A P P E N D I X  A

Shelf Manager CLI Commands

This chapter describes each CLI command and provides the syntax and usage of each of the available commands. The CLI supports AdvancedTCA shelf contexts.

As a convenience, key types of shelf components can be referenced in the following way, as an alternative to a reference notation based on the IPMB address and numerical FRU identifier:

Note - The notation shm 1 and shm 2 can be used to access the redundant Shelf Managers that are described in the address table in the Shelf FRU. In this manual, shm 1 relates to the Shelf Manager with the numerically smaller hardware address, and shm 2 relates to the Shelf Manager with the numerically greater hardware address.

In redundant configurations, not all commands listed below are supported by the backup Shelf Manager. The backup Shelf Manager recognizes only the following commands:

Most informational commands support brief and verbose modes of execution, differing in the amount of information provided. Brief mode is the default (standard); verbose mode is selected by using the option -v in the command line, directly after the command and before the positional arguments.

In the command syntax below, optional elements are enclosed in square brackets ([,]), and variable elements in the command line (for example, IPMB address and FRU device ID) are printed in italics. A vertical bar (|) separates parameter alternatives.

SNMP is supported for reading and setting TELCO alarms (minor, major and critical).



activate IPMB-address fru-id
activate board
activate shm n


This command sends the IPMI command Set FRU Activation (Activate FRU) to the specified FRU. The FRU is specified using the IPMB address of the owning IPM controller and the FRU device ID. FRU device ID 0 designates the IPM controller proper in PICMG 3.0 contexts.

In the PICMG 3.0 context, this command is primarily useful for those FRUs that were not listed in the power management table in the Shelf FRU Information, or for which the Shelf Manager Controlled Activation attribute is set to 0 (DISABLED). These FRUs are not automatically activated by the Shelf Manager and stay in the state M2 (Activation Request). The Shelf Manager automatically activates other FRUs once they reach state M2. Attempting to activate a FRU that is not in state M2 does nothing.


Activate the IPM controller proper at address 9C.

# clia activate 9c 0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Command issued via IPMB, status = 0 (0x0)
Command executed successfully



alarm [clear|info|minor|major|critical]


This command provides access to the Telco alarm outputs. Parameters minor, major, and critical allow the user to set the corresponding alarm output. These actions are cumulative; that is, after the commands clia alarm minor and clia alarm major, both minor and major alarms will be set. The action clear clears the minor and major alarm outputs; critical alarm output cannot be cleared. The action info displays information about the last alarm that occurred in the shelf.

Command invocation without parameters will return the status of Telco alarm outputs.


# clia alarm
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    alarm mask: 0x00
# clia alarm major
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Returned completion code: 0
# clia alarm
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    alarm mask: 0x02
      Major Alarm
# clia alarm clear
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Returned completion code: 0
# clia alarm 
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
alarm mask: 0x00
# clia alarm info
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Last saved alarm information:
 Alarm mask: 0x02
 Alarm date/time: Wed May 10 10:54:04 2007
 Alarm source: Remote request
 Alarm reason: On-demand setting alarms mask: 0x02



airfilterreplaced [dd.mm.yyyy]


A fan tray air filter change date can be maintained in a Pigeon Point defined multirecord in the Shelf FRU Information. This multirecord contains the following information related to air filter changes:

After an operator has replaced the air filter, he or she should use the Shelf Manager CLI tool to change the dates above in the Shelf FRU Information.

The date dd.mm.yyyy specified as the command parameter indicates the filter expiration date (that is, when the Air Filter shall be replaced again). If the date is omitted, the default expiration time is 6 months from the current date.

After executing the command, the Shelf Manager updates the Shelf FRU Information as follows: the field Air Filter Replaced contains the current calendar date and the field Air Filter To Be Replaced contains the expiration date - either the date supplied with the command or the default date - 6 months in the future.

Note - This command requires special carrier-specific support and is not implemented for all ShMM carriers. If the command is not implemented for the current carrier, an error message is shown when this command is used.


Set the date for the next air filter replcement in the Shelf FRU information.

# clia airfilterreplaced 25.10.2007
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Command executed successfully



amcportstate [-v] IPMB-address [fru-id | amc amc-number]
amcportstate [-v] board
n [fru-id | amc amc-number]
amcportstate [-v] shm
n [fru-id | amc amc-number]


This command shows AMC port state information for a specific AMC. If a fru-id or amc-number is omitted, the AMC port state information is reported for all active AMCs for the designated IPM controller.



# clia amcportstate 98
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
98: FRU # 1 (AMC # 5)
    Channel 0:
        Link 1 configuration:
            lane mask 03, type 07, type extension 02, grouping ID 00, status 0 (Disabled)
        Link 2 configuration:
            lane mask 01, type 07, type extension 02, grouping ID 00, status 1 (Enabled)
        Link 3 configuration:
            lane mask 02, type 07, type extension 02, grouping ID 00, status 0 (Disabled)
98: FRU # 2 (AMC # 6)
    Channel 0:
        Link 1 configuration:
            lane mask 03, type 07, type extension 02, grouping ID 00, status 0 (Disabled)
        Link 2 configuration:
            lane mask 01, type 07, type extension 02, grouping ID 00, status 1 (Enabled)
        Link 3 configuration:
            lane mask 02, type 07, type extension 02, grouping ID 00, status 0 (Disabled)
# clia amcportstate 9c 2
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
9C: FRU # 2 (AMC # 6)
    Channel 0:
        Link 1 configuration:
            lane mask 0f, type 05, type extension 01, grouping ID 00, status
1 (Enabled)
    Channel 1:
        Link 1 configuration:
            lane mask 0f, type 05, type extension 01, grouping ID 00, status
1 (Enabled)
    Channel 2:
        Link 1 configuration:
            lane mask 01, type f0, type extension 00, grouping ID 00, status
1 (Enabled)
# clia amcportstate 88 amc 6
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
88: FRU # 2 (AMC # 6)
    Channel 0:
        Link 1 configuration:
            lane mask 01, type 07, type extension 01, grouping ID 00, status 1 (Enabled)
    Channel 1:
        Link 1 configuration:
            lane mask 01, type 07, type extension 01, grouping ID 00, status 0 (Disabled)



board [-v] [physical-slot-address]


This command and the boardreset command are different from the rest of the command set in that they work with ATCA boards and take as arguments physical slot numbers, rather than IPM controller addresses and FRU device IDs.

The command board shows information about each IPM controller in the range of IPMB addresses allocated to ATCA slots, and about each additional FRU controlled by these controllers. The list of items to be shown is given in sections fru and ipmc. The range of IPMB addresses is 82h-A0h for PICMG 3.0 systems, where boards have IPM controllers on them.

The physical address should be specified as a decimal number. For PICMG 3.0 systems, the correspondence between physical addresses and IPMB addresses is specified in the Shelf FRU Information. If the Shelf FRU information does not contain an address table, the following mapping table (mapping of logical slot numbers) is used.

Slot Number

IPMB Address






























Get standard information about all boards in the system (where only the boards in physical slots 4, 5, and 8 are present).

# clia board
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Physical Slot # 4
8e: Entity: (0xa0, 0x60) Maximum FRU device ID: 0x01
    PICMG Version 2.1
    Hot Swap State: M4 (Active), Previous: M3 (Activation In Process), Last State Change Cause: Normal State Change (0x0)
8e: FRU # 0
    Entity: (0xa0, 0x60)
    Hot Swap State: M4 (Active), Previous: M3 (Activation In Process), Last State Change Cause: Normal State Change (0x0)
    Device ID String: “NetraCP-3060”
8e: FRU # 1
    Entity: (0xc1, 0x61)
    Hot Swap State: M4 (Active), Previous: M7 (Communication Lost), Last State Change Cause: Normal State Change (0x0)
    Device ID String: “SB AMC-HD-A-80X”
Physical Slot # 5
8a: Entity: (0xa0, 0x60) Maximum FRU device ID: 0x00
    PICMG Version 2.1
    Hot Swap State: M4 (Active), Previous: M3 (Activation In Process), Last State Change Cause: Normal State Change (0x0)
8a: FRU # 0
    Entity: (0xa0, 0x60)
    Hot Swap State: M4 (Active), Previous: M3 (Activation In Process), Last State Change Cause: Normal State Change (0x0)
    Device ID String: “NetraCP-3020”
Physical Slot # 8
84: Entity: (0xa0, 0x60) Maximum FRU device ID: 0x01
    PICMG Version 2.1
    Hot Swap State: M4 (Active), Previous: M3 (Activation In Process), Last State Change Cause: Normal State Change (0x0)
84: FRU # 0
    Entity: (0xa0, 0x60)
    Hot Swap State: M4 (Active), Previous: M3 (Activation In Process), Last State Change Cause: Normal State Change (0x0)
    Device ID String: “CP3140H-BEG”
84: FRU # 1
    Entity: (0xc0, 0x60)
    Hot Swap State: M4 (Active), Previous: M3 (Activation In Process), Last State Change Cause: Normal State Change (0x0)
    Device ID String: “XCP3040H-RTC”

Get verbose information about a board in physical slot 4.

# clia board -v 4
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Physical Slot # 4
8e: Entity: (0xa0, 0x60) Maximum FRU device ID: 0x01
    PICMG Version 2.1
    Hot Swap State: M4 (Active), Previous: M3 (Activation In Process), Last State Change Cause: Normal State Change (0x0)
    Device ID: 0x00, Revision: 0, Firmware: 0.210, IPMI ver 1.5
    Manufacturer ID: 00006F or 2A (Sun legacy), Product ID: 0bf4, Auxiliary Rev: 00000000
    Device ID String: "NetraCP-3060"
    Global Initialization: 0xc, Power State Notification: 0xc, Device Capabilities: 0x29
    Controller provides Device SDRs
    Supported features: 0x29
        "Sensor Device" "FRU Inventory Device" "IPMB Event Generator" 
    8e: Base Interface (0x00), Channel: 1
        Link: Enabled Ports: 1
        Peer Addr: 0x82, Link Type: PICMG 3.0 Base Interface 10/100/1000 BASE-T, Ext: 0 (10/100/1000 BASE-T)
    8e: Base Interface (0x00), Channel: 2
        Link: Enabled Ports: 1
        Peer Addr: 0x84, Link Type: PICMG 3.0 Base Interface 10/100/1000 BASE-T, Ext: 0 (10/100/1000 BASE-T)
    8e: Fabric Interface (0x01), Channel: 1
        Link: Enabled Ports: 1
        Peer Addr: 0x82, Link Type: PICMG 3.1 Ethernet Fabric Interface, Ext: 0
    8e: Fabric Interface (0x01), Channel: 2
        Link: Enabled Ports: 1
        Peer Addr: 0x84, Link Type: PICMG 3.1 Ethernet Fabric Interface, Ext: 0
8e: FRU # 0
    Entity: (0xa0, 0x60)
    Hot Swap State: M4 (Active), Previous: M3 (Activation In Process), Last State Change Cause: Normal State Change (0x0)
    Device ID String: "NetraCP-3060"
    Site Type: 0x00, Site Number: 04
    Current Power Level: 0x01, Maximum Power Level: 0x01, Current Power Allocation: 174.0 Watts
8e: FRU # 1
    Entity: (0xc1, 0x61)
    Hot Swap State: M4 (Active), Previous: M7 (Communication Lost), Last State Change Cause: Communication Lost due to local failure (0x5)
    Device Type: "FRU Inventory Device behind management controller" (0x10), Modifier 0x0
    Device ID String: "SB AMC-HD-A-80X"
    Current Power Level: 0x01, Maximum Power Level: 0x01, Current Power Allocation: 21.1 Watts



boardreset physical-slot-address


This command resets the board in the specified physical slot, sending it the IPMI command FRU Control (Cold Reset).

The physical address should be specified as a decimal number. For PICMG 3.0 systems, correspondence between physical addresses and IPMB addresses is specified in the Shelf FRU Information. If the Shelf FRU information does not contain an address table, the following mapping table (mapping of logical slot numbers) is used. FRU device ID is 0.

Slot Number

IPMB Address






























Reset the board in physical slot 14 (IPMB address 9C, FRU 0).

# clia boardreset 14
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Board 14 reset, status returned 0



busres subcommand

The following subcommands are supported:


This command shows information about the current state of the Bused E-Keying-managed resources and allows changing that state.

All subcommands accept a resource ID as one of the parameters. The resource ID is either a 0-based resource number or a short resource name. The following resource names and numbers are defined


Short Name




Metallic Test Bus pair 1



Metallic Test Bus pair 2



Synch Clock group 1



Synch Clock group 2



Synch Clock group 3

The following subsections describe the syntax of the busres command for several key uses.

Display the State of Bused E-Keying-Managed Resources


busres info [resource]


This command displays information about the current state of the specified resource or all resources if the resource ID is not specified.

The parameter resource is the resource ID. The list of supported resource IDs is provided in busres.


Get information about the state of Metallic Test Bus pair 2

# clia busres info mtb2
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Metalic Test Bus pair 2 (ID 1): Owned by IPMC 0x82, Locked

Release a Specified Resource


busres release | force resource


This command sends the Bused Resource Control request to the current owner of the resource, instructing it to release the resource. If the command syntax is busres release resource, the Bused Resource Control (Release) command is sent. If the command syntax is busres force resource, the Bused Resource Control (Force) command is sent. Refer to section of the PICMG 3.0 R1.0 specification for a detailed description of these ATCA commands.

The parameter resource is the resource ID. The list of supported resource IDs is provided in busres.


Force releasing Metallic Test Bus pair 2 by the current owner.

# clia busres force mtb2
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Force operation succeeded

Lock/Unlock the Specified Resource


busres lock | unlock resource


This command locks (busres lock resource) or unlocks (busres unlock resource) the specified resource. If the resource is locked, when another IPM controller sends the Bused Resource Control (Request) command to the Shelf Manager, the Shelf Manager responds with the Deny status. If the resource is unlocked, when another IPM controller sends the Bused Resource Control (Request) command to the Shelf Manager, the Shelf Manager responds with Busy status and sends the Bused Resource Control (Release) to the current owner. If the current owner releases the resource, on the next request, this resource will be granted to the requestor.

Only the resources that are owned by an IPM controller can be locked. As soon as the current owner releases the resource, the lock is also removed from this resource.

The parameter resource is the resource ID. The list of supported resource IDs is provided in busres.


Lock Synch Clock group 3.

# clia busres lock clk3
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Lock operation succeeded

Send Bused Resource Control (Query) Command


busres [-v] query resource [target [noupdate]]


This command sends the Bused Resource Control (Query) request to the specified IPM controller. If the IPM controller is not specified in the command line, the request is sent to the current owner of the resource. Upon receiving the response, appropriate changes are made in the resource table (for example, if the IPM controller that is believed to be the current owner responds with the No Control status, the table is modified to reflect that fact), unless the noupdate flag is provided. If this flag is passed in the command line, no changes to the resource table are made based on the received information.

The parameter resource is the resource ID. The list of supported resource IDs is provided in busres.

The parameter target specifies the IPMB address of the IPM controller to which the request will be sent.

The flag noupdate, if present, indicates that the information received in response to the Query request should not be used to update the resource table.

In the current revision of the Shelf Manager, no additional information is provided if -v flag is specified.


Send query for Metallic Test Bus pair 1 to the IPM controller with address 0x82. Do not update the resource table based on the response.

# clia busres query mtb1 0x82 noupdate
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
No Control: IPMC 0x82 is not the owner of resource 0

Set Owner For the Resource


busres setowner resource target


caution icon Caution - This command is for experienced users and should be used at one’s discretion.

This command directly sets the owner of the specified resource in the resource table. It does not send any Bused Resource Control commands, even if the resource had a different owner before executing the command. This is a low-level command that should be used for testing and recovery purposes only.

The parameter resource is the resource ID. The list of supported resource IDs is provided in busres.

The parameter target specifies the IPMB address of the IPM controller that is set as the owner of the resource. Use 0 as the IPMB address to specify that the resource is not owned by any IPM controller.


Set board 1 as the new owner for Metallic Test Bus pair 1.

# clia busres setowner mtb1 board 1
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
New owner is set successfully

Send Bused Resource Control (Bus Free) Command


busres sendbusfree resource target


caution icon Caution - This command is for experienced users and should be used at one’s discretion.

This command sends the Bused Resource Control (Bus Free) request to the specified IPM controller. No operation is performed on the resource before sending the request even if a different IPM controller owns it. However, the resource table is updated based on the response to this request. That is, if the IPM controller accepts ownership of the resource, it is set as the new owner in that table. This is a low-level command that should be used for testing and recovery purposes only.

The parameter resource is the resource ID. The list of supported resource IDs is provided in busres.

The parameter target specifies the IPMB address of the IPM controller, to which the request is sent. Use 0 as the IPMB address to specify that the resource is not owned by any IPM controller.


Send Bus Free request for Metallic Test Bus pair 1 to the IPM controller with address 0x82.

# clia busres sendbusfree mtb1 0x82
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
IPMC rejected ownership of the resource



console slot-number [-f]


This command establishes a console terminal session on the node board in the specified physical slot. The shelf manager allows one console session per node board. Valid slot numbers are from 1-6 and 9-14.

The -f option forces a new console session by terminating an existing console session before starting the new console session.

Note - The shelf management must be the active shelf management card to use the console feature. A switch card must also be installed in slot 7 of the server’s midplane.

Once a console session with a node board is established, you can run system administration commands, such as passwd, read status and error messages, or halt the board in that particular slot.

Note - When a console or serial cable is connected to the node board’s serial port, the console output goes to the cabled console rather than the console session on the ShMM even if the ShMM’s console session was active when the cable is connected.

To disconnect from the current console session, enter ~q or ~. (tilda dot).


Start a console session on the node board in physical slot 4.

# clia console 4



deactivate IPMB-address fru-id
deactivate board
deactivate shm n


This command sends the IPMI command Set FRU Activation (Deactivate FRU) to the specified FRU. The FRU is specified using the IPMB address of the owning IPM controller and the FRU device ID. FRU device ID 0 designates the IPM controller proper in PICMG 3.0 contexts.


Deactivate the IPM controller proper at address 9C.

# clia deactivate 9c 0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Command issued via IPMB, status = 0 (0x0)
    Command executed successfully



debuglevel [new-value]


This command shows the current debug level for the Shelf Manager, or sets it to a new value if a new value is specified.

The debug level is a hexadecimal number in the range 0x0000 to 0x00FF that is treated as a bit mask. Each bit in the mask, when set, enables debug output of a specific type:

Starting with Shelf Manager release 2.4.4, separate debug levels can be set for Shelf Manager output to the system log versus output to the console. This makes it possible, for example, to reserve the system console for only serious error messages, while preserving the normal verbosity of the Shelf Manager output to the system log.

This command, when issued without parameters, shows the current debug level values for both system log and console. If both levels have the same value, only a single line of output produced.

This command, when issued with a single parameter new-value, sets the specified debug level for output to both the system log and the console.

If this command is invoked with two parameters, the first parameter specifies the debug level for system log output and the second parameter specifies the debug level for console output.

The default debug level for the Shelf Manager is 0x0007 for both the system log and the console, but this value can be overridden in the Shelf Manager configuration file (separately for the system log and the console), or during Shelf Manager startup, using the -v option in the command line for both the system log and the console.

This command can also be issued on the backup Shelf Manager.


Get current debug levels, and then set both to 0x001F.

# clia debuglevel
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Debug Mask is 0x0007
# clia debuglevel 1f
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Debug Mask is 0x001f
# clia debuglevel
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Debug Mask is 0x001f


Set the system log debug level mask to 0x0007 (informational) and the console maskto 0x0003 (errors and warnings only).

# clia debuglevel 7 3
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Debug Mask is 0x0007
Console Debug Mask is set to 0x0003
# clia debuglevel
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Debug Mask is 0x0007
Console Debug Mask is 0x0003

exit | quit




The command exit or quit exits the CLI interactive mode (which is entered by issuing clia without parameters).


# exit



fans [-v] [IPMB-address [FRU-device-ID]]
fans fan_tray


This command shows information about the specified fan FRUs. If FRU device ID is omitted, the command shows information about all fan FRUs controlled by the IPM controller at the specified address. If the IPMB address is also omitted, the command shows information about all fan FRUs known to the Shelf Manager. The following information is shown:


Get fan information about all fan FRUs at IPMB address 20.

# clia fans 20 
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
20: FRU # 3
 Current Level: 9
 Minimum Speed Level: 0, Maximum Speed Level: 15
20: FRU # 4
 Current Level: 9
 Minimum Speed Level: 0, Maximum Speed Level: 15
20: FRU # 5
 Current Level: 9
 Minimum Speed Level: 0, Maximum Speed Level: 15



flashupdate slot-number -s server-ip-address -f fw-image-pathname


This command is used to update the Sun Netra CP3x60 board system firmware with the firmware image from a location that you specify. This command is only valid for Sun Netra CP3x60 boards installed in the Sun Netra CT900 server. The Sun Netra CP3x60 board system firmware that is updated includes the ILOM, ALOM-CMT/ILOM, Hypervisor, OBP, POST, and VBSC firmware.

