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Oracle® Waveset 8.1.1 Connector Reference
Release 8.1.1

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10 Oracle Waveset Connector for Siebel User Management

This chapter includes the following information about the Siebel connector for Oracle Waveset:

10.1 About the Siebel Connector

10.1.1 Overview of the Siebel Connector

Oracle Waveset communicates with the Siebel target system through the Siebel connector using the Siebel target APIs. The Siebel Business Applications environment consists of entities such as Siebel Enterprise Server, Siebel Gateway Name Server, Siebel Database Server, and Siebel File System. For more information, see the Siebel Applications documentation:

The Siebel connector is implemented using the Identity Connector Framework (ICF). The ICF provides a container that separates the connector bundle from the application. The ICF also provides common features that developers would otherwise need to implement on their own, such as connection pooling, buffering, time outs, and filtering. For more information about the ICF, see Chapter 1, "Identity Connectors Overview".

The Siebel connector supersedes the Siebel resource adapter. To migrate a Siebel resource adapter deployment, see Migrating a Siebel Resource Adapter. Siebel Connector Architecture

The following figure shows the Siebel connector architecture.

Figure 10-1 Siebel Connector Architecture

Description of Figure 10-1 follows
Description of "Figure 10-1 Siebel Connector Architecture"

The Siebel connector architecture includes these components:

  • Oracle Waveset includes the connector integration files. These files are XML files that provide the configuration information necessary to transform data from a resource to Oracle Waveset. Integration files are sometimes called the connector "glue" code.

  • The Identity Connector Framework (ICF) provides a container that separates the connector bundle from the application. The ICF also provides common features that developers would otherwise need to implement on their own, such as connection pooling, buffering, time outs, and filtering.

  • The Siebel connector bundle uses the Siebel target APIs to access the Siebel target system. Siebel Connector Features

The Siebel connector supports the following features:

  • Create account

  • Update account

  • Delete account

  • Full reconciliation Siebel Connector Resource Object Management

By default, the Siebel connector supports the following Siebel object:

Resource Object Features Supported Attributes Managed

Account (__ACCOUNT__ object class)

  • Create

  • Update

  • Delete

  • Full reconciliation

Login Name, First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, Work Phone Extension, EMail Addr, Alias, Employee Type Code, Time Zone, Preferred Communications, Job Title, Home Phone #, Personal Title, Phone #, Fax #, Responsibility, Position Siebel Connector Configuration Parameters

The Siebel connector supports the following configuration parameters.

Table 10-1 Siebel Connector Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description

Enterprise Server

Name of the Enterprise server. An Enterprise is a logical collection of Siebel servers that access a single database server and file system. Sample value: siebel

Gateway Server

Name of the Gateway server. A Gateway server is a Windows service or UNIX daemon process that stores component definitions and assignments, operational parameters, and connectivity information. Sample value: SBA_SIEBEL

Gateway Server Port

Listening port number for the Siebel Connection Broker (alias SCBroker). Sample value : 2321


Language in which the text on the UI is displayed. Specify any one of the following values:

  • For English: ENU

  • For Brazilian Portuguese: PTB

  • For French: FRA

  • For German: DEU

  • For Italian: ITA

  • For Japanese: JPN

  • For Korean: KOR

  • For Simplified Chinese: CHS

  • For Spanish: ESP

  • For Traditional Chinese: CHT

Object Manager

Name of the object manager. Specify any one of the following values:

  • For English: SCCObjMgr_enu

  • For Brazilian Portuguese: SCCObjMgr_ptb

  • For French: SCCObjMgr_fra

  • For German: SCCObjMgr_deu

  • For Italian: SCCObjMgr_ita

  • For Japanese: SCCObjMgr_jpn

  • For Korean: SCCObjMgr_kor

  • For Simplified Chinese: SCCObjMgr_chs

  • For Spanish: SCCObjMgr_esp

  • For Traditional Chinese: SCCObjMgr_cht


Password of the target system user account that you want to use for connector operations. Sample value: sadmin

Siebel Server

Name of the target system server. Sample value: SBA_SIEBEL

User Name

User ID of the target system user account that you want to use for connector operations. Sample value: SADMIN


Type of encryption for secure communication. If encryption is required, then specify RSA. Otherwise, specify None. Note: The value of this parameter is case-sensitive. Default value: None

Siebel Version

Version of the target system supported by this connector. Sample value: 8.1.1

SSO Flag

Enter Yes to specify that the target system is configured to use an SSO solution for authentication. Otherwise, enter No. Default value: No

Employee Business Object

Business Object of Employee userType. Default value: Employee

Employee Business Component

Business Component of Employee userType. Default value: Employee

User Business Object

Business Object of the User userType. Default value: Users

User Business Component

Business Component of the User userType. Default value: User

Trusted Token

Enter the trusted token value that you specify while configuring the target system to communicate with the SSO system. If you have not configured SSO authentication, then enter No.

