A P P E N D I X  E

Firmware Updating Procedures

This appendix describes the firmware updating procedures for the switch and includes the following topics:


Following is the list of firmware that is on the switch:

All of the firmware listed are field upgradable. There is a single update image that supports the Base firmware, Fabric firmware, and IPMC firmware. This update image must be installed twice: once on the Base and once on the Fabric. The IPMC update happens during a Base update. Each component listed above can be updated independently without affecting the other components; for example, the FASTPATH component can be updated without affecting the uBoot and Linux components.

Testing Updates Before Installing Them

The switch supports network booting. This feature can be used to test updates to FASTPATH without installing them. Updates containing changes to U-Boot, Linux, or the IPMC must be installed to the flash before they can be used.

1. Set up a TFTP server on the update network.

The update network is the network where the update image is stored.

2. Place the update image on the TFTP server.

The update image will have a .tgz file extension.

3. Connect to the serial management port of the Base or Fabric network to be updated and connect the MGMT port to the update network.

4. Reset the switch.

Following are the different methods that you can use to reset the switch:

5. As the switch resets, press 2 to enter the Utility Menu.

6. Press 8 to change the boot method.

7. Press 3 to select network as the boot method.

8. Enter the necessary information for your TFTP server.

For the host IP field, you can enter dhcp if you would like to use DHCP to obtain a valid IP address.

9. Press 1 to boot the system.

Use option 8 of the Utility Menu to change the boot method back to flash, if necessary.

CODE EXAMPLE E-1 an example of the console output (note that there might be slight variations depending on the settings and the software versions).

CODE EXAMPLE E-1 Sample Output for Network Booting
CPU:   400 MHz
DRAM:  128 MB

Booting ...

Boot Menu v1.5

Select startup mode.  If no selection is made within 5 seconds,
the Switch-Router Application will start automatically...

Switch-Router Startup -- Main Menu

1 - Start Switch-Router Application
2 - Display Utility Menu
Select (1, 2): 2

Boot Menu v1.0

Switch-Router Startup -- Utility Menu

 1  - Start Switch-Router Application
 2  - Load Code Update Package using TFTP
 3  - Display Vital Product Data
 4  - Select Serial Speed
 5  - Retrieve Error Log using TFTP
 6  - Erase Current Configuration
 7  - Erase Permanent Storage
 8  - Select Boot Method
 9  - BCM Debug Shell
 10 - Reboot

Select option (1-10): 8

Current boot method: FLASH
1 - Flash Boot
2 - Network Boot
3 - Exit without change
Select option (1-3): 2
Enter Server IP []:
Enter Host IP []: dhcp
Enter Gateway IP []:
Enter Filename []: /p/atscp3140.
Accept changes? Press(Y/N): y

Boot Menu v1.0

Switch-Router Startup -- Utility Menu

 1  - Start Switch-Router Application
 2  - Load Code Update Package using TFTP
 3  - Display Vital Product Data
 4  - Select Serial Speed
 5  - Retrieve Error Log using TFTP
 6  - Erase Current Configuration
 7  - Erase Permanent Storage
 8  - Select Boot Method
 9  - BCM Debug Shell
 10 - Reboot

Select option (1-10): 1

Creating tmpfs filesystem on tmpfs for download...done.
Bringing up eth0 interface...done.
Transferring '/p/cp3140.' from ''...done.
Bringing down eth0 interface...done.
Copying Application to RAM...done.
Destroying tmpfs filesystem on tmpfs...done.

Starting Application...
   1 File: bootos.c Line: 244 Task: 111cb214 EC: 2863311530 (0xaaaaaaaa)
(0 d 0 hrs 1 min 8 sec)

Switch-Router Starting...
/PCI device BCM5695_B0 attached as unit 0.
-PCI device BCM5695_B0 attached as unit 1.
Switch-Router Started!

(Unit 1)>

Updating the Switch Firmware Through the Boot Utility Menu

1. Set up a TFTP server on the update network.

The update network is the network where the update image is stored.

2. Place the update image on the TFTP server.

The update image will have a .tgz file extension.

3. Connect to the serial management port of the Base or Fabric network to be updated and connect the MGMT port to the update network.

4. Reset the switch.

Following are the different methods that you can use to reset the switch:

5. As the switch resets, press 2 to enter the Utility Menu.

6. Press 2 to choose to update the firmware through TFTP.

7. Enter the necessary information for your TFTP server.

For the host IP field, you can enter dhcp if you would like to use DHCP to obtain a valid IP address.

8. Once the update is complete, reset the switch.

If the update is only for the FASTPATH software, you do not need to reboot and can press 1 instead.

9. Repeat these steps for the other network interface.

CODE EXAMPLE E-2 is an example of the console output (note that there might be slight variations depending on the settings and the software versions).