Note - You can find the links to the Sun Netra CP3x60 firmware download sites at: http://www.sun.com/downloads/

To use this command, you need to know the following:

The slot-number contains the slot number of a Sun Netra CP3x60 board, the -s server-ip-addresss argument specifies the IP address of the server to download the firmware image from and the -f fw-image-pathname specifies the full pathname where the firmware image is located.


Downloading and updating system firmware on a Sun Netra CP3x60 board. Note that this process can take several minutes before completion. Upon successful completion, reset the board using the boardreset command.

# clia flashupdate 2 -s   -f /sysfw/System_Firmware-6_2_5-Netra_CP3060.bin
Username: username
Password: *******
Update complete. Reset device to use new software.
# clia boardreset slot-number



fru [-v] [addr [id=fru_id | type=site_type]] | [type=site_type [/site_number]]
fru board
fru shm n
fru fan_tray n


This command shows information about a specific FRU. If the FRU device ID is omitted, the command shows information about all FRUs controlled by the IPM controller at the specified address. If the IPMB address is also omitted, the command shows information about all FRUs known to the Shelf Manager.

Additionally, the site type can select FRUs. Site type should be specified in command parameters in hexadecimal. Associations between FRUs and their site types are stored in the Shelf FRU information. Site types are defined in the PICMG 3.0 specification as follows:

The following information is shown for the FRU in standard mode:

The following information is shown for the FRU in verbose mode only:


Get standard information about all FRUs at address 9C.

# clia fru 9c 0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
9c: FRU # 0
    Entity: (0xd0, 0x0)
    Hot Swap State: M4 (Active), Previous: M3 (Activation In Process), Last State Change Cause: Normal State Change (0x0)
    Device ID String: "PPS Sentry 6"

Get verbose information about all FRUs at address 9C.

# clia fru -v 9c 0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
9c: FRU # 0
    Entity: (0xd0, 0x0)
    Hot Swap State: M4 (Active), Previous: M3 (Activation In Process), Last State Change Cause: Normal State Change (0x0)
    Device ID String: "PPS Sentry 6"
    Site Type: 0x00, Site Number: 14
    Current Power Level: 0x01, Maximum Power Level: 0x01, Current Power Consumption: 20.0 Watts

Get verbose information about FRU 1 at address 20.

# clia fru -v 20 id=1
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
20: FRU # 1
    Entity: (0xf2, 0x60)
    Hot Swap State: M4 (Active), Previous: M3 (Activation In Process), Last State Change Cause: Normal State Change (0x0)
    Device Type: "FRU Inventory Device behind management controller" (0x10), Modifier 0x0
    Device ID String: "Shelf EEPROM 1"
    Current Power Level: 0x01, Maximum Power Level: 0x01, Current Power Consumption: 5.0 Watts



frucontrol IPMB-address fru-id command options

frucontrol board n command options
frucontrol shm n command options
frucontrol fan_tray n command options


This command sends the FRU Control command to the specified FRU, performing the specified operation on the FRU payload. The FRU is specified using the IPMB address of the owning IPM controller and the FRU device ID. FRU device ID 0 designates the IPM controller proper in PICMG 3.0 contexts.

The command parameter specifies the FRU Control command to be used. It can be specified as one of the following symbolic values:

The options parameter is used to set the timer options for the graceful_reboot command. The options are specified in hex and must be in the order shown:

timer_use timer_action pre-time_out countdown_LSB countdown_MSB

Refer to the section in the ATCA Payload Graceful Shutdown Design document for detailed information.

Note - The warm_reset, diagnostic_interrupt, and graceful_reboot are optional and blade specific. Also warm_reset and diagnostic_interrupt are not supported on the Sun Netra CP3xxx blades.


Issue a cold reset command to the FRU 0 at IPMB address 9C.

# clia frucontrol 9c 0 cr
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    FRU Control: Controller 0x9c, FRU ID # 0, command 0x00, status 0(0x0)
    Command executed successfully

Issue a cold reset command to the board in slot 13.

# clia frucontrol board 13 cr
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    FRU Control: Controller 0x98, FRU ID # 0, command 0x00, status 0(0x0)
    Command executed successfully

Issue a graceful_reboot command to FRU 0 at IPMB address 92.

# clia frucontrol 92 0 gr 03 01 0 b0 04
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    FRU control: Controller 0x92, FRU ID # 0, command 0x00, status 0(0x0)
    Command executed successfully

Issue a graceful_reboot command to board in slot 13.

# clia frucontrol board 13 gr 03 01 0 b0 04
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    FRU control: Controller 0x98, FRU ID # 0, command 0x02, status 0(0x0)
    Command executed successfully



frudata [addr [fru_id [block_offset]]]
addr fru_id byte_offset byte 1 [byte2 ... [byte 16] ...]

addr fru_id can be replaced with the following:

board n


This command provides access to the FRU Information in raw form. Depending on the command format, it is used to read or write the FRU Information.

In the read format, the command takes an optional 32-byte block number.

In the write format it requires a byte offset parameter. The user can modify up to 65535 bytes of FRU Information.

frudataw and frudatar are variants of the frudata command. frudataw allows the user to write a files on the ShMM Flash file system into the FRU information storage on a specific FRU in the shelf (see frudatar). frudatar allows the user to transfer the contents of the FRU Information storage for a specific FRU into a file on the ShMM Flash file system (see frudatar).


Display standard FRU data for all FRUs.

# clia frudata
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
20: FRU # 0    Failure status: 203 (0xcb)
    Requested data not present
20: FRU # 1 Raw FRU Info Data
    FRU Info size: 529
20: FRU # 2    Failure status: 203 (0xcb)
    Requested data not present
82: FRU # 0 Raw FRU Info Data
    FRU Info size: 160
9c: FRU # 0 Raw FRU Info Data
    FRU Info size: 160
fc: FRU # 0 Raw FRU Info Data
    Requested data not present
. . . 

This example shows how to display FRU data and ways to write data to a FRU.

# clia frudata 20 1 0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
20: FRU # 1 Block # 0 Raw FRU Info Data
    FRU Info size: 529
 01 00 01 05  0E 18 00 D3  01 04 01 02  55 AA 83 55 
 AA 55 C1 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 
# clia frudata 20 1 1 0xfc 0xfe
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Writing 2 bytes to IPM 0x20, FRU # 1, offset: 1, status = 0(0x0)
# clia frudata 20 1 0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
20: FRU # 1 Block # 0 Raw FRU Info Data
    FRU Info size: 529
 01 FC FE 05  0E 18 00 D3  01 04 01 02  55 AA 83 55 
 AA 55 C1 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 
# clia frudata 20 1 1 0 1
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Writing 2 bytes to IPM 0x20, FRU # 1, offset: 1, status = 0(0x0)
# clia frudata 20 1 0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
20: FRU # 1 Block # 0 Raw FRU Info Data
    FRU Info size: 529
 01 00 01 05  0E 18 00 D3  01 04 01 02  55 AA 83 55 
 AA 55 C1 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 



frudatar addr fru_id file_name
addr fru_id byte_offset byte 1 [byte2 ... [byte 16] ...]

addr fru_id can be replaced with the following:

board n


This command reads FRU Information from the specified FRU and stores it in a file on the ShMM Flash file system in a raw format (in other words, uploads FRU Information from the specified FRU to a Flash file). The parameter file name specifies the path to the destination file. The number of bytes read from the FRU and written to the destination file is equal to the number of bytes returned in the response to the IPMI command Get FRU Inventory Area Info for the specified FRU.


Read FRU data for a specific FRU and store the data in the named file.

# clia frudatar 20 2 /var/tmp/20.2.bin
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
20: FRU # 2 Raw FRU Info Data
 FRU Info size: 176
01 00 00 01  09 00 00 F5  01 08 19 84  C0 42 C7 53 
63 68 72 6F  66 66 D9 53  68 4D 4D 2D  41 43 42 2D 
46 43 20 53  68 65 6C 66  20 4D 61 6E  61 67 65 72 
86 10 04 41  10 14 01 89  D2 04 65 58  13 51 17 00 
00 C0 C1 00  00 00 00 EA  01 0D 19 C7  53 63 68 72 
6F 66 66 DD  46 61 6E 20  43 6F 6E 74  72 6F 6C 6C 
65 72 20 6F  6E 20 53 68  4D 4D 2D 41  43 42 2D 46 
43 89 D2 04  65 58 13 51  17 00 00 C9  52 65 76 2E 
20 31 2E 30  30 86 10 04  41 10 14 01  C0 DF 2F 76 
61 72 2F 6E  76 64 61 74  61 2F 66 61  6E 2D 66 72 
75 2D 69 6E  66 6F 72 6D  61 74 69 6F  6E C1 00 26



frudataw addr fru_id file_name
addr fru_id byte_offset byte 1 [byte2 ... [byte 16] ...]

addr fru_id can be replaced with the following:

board n


This command downloads FRU Information to the specified FRU from a file on the ShMM flash file system. The file contains the raw binary image of the FRU Information. The parameter file name specifies the path to the source file.


Write FRU data from a file to the named FRU.

# clia frudataw 20 2 /var/tmp/20.2.bin
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
 Writing 16 bytes to IPM 0x20, FRU # 2, offset: 0, status = 0(0x0)
 Writing 16 bytes to IPM 0x20, FRU # 2, offset: 16, status = 0(0x0)
 Writing 16 bytes to IPM 0x20, FRU # 2, offset: 32, status = 0(0x0)
 Writing 16 bytes to IPM 0x20, FRU # 2, offset: 48, status = 0(0x0)
 Writing 16 bytes to IPM 0x20, FRU # 2, offset: 64, status = 0(0x0)
 Writing 16 bytes to IPM 0x20, FRU # 2, offset: 80, status = 0(0x0)
 Writing 16 bytes to IPM 0x20, FRU # 2, offset: 96, status = 0(0x0)
 Writing 16 bytes to IPM 0x20, FRU # 2, offset: 112, status = 0(0x0)
 Writing 16 bytes to IPM 0x20, FRU # 2, offset: 128, status = 0(0x0)
 Writing 16 bytes to IPM 0x20, FRU # 2, offset: 144, status = 0(0x0)
 Writing 16 bytes to IPM 0x20, FRU # 2, offset: 160, status = 0(0x0)
 File "/var/tmp/20.2.orig.bin" has been written to the FRU 20#2



fruinfo [-v] [-x] addr fru_id

addr fru_id can be replaced by the following:

board n
fan_tray n


This command shows FRU Information in a user-friendly format.


Display FRU information for a particular FRU.

# clia fruinfo 20 0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
20: FRU # 0, FRU Info
 Failure status: 203 (0xcb
 Requested data not present
# clia fruinfo 20 1
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
20: FRU # 1, FRU Info
Common Header:    Format Version = 1
Chassis Info Area:
    Version   = 1
    Chassis Type             = (1)
    Chassis Part Number      = 0x55 0xAA 
    Chassis Serial Number    = 5I:5
Board Info Area:
    Version     = 1
Mfg Date/Time            = Jun 16 15:37:00 2011 (8129737 minutes since 1996)
Board Manufacturer       = Pigeon Point Systems
Board Serial Number      = PPS0000000
    Board Part Number        = A 
    FRU Programmer File ID   = 
Product Info Area:
    Version     = 1
    Language Code            = 25
    Manufacturer Name        = Pigeon Point Systems
    Product Name             = Shelf Manager         
    Product Part / Model#    = 000000
    Product Version          = Rev. 1.00
    Product Serial Number    = PPS0000000
    Asset Tag                = 
    FRU Programmer File ID   = 
Multi Record Area:
    Record Type              = Management Access Record
        Version = 2
    Sub-Record Type: Component Name (0x05)
    PICMG Address Table Record (ID=0x10)
        Version = 1
    PICMG Backplane Point-to-Point Connectivity Record (ID=0x04)
        Version = 0
    PICMG Shelf Power Distribution Record (ID=0x11)
        Version = 0
    PICMG Shelf Activation And Power Management Record (ID=0x12)
        Version = 0
# clia fruinfo -v -x 20 1
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
20: FRU # 1, FRU Info
Common Header:    Format Version = 1
 01 00 01 05  0E 18 00 D3 
Chassis Info Area:
    Version   = 1
    Chassis Type             = (1)
    Chassis Part Number      = 0x55 0xAA 
    Chassis Serial Number    = 5I:5
    Custom Chassis Info      = 
 01 04 01 02  55 AA 83 55  AA 55 C1 00  00 00 00 00 
 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 61 
Board Info Area:
    Version     = 1
    Language Code            = 25
    Mfg Date/Time            = Jun 16 15:37:00 2011 (8129737 minutes since 1996)
    Board Manufacturer       = Pigeon Point Systems
    Board Product Name       = Shelf Manager         
    Board Serial Number      = PPS0000000
    Board Part Number        = A 
    FRU Programmer File ID   = 
    Custom Board Info        = 
 01 09 19 C9  0C 7C D4 50  69 67 65 6F  6E 20 50 6F 
 69 6E 74 20  53 79 73 74  65 6D 73 D6  53 68 65 6C 
 66 20 4D 61  6E 61 67 65  72 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 
 20 20 CA 50  50 53 30 30  30 30 30 30  30 C2 41 20 
 C0 C1 00 00  00 00 00 A0 
Product Info Area:
    Version     = 1
    Language Code            = 25
    Manufacturer Name        = Pigeon Point Systems
    Product Name             = Shelf Manager         
    Product Part / Model#    = 000000
    Product Version          = Rev. 1.00
    Product Serial Number    = PPS0000000
    Asset Tag                = 
    FRU Programmer File ID   = 
    Custom Product Info      = 
 01 0A 19 D4  50 69 67 65  6F 6E 20 50  6F 69 6E 74 
 20 53 79 73  74 65 6D 73  D6 53 68 65  6C 66 20 4D 
 61 6E 61 67  65 72 20 20  20 20 20 20  20 20 20 C6 
 30 30 30 30  30 30 C9 52  65 76 2E 20  31 2E 30 30 
 CA 50 50 53  30 30 30 30  30 30 30 C0  C0 C1 00 6A 
Multi Record Area:
    Record Type              = Management Access Record
        Version = 2
    Sub-Record Type: Component Name (0x05)
    Sub-Record Data:         = ShMM
 03 02 05 A6  50 05 53 68  4D 4D
    PICMG Address Table Record (ID=0x10)
        Version = 1
    Shelf Address            = 
    Address Table Entries#   = 16
        Hw Addr: 41, Site # 1, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
        Hw Addr: 42, Site # 2, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
        Hw Addr: 43, Site # 3, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
        Hw Addr: 44, Site # 4, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
        Hw Addr: 45, Site # 5, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
        Hw Addr: 46, Site # 6, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
        Hw Addr: 47, Site # 7, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
        Hw Addr: 48, Site # 8, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
        Hw Addr: 49, Site # 9, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
        Hw Addr: 4a, Site # 10, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
        Hw Addr: 4b, Site # 11, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
        Hw Addr: 4c, Site # 12, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
        Hw Addr: 4d, Site # 13, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
        Hw Addr: 4e, Site # 14, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
        Hw Addr: 4f, Site # 15, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
        Hw Addr: 50, Site # 16, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
 C0 02 4B 44  AF 5A 31 00  10 01 00 00  00 00 00 00 
 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 10 
 41 01 00 42  02 00 43 03  00 44 04 00  45 05 00 46 
 06 00 47 07  00 48 08 00  49 09 00 4A  0A 00 4B 0B 
 00 4C 0C 00  4D 0D 00 4E  0E 00 4F 0F  00 50 10 00 
    PICMG Backplane Point-to-Point Connectivity Record (ID=0x04)
        Version = 0
    P2P Slot Descriptor:
        Channel Type         = 0x0B PICMG®3.0 Base Interface
        LocalSlot/HW Address = 0x41
        Channel Count        = 0x0F
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 2, RemoteChannel 2, RemoteSlot 0x42
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 3, RemoteChannel 1, RemoteSlot 0x43
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 4, RemoteChannel 1, RemoteSlot 0x44
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 5, RemoteChannel 1, RemoteSlot 0x45
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 6, RemoteChannel 1, RemoteSlot 0x46
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 7, RemoteChannel 1, RemoteSlot 0x47
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 8, RemoteChannel 1, RemoteSlot 0x48
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 9, RemoteChannel 1, RemoteSlot 0x49
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 10, RemoteChannel 1, RemoteSlot 0x4A
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 11, RemoteChannel 1, RemoteSlot 0x4B
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 12, RemoteChannel 1, RemoteSlot 0x4C
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 13, RemoteChannel 1, RemoteSlot 0x4D
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 14, RemoteChannel 1, RemoteSlot 0x4E
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 15, RemoteChannel 1, RemoteSlot 0x4F
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 16, RemoteChannel 1, RemoteSlot 0x50
    P2P Slot Descriptor:
        Channel Type         = 0x0B PICMG®3.0 Base Interface
        LocalSlot/HW Address = 0x42
        Channel Count        = 0x0F
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 2, RemoteChannel 2, RemoteSlot 0x41
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 3, RemoteChannel 2, RemoteSlot 0x43
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 4, RemoteChannel 2, RemoteSlot 0x44
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 5, RemoteChannel 2, RemoteSlot 0x45
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 6, RemoteChannel 2, RemoteSlot 0x46
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 7, RemoteChannel 2, RemoteSlot 0x47
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 8, RemoteChannel 2, RemoteSlot 0x48
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 9, RemoteChannel 2, RemoteSlot 0x49
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 10, RemoteChannel 2, RemoteSlot 0x4A
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 11, RemoteChannel 2, RemoteSlot 0x4B
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 12, RemoteChannel 2, RemoteSlot 0x4C
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 13, RemoteChannel 2, RemoteSlot 0x4D
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 14, RemoteChannel 2, RemoteSlot 0x4E
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 15, RemoteChannel 2, RemoteSlot 0x4F
        Channel Descriptor   = LocalChannel 16, RemoteChannel 2, RemoteSlot 0x50
 C0 02 65 2B  AE 5A 31 00  04 00 0B 41  0F 42 42 00 
 43 61 00 44  81 00 45 A1  00 46 C1 00  47 E1 00 48 
 01 01 49 21  01 4A 41 01  4B 61 01 4C  81 01 4D A1 
 01 4E 01 01  4F E1 01 50  01 02 0B 42  0F 41 42 00 
 43 62 00 44  82 00 45 A2  00 46 C2 00  47 E2 00 48 
 02 01 49 22  01 4A 42 01  4B 62 01 4C  82 01 4D A2 
 01 4E C2 01  4F E2 01 50  02 02
    PICMG Shelf Power Distribution Record (ID=0x11)
        Version = 0
    Feed count: 1
        Maximum External Available Current: 50.0 Amps
        Maximum Internal Current: Not specified
        Minimum Expected Operating Voltage: -40.5 Volts
        Feed-to-FRU Mapping entries count: 16
           FRU Addr: 41, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 42, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 43, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 44, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 45, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 46, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 47, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 48, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 49, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4a, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4b, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4c, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4d, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4e, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4f, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 50, FRU ID: 0xfe
 C0 02 2C A7  6B 5A 31 00  11 00 01 F4  01 FF FF 51 
 10 41 FE 42  FE 43 FE 44  FE 45 FE 46  FE 47 FE 48 
 FE 49 FE 4A  FE 4B FE 4C  FE 4D FE 4E  FE 4F FE 50 
    PICMG Shelf Activation And Power Management Record (ID=0x12)
        Version = 0
    Allowance for FRU Activation Readiness: 10 seconds
    FRU Activation and Power Description Count: 16
    Hw Address: 41, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 42, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 43, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 44, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 45, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 46, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 47, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 48, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 49, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 4a, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 4b, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 4c, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 4d, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 4e, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 4f, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 50, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
 C0 82 57 81  E6 5A 31 00  12 00 0A 10  41 FE 96 00 
 40 42 FE 96  00 40 43 FE  96 00 40 44  FE 96 00 40 
 45 FE 96 00  40 46 FE 96  00 40 47 FE  96 00 40 48 
 FE 96 00 40  49 FE 96 00  40 4A FE 96  00 40 4B FE 
 96 00 40 4C  FE 96 00 40  4D FE 96 00  40 4E FE 96 
 00 40 4F FE  96 00 40 50  FE 96 00 40 



getacousticlevel ETSI NEBS-A NEBS-U


This command shows the system acoustic level and fan speed. This command is available for use with the server chassis. It allows users to get the current system acoustic level. When you set an acoustic level, the variable will be changed and the default cooling algorithm will set the fan speeds accordingly. This change will take effect dynamically, is persistant, and no ShMM reboot is required. See also setacousticlevel.

Note - These commands are applicable only if you are using the SUNCT900 cooling algorithm.


Get the system acoustic level and fan speed.

