Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide

Configuring PasswordSync with an Oracle JMS Server

Waveset can use Java Message Service (JMS) to receive password change notifications from the PasswordSync servlet. In addition to guaranteed delivery, JMS can deliver messages to multiple systems.

Note –

See the Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Resources Reference for more information about this adapter.

Using a sample scenario, this section provides instructions for configuring PasswordSync with an Oracle JMS server.

The information is organized as follows:

Sample Scenario

A typical (simple) use case for configuring PasswordSync with a JMS server is to enable users to change their passwords on Windows, have Waveset pick up the new password, and then update the user accounts with the new passwords on an Oracle Directory Server.

The following environment was configured for this scenario:

The following files were copied to the Tomcat common/lib directory to enable JMS and JNDI:

Creating and Storing Administered Objects

This section provides instructions for creating and storing the following administered objects, which are required for the sample scenario to work successfully:

You can store administered objects in an LDAP directory or in a file. If you are using a file, all instances of the file must be the same.

For instructions, see

Note –

Storing Administered Objects in an LDAP Directory

PasswordSync and the JMS Listener can be configured to use administered objects stored in an LDAP directory. Figure 11–14 illustrates the process. Both the PasswordSync Servlet and the JMS Listener adapter must retrieve connection factory and destination settings from the LDAP Directory in order to send and receive messages.

Figure 11–14 Retrieving Connection Factory and Destination Objects from the LDAP Directory

Figure illustrating how to configure PasswordSync and
JMS Listener to use administered objects stored in an LDAP directory

Using the Message Queue Command-Line Tool

This section explains how to use the Message Queue command-line tool (imqobjmgr) to store administered objects in an LDAP directory.

Storing Connection Factory Objects

Open the Message Queue command-line tool (imqobjmgr) and type the commands in Storing Connection Factory Objects to store the connection factory objects.

Example 11–1 Storing Connection Factory Objects

#> ./imqobjmgr add -l "cn=mytestFactory" 
-j "java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory" 
-j "java.naming.provider.url=ldap://,dc=coopsrc,dc=com" 
-j " manager" 
-j "" 
-j "" 
-t qf -o "imqAddressList=mq://" 
Adding a Queue Connection Factory object with the following attributes: 
imqAckOnAcknowledge [Message Service Acknowledgement of Client Acknowledgements] ... 
imqSetJMSXUserID [Enable JMSXUserID Message Property] false 
Using the following lookup name: cn=mytestFactory The object’s read-only state: false 
To the object store specified by: 
java.naming.factory.initial com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory 
simple netscape 
cn=directory manager Object successfully added.

In Storing Connection Factory Objects imqAddressList defines the JMS server/broker hostname (, port (7676), and the access method (jms).

Storing Destination Objects

In the Message Queue command-line tool (imqobjmgr), type the commands in Storing Destination Objects to store the destination objects.

Example 11–2 Storing Destination Objects

#> ./imqobjmgr add -l "cn=mytestDestination" 
-j "java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory" 
-j "java.naming.provider.url=ldap://,dc=coopsrc,dc=com" 
-j " manager" 
-j "" 
-j "" 
-t q -o "imqDestinationName=mytestDestination" 
Adding a Queue object with the following attributes: 
imqDestinationDescription [Destination Description] 
A Description for the Destination Object imqDestinationName [Destination Name] 
mytestDestination Using the following lookup name: cn=mytestDestination 
The object’s read-only state: false 
To the object store specified by: 
java.naming.factory.initial com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory 
java.naming.provider.url ldap:// ou=sunmq,dc=coopsrc,dc=com simple netscape cn=directory manager Object successfully added.

You can check the newly created object with an ldapsearch or an LDAP browser.

This concludes the section on Storing Administered Objects on an LDAP Server. Skip the next section, which describes how to store Administered Objects in a file, and go to the section on Configuring the JMS Listener Adapter for this Scenario.

Storing Administered Objects in a File

PasswordSync and the JMS Listener can be configured to use administered objects stored in a file. If you are not storing administered objects on an LDAP server (Storing Administered Objects in an LDAP Directory), follow the instructions in this section.

Storing Connection Factory Objects

Open the Message Queue command-line tool (imqobjmgr) and type the commands in Storing Connection Factory Objects to store connection factory objects and specify a lookup name.

Example 11–3 Storing Connection Factory Objects and Specifying Lookup Names

#> ./imqobjmgr add -l "mytestFactory" -j 
"java.naming.factory.initial= com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory"
 -j "java.naming.provider.url=file:///home/gael/tmp" -t qf -o 
Adding a Queue Connection Factory object with the following attributes: 
imqAckOnAcknowledge [Message Service Acknowledgement of Client Acknowledgements] 
imqSetJMSXUserID [Enable JMSXUserID Message Property] false 
Using the following lookup name: 
The object’s read-only state: false 
To the object store specified by: 
java.naming.factory.initial com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory 
java.naming.provider.url file:///home/gael/tmp 
Object successfully added. 
To specify a destination: 
#> ./imqobjmgr add -l "mytestQueue" -j 
-j "java.naming.provider.url=file:///home/gael/tmp" -t q -o 
Adding a Queue object with the following attributes: 
imqDestinationDescription [Destination Description] A Description for the Destination 
Object imqDestinationName [Destination Name] myTestQueue 
Using the following lookup name: 
The object’s read-only state: false 
To the object store specified by: 
java.naming.factory.initial com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory 
java.naming.provider.url file:///home/gael/tmp 
Object successfully added.

Creating the Destination on the Broker

By default, the Message Queue broker allows auto-creation of the queue destination (see, where the default value for imq.autocreate.queue is true).

If the queue destination is not created automatically, you must create the destination object on the broker using the command shown in Creating the Destination on the Broker (where myTestQueue is the destination).

Example 11–4 Creating a Destination Object on the Broker

name (Queue name): 
#> cd /opt/sun/mq/bin 
#>./imqcmd create dst -t q -n mytestQueue 
Username: <admin> 
Password: <admin> 
Creating a destination with the following attributes: 
Destination Name mytestQueue 
Destination Type Queue On the broker specified by: 
Host Primary Port 
------------------------- localhost 7676 
Successfully created the destination.

You can store administered objects in a directory or in a file:

Configuring the JMS Listener Adapter for this Scenario

Configure the JMS listener adapter on the application server. Follow the instructions in the section Adding and Configuring a JMS Listener Adapter.

Configuring Active Sync

Next, configure the JMS Listener for synchronization. Active Sync is required if you are using JMS, but it is not used for direct connections.

ProcedureTo Configure the JMS Listener for Synchronization

  1. In the Administrator interface, click Resources in the menu.

  2. In the Resource List, select the JMS Listener checkbox.

  3. In the Resource Actions list, select Edit Synchronization Policy.

    The Edit Synchronization page for the JMS Listener resource opens (Figure 11–15).

    Figure 11–15 Configuring Active Sync for the JMS Listener

    Figure showing the Edit Synchronization page for the
JMS Listener resource

  4. Under Common Settings, locate Proxy Administrator and select pwsyncadmin. (This administrator is associated with an empty form.)

  5. Under Common Settings, locate Process Rule and select Synchronize User Password from the list. The default Synchronize User Password workflow takes each request that comes in from the JMS Listener adapter, checks out the ChangeUserPassword viewer, and then checks the ChangeUserPassword viewer back in.

  6. In the Log File Path box, specify a path to a directory where the active and archived log files should be created.

  7. For debugging purposes, set the Log Level to 4 to generate a verbose log.

  8. Click Save.