Key Field Name

Enter the search attribute in the Siebel Business Component that must be treated as the unique identifier for an account. The format of this parameter is as follows:


Default value: common;Login Name

10.1.2 Requirements for the Siebel Connector

The Siebel connector for Oracle Waveset has the following requirements:

  • Oracle Waveset with the patch shown in Certified Components for the Siebel Connector must be installed.

  • If you are installing the Siebel connector in Oracle Waveset, the following Siebel JAR files are required in the $WSHOME/WEB-INF/lib directory of the Oracle Waveset web application:

    • Siebel 7.8 through 8.1.1: Siebel.jar and SiebelJI_enu.jar

    • Siebel 7.5 through 7.7: SiebelJI_Common.jar, SiebelJI_enu.jar, and SiebelJI.jar

    The Siebel JAR files are available in the SIEBEL_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY/siebsrvr/CLASSES directory.

    Note. To prevent potential conflicts, do not copy JAR files for multiple versions of Siebel into the $WSHOME/WEB-INF/lib directory.

  • If you are installing the Siebel connector in the Java Connector Server, the Siebel JAR files are required in the CONNECTOR_SERVER_HOME/lib directory.

10.1.3 Security Considerations for the Siebel Connector

This section provides the following security information for the Siebel connector:

  • Supported Connections

    Oracle Waveset can use HTTP or RSA encryption to communicate with the Siebel connector. For more information, see the Siebel Applications documentation:

  • Required Administrative Privileges

    The administrator user name and password configured for the Siebel connector must be assigned sufficient privileges within Siebel to create new records and to update existing records for the specified business component.

10.1.4 Certified Components for the Siebel Connector

The Siebel connector is certified with the following components:

Table 10-2 Certified Components for the Siebel Connector

Component Requirement

Oracle Waveset

Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Patch 5 or later

Identity Connector Framework (ICF)

ICF 1.1 or later

Target Systems

  • Oracle Siebel 7.8 through 8.1.1

  • Oracle Siebel 7.5 through 7.7


JDK 1.5 or later

10.1.5 Supported Languages for the Siebel Connector

The Siebel connector is localized in the following languages:

  • Arabic

  • Chinese (Simplified)

  • Chinese (Traditional(

  • Danish

  • French

  • German

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Portuguese (Brazilian)

  • Spanish

10.2 Migrating a Siebel Resource Adapter

If you currently have the Siebel resource adapter installed, this section describes how to migrate to the Siebel connector.

To migrate a Siebel resource adapter, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have installed Oracle Waveset with the patch shown in Certified Components for the Siebel Connector.

  2. Log in to the Oracle Waveset Administrator interface.

  3. Select the Resources tab and then the Migrate Adapters tab.

  4. Follow the Migration Wizard and select the Siebel Resource adapter and corresponding Siebel connector.

10.3 Deploying the Siebel Connector

You can deploy the Siebel connector either locally in Oracle Waveset or remotely in the Java Connector Server, as described in the following sections:

10.3.1 Installing the Siebel Connector in Oracle Waveset

To install the Siebel connector in Oracle Waveset, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have installed Oracle Waveset with the patch shown in Certified Components for the Siebel Connector.

  2. Stop the Oracle Waveset web application.

  3. Copy the following Siebel connector JAR files into the $WSHOME/WEB-INF/lib directory of the Oracle Waveset web application:

    • Siebel 7.8 through 8.1.1: Siebel.jar and SiebelJI_enu.jar

    • Siebel 7.5 through 7.7: SiebelJI_Common.jar, SiebelJI_enu.jar, and SiebelJI.jar

    The Siebel JAR files are available in the SIEBEL_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY/siebsrvr/CLASSES directory.