# clia getacousticlevel ETSI
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
System acoustic level - ETSI
fan speed             -  5#



getbootdev IPMB-0-address [FRU-device-ID | IPMB-L-address]


This command shows the system boot parameters for a designated IPM controller. If AdvancedMC access is not targeted, the second parameter should be set to 0 or omitted. The IPMB-L address for an AMC address is used if the second parameter exceeds 70h. Otherwise, the second parameter is treated as a FRU ID and converted to an IPMB-L address via AMC address mapping.


Get the system boot options for IPM controller at IPMB address 82h.

# clia getbootdev 82
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Get boot device option: status = 0x0 (0)
Response data (raw): 01 05 00 00 00 00 00 
        Parameter version: 1
        Parameter valid = TRUE
        Boot option selector: 5
        Boot flags valid = FALSE
        Boot device selector: 0 (No override)

Get the system boot options for an AMC, where the carrier has IPMB-0 address 90h and the MMC has address IPMB-L address 72h.

# clia getbootdev 90 72
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Get boot device option: status = 0x0 (0)
Response data (raw): 01 05 80 04 00 00 00 
        Parameter version: 1
        Parameter valid = TRUE
        Boot option selector: 5
        Boot flags valid = TRUE
        Boot device selector: 1 (Force PXE)



getfanlevel IPMB-address fru-id
getfanlevel fan_tray n


This command shows the current level of the fan controlled by the FRU specified in the command parameters.


Get fan level for the fan residing at FRU #2 at IPMB address 0x20.

# clia getfanlevel 20 2
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
20: FRU # 2 Override Fan Level: 1, Local Fan Level: 255



getfanpolicy [fan-tray-addr [fan-tray-fru_id]] [-s addr|site_type [fru_id | site_number]]


This retrieves information about Fan Tray(s) control mode and/or FRUs coverage by the specified Fan Tray(s). Notice that this command returns two different pieces of data: whether or not the site(s) are enabled/disabled for autonomous control by the Shelf Manager (based on Set Fan Policy commands), and whether or not the FRU site(s) are covered by the fans (according to the Fan Geography record).

The parameters fan-tray-addr and fan-tray-fru_id specify a fan tray. The command may accept no parameters, in this case the information about all Fan Trays and FRUs will be received.

If a numeric argument is expected to be treated as a hexadecimal, the "0x" prefix should be used, otherwise the error will be returned.

The flag -s precedes the parameters that define a site covered by the fan tray.

The site_type parameter can accept one of the following values: Board, PEM, ShelfFRU, ShelfManager, FanTray, FanFilterTray, Alarm, Mezzanine, PMC, RTM.


Get fan policy for the fan tray at IPMB address 20h, FRU ID 3.

# clia getfanpolicy 0x20 3
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Fan Tray: 0x20, FRU Id # 3
     Policy Type: Any Site
     Policy Timeout: 20 seconds
     Policy Applied: Tue Oct  17 02:32:06 2006

Get fan policy for the fan tray at IPMB address 20h, FRU ID 3, applied to the site at IPMB address 20h, FRU ID 1.

# clia getfanpolicy 0x20 3 -s 0x20 1
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Fan Tray: 0x20, FRU Id # 3
    Policy Type: Per Site
    Policy Timeout: 20 seconds
    Policy Applied: Tue Oct  17 02:39:06 2006
    Site Type: Dedicated ShMC, Site Number: 1
    Site Covered: TRUE



getfruledstate [-v] [IPMB-addr state [fru_id [LED_ID | ALL]]]


This command shows the current FRU LED state on all levels of control that are enabled for the LEDs. In verbose mode, information about the colors supported by the LEDs is also shown.

Information can be shown about a specific LED or all LEDs for the given FRU. IPMB address and FRU ID of the target LED can also be omitted. If FRU ID is omitted, information is shown about all LEDs on all FRUs of the given IPM controller. If IPMB address is also omitted, information is shown about all known LEDs in the shelf.


Show LED state for all LEDs on the IPM controller at IPMB address FCh.

# clia getfruledstate fc
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
fc: FRU # 0, Led # 0 ("BLUE LED"):
    Local Control LED State: LED OFF
fc: FRU # 0, Led # 1 ("LED 1"):
    Local Control LED State: LED OFF
fc: FRU # 0, Led # 2 ("LED 2"):
    Local Control LED State: LED OFF
fc: FRU # 0, Led # 3 ("LED 3"):
    Local Control LED State: LED OFF
fc: FRU # 0, Led # 4 ("Application Specific LED# 1"):
    Local Control LED State: LED ON, color: GREEN

Show verbose information about LED state for all LEDs on the IPM controller at IPMB address FCh.

# clia getfruledstate -v  FC
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
fc: FRU # 0, Led # 0 ("BLUE LED"):
    Local Control LED State: LED OFF
    LED’s color capabilities:
        Colors supported(0x02): BLUE
        Default LED Color in Local Control State(0x01): BLUE
        Default LED Color in Override State(0x01): BLUE
fc: FRU # 0, Led # 1 ("LED 1"):
    Local Control LED State: LED OFF
    LED’s color capabilities:
        Colors supported(0x0C): RED GREEN
        Default LED Color in Local Control State(0x03): GREEN
        Default LED Color in Override State(0x03): GREEN
fc: FRU # 0, Led # 2 ("LED 2"):
    Local Control LED State: LED OFF
    LED’s color capabilities:
        Colors supported(0x0C): RED GREEN
        Default LED Color in Local Control State(0x03): GREEN
        Default LED Color in Override State(0x03): GREEN
fc: FRU # 0, Led # 3 ("LED 3"):
    Local Control LED State: LED OFF
    LED’s color capabilities:
        Colors supported(0x0C): RED GREEN
        Default LED Color in Local Control State(0x02): RED
        Default LED Color in Override State(0x02): RED
fc: FRU # 0, Led # 4 ("Application Specific LED# 1"):
    Local Control LED State: LED ON, color: GREEN
    LED’s color capabilities:
        Colors supported(0x0C): RED GREEN
        Default LED Color in Local Control State(0x02): RED
        Default LED Color in Override State(0x02): RED

Show LED state for FRU #0 of the IPM controller at IPMB address 20h.

# clia getfruledstate   20 0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
20: FRU # 0, Led # 0 ("BLUE LED"):
    Local Control LED State: LED ON, color: BLUE
20: FRU # 0, Led # 1 ("LED 1"):
    Local Control LED State: LED OFF

Show LED state for LED #1 from FRU #0 of the IPM controller at IPMB address 20h.

# clia getfruledstate  -v  20 0 1 
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
20: FRU # 0, Led # 1 ("LED 1"):
    Local Control LED State: LED OFF
    LED’s color capabilities:
        Colors supported(0x04): RED
        Default LED Color in Local Control State(0x02): RED
        Default LED Color in Override State(0x02): RED



gethysteresis [IPMB-address [[lun: ]sensor id | sensor name]]


This command shows the current hysteresis values for the specified sensor(s). The sensors must be threshold based. Both raw and processed values are shown.

The command allows the user to qualify the sensor number with the Logical Unit Number (LUN) if the targets controller supports sensors on multiple LUNs. If the LUN is omitted, the current hysteresis values for all sensors with the specified sensor number are shown. lun can take the value 0, 1, or 3. (LUN 2 is reserved.) Sensor names are not qualified with LUN numbers, since it is assumed that sensor names will normally be unique within the controller. However, if there are several sensors with the same name within the controller, information is shown about all of them. If IPMB-address is omitted, the current hysteresis levels for all sensors for the specified IPMB address are shown.


Show the hysteresis values for sensor # 2 on the IPM controller at IPMB address FCh.

# clia gethysteresis FC 2
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
fc: LUN: 0, Sensor # 2 ("lm75 temp")
    Type: Threshold (0x01), "Temperature"(0x01)
        Positive hysteresis, Raw data: 0x00   Processed data: 0.00000 degrees C
        Negative hysteresis, Raw data: 0x00   Processed data: 0.00000 degrees C



getipmbstate IPMB-address [link] (in radial IPMB-0 environment) getipmbstate IPMB-address (in bused IPMB-0 environment)


This command shows the current state of IPMB-0 on the target IPM Controller. The state is taken from the sensor data provided by the IPMB Link sensor on the target IPMC (sensor type F1). Information about both buses A and B is printed.

The command works differently in bused and radial environments. In a bused environment, or in a radial environment if the target IPMC is not an IPMB hub, the argument link is not used. Information about the state of IPMB-A and IPMB-B on the target IPM controller is shown.

In the radial environment, if the target IPM Controller is an IPMB hub, the command works as follows:

In both cases, information about the state of both IPMB-A and IPMB-B is shown.


Show the current state of IPMB-0 on the IPMC at IPMB address 92h.

# clia getipmbstate 92
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
92: LUN: 0, Sensor # 1 ("IPMB LINK")
 Bus Status: 0x8  (IPMB-A Enabled, IPMB-B Enabled)
 IPMB A State: 0x8  (LocalControl, No failure)
 IPMB B State: 0x8  (LocalControl, No failure)

Show the current state of link 8 for the Shelf Manager in the radial environment.

# clia getipmbstate 20 8
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
20: Link: 8, LUN: 0, Sensor # 12 ("IPMB LINK 8")
 Bus Status: 0x8  (IPMB-A Enabled, IPMB-B Enabled)
 IPMB A State: 0x8  (LocalControl, No failure)
 IPMB B State: 0x8  (LocalControl, No failure)



getlanconfig channel [parameter-name [additional-parameters]]
channel [parameter-number [additional-parameters]]


This command shows the value of the specified LAN configuration parameter on the specified channel. If no configuration parameter name or number is specified, all configuration parameters for the specified channel are shown.

TABLE A-1 lists names and numbers of LAN configuration parameters supported by the getlanconfig command:

TABLE A-1 LAN Configuration Parameters for getlanconfig

Parameter Name





An 8-bit value that contains authentication types support flags for the LAN channel.



Five 8-bit values that contain authentication types enable flags for Callback, User, Operator, Administrator, and OEM privilege levels for the LAN channel.



A string value that contains the IP address assigned to the LAN channel in dotted decimal notation (for example,



A value that encodes the source of the assigned IP address.



A string value that contains the MAC address assigned to the LAN channel as six hexadecimal byte values delimited by : symbols (for example, 00:A0:24:C6:18:2F).



A string value that contains the subnet mask assigned to the LAN channel in dotted decimal notation (for example,



Three 8-bit values that contain various IPv4 header parameters for sending RMCP packets:

  • Time-to-live
  • IP header flags (bits [7:5])
  • Precedence (bits [7:5]) and type of service (bits [4:1])



A 16-bit value that contains the primary RMCP port number (the port used for regular RMCP communication).



A 16-bit value that contains the secondary RMCP port number. (the port used for secure RMCP communication).



Two flags that control address resolution protocol (ARP) behavior on the LAN channel:

  • Enable responding to ARP requests
  • Enable sending Gratuitous ARPs



The Gratuitous ARP interval in seconds, in fixed-point format (potentially including a fractional part).



A string value that contains the IP address of the default gateway in dotted decimal notation.



A string value that contains the MAC address of the default gateway as six hexadecimal byte values delimited by colons (:).



A string value that contains the IP address of the backup gateway in dotted decimal notation.



A string value that contains the MAC address of the backup gateway as six hexadecimal byte values delimited by colons (:).



A string value (up to 18 symbols) that is put into the Community String field in PET Traps.



The maximum number of LAN alert destinations supported on the LAN channel.



The destination type identified by the specified set selector. If no set selector is given, all destination types are shown. Each destination type entry contains the following fields:

  • Destination type (0-7)
  • Alert acknowledge flag
  • Alert acknowledge timeout / retry interval in seconds (1-256)
  • Number of retries (0-7)



The destination addresses associated with the specified set selector. If no set selector is given, all destination addresses are shown. Each destination address entry contains the following fields:

  • Gateway selector: 0 - use default, 1 - use backup
  • IP address (string in dotted decimal format)
  • MAC address (string of six hexadecimal byte values delimited by colons [:])


The following subsections provide more detailed information about each of the supported parameters.

Get and show the LAN parameter table for channel 1.

# clia getlanconfig 1
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Authentication Type Support: 0x15 (None MD5 Straight Password/Key)
Authentication Type Enables: 0x00 
    User level: 0x15 ( None MD5 Straight Password/Key )
    Operator level: 0x15 ( None MD5 Straight Password/Key )
    Administrator level: 0x15 ( None MD5 Straight Password/Key )
    OEM level: 0x00 
IP Address:
IP Address Source: Static Address (Manually Configured) (01)
MAC Address: 90:91:91:91:91:91
Subnet Mask:
IPv4 Header Parameters: 0x40:0x40:0x10
Primary RMCP Port Number: 0x026f
Secondary RMCP Port Number: 0x0298
BMC-generated ARP Control: 02
    Enable BMC-generated Gratuitous Response
Gratuitous ARP Interval: 2.0 seconds
Default Gateway Address:
Default Gateway MAC Address: N/A
Backup Gateway Address:
Backup MAC Address: N/A
Community String: "public"
Number of Destinations: 16



getlanconfig channel auth_support
channel 1


This command shows the current value of the LAN parameter auth_support. This parameter specifies which authentication types are supported by the Shelf Manager, represented by a single byte, treated as a bit mask with the bits defined as follows:

Other bits are reserved and should be set to 0.

Besides the raw hexadecimal value, symbolic values for the bits that are set are also shown.


# clia getlanconfig 1 auth_support
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Authentication Type Support: 0x15 ( None MD5 Straight Password/Key 



getlanconfig channel auth_enables
channel 2


This command shows the current value of the LAN parameter auth_enables. This parameter specifies which authentication types are currently enabled by the Shelf Manager for each of five supported privilege levels (Callback, User, Administrator, Operator, and OEM), represented by a sequence of five bytes, each corresponding to the respective privilege level, treated as a bit mask with the bits defined as follows:

Other bits are reserved and should be set to 0.

Besides the raw hexadecimal values, symbolic values for the bits that are set are also shown.


# clia getlanconfig 1 auth_enables
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Authentication Type Enables: 
    Callback level: 0x00 
    User level: 0x15 ( None MD5 Straight Password/Key )
    Operator level: 0x15 ( None MD5 Straight Password/Key )
    Administrator level: 0x15 ( None MD5 Straight Password/Key )
    OEM level: 0x00



getlanconfig channel ip
channel 3


This command shows the current IP address used by the channel, in dotted decimal notation.


# clia getlanconfig 1 ip
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
IP Address:



getlanconfig channel ip_source
channel 4


This command shows the current value of the LAN parameter ip_source. This parameter specifies the source of the IP Address used by the Shelf Manager, represented by a single byte, which can have one of the following values:

Other values are reserved.

Besides the raw hexadecimal value, the symbolic value is also shown.


# clia getlanconfig 1 ip_source
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
IP Address Source: Static Address (Manually Configured) (0x01)



getlanconfig channel mac
channel 5


This command shows the current MAC address used by the channel, in the form of six hexadecimal bytes separated by colons.


# clia getlanconfig 1 mac
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
MAC Address: 90:91:91:91:91:91 



getlanconfig channel subnet_mask
channel 6


This command shows the current IP subnet mask used by the channel, in dotted decimal notation.


# clia getlanconfig 1 subnet_mask
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Subnet Mask:



getlanconfig channel ipv4_hdr_param
channel 7


This command shows the current IP 4 header parameters. They are represented as three single-byte values in hexadecimal notation, separated with colons. The content of the bytes conforms to section 19.2 of the IPMI 1.5 specification.


# clia getlanconfig 1 ipv4_hdr_param
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
IPv4 Header Parameters: 0x40:0x40:0x10



getlanconfig channel pri_rmcp_port
channel 8


This command shows the current RMCP primary port used by the channel, in hexadecimal. This is the port used for regular interactions via RMCP.


# clia getlanconfig 1 pri_rmcp_port
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Primary RMCP Port Number: 0x026f



getlanconfig channel sec_rmcp_port
channel 9


This command shows the current RMCP secondary port used by the channel, in hexadecimal. This is the port used for secure interactions via RMCP.


# clia getlanconfig 1 sec_rmcp_port
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Primary RMCP Port Number: 0x0298



getlanconfig channel arp_control
channel 10


This command shows the current value of the LAN parameter arp_control. This parameter specifies additional ARP support provided by the Shelf Manager, represented by a single byte, treated as a bit mask with the bits defined as follows:

Other bits are reserved and should be set to 0.

Besides the raw hexadecimal value, symbolic values for the bits that are set are also shown.


# clia getlanconfig 1 arp_control
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
BMC-generated ARP Control: 02
    Enable BMC-generated Gratuitous Response



getlanconfig channel arp_interval
channel 11


This command shows the current ARP interval used by the channel. The value is shown as the number of seconds in fixed-point numeric format.


# clia getlanconfig 1 arp_interval
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Gratuitous ARP Interval: 2.0 seconds



getlanconfig channel dft_gw_ip
getlanconfig channel 12


This command shows the IP address of the default gateway used by the channel, in dotted decimal notation.


# clia getlanconfig 1 dft_gw_ip
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Default Gateway Address:



getlanconfig channel dft_gw_mac
channel 13


This command shows the MAC address of the default gateway used by the channel, in the form of six hexadecimal bytes separated by colons.


# clia getlanconfig 1 dft_gw_mac
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Default Gateway MAC Address: N/A



getlanconfig channel backup_gw_ip
channel 14


This command shows the IP address of the backup gateway used by the channel, in dotted decimal notation.


# clia getlanconfig 1 backup_gw_ip
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Backup Gateway Address:



getlanconfig channel backup_gw_mac
channel 15


This command shows the MAC address of the backup gateway used by the channel, in the form of six hexadecimal bytes separated by colons.


# clia getlanconfig 1 backup_gw_mac
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Backup Gateway MAC Address: N/A



getlanconfig channel community
channel 16


This command shows the community string parameter used in PET traps.


# clia getlanconfig 1 community
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Community String: "public"



getlanconfig channel destination_count
channel 17


This command shows the maximum number of alert destinations available for the channel. This is a configuration parameter for the Shelf Manager and can be changed only through the shelfman configuration file.


# clia getlanconfig 1 destination_count
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Number of Destinations: 16



getlanconfig channel destination_type [set-selector]
channel 18 [set-selector]


This command shows the element of the destination table with the index equal to set-selector. Indexes are 0-based. Selector 0 is used to address the volatile destination. The following information is shown about the destination:

If the set selector is omitted, all active destinations are shown, with their numbers.


# clia getlanconfig 1 destination_type 2
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
DST Type # 2, Type: Acknowledged PET Trap Destination (0x80), ACK Timeout / Retry Interval: 3 seconds, Retries: 5

# clia getlanconfig 1 destination_type  
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
DST Type # 0, Type: Acknowledged reserved (0x81), ACK Timeout / Retry Interval: 2 seconds, Retries: 6
DST Type # 1, Type: Unacknowledged reserved (0x02), ACK Timeout / Retry Interval: 3 seconds, Retries: 4
DST Type # 2, Type: Acknowledged PET Trap Destination (0x80), ACK Timeout / Retry Interval: 3 seconds, Retries: 5



getlanconfig channel destination_address [set-selector] getlanconfig channel 19 [set-selector]


This command shows the element of the destination address table with the index equal to set-selector. Indexes are 0-based. Selector 0 is used to address the volatile destination. The following information is shown about the destination:

If the set selector is omitted, all active destination addresses are shown, with their numbers.


# clia getlanconfig 1 destination_address 2
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
DST Addresses # 2, Address Format: IPv4 IP Address followed by DIX ethernet / 802.3 MAC Address (0x00)
    Gateway: Default (0x00), Alerting IP:, Alerting MAC: 90:93:93:93:93:93



getmgmtportroute [slot-number]


This command displays the management port routing configuration. This information is stored on the midplane as an OEM record.

Use the slot-number option to display the management port routing information for a specified slot. If slot number is omitted, information will be returned for all slots. This data will be from the midplane only.

The configuration is persistent and designated for each slot, regardless of blade presence.


Display the management port routing information for the specified slot.

# clia getmgmtportroute 4
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
MGMT port Routing Information from Midplane FRU
Slot   MGMT           
 4     Front



getmuxconfig [slot-number]


This command displays the multiplexer (MUX) configuration information that is stored in the shelf’s midplane OEM multi record for a specified slot. If the slot-number is not specified, then routing information for all the slots displayed. If the blade doesn’t have a MUX controller, the IPMC will ignore the mux-routing information sent by ShMM. The MUX controller is used to route the NIU ports to Zone 2 (backplane) and/or Zone 3 (ARTM). Use the slot-number option to display the MUX configuration information for a specified slot.

The Shelf Manager provides the configuration information read from the storage (midplane FRU) to the IPMC and the IPMC has to program the MUX prior to blade activation. See setmuxconfig and muxstate commands for more information.


Display the port routing information for the MUX on the node board in physical slot 5.

# clia getmuxconfig 5
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
10GbE NIU-XAUI Routing Information from Midplane FRU
Slot   XAUI-1           XAUI-2
 5     Zone3 (ARTM)    Zone2 (Back Plane)



parameter-name [additional-parameters]
parameter-number [additional-parameters]


This command shows the value of the specified PEF configuration parameter. If neither the configuration parameter name nor the parameter-number is specified, all PEF configuration parameters are shown.

