Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Overview

How Does Waveset Interface With Other IT Systems?

In Waveset, managed applications and other IT systems are called resources. Waveset uses either adapters or connectors to interface with resources.

Adapters and connectors are installed on the Waveset server. (Waveset does not require special software (called agents) to be installed on target resources.) Dozens of Waveset adapters and connectors are available, and new ones can be created to communicate with almost any resource using standard protocols or known application programming interfaces (APIs). Waveset ships with various adapters and connectors to communicate with many of the most common resources. In addition, templates and skeleton code is available to assist programmers in creating additional adapters and connectors.

Some resources cannot be communicated with directly and require the use of the Waveset Gateway. Examples of resources that require the Gateway include Microsoft products, such as Exchange and Windows Active Directory, Novell products, such as eDirectory (formerly Netware Directory Services), and several others. In such cases, Waveset communicates directly with the Gateway and the Gateway interfaces with the resource.

Figure 1–1 Waveset Interfaces with Some Resources Directly, While Other Resources Require the Waveset Gateway

Diagram shows that Waveset connects to some resources
directly and to other resources through the Waveset Gateway.

For a list of resources that Waveset supports, see Supported Resources in Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Release Notes.