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iPlanet Calendar Server 5.0 Programmer's Reference

About This Reference

This document describes the architecture of iPlanet Calendar Server 5.0, and gives detailed instructions on the use of the following two APIs and one protocol that you may use to customize your server installation:

  • Calendar Server Application Program Interface (CSAPI), to modify server functionality.

  • Proxy Authentication SDK (authSDK), an external plugin to use a portal authenticaion service.

  • Web Calendar Access Protocol (WCAP), to access calendar services.

In addition, this book includes a chapter on the Single Sign-on (SSO) alternate authentication scheme for single-domain instances of iPlanet Calendar Server.

Topics covered in this chapter include:

Who Should Read This Book

This guide is for programmers who want to customize applications in order to implement iPlanet Calendar Server 5.0.

What You Need to Know

This book assumes that you are a programmer with a knowledge of C/C++ and that you have a general understanding of the following:

How This Book is Organized

This book documents three APIs, an SDK, and a protocol inside iPlanet Calendar Server, as well as containing an overall architecture discussion of the product. For each interface there is an overview chapter, followed by a reference chapter, where available.

A list of the chapters follows:

Document Conventions

Monospaced font—This typeface is used for any text that appears on the computer screen. It is also used for filenames, distinguished names, functions, and examples.

Italicized font This is used to represent text that you enter using information that is unique to your installation (for example, variables). It is used for server paths and names and account IDs.

All paths specified in this manual are in UNIX format. If you are using a Windows NT-based iPlanet Calendar Server, you should assume the Windows NT equivalent file paths whenever UNIX file paths are shown in this book.

Where to Find Related Information

In addition to this guide, these other documents are available:

  • iPlanet Calendar Server Administration Guide

  • iPlanet Calendar Server Installation Guide

Where to Find This Book Online

You can find the iPlanet Calendar Server Programmer's Reference online in PDF and HTML formats. To find this book, use this URL:

Use the following URL to see all the Calendar Server documentation:

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Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated February 20, 2001