Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 System Administrator's Guide

Before Calling Support

Before calling Oracle Technical Support or Sustaining for assistance, you must prepare for the call by collecting as much information as possible about your environment and the problem. Instructions are provided in the following sections:

Note –

Unless specifically noted otherwise, the commands described in the following sections will work from a properly sourced terminal on UNIX or Windows.

Identify the Problem Area

Try using one or more of the following methods to narrow the problem area:

Gather Required Information

You must have the following information about your environment and Waveset installation available for all calls to your Support or Sustaining representative.

Information to Collect 

How to Get this Information 

Product version, including 

  • A list of all installed patches, hotfixes, and e-fixes

  • A list of customizations

Use the following commands from the WavesetConsole: 

  • installed

  • inventory

Waveset topography, including:

  • How your Waveset cluster is configured

  • Environment localization of the issue and any extra information about your environment

  • A list of servers

The information

  • Must be manually determined

  • Must be manually determined

  • Can be obtained by selecting Configure -> Servers from the Waveset Administrator interface on a running Waveset server

Recent changes to your environment 

Must be manually determined 

Java version and type 

Use the following Java command: 

java -version

Application server version and type 

Depends on the Application Server being used, but must be manually determined 

Operating system level and information 

Must be manually determined 

Default XML output, which is a list of all repository objects 

Use the export default.xml default command from the Console

Task instance data, including

  • A list of all running tasks

  • The size of all current task instances

Use the following commands from the Console:

  • listTasks

  • showSizes TaskInstance

System Logs 

Note –

You might be asked to provide additional system logs based on the type of issue you are reporting.

Gather Additional Information for Specific Problems

If you are experiencing issues related to the following, specific problem areas, you must gather some additional information. Be sure to read the pertinent sections before calling Support.

Installation Problems

If you are having problems with your Waveset installation, you must have the following information available for Support:

Note –

For upgrade issues, Support asks for this information on a case-by-case basis:

Hung Systems

If your system is hung, try to collect following information:

Performance Issues

Note –

Instructions for accessing the Waveset debug pages mentioned in this section are described in Accessing the Debug Pages.

If you are having performance problems, try gathering the following information for Support:

System Crashes

If you are reporting a system crash, try to collect the following information for Support: