Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

Database Schema

There are two tables in the Waveset repository that are used to store audit data:

These tables are discussed first in this section.

When audit log data exceeds the column length limits specified for the above tables, Waveset truncates the data to fit. Audit log truncation is discussed on Audit Log Truncation.

A few columns in the audit log have configurable column length limits. To find out about these columns and learn how to change their length limits, see Audit Log Configuration.

The waveset.log Table

This section describes the various column names and data types found in the waveset.log table. The data types are taken from the Oracle database definition and vary slightly from database to database. For a list of data schema values for all supported databases, see Appendix B, Audit Log Database Schema

A few of the column values are stored as keys in the database for space optimization. For key definitions, see the section titled Audit Log Database Mappings.

The waveset.logattrTable

The waveset.logattr table is used to store IDs of the organizational membership for each event, which is used to scope the audit log by organization.

Audit Log Truncation

When one or more columns of audit log data exceed the specified column length limits, the column data is truncated to fit. Specifically, the data is truncated to the specified limit, less three characters. An ellipsis (...) is then appended to the column data to indicate truncation has occurred.

In addition, the NAME column of that audit record is prepended with the string #TRUNCATED# to facilitate querying of truncated records.

Note –

Waveset assumes UTF–8 encoding when it computes where to truncate messages. If your configuration uses encoding other than UTF–8, there is a chance that truncated data may still exceed the actual column size in your database. If this happens, the truncated message does not appear in the audit log and an error is written in the system log.