CODE EXAMPLE E-2 Sample Output for Updating Firmware Using the Boot Utility Menu
CPU:   400 MHz
DRAM:  128 MB

Booting ...

Boot Menu v1.5

Select startup mode.  If no selection is made within 5 seconds,
the Switch-Router Application will start automatically...

Switch-Router Startup -- Main Menu

1 - Start Switch-Router Application
2 - Display Utility Menu
Select (1, 2): 2

Boot Menu v1.0

Switch-Router Startup -- Utility Menu

 1  - Start Switch-Router Application
 2  - Load Code Update Package using TFTP
 3  - Display Vital Product Data
 4  - Select Serial Speed
 5  - Retrieve Error Log using TFTP
 6  - Erase Current Configuration
 7  - Erase Permanent Storage
 8  - Select Boot Method
 9  - BCM Debug Shell
 10 - Reboot

Select option (1-10): 2

Creating tmpfs filesystem on tmpfs for download...done.
Enter Server IP []:
Enter Host IP []: dhcp
Enter Gateway IP []:
Enter Filename []: /p/cp3140.
Do you want to continue? Press(Y/N): y
Bringing up eth0 interface...done.
Transferring '/p/cp3140.' from ''...done.
Bringing down eth0 interface...done.
Running update script...
Updating components.  Please wait...
Checking Vital Product Data...
Updating Switch-Router Application...
Destroying tmpfs filesystem on tmpfs...done.

Boot Menu v1.0

Switch-Router Startup -- Utility Menu

 1  - Start Switch-Router Application
 2  - Load Code Update Package using TFTP
 3  - Display Vital Product Data
 4  - Select Serial Speed
 5  - Retrieve Error Log using TFTP
 6  - Erase Current Configuration
 7  - Erase Permanent Storage
 8  - Select Boot Method
 9  - BCM Debug Shell
 10 - Reboot

Select option (1-10): 10
syncing filesystems....This may take a few moments
umount: forced umount of (null) failed!
Rebooting system!
The system is going down NOW !!
Sending SIGKILL to all processes.
Please stand by while rebooting the system.

Updating the Switch Firmware Through the FASTPATH Software

These instructions cover all firmware updates initiated through the FASTPATH software.

1. Set up a TFTP server on the update network.

The update network is the network where the update image is stored.

2. Place the update image on the TFTP server.

The update image will have a .tgz file extension.

3. Determine if you are using telnet, SSH, or SNMP.

4. Connect to the serial management port of the Base or Fabric network to be updated.

5. Log in to the switch.

6. Configure the network of the switch that you are upgrading.

You can configure the network using either the out-of-band management or the in-band network.

Note - If you are using DHCP for the serviceport, then you must disable DHCP for the network using the network protocol none command.

Note - If you are using DHCP for the serviceport, then you must disable DHCP for the network using the network protocol none command.

7. Download and install the updated firmware.

8. Reboot the card:


9. Repeat these steps for the other network.

CODE EXAMPLE E-3 is an example of the console output (note that there might be slight variations depending on the settings and the software versions).

CODE EXAMPLE E-3 Sample Output for Upgrading the Firmware Using the FASTPATH Software
CPU:   400 MHz
DRAM:  128 MB

Booting ...

Boot Menu v1.5

Select startup mode.  If no selection is made within 5 seconds,
the Switch-Router Application will start automatically...

Switch-Router Startup -- Main Menu

1 - Start Switch-Router Application
2 - Display Utility Menu
Select (1, 2): 1

Copying Application to RAM...done.

Starting Application...
   1 File: bootos.c Line: 244 Task: 111cae34 EC: 2863311530 (0xaaaaaaaa)
(0 d 0 hrs 0 min 20 sec)

Switch-Router Starting...
-PCI device BCM5695_B0 attached as unit 0.
/PCI device BCM5695_B0 attached as unit 1.
Switch-Router Started!

(Unit 1)>

NOTE: Enter '?' for Command Help. Command help displays all options
      that are valid for the 'normal' and 'no' command forms.  For
      the syntax of a particular command form, please consult the

(Base) >enable

(cp3140 Base) #network protocol none

Changing protocol mode will reset ip configuration.
Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n) y

(Base) #serviceport protocol dhcp

Changing protocol mode will reset ip configuration.
Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n) y

(Base) #show serviceport

IP Address.....................................
Subnet Mask....................................
Default Gateway................................
ServPort Configured Protocol Current........... DHCP
Burned In MAC Address.......................... 00:20:13:F0:BB:E8

(Base) #copy tftp:// system:image

Mode........................................... TFTP
Set TFTP Server IP.............................
TFTP Path...................................... p/
TFTP Filename.................................. cp3140.
Data Type...................................... Code

Are you sure you want to start? (y/n) y
TFTP Code transfer starting...
Updating components.  Please wait...
Extracting components...
Checking Vital Product Data...
Updating Switch-Router Application...

File transfer operation completed successfully.

(Base) #reload