Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

What Information Do Timing Audit Events Store?

By default, timing audit events log most of the information stored by regular audit events, including the following attributes:




Name of the workflow being executed 


Name of the current process being executed 


Unique instance ID of the workflow being executed 


Activity in which the event is being logged 


Unique identifier within a workflow instance 

The above attributes are stored in the logattr table and they come from auditableAttributesList. Waveset also checks whether the workflowAuditAttrConds attribute is defined.

It is possible to call some activities several times within a single instance of a process or a workflow. To match the audit events for a particular activity instance, Waveset stores a unique identifier within a workflow instance in the logattr table.

To store additional attributes in the logattr table for a workflow, you must define a workflowAuditAttrConds list, which is assumed to be a list of GenericObjects. If you define an attrName attribute within the workflowAuditAttrConds list, Waveset pulls attrName out of the object within the code, first using attrName as the key, and then storing the attrName value. All keys and values are stored as uppercase values.