SNMP community string. It will be included in the traps sent to the hosts specified in the hosts item. SNMPv3 does use the community string, so use IP addresses or the context name instead.

The trapHostList item specifies a comma-separated list of hosts. Each host must be identified by its name or complete IP address.

When the SNMP protocol adaptor is instructed to send a trap using the InetAddressAcl mechanism, it will send a trap to every host listed in the trap community definitions. If a host is present in more than one list, it will receive more than one trap, each one identified by its corresponding trap community.

Format of the Inform Group

The inform group specifies the hosts to which your agent or manager will send informs if the InetAddressAcl mechanism is used. This group contains one or more inform community definitions.

inform = {

Each community definition defines the association between a set of hosts and the SNMP community string in the informs to be sent to them. Each inform definition has the following format:

   inform-community = informCommunityName
   hosts = informHostList

The informCommunityName item specifies a single SNMP community string. It will be included in the informs sent to the hosts specified in the hosts item. SNMPv3 does use the community string, so use IP addresses or the context name instead.

The informHostList item specifies a comma-separated list of hosts. Each host must be identified by its name or complete IP address.

When the SNMP protocol adaptor is instructed to send an inform using the InetAddressAcl mechanism, it will send an inform to every host listed in the inform community definitions. If a host is present in more than one list, it will receive more than one inform, each one identified by its corresponding inform community.