Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Guide

Create Bulk Action

Bulk actions allow you to act on multiple accounts at the same time. You can use bulk actions to create, update, and delete Waveset and resource accounts, but this discussion will be limited to Waveset creating accounts. See Business Administrator's Guide for a full description of bulk actions.

Bulk actions are specified using comma-separated values (CSV). The structure of these values differs from those specified in a Load from File process.

The CSV format consists of two or more input lines. Each line consists of a list of values separated by commas. The first line contains field names. The remaining lines each correspond to an action to be performed on an Waveset user, the user’s resource accounts, or both. Each line should contain the same number of values. Empty values will leave the corresponding field value unchanged.

Two fields are required in any bulk action CSV input:

The third and subsequent fields are from the User view. The field names used are the path expressions for the attributes in the views. See Understanding the User View in Deployment Reference for information on the attributes that are available in the User View. If you are using a customized User Form, then the field names in the form contain some of the path expressions that you can use.

Following is a list of some of the more common path expressions used in bulk actions:

Some fields can have multiple values. For example, the waveset.resources field can be used to assign multiple resources to a user. You can use the vertical bar (|) character (also known as the “pipe” character), to separate multiple values in a field. The syntax for multiple values can be specified like this:

value0 | value1 [ | value2 ... ]

The following example illustrates Create bulk actions:

Create,John Doe,AD|Solaris,changeit,changeit,John Doe,John Doe
Create,Jane Smith,AD,changeit,changeit,Jane Smith,

The Create bulk action is more versatile than the from Load from File process. Bulk actions can work with multiple resources, while Load from File loads information from one resource at a time.