Sun Management Center 4.0 Version 3 Add-On Software Release Notes

This document contains release notes for Suntrademark Management Center 4.0 Version 3 add-on software for SPARC Enterprisetrademark M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 servers. The document includes the following sections:

What’s New

Supported Platforms and Environments

Supported Platforms

Sun Management Center 4.0 Version 3 add-on software supports the following systems:

Supported Software

TABLE 1 lists the minimum software versions required for this release.

TABLE 1 Minimum Required Software Versions


Required Software


Monitored platform

XCP firmware

Note - Sun Management Center add-on software updates are included in XCP firmware image updates.


Monitored domain

Solaristrademark Operating System

Sun Management Center core software

Sun Management Center Add-On Software for SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 servers

10 11/06


4.0 Version 3

For both:

  • Server machine
  • Workstations or common network location
    (for console layer)

Solaris Operating System[1]

8 2/04

9 9/04

10 11/06


Sun Management Center server core software



Sun Management Center Add-On Software for SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 servers

4.0 Version 3

Recommended Patches

Solaris software patches and Sun Management Center patches might be available for your platform, for the core Sun Management Center 4.0 application, and for this add-on software. The product notes for your platform and the Sun Management Center Software Release Notes might also include information about required and recommended patches.

Note - You must install all the patches required for your platform and your operating system before installing Sun Management Center 4.0 software and this add-on.

If you have a Sun service contract, you can download the patches from:


Sun Management Center documentation is available at:

For information about this add-on software, see the Sun Management Center 4.0 Supplement for Sun SPARC Enterprise Servers: Sun SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers (820-6019), which supplements the core Sun Management Center documentation.

Obtaining the Add-On Software

Sun Management Center software, including this Sun Management Center 4.0 Version 3 add-on software, is available for download at:

For information about installing the software, refer to the Sun Management Center 4.0 Supplement for Sun SPARC Enterprise Servers: Sun SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers.

Known Issues and Workarounds

TABLE 2 lists issues and possible workarounds for Sun Management Center software.

TABLE 2 Sun Management Center Issues and Workarounds





Sun Management Center alarms do not appear in the Alarms tab after a successful SP failover.

Click the Reload the Alarm Table button to refresh the table and display the correct alarm state.


The physical view is not seen on the web console. This occurs for both the Domain Config reader and Platform Admin Module on all SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 systems.

Use the Javatrademark Sun Management Center console to see the physical view for this add-on software.


On SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers, the System table for the Platform Admin Module displays values for “System permitted power consumption” and for “System Actual Power Consumption Polling Interval.”

However, these features are not supported on SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers.

These features are not supported for SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers. No workaround is required.

Documentation Updates

This section contains late-breaking information that became known after the document Sun Management Center 4.0 Supplement for Sun SPARC Enterprise Servers: Sun SPARC Enterprise M3000/M4000/M5000/M8000/M9000 Servers was published.

TABLE 3 Documentation Updates



Page 18, “Setting Up Security Access”


Add the following information:

All monitoring and active management available to domain operators (domNadm groups) in the domain views tables are available to the platform administrator (platadmn group) in the Domain, XSB and LSB tables of the platform view.


Therefore, it is not required that the platform administrator (platadmn group) be present in all the domNadm groups used by the domain views.


Nevertheless, you can add a platform operator user name to all domNadm groups by increasing the maximum number of groups allowed.


To Increase the Maximum Number of Allowed Groups

  1. Add the following string to the system specification file (/etc/system) for the Sun Management Center server host:


set ngroups_max=32

  1. Reboot the OS on the Sun Management Center server host.


Caution: Setting ngroups_max=32 in /etc/system might give rise to NFS interoperability problems, as typical NFS servers only support 16 groups when using AUTH_SYS/AUTH_UNIX. The other NFS authentication mechanisms map “netids" to user names on the servers and can support more than 16 groups.

[CR ID 6872614]

Page 19, “To Set Up Platform and Domain Views Administrative Groups”


Step 1 includes a list of possible values for groupname.

The last item in the list should be platoper (not platop).

[CR ID 6868916]


Step 2: Add the following Note:

Note - If ngroups_max has been changed in /etc/system, make sure the user names are not added to more than the ngroups_max value.


It is not required for a platform operator to be in all domNadm groups, but if this is desired, it is possible to get around the 16-group limit by setting the ngroups_max variable in /etc/system to a maximum of 32.

[CR ID 6872614]

Page 36, “About the Platform Administration Module”


Add the following Note:

Note - Full active platform management is possible only when using the Java Console. The Web Console allows you to monitor all elements and set actions and thresholds.

[CR ID 6872614]

1 (TableFootnote) Solaris Operating System distribution must be at least “End User Systems Support.”