TABLE A-2 lists names and numbers of PEF configuration parameters:

TABLE A-2 PEF Configuration Parameters

Parameter Name





An 8-bit value that represents control flags for PEF (enable PEF, enable PEF startup delay, etc.).



An 8-bit value that represents PEF action global control flags (enable reset, enable power down, etc.).



Time to delay PEF after system power-ups and resets, in seconds.



Time to delay alerts after system power-ups and resets, in seconds.



Maximum number of event filters.



An event filter table entry identified by the specified set selector. If no set selector is given, all active event filters are shown.



The first byte of the event filter table entry identified by the specified set selector. If no set selector is given, all active event filters are shown.



Maximum number of alert policies.



An alert policy table entry identified by the specified set selector. If no set selector is given, all active alert policies are shown.



A GUID used to fill in the GUID field in the PET trap.



Maximum number of alert strings.



An alert string key identified by the specified set selector. If no set selector is given, all alert string keys are shown.



An alert string identified by the specified set selector. If no set selector is given, all alert strings are shown.



Maximum number of OEM filters.



An OEM filter table entry identified by the specified set selector. If no set selector is given, all active event filters are shown.


Get and show the whole PEF parameter table.

# clia getpefconfig
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
PEF parameters:
    PEF control: 0x00
    PEF Action Global Control: 0x00
    PEF Startup Delay: 60 seconds
    PEF Alert Startup Delay: 60 seconds
    PEF Number of Event Filters: 64
    PEF Number of OEM Filters: 16
    Active Event Filters:
    Active event filter data:
    Alert Policies Count: 64
    PEF GUID: Using the system GUID
Alert Strings Count: 64
    Alert string key:
    Alert Strings:

The following subsections provide more detailed information about each of the supported parameters.



getpefconfig control
getpefconfig 1


This command shows the current value of the PEF parameter control. This parameter is a single byte, treated as a bit mask with the bits defined as follows:

Other bits are reserved and should be set to 0.


# clia getpefconfig control
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
PEF control: 0x07
        Enable PEF
        Enable Event Message for PEF Actions
        Enable PEF Startup Delay



getpefconfig action_control
getpefconfig 2


This command shows the current value of the PEF parameter action_control. This parameter is a single byte, treated as a bit mask with the bits defined as follows:

Other bits are reserved and should be set to 0.


# clia getpefconfig action_control
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
PEF Action Global Control: 0x3f
        Enable Alert Action
        Enable Power Down Action
        Enable Reset Action
        Enable Power Cycle Action
        Enable OEM Action
        Enable Diagnostic Interrupt 



getpefconfig startup_delay
getpefconfig 3


This command shows the current value of the PEF parameter startup_delay. This parameter is a single byte, representing the number of seconds that the PEF facility delays at startup.


# clia getpefconfig startup_delay
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    PEF Startup Delay: 60 seconds



getpefconfig startup_delay
getpefconfig 4


This command shows the current value of the PEF parameter alert_startup_delay. This parameter is a single byte, representing the number of seconds that the alerting facility delays at startup.


# clia getpefconfig alert_startup_delay
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
PEF Alert Startup Delay: 60 seconds



getpefconfig event_filter_count
getpefconfig 5


This command shows the current value of the PEF parameter event_filter_count. This read-only value is the size of the event filter table. This value is a configuration parameter for the Shelf Manager and can be changed only through the shelfman configuration file.


# clia getpefconfig event_filter_count
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
PEF Number of Event Filters: 64



getpefconfig event_filter [set-selector]
getpefconfig 6 [


This command shows the element of the event filter table with index equal to set-selector. Indexes are 1-based. The following information is shown about each event filter:

If the set selector is omitted, all active event filter table entries are shown, with their numbers.


# clia getpefconfig event_filter 2
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    Active Event Filters:
    0x02: Software Configurable Filter
        Action Mask: 0x01
        Policy Number: 1, Severity: Critical Condition
        Source Address: 0x20, LUN: 3, Channel: 15
        Sensor Type: Hot Swap (0xf0), Sensor # 255 (ANY)
        Event Trigger: 0xff (ANY), Event Offset Mask: 0xffff
        0: AND: 0x0f, CMP1: 0xff, CMP2: 0x00
        1: AND: 0x00, CMP1: 0x00, CMP2: 0x00
        2: AND: 0xff, CMP1: 0xff, CMP2: 0x00



getpefconfig event_filter_data1 [set-selector]
getpefconfig 7 [


This command shows the first byte of the element of the event filter table with the index equal to set-selector. Indexes are 1-based. This byte is shown in hexadecimal. Bits in this byte have the following meaning:

Other bits are reserved and should be 0.

If the set selector is omitted, first byte for each of the active event filter table entries is shown, with the corresponding filter numbers.


# clia getpefconfig event_filter_data1 2
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter

    Active event filter data:
        0x02: 0x80 Enabled 1, Configuration: 0 ("Software Configurable Filter")



getpefconfig alert_policy_count
getpefconfig 8


This command shows the current value of the PEF parameter alert_policy_count. This read-only value is the size of the alert policy table. This value is a configuration parameter for the Shelf Manager and can be changed only through the shelfman configuration file.


# clia getpefconfig alert_policy_count
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    Alert Policies Count: 64



getpefconfig alert_policy [set-selector]
getpefconfig 9 [


This command shows the element of the alert policy table with index equal to set-selector. Indexes are 1-based. The following information is shown about each alert policy:

If the set selector is omitted, all active alert policy table entries are shown, with their numbers.


# clia getpefconfig alert_policy 2
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter

        0x02: Policy# 5, Policy Type: 0, Channel: 1, DST: 1, Alert String Sel: 1



getpefconfig system_guid
getpefconfig 10


This command shows the current value of the PEF parameter system_guid. This parameter represents the GUID that is sent in a PET Trap PDU to an alert destination. This GUID may be defined as a separate GUID or as being equal to the System GUID (which can be obtained via the Get System GUID IPMI command).


# clia getpefconfig system_guid
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    PEF GUID: 23662f7f-ba1b-4b65-8808-94ca09c9bbb0



getpefconfig alert_string_count
getpefconfig 11


This command shows the current value of the PEF parameter alert_string_count. This read-only value is the size of the alert string table, which is the maximum number of alert strings in simultaneous use. This value is the configuration parameter for the Shelf Manager and can be changed only through the shelfman configuration file.


# clia getpefconfig alert_string_count
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter

    Alert Strings Count: 64



getpefconfig alert_string_key [set-selector]
getpefconfig 12 [


This command shows the element of the alert string key table with index equal to set-selector. Indexes are 1-based. Index 0 can be used to designate the volatile alert string. Each key associates an event filter with an alert string for alert generation purposes. The following information is shown about each alert string key:

If the set selector is omitted, all active alert string key table entries are shown with their numbers.


# clia getpefconfig alert_string_key 2
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    Alert string key: set selector 2, event_filter 0x10, string_set 0x11



getpefconfig alert_string [set-selector]
getpefconfig 13 [


This command shows the element of the alert string table with index equal to set-selector. Indexes are 1-based. Index 0 can be used to designate the volatile alert string. This command shows the whole string at once.

If the set selector is omitted, all defined alert strings are shown with their numbers.


# clia getpefconfig alert_string 2
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    Alert Strings:
        0x02: "This is the alert string"



getpefconfig oem_filter_count
getpefconfig 96


This command shows the current value of the PEF parameter oem_filter_count. This read-only value is the size of the OEM filter table. This value is a configuration parameter for the Shelf Manager and can be changed only through the shelfman configuration file.

The OEM filter table is a Pigeon Point Systems-defined OEM extension of the IPMI specification. It allows PEF to be applied, in addition to platform events, to OEM-timestamped and non-timestamped SEL entries (record type range C0h-FFh).


# clia getpefconfig oem_filter_count
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    PEF Number of OEM Filters: 16



getpefconfig oem_filter [set-selector]
getpefconfig 97 [


The OEM filter table is a Pigeon Point Systems-defined OEM extension of the IPMI specification. It allows PEF to be applied, in addition to platform events, to OEM-timestamped and non-timestamped SEL entries (record type range C0h-FFh).

Each entry of the OEM filter table defines the range of record types (in the range of OEM record types), to which this OEM filter applies, and the alert policy number that is to be invoked when a record with the matching record type is placed in the SEL.

This command shows the element of the OEM filter table with index equal to set-selector. Indexes are 1-based. The following information is shown about each OEM filter:

If the set selector is omitted, all active OEM filter table entries are shown, with their numbers.


# clia getpefconfig oem_filter
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    Active OEM Filters:
    0x01: OEM range boundary 0xff:0xff, alert policy # 1



getsensoreventenable [IPMB-address [sensor-name |[lun:]sensor-number]
getsensoreventenable board
n [sensor-name | [lun:]sensor-number]]
getsensoreventenable shm
n [sensor-name | [lun:]sensor-number]]

This command shows the current event enable mask values of the specified sensors.

This command allows the user to qualify the sensor number with the Logical Unit Number (LUN) if the target controller supports sensors on multiple LUNs. If the LUN is omitted, information about sensors with the specified sensor number on all LUNs is shown. lun can take the value 0, 1, or 3. (LUN 2 is reserved.)

Sensor names are not qualified with LUN numbers, since it is assumed that sensor names will normally be unique within the controller. However, if there are several sensors with the same name within the controller, information is shown about all of them.

This command shows the current sensor event mask values for the supported events of the specified sensors. The following attributes for each sensor are also shown:


Get event enable values for a temperature sensor Local Temp on IPM controller FE.

# clia getsensoreventenable -v fe "Local Temp"
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter

fe: LUN: 0, Sensor # 3 ("Local Temp")
    Type: Threshold (0x01), "Temperature" (0x01)
    Assertion event mask:   0x0a80
        Assertion event for "Upper Non-Recoverable Going High" enabled
        Assertion event for "Upper Critical Going High" enabled
        Assertion event for "Upper Non-Critical Going High" enabled
    Deassertion event mask: 0x0a80
        Deassertion event for "Upper Non-Recoverable Going High" enabled
        Deassertion event for "Upper Critical Going High" enabled
        Deassertion event for "Upper Non-Critical Going High" enabled

Get event enable information for the same sensor but specify sensor LUN and number.

# clia getsensoreventenable -v fe 0:3
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter

fe: LUN: 0, Sensor # 3 ("Local Temp")
    Type: Threshold (0x01), "Temperature" (0x01)
    Assertion event mask:   0x0a80
        Assertion event for "Upper Non-Recoverable Going High" enabled
        Assertion event for "Upper Critical Going High" enabled
        Assertion event for "Upper Non-Critical Going High" enabled
    Deassertion event mask: 0x0a80
        Deassertion event for "Upper Non-Recoverable Going High" enabled
        Deassertion event for "Upper Critical Going High" enabled
        Deassertion event for "Upper Non-Critical Going High" enabled

getthreshold | threshold


getthreshold [IPMB-address [sensor-name | [lun:]sensor-number]]
getthreshold board
n [sensor-name | [lun:]sensor-number]]
getthreshold shm
n [sensor-name | [lun:]sensor-number]]

The verb threshold can also be used instead of getthreshold.


This command shows the current threshold values for the supported thresholds of the specified sensors. The sensor must be a threshold-based sensor. Both raw and processed values are shown. The following attributes for each sensor are also shown:

This command allows the user to qualify the sensor number with the Logical Unit Number (LUN) if the target controller supports sensors on multiple LUNs. If the LUN is omitted, information about sensors with the specified sensor number on all LUNs is shown. lun can take the value 0, 1, or 3. (LUN 2 is reserved.)

Sensor names are not qualified with LUN numbers, since it is assumed that sensor names will normally be unique within the controller. However, if there are several sensors with the same name within the controller, information is shown about all of them.


Get threshold values for a temperature sensor Local Temp on IPM controller FE.

# clia getthreshold -v fe "Local Temp"
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter

fe: LUN: 0, Sensor # 3 ("Local Temp")
    Type: Threshold (0x01), "Temperature" (0x01)
        Lower Critical Threshold, Raw Data: 0x80, Processed Data: -128.000000 degrees C
        Upper Non-Critical Threshold, Raw Data: 0x50, Processed Data: 80.000000 degrees C
        Upper Critical Threshold, Raw Data: 0x50, Processed Data: 80.000000 degrees C
        Upper Non-Recoverable Threshold, Raw Data: 0x50, Processed Data: 80.000000 degrees C

Get threshold information for the same sensor but specify sensor LUN and number.

# clia getthreshold -v fe 0:3
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter

fe: LUN: 0, Sensor # 3 ("Local Temp")
    Type: Threshold (0x01), "Temperature" (0x01)
        Lower Critical Threshold, Raw Data: 0x80, Processed Data: -128.000000 degrees C
        Upper Non-Critical Threshold, Raw Data: 0x50, Processed Data: 80.000000 degrees C
        Upper Critical Threshold, Raw Data: 0x50, Processed Data: 80.000000 degrees C
        Upper Non-Recoverable Threshold, Raw Data: 0x50, Processed Data: 80.000000 degrees C



help [command [subcommand]]


This command shows help information for supported commands and their syntax.


Get a list of commands and their syntax.

# clia help
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Command Line Interface command set:
Parameters are case insensitive
In general:
        IPMB address is hexadecimal ALWAYS.
        All other numbers may be either decimal and hexadecimal (0x notation         required for hexadecimal numbers)
        -v turns on verbose output
	activate <addr> <fru_id>
	alarm <alarm status/action>
	board [slot_number]
	boardreset <slot number>
	busres force <res>
	busres info [<res>]
	busres lock <res>
	busres query [-v] <res> [<target> [noupdate]]
	busres release <res>
	busres sendbusfree <res> <target>
	busres setowner <res> <target>
	busres unlock <res>
	deactivate <addr> <fru_id>
	debuglevel [<mask> [<console mask>]]
	fans <addr> <fru id>
	fru [<addr> [id=<fru_id> | type=<site_type>]] | [type=<site_type>            [/<site_number>]]
	frucontrol <addr> <fru_id> <command>
	frudata [<addr>] [<fru id>] [<block number>]
	frudata shm <N> [<block number>]
	frudata <addr> <fru id> <byte offset> <byte_1> [byte2 .. [byte_16]]
	frudatar <addr> <fru id> <file name>
	frudataw <addr> <fru id> <file name>
	fruinfo <addr> <fru_id>
	getbootdev <addr> [<fru-id> | <amc-addr>]
	getfanlevel <addr> <fru_id>
	getfanpolicy [<addr> [<fru_id>]] [-s <addr>|site_type                      [<fru_id>|site_number]]
	getfruledstate [-v] [<addr> [<fru_id> [<LedId>|ALL]]]
	gethysteresis [ <addr> [ [ lun: ]<sensor id> | <sensor name> ] ]
	getipmbstate <addr> [<link>]
	getlanconfig <channel number> <parameter number> | <parameter name>
	getmgmtportroute [slot]
	getpefconfig <parameter name> | <parameter number> [<set selector>]
	getsensoreventenable [ <addr> [ [ lun: ]<sensor_id> | <sensor name>  ] ]
	getthreshold [ <addr> [ [ lun: ]<sensor id> | <sensor name> ] ]
	help [<command>]
	ipmc [<addr>]
	mgmtportstate <slot>
	minfanlevel [<min fan level>]
	networkelementid [<id>]
	sel [clear] [ <addr> [ <number of items> [<number of first item>] ] ]
	sel info [<addr>]
	sendamc <addr> <amc> <netfn> <command> [<parameters ...>]
	sendcmd <addr> <netfn> <command> [<parameters ...>]
	sensor [ <addr> [ [ lun: ]<sensor id> | <sensor name> ] ]
	sensordata [ <addr> [ [ lun: ]<sensor id> | <sensor name> ] ]
	sensorread <addr> [ lun: ]<sensor id>
	setbootdev <addr> <fru-id | amc-addr> <boot-device>
	setextracted <addr> <fru_id>
	setfanlevel <addr> <fru_id> <state>
	setfanpolicy <addr> <fru_id> <ENABLE|DISABLE [timeout]>                     [-s <addr>|site_type <fru_id>|site_number]
	setipmbstate <addr> A|B [<link>] 0|1
	setlanconfig <channel number> <parameter number> | parameter name                     <parameters ...>
	setlocked <addr> <fru_id> <value>
	setmgmtportroute <slot> < 1 / 0 >
	setpefconfig <parameter name> | <parameter number> [<set selector>]                     <parameters ...>
	setsensoreventenable <addr> [ lun: ]<sensor_id> | <sensor name> global                     [assertion_events [deassertion_events]]
	setthreshold <addr> [ lun: ]<sensor_id> | <sensor name> unc | uc | unr                     | lnc | lc | lnr [-r] value
	setfruledstate <addr> <fru_id> <LedId>|ALL <LedOp|tail> [LedColor]
	setpowerlevel <addr> <fru_id> [<pwr_lvl>|OFF] [Copy]
	shelf <parameters>
	shelfaddress ["<shelf address>"]
	terminate [-reboot]
	threshold [ <addr> [ [ lun: ]<sensor id> | <sensor name> ] ]
	user [<user id>]
	user add <user id> <user name> <flags> <privilege level> <password>
	user channel <user id> <channel number> <flags> <privilege level>
	user delete <user id>
	user delete <user id>
	user enable <user id> 1|0
	user name <user id> <user name
	user passwd <user id> <user password>
	console [slot_number]
	userlabel [ shelf | slot ] <slot number>
	setuserlabel [ shelf | slot ] [ <shelf name> | <slot number> ] <slot name>
	flashupdate <slot number> -s <server IP address> -f <path name>
	showhost <slot number> [version]
	amcportstate [-v] <ipmc> <fru_id>

Get help for a specific command.

# clia help shelf pwrreorder
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
        Set the Power Order
        PwrReorder <addr1> <fru_id1> before/after <addr2> <fru_id2>



ipmc [-v] [IPMB-address]
ipmc board
ipmc fan_tray


This command shows information about the IPM controller at the specified address, or about all IPM controllers known to the Shelf Manager, if IPMB-address is omitted.

The following information is shown for the IPM controller in standard mode:

Current hot-swap state, previous hot-swap state, and cause of the last state change for FRU device 0 of the IPM controller (which represents the IPM controller itself). The hot-swap states M0-M7 are defined in the PICMG 3.0 specification as follows:

The following additional information is shown for the IPM controller in verbose mode:


Get information about the IPM controller at address 9C.

# clia ipmc 9c
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
9c: Entity: (0xd0, 0x0) Maximum FRU device ID: 0x08
    PICMG Version 2.0
    Hot Swap State: M4 (Active), Previous: M3 (Activation In Process), Last State Change Cause: Normal State Change (0x0)

Get verbose information about the IPM controller at address 9C.

# clia ipmc -v 9c
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
9c: Entity: (0xd0, 0x0) Maximum FRU device ID: 0x08
    PICMG Version 2.0
    Hot Swap State: M4 (Active), Previous: M3 (Activation In Process), Last State Change Cause: Normal State Change (0x0)
    Device ID: 0x00, Revision: 0, Firmware: 1.01, IPMI ver 1.5
    Manufacturer ID: 00315a (PICMG), Product ID: 0000, Auxiliary Rev: 01ac10ac
    Device ID String: "PPS Sentry 6"
    Global Initialization: 0x0, Power State Notification: 0x0, Device Capabilities: 0x29
    Controller provides Device SDRs
    Supported features: 0x29
        "Sensor Device" "FRU Inventory Device" "IPMB Event Generator" 





This command shows the IPMB address of the current Shelf Manager, based on its hardware address (as opposed to its generic BMC address 0x20). These addresses will be different between redundant Shelf Managers (while the BMC address is shared between them).


# clia localaddress
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Local IPMB Address = 0xFC



mgmtportstate [slot-number]


This command is useful for determining the current port configuration and determining if there is a need to change it. This command employs the IPMC OEM command get ethernet port access to query the IPMC for management port state or port routing configuration.

If you are using a third-party chassis instead of a Sun Netra CT900 server chassis, modify your system manager or Shelf manager software to send the set ethernet port access OEM command to IPMC before starting power budget negotiations and applying power. The command has to be sent after M2 but before M4 state.


Display the management port state for the slot.

# clia mgmtportstate 3
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Current slot MGMT port Routing Information
Slot   MGMT           
 3     Rear (ARTM)



minfanlevel [level]


This command shows or sets the minimum fan level. Under normal conditions, the cooling management algorithm gradually decreases the level for the fans in the system while thermal conditions stay normal. However the cooling management algorithm would not try to decrease the fan level below the minimum level specified by the configuration parameter MIN_FAN_LEVEL, or by this command.

The default value for the minimum fan level is 1. Setting the minimum fan level to a higher value does not prevent the fan level from being set below that value via the command clia setfanlevel or via the ATCA command SetFanLevel submitted over RMCP. The minimum fan level affects only the automatic management of the fan level by the cooling management facility.

