Sun Identity Manager 8.1 Resources Reference

Usage Notes

This section provides information related to using the Domino resource adapter, which is organized into the following sections:

You can used aliased groups when using Identity Manager to create a Domino group. Names of aliased groups are represented by this syntax: Group1;alias1;alias2. Note that when a group name appears in a list, you will see the primary name only.

Recertification Process

The recertification process is done using the Boolean user attribute named “recertify.” During an update operation the attribute is checked; if enabled, the user ID is recertified.

The recertification process is done through the adminp process, meaning we generate an adminp request and the recertification of the ID gets done at some point afterwards. The timing of the recertification will depend on configuration of the Domino server.

Changing Passwords

Lotus users have two different passwords:

The adapter can be configured to manage one or both of these passwords.

Managing HttpPasswords Only

Configure the Domino Gateway adapter as follows to manage HttpPasswords but not ID file passwords.

Managing HttpPasswords and ID File Passwords

Configure the Domino Gateway adapter as follows to manage ID file passwords from the User interface and HttpPasswords from the Administrator and User interfaces.

Managing ID File Passwords Only

Configure the Domino Gateway adapter as follows to manage ID file passwords from the User interface without managing HttpPasswords.

Disabling and Enabling

In Domino 6.0 and later, the preferred method to disable a user is to set the CheckPassword account attribute to 2. However, the 5.x method of adding a user to a DENY GROUP may still be used.

Early versions of Domino do not implement a native disable flag for each user, so each user disabled is placed in a DENY GROUP. When enabled, they are removed as members of any of the defined groups. DENY GROUP has a maximum number of members threshold so the group has to be specified as an account attribute to the resource. This requires an additional DenyGroups account attribute to be passed to the resource. DenyGroups can be set during a Disable, Enable, or Deprovision, but will not be fetched without additional coding.

When deprovisioning or disabling, you must send a list of DenyGroups that the user will be added to. When enabling, you must send a list of DenyGroups that the user will be removed from.

The available DenyGroups can be fetched from the resource with the following code:

<invoke name=’listResourceObjects’ class=’com.waveset.ui.FormUtil’>

The currently assigned DenyGroups can be fetched on a disable, enable, or deprovision form with this code:

<invoke name=’getList’>
    <invoke name=’getView’>

In the enable, disable, and deprovision forms, you must address the DenyGroups attribute as:

resourceAccounts.currentResourceAccounts [YourResourceName].attributes.DenyGroups

The following example defines a field in the disable form that lists the available DenyGroups in the left hand side of a multi-select box:

<Field name=’resourceAccounts.currentResourceAccounts [
    <Display class=’MultiSelect’>
       <Property name=’title’ value=’Deny Groups’/>
       <Property name=’required’>
       <Property name=’allowedValues’>
          <invoke name=’listResourceObjects’ class=’com.waveset.ui.FormUtil’>
       <Property name=’availableTitle’ value=’Available Deny Groups’/>
       <Property name=’selectedTitle’ value=’Assigned Deny Groups’/>

The following example defines a field in the enable form that lists the assigned DenyGroups in a derivation rule of a hidden field:

<Field name=’resourceAccounts.currentResourceAccounts 
       <invoke name=’getList’>
          <invoke name=’getView’>

ID File

The gateway machine generates new IDs for users that are newly registered. They may be placed on a UNC path that is accessible to the gateway process/service. So, specifying \\machine\ids\ would put it on the network share.

There might be a need for the gateway to run as a user when configured as a service to get access to the share specified when a user is created. You can assign SYSTEM to have access to shares, but it depends on how the gateway network environment looks.

You can specify that the ID file be stored in the address book also by setting the Store ID In Addr Book resource attribute to TRUE/FALSE.


The move/rename actions are also performed by the adminp process. A move can be initiated from the rename form by changing the certifierOrgHierarchy attribute and providing the original certifierId file and password for that id file. The move request will create a “Name Move Request” in the requests database and must be completed by the new certifier that represents the user’s new organization. A move can be initiated by changing the user’s first/last name.

Note –

You cannot perform a rename and a move at the same time; the adminp process will not allow this since the request references the canonical name which will be changed in both cases.

Resource Names

The gateway requires that all Domino resources be named uniquely. If you have multiple Identity Manager deployments and they “point” to the same gateway, all of the Domino resources that exist on the deployments must have unique resource names.

Roaming Support

Identity Manager can create roaming users if the resource is a Domino 7.0 or later server. Identity Manager cannot change a user’s roaming status. Therefore, the RoamingUser account attribute cannot be set on existing users.

Gateway Timeouts

The Domino adapter allows you to use the RA_HANGTIMEOUT resource attribute to specify a timeout value, in seconds. This attribute controls how long before a request to the gateway times out and is considered hung.

You must manually add this attribute to the Resource object as follows:

<ResourceAttribute name=’Hang Timeout’ displayName=’com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:
  RESATTR_HANGTIMEOUT’ type=’int’ description=’com.waveset.adapter.RAMessages:

The default value for this attribute is 0, indicating that Identity Manager will not check for a hung connection.