    Note. To prevent potential conflicts, do not copy JAR files for multiple versions of Siebel into the $WSHOME/WEB-INF/lib directory.

  4. Start the Oracle Waveset web application.

  5. Log in as an Oracle Waveset Administrator.

  6. Select the appropriate version of the Siebel connector and create the Siebel connector resource by following the Create Siebel Connector Resource wizard.

    Because you are installing the Siebel connector in Oracle Waveset, specify the value for the Java Connector Server as Local.

  7. For the values for the Siebel connector attributes, see Siebel Connector Account Attributes.

10.3.2 Deploying the Siebel Connector in the Java Connector Server Siebel Connector Deployment Architecture With the Java Connector Server

If you install the Siebel connector in the Java Connector Server, the following figure shows the distributed deployment architecture.

Figure 10-2 Siebel Connector Deployment Architecture With the Java Connector Server

Description of Figure 10-2 follows
Description of "Figure 10-2 Siebel Connector Deployment Architecture With the Java Connector Server"

  • Machine 1 has Oracle Waveset deployed.

  • Machine 2 has the Siebel connector and the Siebel Target APIs (JAR files) installed in the Java Connector Server. The Java Connector Server is part of the Identity Connector Framework (ICF).

  • Machine 3 has the Siebel target system deployed. Installing and Configuring the Java Connector Server

To install and configure the Java Connector Server, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new directory on the machine where you want to install the Java Connector Server. In this section, CONNECTOR_SERVER_HOME represents this directory.

  2. Unzip the Java Connector Server package in your new directory from Step 1. The Java Connector Server package is available with the Identity Connector Framework (ICF).

  3. In the file, set the following properties, as required by your deployment. The file is located in the conf directory.

    Property Description


    Port on which the Java Connector Server listens for requests. The default is 8759.


    Directory where the connector bundles are deployed. The default is bundles.


    Directory in which to place dependent libraries. The default is lib.


    If set to true, the Java Connector Server uses SSL for secure communication. The default is false.

    If you specify true, use the following options on the command line when you start the Java Connector Server:


    • (optional)



    Bind address. To set this property, uncomment it in the file (if necessary). The bind address can be useful if there are more NICs installed on the machine.


    Java Connector Server key.

  4. Set the properties in the file, as follows:

    • To set connectorserver.key, run the Java Connector Server with the option.

    • For all other properties, edit the file manually.

  5. The conf directory also contains the file, which you can edit if required by your deployment. Running the Java Connector Server on Windows Systems

To run the Java Connector Server on Windows systems, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that you have set the properties required by your deployment in the file.

  2. Change to the CONNECTOR_SERVER_HOME\bin directory and find the ConnectorServer.bat script.

    The ConnectorServer.bat script supports the following options:

    Option Description
    /install [serviceName] 
       ["-J java option"]

    Installs the Connector Server as a Windows service.

    Optionally, you can specify a service name and Java options. If you do not specify a service name, the default name is ConnectorServerJava.

    /run ["-J java option"]

    Runs the Connector Server from the console.

    Optionally, you can specify Java options. For example, to run the Connector Server with SSL:

    ConnectorServer.bat /run
    /setkey [key]

    Sets the Connector Server key. The ConnectorServer.bat script stores the hashed value of the key in the connectorserver.key property in the file.

    /uninstall [serviceName]

    Uninstalls the Connector Server. If you do not specify a service name, the script uninstalls the ConnectorServerJava service.

  3. If you need to stop the Java Connector Server, stop the respective Windows service. Running the Java Connector Server on UNIX and Linux Systems

To run the Java Connector Server on UNIX and Linux systems, use the script, as follows:

  1. Make sure that you have set the properties required by your deployment in the file.

  2. Change to the CONNECTOR_SERVER_HOME/bin directory.

  3. Use the chmod command to set the permissions to make the script executable.

  4. Run the script. The script supports the following options:

    Option Description

    /run [ -Jjava-option ]

    Runs the Java Connector Server in the console. Optionally, you can specify one or more Java options.

    For example, to run the Java Connector Server with SSL:

    ./ /run

    /start [ -Jjava-option ]

    Runs the Java Connector Server in the background. Optionally, you can specify one or more Java options.