This command without parameters shows the current minimum fan level.

This command with an integer parameter sets the minimum fan level to the value of the parameter.


# clia minfanlevel 3
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Minimal Fan Level is set to 3

# clia minfanlevel
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Minimal Fan Level is 3



muxstate slot-number


This command queries the IPMC for the current multiplexer (MUX) state and port routing information for the blade in the specified slot. This command is only valid on a host that is runing the Oracle Solaris OS.

The Shelf Manager provides the slot’s MUX configuration information stored in the shelf’s midplane FRU to the IPMC so that the IPMC can program the host MUX configuration prior to blade activation.

Note - The ShMM MUX configuration must match the Oracle Solaris host’s NIU driver configuration or the configuration can fail.

The setmuxconfig command is used to store the MUX configuration on the ShMM and the getmuxconfig command is used to show the stored Mux configuration. See getmuxconfig and setmuxconfig commands for more information.


Display the port routing information for the MUX on the node board in physical slot 4.

# clia muxstate 4
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Current slot 10GbE NIU-XAUI Routing Information
Slot   XAUI-1           XAUI-2
 4     Zone3 (ARTM)    Zone2 (Back Plane)



networkelementid ["id"]


This command is carrier-specific and is not necessarily supported on all ShMM carriers.

This command shows or sets the Network Element Identifier if this parameter is supported by the current carrier. The superuser (UID 0) privilege is required for setting the Network Element Identifier.

The Network Element Identifier specified as the command line parameter id must be in the format defined by the specific carrier.

If no parameter is specified in the command line, the current Network Element Identifier is displayed.


# clia networkelementid
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Network Element ID: "0123456789A"
# clia networkelementid "01234567890" 
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Network Element ID is set successfully to "01234567890"





This command initiates rediscovery of IPM controllers on IPMB-0 by sending the Get Device ID command to all IPMB addresses.

This command is mostly useful in PICMG 2.x shelves, where Hot Swap state machine support for IPM controllers is optional and a new IPM controller on IPMB may not be immediately recognized by the Shelf Manager. The command poll causes the Shelf Manager to recognize new IPM controllers.

In AdvancedTCA shelves, this command is not necessary, because a new IPM controller is recognized by the Shelf Manager automatically when it sends its first Hot-Swap event. Nevertheless, this command can be used in AdvancedTCA shelves if an IPMB-0 population rediscovery cycle is needed.


# clia poll
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
IPMB polling thread started



sel [-v] [IPMB-address [record-count [starting-entry]]]
sel clear [
sel info [

IPMB-address can be replaced by the board n or shm n abbreviations


This command shows the contents of the System Event Log (SEL) on the specified IPM controller (at IPMB address 20h by default). The optional parameter record-count can be specified that indicates how many records from the record number starting-entry in the SEL are shown. The optional parameter starting-entry is the entry number of the first SEL record to print, relative to the beginning of the SEL. Both record-count and starting-entry must be within the range from 1 to the total number of records in the SEL. The default value of the optional parameter starting-entry is 1. The starting-entry is independent of the RecordID field of the SEL record

For each SEL record, the following information fields are shown:

The command sel clear clears the SEL on the specified IPM controller (at IPMB address 20h by default).

The -v option makes the SEL entries output more user-friendly.


Read the SEL on the Shelf Manager.

# clia sel info
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
20: SEL version: 1.5
    Number of log entries: 43
    Free space: 15680 bytes
    Last addition timestamp: Nov 19 17:12:47 2003
    Last erase timestamp: Oct 31 23:59:59 2003
    Supported operations: 0x0f

# clia sel 20 5
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
0x0027: Event: at Nov 19 17:12:42 2003; from:(0x9c,0,0); sensor:(0xf0,0); event:0x6f(asserted): HotSwap: FRU 0 M4->M6, Cause=0x1
0x0028: Event: at Nov 19 17:12:42 2003; from:(0x9c,0,0); sensor:(0xf0,0); event:0x6f(asserted): HotSwap: FRU 0 M6->M1, Cause=0x0
0x0029: Event: at Nov 19 17:12:46 2003; from:(0x9c,0,0); sensor:(0xf0,0); event:0x6f(asserted): HotSwap: FRU 0 M1->M2, Cause=0x2
0x006F or 2A (Sun legacy): Event: at Nov 19 17:12:46 2003; from:(0x9c,0,0); sensor:(0xf0,0); event:0x6f(asserted): HotSwap: FRU 0 M2->M3, Cause=0x1
0x002B: Event: at Nov 19 17:12:47 2003; from:(0x9c,0,0); sensor:(0xf0,0); event:0x6f(asserted): HotSwap: FRU 0 M3->M4, Cause=0x0

Get five SEL entries from entry # 15 (0x0f).

# clia sel 20 5 15
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
0x000F: Event: at Nov 19 16:49:21 2003; from:(0x20,0,0); sensor:(0xf0,3); event:0x6f(asserted): HotSwap: FRU 2 M2->M3, Cause=0x1
0x0010: Event: at Nov 19 16:49:22 2003; from:(0x20,0,0); sensor:(0xf0,2); event:0x6f(asserted): HotSwap: FRU 1 M2->M3, Cause=0x1
0x0011: Event: at Nov 19 16:49:22 2003; from:(0x20,0,0); sensor:(0xf0,2); event:0x6f(asserted): HotSwap: FRU 1 M3->M4, Cause=0x0
0x0012: Event: at Nov 19 16:49:22 2003; from:(0xfc,0,0); sensor:(0xf0,0); event:0x6f(asserted): HotSwap: FRU 0 M3->M4, Cause=0x0
0x0013: Event: at Nov 19 16:49:22 2003; from:(0x20,0,0); sensor:(0xf0,3); event:0x6f(asserted): HotSwap: FRU 2 M3->M4, Cause=0x0

Clear the SEL.

# clia sel clear
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
SEL clear: issued successfully
    SEL clearing completed
# clia sel
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
SEL is empty



sendamc addr amc-address netfn command-code [parameter1 ... parameterN]


This command allows the user to send an IPMI command to an Advanced Management Controller (AMC) that resides behind its correspondent IPM controller in a transparent way. All the parameters of this command are hexadecimal numbers in the range 00h - FFh. The prefix "0x" is not required. The target controller is specified by the AMC-address parameter. If it is greater then 70h, this is the actual AMC address on IPMB-L. If it is less then 70h, it is the FRU device ID that represents the corresponding AMC. The NetFn code of the command is specified by the netfn parameter. The code of the command is specified by the command-code parameter. The request data bytes of the command are represented by parameter1, parameter2, and so on.

The command reports the completion code of the IPMI command and the response data are displayed as hexadecimal bytes.


Send the Get Device ID command to the AMC (IPMB address 84h, FRU ID 1). The NetFn of the command is 06h, the code of the command is 01h. Since this command does not require request data, no parameter1, parameter2, ... are specified.

# clia sendamc 84 1 6 1
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Completion code: 0x0 (0)
Response data: 34 80 01 20 51 29 0A 40 00 EF BE

Send the "Get Device ID command to the AMC (IPMB address 84h, AMC address 72h). The NetFn of the command is 06h, the code of the command is 01h. Since this command does not require request data, no parameter1, parameter2, ... are specified.

# clia sendamc 84 72 6 1
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Completion code: 0x0 (0)
Response data: 34 80 01 20 51 29 0A 40 00 EF BE



sendcmd IPMB-address netfn command-code [parameter1 ... parameterN]


This command allows the user to send an IPMI command to an IPM controller in a transparent way. All the parameters of this command are hexadecimal numbers in the range 00h - FFh. The prefix "0x" is not required. The target controller is specified by the IPMB-address parameter. The NetFn code of the command is specified by the netfn parameter. The code of the command is specified by the command-code parameter. The request data bytes of the command are represented by parameter1, parameter2, and so on.

The command reports the completion code of the IPMI command and the response data are displayed as hexadecimal bytes.


Send the Get Device ID command to the Shelf Manager (IPMB address 20h). The NetFn of the command is 06h, the code of the command is 01h. Since this command does not require request data, no parameter1, parameter2, ... are specified.

# clia sendamc 84 1 6 1
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Completion code: 0x0 (0)
Response data: 00 80 02 30 51 BF 0A 40 00 00 00



sensor [-v] [IPMB-address [sensor-name | [lun:]sensor-number]]
sensor [-v] board
n [sensor-name | [lun:]sensor-number]]
sensor [-v] shm
n [sensor-name | [lun:]sensor-number]]


This command shows information about specific sensors. The target sensor is selected by its IPM controller’s IPMB address and by sensor number or by sensor name (device ID string from the sensor SDR, enclosed in double quotes). If neither sensor name nor sensor number is specified, information about all sensors on the specified IPM controller is shown. If no parameters are specified, information about all known sensors is shown.

This command allows the user to qualify the sensor number with the Logical Unit Number (LUN) if the target controller supports sensors on multiple LUNs. If the LUN is omitted, information about sensors with the specified sensor number on all LUNs is shown. lun can take the value 0, 1, or 3 (LUN 2 is reserved.)

Sensor names are not qualified with LUN numbers, since it is assumed that sensor names will normally be unique within the controller. However, if there are several sensors with the same name within the controller, information is shown about all of them.

The following information is shown for each sensor in standard mode:

The following information is shown for the sensor in verbose mode only (refer to the IPMI specification for information about these attributes):

The following information is shown in verbose mode for threshold-based sensors only:


Get standard information about sensor FAN TRAY 0 on IPM controller 20.

# clia sensor 20 "Fan Tray 0"
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
20: LUN: 0, Sensor # 12 ("FAN Tray 0")
    Type: Discrete (0x6f), "Entity Presence" (0x25)
    Belongs to entity: (0x1e, 96) [FRU # 3]

Get verbose information about sensor 5 on IPM controller 8a.

# clia sensor -v 8a 5
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
8a: LUN: 0, Sensor # 5 ("Board Temp")
    Type: Threshold (0x01), "Temperature" (0x01)
    Belongs to entity: (0x3, 96) [FRU # 0]
    Assertion Mask: 0x0a80
        Upper Non-Critical Going High
        Upper Critical Going High
        Upper Non-Recoverable Going High
    Deassertion Mask: 0x7a80
        Upper Non-Critical Going High
        Upper Critical Going High
        Upper Non-Recoverable Going High
    Settable / Readable Mask: 0x3838
        Upper Non-Critical Threshold is Comparison Returned
        Upper Critical Threshold is Comparison Returned
        Upper Non-Recoverable Threshold Comparison is Returned
        Upper Non-Critical Threshold is Readable
        Upper Critical Threshold is Readable
        Upper Non-Recoverable Threshold is Readable
        Upper Non-Critical Threshold is Settable
        Upper Critical Threshold is Settable
        Upper Non-Recoverable Threshold is Settable
    Unit Percentage: OFF (0), Unit Modifier: none (0), Unit Rate: none (0)
    Analog Format: 2’s complement (signed) (2)
    Base Unit: degrees C (1), Modifier Unit: unspecified (0)
    Linearization: linear (0), M = 100, B = 0, K1 = 0, K2 = -2
    Tolerance = 0, Accuracy = 0, Accuracy EXP = 0
    Analog Flags: 0x0
    Nominal: 60 (0x3c), Normal max: 100 (0x64), Normal min: -40 (0xd8)
    Sensor max: 120 (0x78), Sensor min: -40 (0xd8)
    Upper Thresholds:
        Non-Critical: 48 (0x30) Critical: 60 (0x3c) Non-Recoverable: 68 (0x44) 
    Lower Thresholds:
        Positive: 0 (0x00), Negative 0 (0x00)

Same as above, but explicitly specifying the LUN for the sensor.

# clia sensor -v 8a 0:5
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
8a: LUN: 0, Sensor # 5 ("Board Temp")
    Type: Threshold (0x01), "Temperature" (0x01)
    Belongs to entity: (0x3, 96) [FRU # 0]
    Assertion Mask: 0x0a80
        Upper Non-Critical Going High
        Upper Critical Going High
        Upper Non-Recoverable Going High
    Deassertion Mask: 0x7a80
        Upper Non-Critical Going High
        Upper Critical Going High
        Upper Non-Recoverable Going High
    Settable / Readable Mask: 0x3838
        Upper Non-Critical Threshold is Comparison Returned
        Upper Critical Threshold is Comparison Returned
        Upper Non-Recoverable Threshold Comparison is Returned
        Upper Non-Critical Threshold is Readable
        Upper Critical Threshold is Readable
        Upper Non-Recoverable Threshold is Readable
        Upper Non-Critical Threshold is Settable
        Upper Critical Threshold is Settable
        Upper Non-Recoverable Threshold is Settable
    Unit Percentage: OFF (0), Unit Modifier: none (0), Unit Rate: none (0)
    Analog Format: 2’s complement (signed) (2)
    Base Unit: degrees C (1), Modifier Unit: unspecified (0)
    Linearization: linear (0), M = 100, B = 0, K1 = 0, K2 = -2
    Tolerance = 0, Accuracy = 0, Accuracy EXP = 0
    Analog Flags: 0x0
    Nominal: 60 (0x3c), Normal max: 100 (0x64), Normal min: -40 (0xd8)
    Sensor max: 120 (0x78), Sensor min: -40 (0xd8)
    Upper Thresholds:
        Non-Critical: 48 (0x30) Critical: 60 (0x3c) Non-Recoverable: 68 (0x44) 
    Lower Thresholds:
        Positive: 0 (0x00), Negative 0 (0x00)



sensordata [IPMB-address [sensor-name | [lun:]sensor-number]]
sensordata [-v] board
n [sensor-name | [lun:]sensor-number]]
sensordata [-v] shm
n [sensor-name | [lun:]sensor-number]]


This command shows the actual value of the specified sensor (for a threshold-based sensor) or the currently asserted states (for a discrete sensor). The target sensor is selected by its IPM controller’s IPMB address and by sensor number or by sensor name (device ID string from the sensor SDR, enclosed in double quotes). If neither sensor name nor sensor number is specified, values of all sensors on the specified IPM controller are shown. If no parameters are specified, values of all known sensors are shown.

This command allows the user to qualify the sensor number with the Logical Unit Number (LUN) if the target controller supports sensors on multiple LUNs. If the LUN is omitted, information about sensors with the specified sensor number on all LUNs is shown. lun can take the value 0, 1, or 3 (LUN 2 is reserved.)

Sensor names are not qualified with LUN numbers, since it is assumed that sensor names will normally be unique within the controller. However, if there are several sensors with the same name within the controller, information is shown about all of them.

The following information is shown for each sensor:

The value/asserted states are shown both in raw and processed form. In processed form, the analog value are converted according to M, B, and R and shown together with the unit name (for example, 27 degrees). The discrete value is annotated according to the event/reading code type (for example, for the event/reading code 2, the asserted state 0 is shown as Transition to Idle).


Get sensor data values for a temperature sensor Local Temp on IPM controller FE.

# clia sensordata FE "Local Temp"
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
fe: LUN: 0, Sensor # 3 ("Local Temp")
    Type: Threshold (0x01), "Temperature" (0x01)
    Status: 0xc0
        All event messages enabled from this sensor
        Sensor scanning enabled
        Initial update completed
    Raw data: 22 (0x16)
    Processed data: 22.000000 degrees C
    Status: 0x00

Get sensor data values for a discrete (Hot Swap) sensor (#0) on IPM controller 9C.

# clia sensordata 9c 0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
9c: LUN: 0, Sensor # 0 ("FRU 0 HOT_SWAP")
    Type: Discrete (0x6f), "Hot Swap" (0xf0)
    Status: 0xc0
        All event messages enabled from this sensor
        Sensor scanning enabled
        Initial update completed
    Sensor reading: 0x00
    Current State Mask 0x0010

Get sensor data values for the same sensor, but qualifying it explicitly with the LUN.

# clia sensordata 9c 0:0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
9c: LUN: 0, Sensor # 0 ("FRU 0 HOT_SWAP")
    Type: Discrete (0x6f), "Hot Swap" (0xf0)
    Status: 0xc0
        All event messages enabled from this sensor
        Sensor scanning enabled
        Initial update completed
    Sensor reading: 0x00
    Current State Mask 0x0010



sensorread IPMB-address [lun:]sensor-number


This command shows the raw value of the specified sensor. The only difference between the commands sensorread and sensordata is that the command sensorread does not check the presence of the target IPM controller or the validity of the sensor number, but just sends the Get Sensor Reading request directly via IPMB. This command does not retrieve the SDR of the sensor and thus it can not process the obtained data.

This command allows the user to qualify the sensor number with the Logical Unit Number (LUN) if the target controller supports sensors on multiple LUNs. If the LUN is omitted, LUN 0 is used. lun can take values 0, 1, or 3. (LUN 2 is reserved.)

The following information is shown for each sensor:


Get sensor data values for sensor 4 on IPM controller FC. Notice that the sensorread command provides only unprocessed sensor values. Also notice the command example with an explicit LUN.

# clia sensordata fc 4
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
fc: LUN: 0, Sensor # 4 ("3.3STBY voltage")
    Type: Threshold (0x01), "Voltage" (0x02)
    Status: 0xc0
        All event messages enabled from this sensor
        Sensor scanning enabled
        Initial update completed
    Raw data: 193 (0xc1)
    Processed data: 3.396800 Volts
    Status: 0x00
# clia sensorread fc 4
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
fc: LUN: 0, Sensor # 4
    Raw data: 193 (0xc1)
    Status: 0xc0
        All event messages enabled from this sensor
        Sensor scanning enabled
        Initial update completed
    Threshold Sensor Status: 0x00
    Discrete Sensor Current State Mask 0x0000

# clia sensorread fc 0:4
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
fc: LUN: 0, Sensor # 4
    Raw data: 193 (0xc1)
    Status: 0xc0
        All event messages enabled from this sensor
        Sensor scanning enabled
        Initial update completed
    Threshold Sensor Status: 0x00
    Discrete Sensor Current State Mask 0x0000





This command shows information about active RMCP sessions. The information includes the following items:


# clia session
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
32 sessions possible, 2 sessions currently active
Session: 1
   User: ID 1, Name: ""; Privilege Level: "Administrator"
   Channel: 1 ("LAN_802_3"); Peer IP address:, Port: 1764
Session: 2
   User: ID 1, Name: ""; Privilege Level: "Administrator"
   Channel: 1 ("LAN_802_3"); Peer IP address:, Port: 1765



setacousticlevel ETSI NEBS-A NEBS-U


This command sets the system acoustic level. This command is available for use with the server chassis and is only applicable only if you are using the SUNCT900 cooling algorithm. This command allows users to set the default fan speed to various acoustic levels based on custom configuration requirements. When you set an acoustic level, the variable will be changed and the default cooling algorithm will set the fan speeds accordingly. This change will take effect dynamically, is persistant, and no ShMM reboot is required. See also getacousticlevel.


Set the system acoustic level and fan speed.

# clia setacousticlevel NEBS-A
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Changed the system acoustic level to ’NEBS-A’
Fan speed changed to ’7’.



getbootdev IPMB-0-address FRU-device-ID | IPMB-L-address boot-device


This command sets the system boot parameter for a designated IPM controller. The second parameter of the command should be set to 0 if the AdvancedMC access is not targeted. If the second parameter exceeds 70h it is treated as an IPMB-L address for an AMC address. Otherwise, the second parameter is treated as a FRU ID and converted to an IPMB-L address via AMC address mapping.

The boot-device parameter can be:


Get the system boot options for IPM controller at IPMB address 82h as pxe (Pre-Boot Execution Environment).

# clia setbootdev 82 0  1
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Set boot device option: status = 0x0 (0)
Boot device set to 1 (Force PXE)
Response data (raw): A2



setextracted IPMB-address fru-id


This command notifies the Shelf Manager that the specified FRU has been physically extracted from the shelf. If the specified FRU is in state M7, the Shelf Manager places it in state M0 (FRU physically absent).


# clia setextracted 9c 0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Set FRU extracted state successfully



setfanlevel IPMB-address fru-id level
setfanlevel fan_tray
n level
setfanlevel all


This command sets the new level for the fan controlled by the FRU specified in the command parameters. The minimum is 1 and maximum is 15.

The version of this command with an all qualifier attempts to set the same level for all known fans in the shelf.


Set fan level for the fan residing at FRU #2 at IPMB address 0x20 to 5.

# clia setfanlevel 20 2 5
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter

20: FRU # 2 Set Fan Level to: 5

Set fan level to 4 for all known fans in the shelf:

# clia setfanlevel all 4
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter

72: FRU # 0 Set Fan Level to: 4 
76: FRU # 0 Set Fan Level to: 4 



setfanpolicy fan-tray-addr fan-tray-fru_id ENABLE | DISABLE [timeout]
[-s addr|site_type [fru_id | site_number]


This command enables or disables fan trays for cooling management in addition to the Fan Geography record if this one is presented in the ShelfFRU.

