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Sun[tm] ONE Portal Server, Mobile Access 6.2 Administrator's Guide

Chapter 6
Deploying Online Help for the Mobile Portal Desktop

Although Sun™ ONE Portal Server Mobile Access software does not provide online help for the mobile Portal Desktop, you can create your own online help files for existing sample channels or for new channels you create for the mobile Portal Desktop.

This chapter outlines the process for deploying online help files to the mobile Portal Desktop. The topics discussed include:

Adding Help Links

You should add a Help link to the channel content. How you do this depends on how the channel is created—by rendered Portal Desktop JavaServer Pages™ (JSP™) technology, by native Portal Desktop JavaServer Pages technology, or by native Portal Desktop templates.

The topics in this section include these methods:

Rendered Portal Desktop JSPs

Use getHelp from the desktop tag library to add a help link to the mobile channel’s content. For instance:

<%@ taglib uri="/tld/desktop.tld" prefix="dt" %>


<AmlControlMenu url="<dt:getHelp/>" label="Help"/>

Native Portal Desktop JSPs

Use getHelp from the desktop tag library to add a help link to the mobile channel’s content. For instance:

<%@ taglib uri="/tld/desktop.tld" prefix="dt" %>


<do type="options" name="h" label="Help">

<go href="<dt:getHelp/>"/>


Native Portal Desktop Templates

The template desktop automatically populates a help link in the channel if it finds an appropriate helpURL property for the channel in the display profile.

Refer to the template provHelpLink.template and frontHelpLink.template.

Updating the Channel Display Profile

You must update the display profile for the channel to include a helpURL property that is specific to the client devices you are providing help for. To specify a display profile property specific to a client device (or a group of devices), use conditional properties.

Updating a channel’s display profile requires that you add a custom channel property and that you define its characteristics.

To Set Up a Custom Channel Property

  1. Log in to the Sun ONE Identity Server administration console as the administrator.
  2. By default, Identity Management is selected in the location pane and Organizations is selected in the Navigation Pane.

  3. From the View menu in the location pane, select Services.
  4. Click the arrow for Portal Desktop under Portal Server Configuration.
  5. The Portal Desktop page displays in the pane on the right.

  6. Click the Channel and Container Management link for the Display Profile.
  7. The Channels page displays in the pane on the right.

  8. Scroll down to the Channels Section and click the Edit Properties link for the channel that you want to add Help to (for example, AddressBook).
  9. The channel’s property settings page is displayed.

  10. Under the Customize heading, select New to add a custom channel property.
  11. In the New Property window:
    1. From the Type menu, choose Conditional Property.
    2. In the Condition field, enter client.
    3. In the Value field, enter the client type for the device you are providing Help for (for example, WML).
    4. Click on Finish.
    5. The Edit Channel window appears, and your new property definition is now in the Conditional Property field.

To Define a Custom Channel Property


If you are not already logged in, log in to the Sun ONE Identity Server administration console as the administrator. By default, Identity Management is selected in the location pane and Organizations is selected in the Navigation Pane.

1.  From the View menu in the location pane, select Services.

2.  In the left pane, click the arrow for Portal Desktop under Portal Server Configuration.

3.  In the right pane, Click the Channel and Container Management link for the Display Profile.

4.  Click the Edit Properties link for the channel that you want to add Help to.

  1. For client=WML (or whatever client type you are working with), choose Edit Conditional Property.
  2. The client=WML window appears.

  3. Click the New link to display the characteristics of client=wml.
  4. From the Type menu, choose String.
  5. In the Name field, enter helpURL.
  6. In the Value field, enter the location of your Help file relative to your Portal Server web application documentation root (for example, mobile/wml/help.wml).
  7. Click on Finish to return to the client=Wml page.
  8. The location of your Help file is now displayed under the Customized heading in the helpURL field.

Creating a Help File

Create the help file using markup language appropriate to the client, or use AML for the rendered Portal Desktop. If you create an AML help file, the rendering engine processes the file and renders it appropriately for the mobile client.


To be processed by the rendering engine, the AML help file must be a JavaServer Pages specification (for example, help.jsp), and contentType must be set to text/aml.

To do this, insert the following line at the top of the JSP help file:

<%@ page contentType="text/aml" %>



Installing Help Files in the File System

Once you have created the help file, copy it to the web application documentation root for the Portal Server software:



To be processed by the rendering engine, AML help files must be stored under the Portal Server software’s web application documentation root (for example, /opt/SUNWps/web-src/docs).

Deploying Help Files

Deploy the help file using the Portal Server software’s deploy command:

/portal-server-installation-root/SUNWps/bin/deploy redeploy

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