    Stops the Java Connector Server, waiting up to 5 seconds for the process to end.

    /stop n

    Stops the Java Connector Server, waiting up to n seconds for the process to end.

    /stop -force

    Stops the Java Connector Server. Waits up to 5 seconds and then uses the kill -KILL command, if the process is still running.

    /stop n -force

    Stops the Java Connector Server. Waits up to n seconds and then uses the kill -KILL command, if the process is still running.

    /setKey key

    Sets the Java Connector Server key. The script stores the hashed value of key in the connectorserver.key property in the file. Installing the Siebel Connector in the Java Connector Server

After you have installed the Java Connector Server, follow these steps to install the Siebel connector in the Java Connector Server:

  1. Make sure you have installed Oracle Waveset with the patch shown in Certified Components for the Siebel Connector.

  2. Stop the Java Connector Server.

  3. Copy the org.identityconnectors.siebel-version.jar file from the CONNECTOR_INSTALL_DIR/WEB-INF/bundles directory to the CONNECTOR_SERVER_HOME/bundles directory.

  4. Depending on the target system you are using, copy the following Siebel JAR files into the CONNECTOR_SERVER_HOME/lib directory:

    • For Siebel 7.8 through 8.1.1: Siebel.jar and SiebelJI_enu.jar

    • For Siebel 7.5 through 7.7: SiebelJI.jar, SiebelJI_Common.jar, and SiebelJI_enu.jar

    The Siebel JAR files are available in the SIEBEL_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY/siebsrvr/CLASSES directory.

  5. Start the Java Connector Server.

10.3.3 Creating a Siebel Connector Resource

To create a Siebel connector resource, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have installed Oracle Waveset with the patch shown in Certified Components for the Siebel Connector.

  2. Log in to the Oracle Waveset Administrator interface.

  3. Create the Siebel connector resource by following the Create Siebel Connector Resource wizard.

    • Specify the appropriate version of the Siebel connector.

    • If you are installing the Siebel connector in the Java Connector Server, choose the desired Java Connector Server. However, if you are installing the Siebel connector in Oracle Waveset, specify the value for the Java Connector Server as Local.

  4. Specify values for the configuration parameters, as described in Siebel Connector Configuration Parameters.

For additional information about creating resources, see "Understanding and Managing Waveset Resources" in the Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Business Administrator's Guide in the following library:

10.4 Using the Siebel Connector

10.4.1 Siebel Connector Account Attributes

The default schema map assumes that the Employee business object and Employee business component are configured. You might have to add, remove, or change attributes to manage your Siebel environment, especially if you have configured the connector to use a business object or business component other than the default.

In the schema map, primary field values are handling by using a separate field that ends with true. For example, the Employee;Position;Name;true field sets the primary position for an employee. In the schema map, secondary field values are handling by using a separate field that ends with false. For example, the Employee;Position;Name;false filed sets the secondary position for an employee.

Table 10-3 Siebel Connector Account Attributes

Identity System User Attribute Resource User Attribute Description


common;Login Name

User's login name


common;First Name

User's first name


common;Last Name

User's last name


common;Middle Name

User's middle name

Work Phone Extension

Work Phone Extension

User's work phone number extension


common;EMail Addr

User's email address



User's alias

Employee Type Code

Employee Type Code

User's employee code

Time Zone

common;Time Zone

User's time zone name and translation

Preferred Communications

common;Preferred Communications

User's preferred method of communication

Job Title

common;Job Title

User's job title

Home Phone

common;Home Phone #

User's home phone number

Personal Title

common;Personal Title

User's personal title


Employee;Phone #

User's phone number

Fax Number

common;Fax #

User's FAX number



User's type. Value should be either Employee or User.

Primary Responsibility


Multi-value attribute that contains a list of responsibilities you want to assign to the employee. You must manage this attribute in the user form with the drop down box.

All assigned responsibilities must exist in Siebel.

To assign a Primary Responsibility, add the Primary Responsibility attribute to your schema map and set the attribute to the name of the responsibility you want to make primary.

Secondary Responsibility


Multi-value attribute that contains a list of responsibilities you want to assign to the employee. You must manage this attribute in the user form with a multi-select box. The Responsibility field is set as a multi-select box in the sample Siebel User Form.

