Oracle Waveset Service Provider 8.1.1 Deployment

Forgot Username Page

A user accesses the Forgot Username page to retrieve his or her login ID. The user must supply the telephone number stored in the telephoneNumber attribute on the directory and a valid email address. The login ID will be sent to the specified email address.

The following table summarizes the structure of this page.



Page Processor Class 


View Handler 



Service Provider End-User Forgot Username 

Email template 

Service Provider End-User Username Recovery 

Configuration object attributes 


  • lookup-attributes.title

  • lookup-attributes.required

  • notification.recovery

Audit event 


Failure occurs if an account cannot be found with the specified telephone number and email address, or if multiple accounts are found with the given information.

The form can also use the auditEventType form property to instruct the viewer about which type of audit event to log.