The parameters fan-tray-addr and fan-tray-fru_id specify a fan tray. If the DISABLE policy for the fan tray is specified, the additional parameter timeout may be used to specify the duration of the policy. The timeout parameter is treated in seconds and later is rounded by 5 seconds units according to the PICMG 3.0 specification. The value of the timeout parameter may not be greater then 21 minutes (1260 seconds), the minimum value of timeout is 5 seconds. If the timeout variable is not specified then the DISABLE policy is assumed to be infinite.

The flag -s precedes the parameters that define a site covered by the fan tray.

The site_type parameter can accept one of the following values: Board, PEM, ShelfFRU, ShelfManager, FanTray, FanFilterTray, Alarm, Mezzanine, PMC, RTM.

If a numeric argument is expected to be treated as a hexadecimal, the "0x" prefix should be used, otherwise the error will be returned.


Disable fan policy for 60 seconds. The fan tray is at IPMB address 20h, FRU ID 3. The site covered by the fan tray is at IPMB address 12h, FRU ID 0.

# clia setfanpolicy 0x20 3 DISABLE 60  -s 0x12 0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
 Fan policy updated successfully

Disable fan policy for infinite period of time. The fan tray is at IPMB address 20h, FRU ID 3. The site covered by the fan tray is defined by Site Type "PICMG Board" and Site Number 7.

# clia setfanpolicy 0x20 3 DISABLE  -s board 7
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
 Fan policy updated successfully

Enable fan policy for the fan tray at IPMB address 20h, FRU ID 3, and for all sites covered by this fan.

# clia setfanpolicy 0x20 3 ENABLE
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
 Fan policy updated successfully



setfruledstate IPMB-address fru-id LedId|ALL LedOp [LedColor]

LedOp = ON | OFF | LOCAL | BLINK <onTime> <offTime> | TEST <onTime>
LedColor = BLUE | RED | GREEN | AMBER | ORANGE | WHITE | NONE | number


This command allows the user to set the state of a specific LED or all LEDs for the given FRU.

The first argument IPMB-address is the IPMB-address of an IPM controller. The second argument fru-id is the FRU device ID. The third argument can be either an LED ID (a numerical value) or ALL. In the latter case, the specified operation applies to all LEDs.

The argument LedOp specifies the operation applied to the FRUs, based on the PICMG 3.0 specification. The operations are defined as follows:

For the TEST operation, onTime must be less then 12800 ms (12.8 sec); for the BLINK operation, both onTime and offTime values must be within 10-2500 ms range.

The optional parameter LedColor designates a color, either via a symbolic name or a decimal value. Symbolic names of colors correspond to decimal values in accordance with the PICMG 3.0 specification, as listed below. (If the parameter is not specified, the default LED color is used.)


Turn off LED #1 of FRU #0 of IPM controller at IPMB address 20h.

# clia setfruledstate  20 0 1 OFF
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    Setting FRU’s led state completed successfully, status = 0x0

Enable local control for LED #1 of FRU #0 of IPM controller at IPMB address 20h.

# clia setfruledstate  20 0 1 LOCAL
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    Setting FRU’s led state completed successfully, status = 0x0

Enable blinking on LED #1 of FRU #0 of IPM controller at IPMB address 20h. The blinking is in the default color. The on duration is 100 ms and the off duration is 200 ms.

# clia setfruledstate 20 0 0 BLINK 100 200
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    Setting FRU’s led state completed successfully, status = 0x0



sethysteresis IPMB-address [lun:] sensor_id | sensor_name pos | neg [-r] value


This command sets the value for the specified hysteresis for the specified sensor. The sensor must be a threshold-based sensor. It must support the designated threshold hysteresis and the hysteresis must be settable.

The command allows the user to qualify the sensor number with the Logical Unit Number (LUN) if the target controller supports sensors on multiple LUNs. The command sets the positive hysteresis if the pos argument is present and sets the negative hysteresis if the neg argument is present.


Set positive hysteresis for sensor #2 of the IPM controller at IPMB address 0xFC.

# clia sethysteresis FC 2 pos 10 
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
     Positive hysteresis set successfully to 0xA, previous: 0x0



setipmbstate IPMB-address A|B [link] 1|0 (in radial IPMB-0 environment)
setipmbstate IPMB-address A|B 1|0 (in bused IPMB-0 environment)


This command enables or disables an IPMB link on the target IPM controller. The second argument defines the bus (IPMB-A or IPMB-B) to be enabled or disabled. The last argument defines the operation to be performed: 1 - to enable link, 0 - to disable link.

The command works differently in bused and radial environments. In a bused environment, and in radial environment for target IPM controllers other than an IPMB Hub, argument link is not used. For an IPMB hub controller in a radial environment, the argument link is optional.

If link is present, the command enables or disables the specific radial IPMB link (1 to 95). If link is omitted, the command enables or disables all the links on the IPMB hub in the radial system.


Disable IPMB-A link on the IPM controller at IPMB address 92h.

# clia setipmbstate 92 A 0 
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
     Command executed successfully

Enable radial IPMB link 3, bus B on the Shelf Manager (which is the IPMB hub).

# clia setipmbstate 20 B 3 1 
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
     Command executed successfully



setlanconfig channel parameter-name additional-parameters
channel parameter-number additional-parameters


This command sets the value of the specified LAN configuration parameter on the specified channel. The channel number, the configuration parameter name or number, and the parameter value should be explicitly specified.

TABLE A-3 lists names and numbers of LAN configuration parameters supported by the setlanconfig command:

TABLE A-3 LAN Configuration Parameters for setlanconfig

Parameter Name





Five 8-bit values that contain authentication types enable flags for Callback, User, Operator, Administrator, and OEM privilege levels for the LAN channel.



A string value that contains the IP address assigned to the LAN channel in dotted decimal notation.



A string value that contains the subnet mask assigned to the LAN channel in dotted decimal notation.



Three 8-bit values that contain various IPv4 header parameters for sending RMCP packets:

  • Time-to-live
  • IP header flags (bits [7:5])
  • Precedence (bits [7:5]) and type of service (bits [4:1])



Two flags that control ARP behavior on the LAN channel:

  • Enable responding to ARP requests
  • Enable sending Gratuitous ARPs



The Gratuitous ARP interval in a fixed-point format (where the integral part represents seconds and the fractional part represents milliseconds).



A string value that contains the IP address of the default gateway in dotted decimal notation.



A string value that contains the IP address of the backup gateway in dotted decimal notation.



A string value (up to 18 symbols) that is put into the Community String field in PET Traps.



The destination type identified by the specified set selector. Set selector must be specified for this parameter. Each destination type entry contains the following fields:

  • Destination type (0-7)
  • Alert acknowledge flag
  • Alert acknowledge timeout / retry interval in seconds (1-256)
  • Number of retries (0-7)



The destination addresses associated with the specified set selector. Set selector must be specified for this parameter. Each destination address entry contains the following fields:

  • gateway selector: 0 - use default, 1 - use backup
  • IP address (string in dotted decimal format)
  • MAC address (string of six hexadecimal-byte values delimited by colons [:] symbols)



setlanconfig channel auth_enables value1 value2 value3 value4 value5
channel 2 value1 value2 value3 value4 value5


This command sets the current value of the LAN parameter auth_enables. This parameter specifies which authentication types are currently enabled by the Shelf Manager for each of five supported privilege levels (Callback, User, Administrator, Operator, and OEM) and is represented by a sequence of five bytes, each corresponding to the respective privilege level, treated as a bit mask with the bits defined as follows:

Parameters value1 to value5 should represent the values of these bytes, in hexadecimal. The Shelf Manager does not currently support callback and OEM privilege levels. Therefore, the value1 and value5 parameters corresponding to these privilege levels should be specified as 0.


# clia setlanconfig 1 auth_enables 0 1 1 1 0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Authentication Type Enables set successfully



setlanconfig channel ip value
setlanconfig channel 3 value


This command sets the current IP address used by the channel. The value should represent an IP address in dotted decimal notation.


# clia setlanconfig 1 ip
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
IP Address set successfully



setlanconfig channel subnet_mask value
channel 6 value


This command sets the current IP subnet mask used by the channel. The value should represent a subnet mask in dotted decimal notation.


# clia setlanconfig 1 subnet_mask
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Subnet Mask set successfully



setlanconfig channel ipv4_hdr_param value1 value2 value3
setlanconfig channel 7 value1 value2 value3


This command sets the IP 4 header parameters for the Shelf Manager. They are represented as three single-byte values in hexadecimal notation: value1, value2, and value3. The content of the bytes conforms to section 19.2 of the IPMI 1.5 specification and contains the following attributes:


# clia setlanconfig 1 ipv4_hdr_param 37 E0 11
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
IPv4 Header Parameters set successfully



setlanconfig channel arp_control value
setlanconfig channel 10 value


This command sets the current value of the LAN parameter arp_control. This parameter specifies additional ARP support provided by the Shelf Manager, and is represented by a single byte, treated as a bit mask with the bits defined as follows:

Other bits are reserved and should be set to 0.


# clia setlanconfig 1 arp_control 3
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
BMC-generated ARP control set successfully



setlanconfig channel arp_interval value
setlanconfig channel 11 value


This command sets the current ARP interval used by the channel. The value should represent the number of seconds/milliseconds in fixed-point numeric format (with a possible fractional part). Due to the definition of this parameter in IPMI, it is truncated to the largest time interval that is divisible by 500 milliseconds.


# clia setlanconfig 1 arp_interval 3.5
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Gratuitous ARP interval set successfully



setlanconfig channel dft_gw_ip value
setlanconfig channel 12 value


This command sets the IP address of the default gateway used by the channel. The value should represent an IP address in dotted decimal notation.


# clia setlanconfig 1 dft_gw_ip
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Default Gateway Address set successfully



setlanconfig channel backup_gw_ip value
setlanconfig channel 14 value


This command sets the IP address of the backup gateway used by the channel. The value should represent an IP address in dotted decimal notation.


# clia setlanconfig 1 backup_gw_ip
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Backup Gateway Address set successfully



setlanconfig channel community value
setlanconfig channel 16 value


This command sets the community string parameter used in PET traps. The value should be a string enclosed in double quotes.


# clia setlanconfig 1 community “Community”
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Community string set successfully



setlanconfig channel destination_type set-selector value1 value2 value3
setlanconfig channel 18 set-selector value1 value2 value3


This command sets the element of the destination table with the index equal to set-selector. Indexes are 0-based. Selector 0 is used to address the volatile destination. Values value1, value2, and value3 supply information about the new destination according to section 19.2 of the IPMI specification. The following information is supplied:


# clia setlanconfig 1 destination_type 2 80 3 5
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Destination Type set successfully



setlanconfig channel destination_address set-selector gateway-sel IP-address MAC-address
channel 19 set-selector gateway-sel IP-address MAC-address


This command sets the element of the destination address table with the index equal to set-selector. Indexes are 0-based. Selector 0 is used to address the volatile destination. The command parameters supply the necessary information:


# clia setlanconfig 1 destination_address 2 0 90:93:93:93:93:93
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Destination Addresses set successfully



setlocked IPMB-address fru-id 0 | 1
setlocked board
n 0 | 1
setlocked shm
n 0 | 1
setlocked fan_tray
n 0 | 1


This command sets the Locked bit for the specified FRU to the specified state (0 for unlock or 1 for lock). The FRU is specified using the IPMB address of the owning IPM controller and the FRU device ID. FRU device ID 0 designates the IPM controller proper in PICMG 3.0 contexts.

The Locked bit controls, according to the PICMG 3.0 specification, whether the FRU is allowed to autonomously progress from state M1 (Inactive) to state M2 (Activation Request). If the Locked bit is set, this transition is not allowed. When the Shelf Manager sends the Deactivate command to the FRU, the FRU transitions to state M1 and sets the Locked bit, preventing subsequent state transitions.

This command can be used to re-activate a previously manually deactivated FRU by clearing the Locked bit for it.

This command can also be issued on the backup Shelf Manager; in that case, the Locked bit can only be set to the specified state for FRUs that are local to the backup Shelf Manager.


Clear the Locked bit for the IPM controller proper at address 9C, thus allowing it to reactivate.

# clia setlocked 9c 0 0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Lock set successfully to 0x0



setmgmtportroute [slot-number] [1/0]


This command sets the management port route. This information is stored on the midplane as an OEM record.

The configuration is persistent and designated for each slot, regardless of blade presence.


Display the management port routing state for the slot.

# clia setmgmtportroute 4 0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
MGMT port Routing Information from Midplane FRU
Slot   MGMT           
 4     Rear (ARTM)



setmuxconfig slot-number [port : zone] [port : zone]


This command updates the multiplexer (MUX) configuration (or port routing) information that is stored in the shelf’s midplane OEM multi record for a specified slot. This command is used to ensure that the MUX configuration is persistent after board swap.

The port parameter specifies the 10 GbE NIU port and zone parameter specifies where it is routed. The valid port values are: XAUI-1 and XAUI-2 (or x1 and x2 for short). The valid zone values are zone2 and zone3 (or z2 and z3 for short); zone2 is the back plane and zone3 is the advance rear transition module (ARTM).

The Shelf Manager provides the slot’s MUX configuration information stored in the shelf’s midplane FRU to the IPMC so that the IPMC can program the host MUX configuration prior to blade activation. See getmuxconfig and muxstate commands for more information.


Set the port routing information for the MUX on the node board in physical slot 5.

# clia setmuxconfig 5 x1:z3 xaui2:Zone2
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Slot 5 : Successfully  modified the mux routing.



setpefconfig parameter-name additional-parameters
parameter-number additional-parameters


This command sets a new value of the specified PEF configuration parameter. TABLE A-4 lists names and numbers of PEF configuration parameters that can be set via this command.

TABLE A-4 PEF configuration parameters for setpefconf

Parameter Name





An 8-bit value that represents control flags for PEF (enable PEF, enable PEF startup delay, etc.)



An 8-bit value that represents action global control flags for PEF (enable reset, enable power down, etc.)



Time to delay PEF after system power-ups and resets, in seconds



Time to delay alerts after system power-ups and resets, in seconds



An event filter table entry identified by the specified set selector. Consists of the following 19 numeric values, in hexadecimal, encoded according to the definition in table 15-2 of the IPMI specification version 1.5:

  • Filter configuration
  • Event filter action
  • Alert policy number
  • event severity
  • Generator ID byte 1
  • Generator ID byte 2
  • Sensor type
  • Sensor number
  • Event trigger (event/reading type)
  • Event data 1 event offset mask
  • Event data 1 AND mask
  • Event data 1 compare 1
  • Event data 1 compare 2
  • Event data 2 AND mask
  • Event data 2 compare 1
  • Event data 2 compare 2
  • Event data 3 AND mask
  • Event data 3 compare 1
  • Event data 3 compare 2



The first byte of the event filter table entry identified by the specified set selector



An alert policy table entry identified by the specified set selector. Consists of the following five numeric values, in hexadecimal, encoded according to the definition in table 15-4 of IPMI 1.5:

  • Policy number (4-bit value)
  • Policy (4-bit value); includes the enable/disable bit
  • Channel number (4-bit value)
  • Destination selector (4-bit value)
  • Alert string set/selector



A GUID used to fill in the GUID field in the PET trap



An alert string key identified by the specified set selector. Consists of two 8-bit values: event filter number and alert string set.



An alert string identified by the specified set selector.



An OEM filter table entry identified by the specified set selector. Consists of the following three numeric values:

  • Byte 1: SEL Record Type Range Low boundary
  • Byte 2: SEL Record type Range high boundary
  • Byte 3: Alert policy number that will be invoked for SEL entries that have record types matching the range above.



setpefconfig control value
setpefconfig 1


This command sets a new value of the PEF parameter control. This parameter is a single byte, treated as a bit mask with the bits defined as follows:

Other bits are reserved and should be set to 0. The value should be entered in hexadecimal.


# clia setpefconfig control 7
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
PEF control set successfully



setpefconfig action_control value
setpefconfig 2


This command sets a new value of the PEF parameter action_control. This parameter is a single byte, treated as a bit mask with the bits defined as follows:

Other bits are reserved and should be set to 0. The value should be entered in hexadecimal


# clia setpefconfig action_control 3f
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
PEF action control set successfully



setpefconfig startup_delay value
setpefconfig 3 value


This command sets the new value of the PEF parameter startup_delay. This parameter is a single byte, representing the number of seconds that the PEF facility delays at startup. The value is specified as a decimal number of seconds.


# clia setpefconfig startup_delay 45
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
PEF startup delay set successfully



setpefconfig startup_delay value
setpefconfig 4


This command sets the current value of the PEF parameter alert_startup_delay. This parameter is a single byte, representing the number of seconds that the alerting facility delays at startup. The value is specified as a decimal number of seconds.


# clia setpefconfig alert_startup_delay 45
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Alert startup delay set successfully



setpefconfig event_filter set-selector value1 ... value19
setpefconfig 6
set-selector value1 ... value19


This command sets the element of the event filter table with the index equal to set-selector. Indexes are 1-based. The contents of the new element are specified by 19 numeric values value1 to value19, in hexadecimal, encoded according to the definition in table 15-2 of the IPMI specification version 1.5:


Set event filter 2 to trigger an alert action when an IPM controller at address 9C, FRU 0, reaches state M0 (the alert will be sent according with the Alert Policy #1):

# clia setpefconfig event_filter 2 80 1 1 10 9C FF F0 FF FF FF FF 0F FF 0 0 0 0 FF FF 0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Event filter set successfully



setpefconfig event_filter_data1 set-selector value
setpefconfig 7
set-selector value


This command sets the first byte of the element of the event filter table with the index equal to set-selector. Indexes are 1-based. This byte should be specified in hexadecimal. Bits in this byte have the following meaning:

Other bits are reserved and should be 0.

This command can be used to quickly toggle the enabled/disabled state of an event filter; that is, turn it on and off without rewriting the whole table entry.


Turn on event filter 2.

# clia setpefconfig event_filter_data1 2 80
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Event filter data1 set successfully

Turn off event filter 2.

# clia setpefconfig event_filter_data1 2 0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Event filter data1 set successfully



setpefconfig alert_policy set-selector value1 value2 value3 value4 value5
setpefconfig 9 set-selector value1 value2 value3 value4 value5


This command sets an alert policy table entry identified by the specified set selector. The contents of the new element are specified by the following five numeric values value1 to value5, in hexadecimal, encoded according to the definition in Table 15-4 of IPMI 1.5:


The following example sets up the alert policy table entry 2 with the following attributes:



setpefconfig system_guid guid-value
setpefconfig 10 guid-value
setpefconfig system_guid none
setpefconfig 10 none


This command sets the current value of the PEF parameter system_guid. This parameter represents the GUID that is sent in a PET Trap PDU to an alert destination. This GUID may be defined as a separate GUID or as being equal to the System GUID.

The guid-value can be specified as an actual GUID, conforming to the standard GUID format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, or as a symbolic value none. In the first case, the PEF facility uses the specified GUID in PET Traps. In the second case, the PEF facility defaults to the System GUID (the result of the IPMI Get System GUID command) for PET Traps.


# clia setpefconfig system_guid 23662F7F-BA1B-4b65-8808- 94CA09C9BBB0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
GUID set successfully
# clia setpefconfig system_guid none
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Using the system GUID



setpefconfig alert_string_key set-selector value1 value2
setpefconfig 12 set-selector value1 value2


This command sets the element of the alert string key table with the index equal to set-selector. Indexes are 1-based. Set-selector 0 can be used to designate the volatile alert string. Each key associates an event filter with an alert string for the alert generation purposes, and consists of the event filter number and the alert string number. Both values are 8-bit values and are specified by the parameters value1 and value2 respectively, in hexadecimal.


# clia setpefconfig alert_string_key 2 10 11
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Alert string keys set successfully



setpefconfig alert_string set-selector <string-value>
setpefconfig 13
set-selector <string-value>


This command sets the element of the alert string table with the index equal to set-selector. Indexes are 1-based. Index 0 can be used to designate the volatile alert string. The string value should be enclosed in double quotes (“) and may contain special characters and line feeds inside the quotes.


# clia setpefconfig alert_string 2 "This string has a line feed inside."
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Alert string set successfully



setpefconfig oem_filter set-selector value1 value2 value3
setpefconfig 97 set-selector value1 value2 value3


The OEM filter table is a Pigeon Point Systems-defined OEM extension of the IPMI specification. It allows PEF to be applied, in addition to platform events, to OEM-timestamped and non-timestamped SEL entries (record type range C0h-FFh).

Each entry of the OEM filter table defines the range of record types (in the range of OEM record types), to which this OEM filter applies, and the alert policy number that is to be invoked when a record with the matching record type is placed in the SEL.