Primary Position


Multi-value attribute that contains a list of positions you want to assign to the employee. You must manage this attribute in the user form with the drop down box.

All assigned positions must exist in Siebel.

To assign a Primary Position, add the Primary Position attribute to your schema map and set the attribute to the name of the position you want to make primary.

Secondary Position


Multi-value attribute that contains a list of positions you want to assign to the employee. You must manage this attribute in the user form with a multi-select box. The Position field is set as a multi-select box in the sample Siebel User Form.


  • A Resource User Attribute prefix with common; means that this attribute is used in both the User Business Object and Employee Business Object. So, it is common for both.

  • A Resource User Attribute prefix with Employee; means that this attribute is specific to the Employee Business Object.

  • A Resource User Attribute prefix with User; means that this attribute is specific to the User Business Object.

10.4.2 Siebel Connector Sample Form

The following sample form is provided with the Siebel connector:

Form File

Siebel Connector User Form


After you install the Siebel connector and import the Siebel Connector User Form, edit the Tabbed User Form, in order for values to be populated in the Position and Responsibility fields when a new user is created.

For example, to support the Siebel Connector user form, modify the Tabbed User Form, as follows:

  1. Go to Oracle Waveset debug page:

  2. Select User Form from the drop-down box, which is adjacent to List Objects, and then click on List Objects.

  3. Search for the Tabbed User Form and then click Edit.

  4. Make the following changes in the Tabbed User Form:

    1. Add the SiebelConnectorUserForm inside the <Include> tag, as follows:

      <ObjectRef type='UserForm' name='SiebelConnectorUserForm'/>
    2. Add the following <FormRef...> element before the <FormRef name='MissingFields'/> tag:

      <FormRef name='SiebelConnectorUserForm'/>

For more information, see "Customizing Forms" in Chapter 2, Waveset Forms, in the Oracle Waveset 8.1.1 Deployment Reference (

10.4.3 Choosing Business Objects and Components

By default, the Siebel connector uses the User and Employee Siebel business component of the User and Employee Siebel business object for account provisioning.

You can use the Siebel Tools Client to inspect your business component and to verify which attributes are available for provisioning. The default schema map has some common attributes that are useful for the default Users and Employee business component.

You might have to add, remove, or change attributes to manage your Siebel environment, especially if you have configured the connector to use a business object or business component other than the default.

The following steps are a basic guide to discovering which attributes Oracle Waveset can provision to your Siebel environment using the Siebel Tools client.

To identify attributes for provisioning to a Siebel environment, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Siebel Tools Object Explorer.

  2. Click the Business Component icon.

  3. Scroll down or create a query to select the desired business component.

  4. Select Fields within the Object Explorer.

    A list of fields available to the business component is displayed.

    The field Name column values shown in the Object Explorer are typically used for the right-hand side (or the Resource User Attribute), within the schema map of your configured Siebel resource.

    In general, you can manage any of these fields to some degree. For more information, see Siebel Connector Account Attributes.

10.4.4 Configuring the Siebel Connector for Multiple Versions of the Target System

To configure the Siebel connector for multiple versions of the Siebel target system, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Java Connector Server, as described in Installing and Configuring the Java Connector Server.

    Note: If the third-party JAR files (this is, the Siebel JAR files) for each target system version are different, install a Java Connector Server for each target system you are using.

  2. Deploy the Siebel connector in the Java Connector Server, as follows:

    1. Copy the org.identityconnectors.siebel-version.jar file from the connector_install_dir/bundles directory to the CONNECTOR_SERVER_HOME/bundles directory.

    2. Depending on the target system you are using, copy the following Siebel JAR files into the CONNECTOR_SERVER_HOME/lib directory:

      • For Siebel 7.8 through 8.1.1: Siebel.jar and SiebelJI_enu.jar

      • For Siebel 7.5 through 7.7: SiebelJI.jar, SiebelJI_Common.jar, and SiebelJI_enu.jar

      The Siebel JAR files are available in the SIEBEL_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY/siebsrvr/CLASSES directory.

  3. Start the Java Connector Server.

  4. Create a new Resource instance for each additional version of the target system.

10.5 Troubleshooting the Siebel Connector

Use the Oracle Waveset debug pages to set trace options on the following connector class:


This class returns the available error messages from the Siebel resource.

For more information, see Debugging and Troubleshooting.