Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

The Accounts Area of the Interface

A user is anyone who holds an Waveset system account. Waveset stores a range of data for each user. Collectively, this information forms a user’s Waveset identity.

The Waveset Accounts / User List page lets you manage Waveset users. To access this area, click Accounts on the Administrator interface menu bar.

The accounts list shows all Waveset user accounts. Accounts are grouped into organizations and virtual organizations, which are represented hierarchically in folders.

You can sort the accounts list by full name (Name), user last name (Last Name), or user first name (First Name). Click the header bar to sort by a column. Clicking the same header bar toggles between ascending and descending sort order. When you sort by full name (the Name column), then all items in the hierarchy, at all levels, are sorted alphabetically.

To expand the hierarchical view and see accounts in an organization, click the triangular indicator next to a folder. Collapse the view by clicking the indicator again.

Actions Lists in the Accounts Area

Use the actions lists (located at the top and bottom of the accounts area, as shown in Actions Lists in the Accounts Area), to perform a range of actions.

Actions list selections are divided among:

Searching in the Accounts List Area

Use the accounts area search feature to locate users and organizations. Select Organizations or Users from the list, enter one or more characters that the user or organization name starts with in the search area, and then click Search. For more information about searching in the accounts area, see Finding and Viewing User Accounts.

User Account Status

Icons that display next to each user account indicate current, assigned account status. Table 3–1 describes what each icon represents.

Table 3–1 User Account Status Icon Descriptions



User-locked icon.

The user’s Waveset account is locked. Note that this icon only reflects the locked state of the Waveset account, not any of the user’s resource accounts. 

Users become locked after exceeding the maximum number of failed Waveset account login attempts as defined in the Waveset Account Policy. Only failed password or question logins to Waveset accounts are counted towards the maximum allowed. Therefore, if an Waveset login application (that is, the administrator interface, the end-user interface, and so on) does not include the Waveset Login Module in its login module group, then the Waveset failed password policy will not be considered. However, regardless of the stack of login modules configured for a given Waveset login application, failed question logins that exceed the maximum configured in the Waveset Account Policy can cause a user to become locked and this icon to be displayed. 

For information on how to unlock accounts see To Unlock User Accounts.

User with Admin Capabilities locked icon

The administrator Waveset account is locked. Note that this icon only reflects the locked state of the Waveset account, not any of the administrator’s resource accounts. For more information, see the description for the user lockout icon, above. 

User disabled icon.

The account is disabled on all assigned resources and on Waveset. (When an account is enabled, no icon appears.) 

For information about how to enable disabled accounts, see Disabling, Enabling, and Unlocking User Accounts.

User account partially disabled icon.

The account is partially disabled, meaning that it is disabled on one or more assigned resources. 

Update needed icon

The system attempted but failed to create or update the Waveset user account on one or more resources. (When an account is updated on all assigned resources, no icon appears.) 

Note –

In the Manager column, a manager’s user name appears inside parentheses if Waveset cannot find an Waveset account that matches the name listed.

The User Pages (Create/Edit/View)

This section describes the Create User, Edit User, and View User pages that are available in the Administrator interface. Instructions on how to use these pages appear later in this chapter.

Note –

This documentation describes the default set of Create User, Edit User, and View User pages that ship with Waveset. To better reflect your business processes or specific administrator capabilities, however, you should create custom user forms specifically for your environment. For more information about customizing the user form, see Chapter 2, Waveset Forms, in Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Reference.

The default Waveset user pages are organized into the following tabs or sections:

Identity Tab

The Identity area defines a user’s account ID, name, contact information, manager, governing organization, and Waveset account password. It also identifies the resources to which the user has access, and the password policy governing each resource account.

Note –

For information about setting up account password policies, read the section in this chapter titled Managing Account Security and Privileges.

The following figure illustrates the Identity area of the Create User page.

Figure 3–1 Create User - Identity

Figure showing the Identity Area of the Create User Screen

Resources Tab

The Resources area provides for the direct assignment of resources and resource groups to a user. Resource exclusions can also be assigned.

Directly assigned resources supplement resources that are indirectly assigned to the user through role assignment. Role assignment profiles a class of users. Roles define user access to resources through indirect assignment.

Roles Tab

The Roles tab is used to assign one or more roles to a user, and manage those role assignments.

See To Assign Roles to a User for information about this tab.

Security Tab

In Waveset terminology, a user who is assigned extended capabilities is an Waveset administrator. Use the Security tab to assign a user administrator privileges.

For more information on using the Security tab to create administrators, see Creating and Managing Administrators.

The Security form consists of the following sections.

Note –

To have administrator capabilities, a user must be assigned at least one Admin role, or one or more capabilities AND one or more controlled organizations. For more information about Waveset administrators, seeUnderstanding Waveset Administration.

Delegations Tab

The Delegations tab on the Create User page lets you delegate work items to other users for a specified length of time. For more information about delegating work items, read Delegating Work Items.

Attributes Tab

The Attributes tab on the Create User page defines account attributes associated with assigned resources. Listed attributes are categorized by assigned resource, and differ depending on which resources are assigned.

Compliance Tab

The Compliance tab:

To assign audit policies, move selected policies from the Available Audit Policies list to the Current Audit Policies list.

Note –

You can view compliance violations logged for a user for a specific time period, by selecting View Compliance Violation Log from the User Actions list and specifying the range of entries to view.