This command sets an OEM filter table entry, the number of which is identified by the specified set selector. The entry consists of the following three numeric values:


# clia getpefconfig oem_filter
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Active OEM Filters:
    0x01: OEM range boundary 0xff:0xff, alert policy # 1
# clia setpefconfig oem_filter 4 0xdc 0xf3 5
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
OEM filter set successfully
# clia getpefconfig oem_filter
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Active OEM Filters:
    0x01: OEM range boundary 0xff:0xff, alert policy # 1
    0x04: OEM range boundary 0xdc:0xf3, alert policy # 5



setpowerlevel IPMB-address fruid [pwr_lvl |OFF] [COPY]

Instead of the IPMB-address, the user may use:

board n


This command allows controlling the power level of a FRU and results in the Shelf Manager issuing a Set Power Level command on IPMB-0 to the designated IPM controller. Since the Shelf Manager core is responsible for managing power levels and tracking the corresponding power budgets, this command must be used with extreme care, especially when specifying a non-zero power level. Users of this command must be thoroughly familiar with the AdvancedTCA power management architecture as defined in the AdvancedTCA specification.

The target FRU is specified by the IPMB address of its IPM controller, plus the FRU device ID (fruid). Alternatively, the board number or a dedicated Shelf Manager number can be used to designate the target FRU.

The third argument pwr_lvl is a power level. The power levels allowed are 0h to 14h, if available. A zero power level is equivalent to the keyword OFF; in that case, the command performs a power off of the designated FRU, if possible.

If no power level is specified, the command does not change the current power level of the FRU; this is equivalent to specifying 0xFF as the power level value. If specified, the power level is an index that selects one of the previously arranged power draw values for the designated FRU. Each power draw value corresponds to a maximum power draw (in Watts) that the FRU is authorized to use.

At any given time, an AdvancedTCA FRU that has been powered on has a set of up to 20 (14h) power draws that have been established between the FRU (actually, the IPM controller that represents the FRU) and the Shelf Manager. The pwr_lvl argument selects one of this set of power draws as the maximum power that the FRU is authorized to use.

Thereafter until another change is made, that FRU must not draw more than that authorized amount of power. The current and maximum power levels, plus the associated authorized power draw (in Watts) associated with the current power level, are available for any FRU via the clia fru -v command.

The optional parameter COPY specifies whether to copy the desired power levels to the present power levels (see the AdvancedTCA specification for background). If this parameter is not specified, the command does not copy the desired power levels to the present power levels.


# clia setpowerlevel 84 0 OFF
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Operation completed with status = 0x0



setsensordata <IPMB-address> <sensor-name> [reading [-r] <value>] [assertion_<mask>] [deassertion_<mask>] [ event_data <b1> <b2> <b3> | event_data_no_offset <b1> <b2> <b3>]

setsensordata <IPMB-address> [<lun>:]<sensor-number> [reading [-r] <value>] [assertion_<mask>] [deassertion_<mask>] [ event_data <b1> <b2> <b3> | event_data_no_offset <b1> <b2> <b3>]

Using the -d option shows only discrete sensors having a specific state set in the state mask.


This command changes the reading, assertion/deassertion mask or event data bytes for the specified sensor. The sensor must be defined as settable, as defined in Addendum E372 to the IPMI specification v 2.0 (that is, bit [7] must be set to 1 in the Sensor Initialization byte of the corresponding SDR).

The sensor is specified by the IPMB address of the owning IPM controller and the sensor name or number. Alternatively, the board number or the dedicated Shelf Manager number can be used to designate the target IPM controller.

This command allows the user to qualify the sensor number with the Logical Unit Number (LUN) if the target controller supports sensors on multiple LUNs. <lun> can take the value 0, 1, or 3. (LUN 2 is reserved.) If the LUN is omitted, the command is applied to the sensor with the specified sensor number on the lowest LUN. (For example, if the command specifies sensor 3 without explicit LUN qualification, and the target controller exposes sensor 3 on LUN 1 and another sensor 3 on LUN 3, the command is applied to the sensor 3 on LUN 1.)

The parameters of this command follow the conventions of the IPMI command Set Sensor Reading and Event Status, defined in the Addendum E372 to the IPMI specification v 2.0.

The clause reading [-r] <value> specifies the new reading for the sensor. If the option -r is supplied, the <value> is interpreted as a raw value. Otherwise it is interpreted as a processed value and translated to the raw value using the SDR data (linearization, M, B, etc).

The clauses assertion <mask> and deassertion <mask> specify the current assertion/deassertion condition masks for the sensor, as 16-bit values. Their meaning is defined as follows.

For threshold-based sensors:

For discrete sensors:

The clauses event_data <b1> <b2> <b3> and event_data_no_offset <b1> <b2> <b3> are used to specify the event data bytes that are sent in the IPMI Platform Event request when the sensor generates an event. If the variant event_data is used, the event offset (the lower nibble of the event data byte 1) is taken from <b1>; if the variant event_data_no_offset is used, the even offset is generated automatically when the event happens, and the lower nibble of the byte <b1> is ignored.

This command can also be issued on the backup Shelf Manager; in that case, the command can apply only to sensors that are local to the backup Shelf Manager.

In the following examples, the settable sensor Eth0 Front has the type Entity Presence and both monitors and controls the state of the Ethernet connection on the front panel of the carrier board. The command setsensordata is issued to change the sensor state from Entity Present to Entity Absent, which effectively turns off the Ethernet connection on the front panel.


Show Eth0 Front Entity Present

# clia sensordata 10 10
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
10: LUN: 0, Sensor # 10 ("Eth0 Front")
Type: Discrete (0x6f), "Entity Presence" (0x25)
Belongs to entity (0xf0, 0x60): FRU # 0
Status: 0xc0
All event messages enabled from this sensor
Sensor scanning enabled
Initial update completed
Sensor reading: 0x00
Current State Mask 0x0001
Entity Present

Change Event Present to Absent (Assertion Event)

# clia setsensordata 10 10 assertion 2
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Sensor data set successfully

Show Eth0 Front Entity Absent

# clia sensordata 10 10
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
10: LUN: 0, Sensor # 10 ("Eth0 Front")
Type: Discrete (0x6f), "Entity Presence" (0x25)
Belongs to entity (0xf0, 0x60): FRU # 0
Status: 0xc0
All event messages enabled from this sensor
Sensor scanning enabled
Initial update completed
Sensor reading: 0x00
Current State Mask 0x0002
Entity Absent



setsensoreventenable IPMB-address sensor-name global [assertion_events [deassertion_events]]

setsensoreventenable IPMB-address [lun:]sensor-number global [assertion_events [deassertion_events]]

Instead of the IPMB-address, the user may use:

board n


This command changes the event enable mask for the specified sensor. The sensor is specified by the IPMB address of the owning IPM controller and the sensor name or number. Alternatively, the board number or dedicated Shelf Manager number can be used to designate the target IPM controller.

This command allows the user to qualify the sensor number with the Logical Unit Number (LUN) if the target controller supports sensors on multiple LUNs. lun can take value 0, 1, or 3. (LUN 2 is reserved.) If the LUN is omitted, the command is applied to the sensor with the specified sensor number on the lowest LUN. (For example, if the command specifies sensor 3 without explicit LUN qualification, and the target controller exposes sensor 3 on LUN 1 and another sensor 3 on LUN 3, the command is applied to the sensor 3 on LUN 1.)


Enable the Lower Non-Critical Going Low event on the temperature sensor Local Temp on the IPM controller FE

# clia setsensoreventenable fe "Local Temp" 0x90 0x01 0x00
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Event enable mask set successfully
# clia getsensoreventenable -v fe "Local Temp"
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
fe: LUN: 0, Sensor # 3 ("Local Temp")
    Type: Threshold (0x01), "Temperature" (0x01)
    Sensor scanning disabled
    Assertion event mask:   0x0001
        Assertion event for "Lower Non-Critical Going Low" enabled
    Deassertion event mask: 0x0000

Perform the same operation on the same sensor, but specify the sensor using LUN and sensor number:

# clia setsensoreventenable fe 0:3 0x90 0x01 0x00
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Event enable mask set successfully



setthreshold IPMB-address sensor-name threshold-type [-r] value
IPMB-address [lun:]sensor-number threshold-type [-r] value

Instead of IPMB-address, the user may use:

board n


This command changes the current threshold value for the specified threshold of the specified sensor. The sensor is specified by the IPMB address of the owning IPM controller and the sensor name or number. The target sensor must be a threshold-based sensor. The parameter threshold-type can be specified as one of the following symbolic values:

By default, the target value is specified in processed form (that is, in Volts for voltage sensors or in Celsius for temperature sensors). Option -r means that a raw value is used instead (usually a byte-size quantity, converted according to sensor-specific rules).

This command allows the user to qualify the sensor number with the Logical Unit Number (LUN) if the target controller supports sensors on multiple LUNs. lun can take the value 0, 1, or 3. (LUN 2 is reserved.) If the LUN is omitted, the command is applied to the sensor with the specified sensor number on the lowest LUN. (For example, if the command specifies sensor 3 without explicit LUN qualification, and the target controller exposes sensor 3 on LUN 1 and another sensor 3 on LUN 3, the command is applied to the sensor 3 on LUN 1.)


Set the upper non-critical threshold value for the temperature sensor emulated temp on IPM controller 9C to 99 degrees Celsius.

# clia threshold 9c 2
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
9c: LUN: 0, Sensor # 2 ("emulated temp")
    Type: Threshold (0x01), "Temperature" (0x01)
        Lower Non-Critical Threshold, Raw Data: 0x03, Processed Data: 3.000000 degrees C
        Lower Critical Threshold, Raw Data: 0x14, Processed Data: 20.000000 degrees C
        Lower Non-Recoverable Threshold, Raw Data: 0xfb, Processed Data: -5.000000 degrees C
        Upper Non-Critical Threshold, Raw Data: 0x46, Processed Data: 70.000000 degrees C
        Upper Critical Threshold, Raw Data: 0x50, Processed Data: 80.000000 degrees C
        Upper Non-Recoverable Threshold, Raw Data: 0x5a, Processed Data: 90.000000 degrees C
# clia setthreshold 9c 0:2 unc 99
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Threshold set successfully
# clia threshold 9c 0:2
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
9c: LUN: 0, Sensor # 2 ("emulated temp")
    Type: Threshold (0x01), "Temperature" (0x01)
        Lower Non-Critical Threshold, Raw Data: 0x03, Processed Data: 3.000000 degrees C
        Lower Critical Threshold, Raw Data: 0x14, Processed Data: 20.000000 degrees C
        Lower Non-Recoverable Threshold, Raw Data: 0xfb, Processed Data: -5.000000 degrees C
        Upper Non-Critical Threshold, Raw Data: 0x63, Processed Data: 99.000000 degrees C
        Upper Critical Threshold, Raw Data: 0x50, Processed Data: 80.000000 degrees C
        Upper Non-Recoverable Threshold, Raw Data: 0x5a, Processed Data: 90.000000 degrees C



setuserlabel shelf shelf-name
setuserlabel slot slot-number slot-name


This command configures the user assigned name for the Sun Netra CT900 server shelf and slots. Valid slot numbers are from 1-14. User assigned labels are displayed using the userlabel command.

User assigned shelf and slot names are text strings that can be used to uniquely identify the shelf and board during a console session. See Displaying Board’s User Label During Console Session for more information.


# clia setuserlabel shelf ATCA02
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
 Shelf label set successfully
# clia setuserlabel slot 6 CP3020-06
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    Slot#6 label set successfully



shelf subcommand

The following subcommands are supported.


The command shelf shows key Shelf FRU information, plus selected current operating data for the shelf, and allows modifying some fields in the Shelf FRU information. The type of the information this command shows or modifies is specified in the command parameter.

The following subsections describe the syntax of the shelf command for different applications of this command.

Display Shelf FRU Information


shelf [cooling_state | fans_state | address_table | power_distribution | power_management | pci_connectivity | ha_connectivity | h110_connectivity | point-to-point_connectivity]


This syntax of the command shelf shows key Shelf FRU information, plus selected current operating data for the shelf. The type of the information this command shows is specified in the command parameter. TABLE A-5 lists the parameters supported by the shelf command:


TABLE A-5 Parameter for shelf Command

Command Parameter

Provided Information


(can be abbreviated to cs)

Shows the current cooling state of the shelf:

  • Normal - all temperature sensors show normal operating temperature.
  • Minor Alert - at least one temperature sensor is in minor alert state. None of the sensors is in major or critical alert state.
  • Major Alert - at least one temperature sensor is in major alert state. None of the sensors is in critical alert state.
  • Critical Alert - at least one temperature sensor is in critical alert state.


(can be abbreviated to fs)

Shows the current state of the fan tachometers in the shelf:

  • Normal - all fan tachometer sensors show normal operating speed.
  • Minor Alert - at least one fan tachometer sensor is in minor alert state. None of the sensors is in major or critical alert state.
  • Major Alert - at least one fan tachometer sensor is in major alert state. None of the sensors is in critical alert state.
  • Critical Alert - at least one fan tachometer sensor is in critical alert state.


(can be abbreviated to at)

Shows the Address Table record in the Shelf FRU Info. The following information is provided:

  • Shelf Address (shown according to its type)
  • List of address table entries, showing Hardware Address, Site Number, and Site Type for each of them.


(can be abbreviated to pd)

The following information is provided for each of the power feeds (mostly from the Shelf Power Distribution record of the Shelf FRU Information):

  • Maximum External Available Current
  • Maximum Internal Current
  • Minimum Expected Operating Voltage
  • Actual Power Available
  • Currently Used Power
  • List of FRUs connected to the feed, showing Hardware Address and FRU Device ID for each of them


(can be abbreviated to pm)

  • The Shelf Power Management record in the Shelf FRU Info. This record contains a list of FRU Power Descriptors. For each descriptor the following information is provided:
  • Hardware Address
  • FRU Device ID
  • Maximum FRU Power Capability
  • Shelf Manager Controlled Activation
  • Delay Before Next Power On


(can be abbreviated to pcic)

The Shelf PCI Connectivity record in the Shelf FRU Info. The following information is provided:

  • PCI Slot Descriptor
  • DSEL Connection
  • Segment ID
  • Extended PCI Slot Descriptor
  • Geographic Address
  • Interface Number
  • System Slot Capable


(can be abbreviated to ha)

The Shelf HA Connectivity record in the Shelf FRU Info. The following information is provided:

  • Radial Connectivity Support


(can be abbreviated to h110c)

The Shelf H110 Connectivity record in the Shelf FRU Info. The following information is provided:

  • Geographic Address
  • Segment ID


(can be abbreviated to ppc)

The Shelf Point-to-Point Connectivity record in the Shelf FRU Info. The following information is provided:

  • Channel Type
  • Channel Count
  • Slot/ HW Address
  • Channel Descriptor

For the command parameters cooling_state and fans_state, the verbosity option -v is available. It should be entered before the command parameter: clia shelf -v cooling_state. If used, the command will display the list of sensors (temperature or fan tachometers) that contribute to the current state. Each sensor is shown as a tuple (IPMB-address, sensor_number).


Get shelf cooling status.

# clia shelf cooling_state
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Cooling state: "Normal"

Get shelf fan tachometer status (verbose).

# clia shelf -v fans_state
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Fans state: "Major Alert"
 Sensor(s) at this state: (0x7e,10) (0x7e,11) (0x7e,12) (0x7e,13)
                          (0x7e,14) (0x7e,15) (0x7e,16) (0x7e,17)

Get address table.

# clia shelf address_table
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
PICMG Address Table Record (ID=0x10)
        Version = 1
    Shelf Address            = 
    Address Table Entries#   = 16
    Hw Addr: 41, Site # 1, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
    Hw Addr: 42, Site # 2, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
    Hw Addr: 43, Site # 3, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
    Hw Addr: 44, Site # 4, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
    Hw Addr: 45, Site # 5, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
    Hw Addr: 46, Site # 6, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
    Hw Addr: 47, Site # 7, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
    Hw Addr: 48, Site # 8, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
    Hw Addr: 49, Site # 9, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
    Hw Addr: 4a, Site # 10, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
    Hw Addr: 4b, Site # 11, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
    Hw Addr: 4c, Site # 12, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
    Hw Addr: 4d, Site # 13, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00
    Hw Addr: 4e, Site # 14, Type: "AdvancedTCA Board" 00

Get power distribution information.

# clia shelf power_distribution
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Power Distribution:
    Feed count: 1
    Feed 00:
        Maximum External Available Current: 50.0 Amps
        Maximum Internal Current: Not specified
        Minimum Expected Operating Voltage: -40.5 Volts
        Actual Power Available: 2025.000 Watts
        Currently Used Power: 160.000 Watts
        Feed-to-FRU Mapping entries count: 16
           FRU Addr: 41, FRU ID: fe
           FRU Addr: 42, FRU ID: fe
           FRU Addr: 43, FRU ID: fe
           FRU Addr: 44, FRU ID: fe
           FRU Addr: 45, FRU ID: fe
           FRU Addr: 46, FRU ID: fe
           FRU Addr: 47, FRU ID: fe
           FRU Addr: 48, FRU ID: fe
           FRU Addr: 49, FRU ID: fe
           FRU Addr: 4a, FRU ID: fe
           FRU Addr: 4b, FRU ID: fe
           FRU Addr: 4c, FRU ID: fe
           FRU Addr: 4d, FRU ID: fe
           FRU Addr: 4e, FRU ID: fe
           FRU Addr: 4f, FRU ID: fe
           FRU Addr: 50, FRU ID: fe

Get power management information

# clia shelf pm
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
PICMG Shelf Activation And Power Management Record (ID=0x12)
        Version = 0
    Allowance for FRU Activation Readiness: 10 seconds
    FRU Activation and Power Description Count: 16
    Hw Address: 41, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 42, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 43, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 44, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 45, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 46, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 47, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 48, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 49, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 4a, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 4b, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 4c, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 4d, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 4e, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 4f, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds
    Hw Address: 50, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

Modify Maximum External Available Current


shelf maxcurrent [feed] current


This command sets the Maximum External Available Current for the specified feed number and updates all known instances of shelf FRU information in the shelf. If the feed parameter is omitted, the value is set for the first feed (feed 0) in the shelf FRU information.

The parameter feed is a 0-based feed number in the shelf FRU information based on the sequential order of the description of that feed.

The parameter current is the desired current value in Amps.


Change the Maximum Available External Current for Feed 0 from 50 Amps to 99 Amps.

# clia shelf pd
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
PICMG Shelf Power Distribution Record (ID=0x11)
        Version = 0
    Feed count: 1
    Feed 00:
        Maximum External Available Current: 50.0 Amps
        Maximum Internal Current: Not specified
        Minimum Expected Operating Voltage: -40.5 Volts
        Actual Power Available: 2025.000 Watts
        Currently Used Power: 200.000 Watts
        Feed-to-FRU Mapping entries count: 16
           FRU Addr: 41, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 42, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 43, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 44, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 45, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 46, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 47, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 48, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 49, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4a, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4b, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4c, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4d, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4e, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4f, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 50, FRU ID: 0xfe
# clia shelf maxcurrent 0 99
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Updating Shelf FRU Info
Cached information updated

# clia shelf pd
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
PICMG Shelf Power Distribution Record (ID=0x11)
        Version = 0
    Feed count: 1
    Feed 00:
        Maximum External Available Current: 99.0 Amps
        Maximum Internal Current: Not specified
        Minimum Expected Operating Voltage: -40.5 Volts
        Actual Power Available: 2025.000 Watts
        Currently Used Power: 200.000 Watts
        Feed-to-FRU Mapping entries count: 16
           FRU Addr: 41, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 42, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 43, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 44, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 45, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 46, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 47, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 48, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 49, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4a, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4b, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4c, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4d, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4e, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4f, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 50, FRU ID: 0xfe

Modify Minimum Expected Operating Voltage


shelf minvoltage [feed] voltage


This command sets the Minimum Expected Operating Voltage for the specified feed number and updates all known shelf FRU information instances in the shelf. If the feed parameter is omitted, the value is set for the first feed (feed 0) in the shelf FRU information.

The parameter feed is a 0-based feed number in the shelf FRU Information based on the sequential order of the description of that feed.

The parameter voltage is the desired value.


Change the Minimum Expected Operating Voltage for the Feed 0

# clia shelf pd
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
PICMG Shelf Power Distribution Record (ID=0x11)
        Version = 0
    Feed count: 1
    Feed 00:
        Maximum External Available Current: 99.0 Amps
        Maximum Internal Current: Not specified
        Minimum Expected Operating Voltage: -40.5 Volts
        Actual Power Available: 2025.000 Watts
        Currently Used Power: 200.000 Watts
        Feed-to-FRU Mapping entries count: 16
           FRU Addr: 41, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 42, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 43, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 44, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 45, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 46, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 47, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 48, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 49, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4a, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4b, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4c, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4d, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4e, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4f, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 50, FRU ID: 0xfe

# clia shelf minvoltage 0 -59
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    Updating Shelf FRU Info
    Cached information updated

# clia shelf pd
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    PICMG Shelf Power Distribution Record (ID=0x11)
        Version = 0
    Feed count: 1
    Feed 00:
        Maximum External Available Current: 99.0 Amps
        Maximum Internal Current: Not specified
        Minimum Expected Operating Voltage: -59.0 Volts
        Actual Power Available: 2025.000 Watts
        Currently Used Power: 200.000 Watts
        Feed-to-FRU Mapping entries count: 16
           FRU Addr: 41, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 42, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 43, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 44, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 45, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 46, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 47, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 48, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 49, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4a, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4b, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4c, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4d, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4e, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 4f, FRU ID: 0xfe
           FRU Addr: 50, FRU ID: 0xfe

Modify Shelf Manager Controlled Activation Flag


shelf activation hardware-addr fru-id [1/0]
shelf activation board
n [1/0]
shelf activation board all [1/0]
shelf activation fan_tray
n [1/0]


This command displays or changes the Shelf Manager Controlled Activation field for the specified FRU of the specified IPM controller. The command modifies the Shelf Manager Controlled Activation flag only for already existing entries in the Shelf Activation and Power Management record. This command also updates the cached version of the Shelf FRU Information used by the Shelf Manager. Thus the new value of the Shelf Manager Controlled Activation field becomes effective immediately without the need to restart the Shelf Manager.

The parameter hardware-addr is the 7-bit hardware address in hexadecimal format.

The parameter fru-id is a FRU ID in hexadecimal format; 0xFE means ALL FRUs at that hardware address.


Enable Shelf Manager Controlled Activation on an IPM controller with hardware address 0x42 (IPMB address 0x84).

# clia shelf pm
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
PICMG Shelf Activation And Power Management Record (ID=0x12)
        Version = 0
    Allowance for FRU Activation Readiness: 10 seconds
    FRU Activation and Power Description Count: 16
    Hw Address: 41, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 42, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 43, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 44, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 45, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 46, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 47, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 48, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 49, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 4a, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 4b, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 4c, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 4d, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 4e, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 4f, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 50, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

# clia shelf activation 42 0xfe 0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    Updating Shelf FRU Info, address: 0x42, FRU ID # 254
    Cached information updated
    Wrote Information to the Shelf FRU

# clia shelf pm
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
PICMG Shelf Activation And Power Management Record (ID=0x12)
        Version = 0
    Allowance for FRU Activation Readiness: 10 seconds
    FRU Activation and Power Description Count: 16
    Hw Address: 41, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 42, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Disabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 43, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 44, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 45, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 46, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 47, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 48, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 49, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 4a, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 4b, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 4c, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 4d, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 4e, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 4f, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 50, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

Modify Shelf Manager Controlled Deactivation Flag


shelf deactivation hardware-addr fru-id [1|0]
shelf deactivation board
n [1|0]
shelf deactivation board all [1|0]
shelf deactivation fan_tray
n [1|0]


This command displays or changes the Shelf Manager Controlled Deactivation field for the specified FRU of the specified IPM controller. The command modifies the Shelf Manager Controlled Deactivation flag only for already existing entries in the Shelf Activation and Power Management record. This command also updates the cached version of the Shelf FRU Information used by the Shelf Manager. Thus the new value of the Shelf Manager Controlled Deactivation field becomes effective immediately without the need to restart the Shelf Manager.

The parameter hardware-addr is the 7-bit hardware address in hexadecimal format.

The parameter fru-id is a FRU ID in hexadecimal format; 0xFE means ALL FRUs at that hardware address.

A value of 0 enables the Shelf Manager Controlled Deactivation which gives the Shelf Manager the responsible for deactivating the board. A value of 1 disables the Shelf Manager Controlled Deactivation which prevents the Shelf Manager from automatically deactivating the board. When the Shelf Manager Controlled Deactivation is disabled, the system administrator is responsible for board deactivation.


Enabling Shelf Manager Controlled Deactivation on an IPM controller with hardware address 0x42 (IPMB address 0x84).

# clia shelf pm
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
 PICMIG Shelf Activation And Power Management Record (ID=0x12)
        Version = 1
    Allowance for FRU Activation Readiness: 10 seconds
    FRU Activation and Power Description Count: 16
    Hw Address: 41, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 200 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Auto-Activation: Disabled
        Shelf Manager Controlled Auto-Deactivation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 42, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 200 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Auto-Activation: Disabled
        Shelf Manager Controlled Auto-Deactivation: Disabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

# clia shelf deactivation 42 0xfe 0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    Updating Shelf FRU Info, address: 0x42, FRU ID # 254
    Cached information updated
    Wrote Information to the Shelf FRU

# clia shelf pm
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
PICMG Shelf Activation And Power Management Record (ID=0x12)
        Version = 1
    Allowance for FRU Activation Readiness: 10 seconds
    FRU Activation and Power Description Count: 16
    Hw Address: 41, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 200 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Auto-Activation: Disabled
        Shelf Manager Controlled Auto-Deactivation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds

    Hw Address: 42, FRU ID: 0xfe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 200 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Auto-Activation: Disabled
        Shelf Manager Controlled Auto-Deactivation: Enabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 0.0 seconds


Modify Maximum FRU Power Capability


shelf pwrcapability hardware-addr fru-id value
shelf pwrcapability board n value
shelf pwrcapability fan_tray n value


This command changes the Maximum FRU Power Capability field for the specified FRU of the specified IPM controller.

Note - Never set the Maximum FRU Power Capability field to a larger value than is safe for your shelf environment.

The command modifies this field only for already existing entries in the Shelf Activation and Power Management record. This command also updates the cached version of the Shelf FRU Information used by the Shelf Manager. Thus the new value of the Maximum FRU Power Capability field becomes effective immediately without the need to restart the Shelf Manager.


Set Maximum FRU Power Capability on an IPM controller with hardware address 0x42 (IPMB address 0x84) to 150 Watts.

# clia shelf pm
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    Power Management:
    Allowance for FRU Activation Readiness: 10 seconds
    FRU Activation and Power Description Count: 2
    Hw Address: 41, FRU ID: fe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 200 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Disabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 2.2 seconds

    Hw Address: 42, FRU ID: fe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 200 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Disabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 2.2 seconds
# clia shelf pwrcapability 42 0xfe 150
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Updating Shelf FRU Info
    Cached information updated
# clia shelf pm
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Power Management:
    Allowance for FRU Activation Readiness: 10 seconds
    FRU Activation and Power Description Count: 2
    Hw Address: 41, FRU ID: fe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 200 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Disabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 2.2 seconds

    Hw Address: 42, FRU ID: fe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 150 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Disabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 2.2 seconds

Modify Delay Before Next Power On


shelf pwrdelay hardware-addr fru-id value
shelf pwrdelay board n value
shelf pwrdelay fan_tray n value


This command changes the Delay Before Next Power On field for the specified FRU of the specified IPM controller. The command modifies this field only for already existing entries in the Shelf Activation and Power Management record. This command also updates the cached version of the Shelf FRU Information used by the Shelf Manager. Thus the new value of the Delay Before Next Power On field becomes effective immediately without the need to restart the Shelf Manager.


Set Delay Before Next Power On for an IPM controller with hardware address 0x42 (IPMB address 0x84) to 5 seconds.

# clia shelf pm
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Power Management:
    Allowance for FRU Activation Readiness: 10 seconds
    FRU Activation and Power Description Count: 2
    Hw Address: 41, FRU ID: fe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 200 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Disabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 2.2 seconds
    Hw Address: 42, FRU ID: fe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 200 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Disabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 2.2 seconds
# clia shelf pwrdelay 42 0xfe 50
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Updating Shelf FRU Info
    Cached information updated
# clia shelf pm
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Power Management:
    Allowance for FRU Activation Readiness: 10 seconds
    FRU Activation and Power Description Count: 2
    Hw Address: 41, FRU ID: fe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 200 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Disabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 2.2 seconds
    Hw Address: 42, FRU ID: fe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 200 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Disabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 5.0 seconds

Modify Allowance for FRU Activation Readiness


shelf allowance value


This command changes the Allowance for FRU Activation Readiness parameter.

The parameter value is the new value for the parameter in seconds. The range of the possible values is 0..255.


Set Allowance for FRU Activation Readiness to 5 seconds.

# clia shelf pm
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Power Management:
    Allowance for FRU Activation Readiness: 10 seconds
    FRU Activation and Power Description Count: 2
    Hw Address: 41, FRU ID: fe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 200 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Disabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 2.2 seconds

    Hw Address: 42, FRU ID: fe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 200 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Disabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 2.2 seconds
# clia shelf allowance 5
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Updating Shelf FRU Info
# clia shelf pm
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Power Management:
    Allowance for FRU Activation Readiness: 5 seconds
    FRU Activation and Power Description Count: 2
    Hw Address: 41, FRU ID: fe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 200 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Disabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 2.2 seconds

    Hw Address: 42, FRU ID: fe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 200 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Disabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 2.2 seconds

Reorder the FRU Activation and Power Descriptors


shelf pwrreorder hardware-addr-1 fru-id-1 before|after hardware-addr-2 fru-id-2

hardware-address fru-id can be replaced by the following:

board n
fan_tray n


This command changes the order of the FRU Activation and Power Descriptors in the Shelf FRU Information. The command can reorder only the already existing descriptors. The current implementation is also limited to reordering the descriptors only inside a single Shelf Activation and Power Management record. This command also updates the cached version of the Shelf FRU Information used by the Shelf Manager. Thus the new order of the descriptors becomes effective immediately without the need to restart the Shelf Manager.


Place the descriptor for an IPM controller with hardware address 0x42 (IPMB address 0x84) before the descriptor for an IPM controller with hardware address 0x41 (IPMB address 0x82).

# clia shelf pm
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Power Management:
    Allowance for FRU Activation Readiness: 10 seconds
    FRU Activation and Power Description Count: 2
    Hw Address: 41, FRU ID: fe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 200 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Disabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 2.2 seconds

    Hw Address: 42, FRU ID: fe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 200 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Disabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 2.2 seconds
# clia shelf pwrreorder 42 0xfe before 41 0xfe
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Updating Shelf FRU Info
    Cached information updated
# clia shelf pm
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Power Management:
    Allowance for FRU Activation Readiness: 10 seconds
    FRU Activation and Power Description Count: 2
    Hw Address: 42, FRU ID: fe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 200 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Disabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 2.2 seconds

    Hw Address: 41, FRU ID: fe, Maximum FRU Power Capabilities: 200 Watts
        Shelf Manager Controlled Activation: Disabled
        Delay Before Next Power On: 2.2 seconds

Refresh the Shelf FRU Information


shelf info_refresh


This command causes the Shelf Manager to re-read the previously found sources of shelf FRU information in the shelf and reassess which of the sources contain valid shelf FRU information. Assuming that valid shelf FRU information is confirmed, all of the shelf FRU information storage devices and the cached master copy of the shelf FRU information are updated with the contents of the new shelf FRU information.

As specified by PICMG 3.0 (section 3.6.4), the Shelf Manager tries to find possible shelf FRU information storage devices during initialization. If the Shelf Manager finds at least two FRU Information devices that contain valid shelf FRU information, the Shelf Manager performs an election to determine which shelf FRU information sources to use. This election is based on validating the data the storage devices contain and comparing the contents. After a successful election, the Shelf Manager creates a cached master copy of the shelf FRU information (in volatile memory) which is used for any updating of shelf FRU information sources and is treated as the sole source of the shelf FRU information. Thus, all shelf FRU information-related operations work with the master copy and changes of the master copy are automatically propagated to all shelf FRU information source devices as incremental updates.

However, dynamic reconfiguration is not supported. If the new shelf FRU information is different from the previous shelf FRU information, the changes will become fully effective only after a reboot of the Shelf Manager.


Successful refresh: two matching sources of the Shelf FRU Info.

# clia shelf info_refresh
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter

Read 0x20 # 2, size = 1024
Read 0x20 # 1, size = 1024
Found 2 Matching Shelf FRU Info

0x20 # 2, size = 1024 (data size = 775), "Valid" Shelf FRU, "Matching"
0x20 # 1, size = 1024 (data size = 775), "Valid" Shelf FRU, "Matching"
Shelf FRU Info was not changed



Unsuccessful refresh: both data sources contain non-matching or invalid data.

# clia shelf info_refresh
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter

Read 0x20 # 2, size = 1024
Read 0x20 # 1, size = 1024
No Matching Shelf FRU Info found

0x20 # 2, size = 1024 (data size = 293), "Invalid" Shelf FRU, "Non-Matching"
0x20 # 1, size = 1024 (data size = 529), "Valid" Shelf FRU, "Non-Matching"
Refresh was not done because system found only 1 (of 2) Matching Shelf FRU info



Update the Shelf FRU Info Storage Devices


shelf info_force_update


This command causes a check of the shelf FRU information source devices and copying the contents of the shelf FRU information master copy to all of them. This command is useful in the case of a conflict between the shelf FRU information master copy and the non-volatile source devices, where the conflict is not resolved automatically (for example both EEPROMs and the master copy are different from each other). In that case, the operator can forcibly synchronize the EEPROMs with the contents of the master copy, using this command. Also, this command clears the error condition that has occurred due to the original conflict; that is, after this command has been issued, subsequent updates to the shelf FRU information will resume being propagated to the SEEPROMs.

This command initiates an update of the shelf FRU information source devices in an asynchronous fashion.


# clia shelf info_force_update 
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter

Starting the Shelf FRU Info source device update



shelfaddress [up-to-20-characters-of-the-shelf-address]
shelfaddress -x
byte1 ..... byteN


This command gets or sets the Shelf Address field of the Address Table within shelf FRU information.

Without the option -x, the new shelf address is specified by a double quoted string that can contain any ASCII characters and can be as long as 20 characters.

If the option -x is specified, the new shelf address is specified as a sequence of hexadecimal bytes separated with spaces. Up to 20 bytes can be specified, each byte is represented with two hexadecimal digits (the 0x prefix is optional).

The shelf address is stored with a type indicator that differentiates between text and binary data. If the shelf address is specified as text, it is stored as text. If the shelf address is specified in hexadecimal, it is stored as binary data.

When the shelf address is displayed using this command, it is printed as text or as a sequence of hexadecimal bytes, depending on the type indicator.


# clia shelfaddress
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
 Shelf Address Info: "1234"
# clia shelfaddress "NEW SHELF ADDRESS"
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
 Shelf Address Info set successfully
# clia shelfaddress
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
 Shelf Address Info: "NEW SHELF ADDRESS"
# clia shelfaddress -x 01 02 03 04 05
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interprete
 Shelf Address Info set successfully
# clia shelfaddress
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
 Shelf Address Info: " 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 "





This command returns the Shelf Manager status in redundant configurations: Active or Backup. In verbose mode it reports a more detailed picture: status of the shelf FRU information, status of the RMCP interface, and state of the backup Shelf Manager (if the Shelf Manager being queried is the active one). The ready for operation flag is a parameter that shows as Yes:


# clia shmstatus -v
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Shelf Manager status: "Active"
Ready For Operation: Yes
Detailed State Flags: "Shelf FRU Found" "RMCP Up" "Backup Healthy"



showhost slot-number [version]


This command is used to display the system firmware versions installed on Sun Netra node boards. This command is only valid for Sun Netra CP3x60 node boards installed in the Sun Netra CT900 server.

The parameter slot-number specifies the slot number of the Sun Netra CP3x60 board and the version option is used to display full version information.


Show the current firmware versions for the Sun Netra CP3060 board in slot 2.

# clia showhost 2 
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter

System Frimware 6.2.5 Netra CP3060 2006/09/15 15:30
Host flash versions:
 Hypervisor 1.2.3 2006/08/18 12:25
 OBP 4.23.4 2006/08/04 20:46
 Netra[TM] CP3060 POST 4.23.4 2006/08/04 21:17





This command shows the list of FRUs that appear to have a problem. In the PICMG 3.0 context, this list includes FRUs for which the cause of last hot swap state change is Communication Lost, Communication lost due to local failure, Unexpected deactivation.

For each FRU, the following information is shown: IPMB address and FRU device ID, current hot-swap state, previous hot -swap state, and cause of the last state change


Show the list of unhealthy components in the system.

# clia showunhealthy
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
There are no unhealthy components in the shelf.




switchover -force


This command initiates switchover of the redundant Shelf Manager instances. This command can be executed on either the active or the backup instance of the Shelf Manager.

Forced switchovers from the backup Shelf Manager to handle the case of a frozen active ShMM (CLI command switchover -force) are supported. No negotiations between the Shelf Managers happen in this case; the backup Shelf Manager immediately takes control of hardware.


Initiate the switchover from either the active or backup instance.

# clia switchover
    This Shelf Manager is now active, but is shutting down to trigger a switchover.





This command initiates terminates the Shelf Manager without rebooting the shelf management card. If the current ShMM is active, a switchover takes place.


Terminate a Shelf Manager from either the active or backup instance.

# clia terminate



user [subcommand]

The following subcommands are supported:


The user command shows information about the RMCP user accounts on the Shelf Manager and provides a simple way to add, delete, and modify the user accounts.

The following subsections describe the syntax of the user command for different applications of this command.

Display User Information


user [-v] [userid]


This command shows information about users. When it is launched with a -v option, it also shows information about disabled users. (By default, only enabled users are listed.) If the optional User ID is specified, only information about the user with that ID is shown.

The following items of information are shown:

If the channel access information is the same for several channels, the output is coalesced and the range of channels is shown.


# clia user
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
1: "" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 
# clia user -v
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
1: "" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 
7: "TEST1" Disabled
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "NO ACCESS"

Add a New User


user add userid user-name channel-access-flags privilege-level password


This command adds a new user to the system. It sets the same maximum privilege level and channel access flags for all channels, as specified in the command. The command will return an error if the specified user does not exist. Command parameters have the following meaning:


Add user 9 with the name root, administrator privilege level, and password PICMG guru.

# clia user
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
1: "" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 
# clia user add 9 "root" 0x40 4 "PICMG guru"
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
User 9 added successfully
# clia user
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
1: "" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 
9: "root" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 

Delete a User


user delete userid


This command deletes the user specified by the userid.


Delete the user with user ID = 10.

# clia user delete 10
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
User 10 deleted successful
# clia user
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
1: "" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 
9: "root" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 

Enable and Disable a User


user enable userid 1 | 0


This command enables or disables a user by userid. The last command parameter specifies the requested action, as follows:


Disable and enable user with userid 9.

# clia user
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
1: "" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 
9: "root" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 
# clia user enable 9 0
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    User 9 disabled successfully
# clia user -v
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
1: "" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 
9: "root" Disabled
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 
# clia user enable 9 1
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
User 9 enabled successfuly
# clia user
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
1: "" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 
9: "root" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 

Modify a User Name


user name userid user-name


This command is used to modify the user name for the specified user. (The user is specified by a user ID.) The command parameters have the following meanings:


Change the name of user 9 to newby.

# clia user
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
1: "" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 
9: "root" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 
# clia user name 9 newby
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
User 9, name changed successfully
# clia user
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
1: "" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 
9: "newby" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 

Modify a User’s Password


user passwd userid password


This command is used to modify the password for the specified user. (The user is specified by the user ID.) The command parameters have the following meanings:


Change the password of userid 9 to RIP

# clia user
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
1: "" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 
9: "newby" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 
# clia user passwd 9 RIP
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
User 9, password changed successfully 
# clia user
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
1: "" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 
9: "newby" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 

Modify Channel Access Settings for a Specified User and a Specified Channel


user channel userid channel-number channel-access-flags privilege-level

Purpose: This command is used to modify the channel access setting for a specified channel and user. (The user is specified by the user ID.) The command parameters have the following meanings:


Change the maximum privilege level for user 9 on channel 5 to User:

# clia user 9
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
9: "newby" 
        Channels 0-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 
# clia user channel 9 5 0x60 2
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
User 9, channel 5 access updated successfully
# clia user 9
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
9: "newby" 
        Channels 0-4 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging" 
        Channel 5 Privilege level: "User"
            Flags: "Link Authentication" "IPMI Messaging" 
        Channels 6-15 Privilege level: "Administrator"
            Flags: "IPMI Messaging"



userlabel shelf | slot [slot-number]


This command displays the user assigned name for the shelf and slots in the server. Valid slot numbers are from 1-14. User assigned labels are set using the setuserlabel command.

User assigned shelf and slot names are text strings that can be used to uniquely identify the shelf and board during a console session. See Displaying Board’s User Label During Console Session for more information.



# clia userlabel shelf
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
 Shelf: "ATCA02"
# clia userlabel slot
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    Slot#  1:   "CP3260-01"
    Slot#  2:   "CP3220-02"
    Slot#  3:   ""
    Slot#  4:   ""
    Slot#  5:   "CP3260-05"
    Slot#  6:   "CP3020-06"
    Slot#  7:   "Switch-07"
    Slot#  8:   "Switch-08"
    Slot#  9:   ""
    Slot# 10:   "CP3260-10"
    Slot# 11:   ""
    Slot# 12:   "CP3220-12"
    Slot# 13:   ""
    Slot# 14:   ""
# clia userlabel slot 6
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
    Slot#  6:   "CP3020-06"





This command shows the version information for the Shelf Manager software.


# clia version
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager ver. 2.4.2 
Pigeon Point is a trademark of Pigeon Point Systems.
Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Pigeon Point Systems
All rights reserved
Build date/time: Jan 30 2007 16:39:37
Carrier: PPS; Subtype: 0; Subversion: 0