Sun GlassFish Enterprise Manager DTrace Monitoring 3.0 Beta Installation and Quick Start Guide

Sun GlassFish Enterprise Manager DTrace Monitoring 3.0 Beta Installation and Quick Start Guide

Sun GlassFishTM Enterprise Manager DTrace Monitoring enables you to use the DTrace utility of the SolarisTM Operating System (OS) to monitor the performance of Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server. Enterprise Server provides standard DTrace probes to enable you to use all the features of DTrace. DTrace Monitoring is supported only on operating systems that support DTrace, such as the Solaris OS.

Sun GlassFish Enterprise Manager DTrace Monitoring 3.0 Beta Installation and Quick Start Guide explains how to install DTrace Monitoring, including how to enable DTrace monitoring for Enterprise Server. This document also explains how to obtain information about Enterprise Server DTrace probes and provides sample D scripts that illustrate the use of these probes to monitor Enterprise Server. The ability to use DTrace is assumed.

Note –

DTrace Monitoring is beta release software. Use this software for evaluation purposes only. Do not use this software in production deployments.

The following topics are addressed here:

Downloading and Installing DTrace Monitoring

DTrace Monitoring is available under an evaluation licence from the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Manager DTrace Monitoring download page.

Requirements for Downloading DTrace Monitoring

Before you can download and install DTrace Monitoring, you must have a Sun Online Account.

ProcedureTo Install DTrace Monitoring

Before You Begin

Ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

JDK release 7 is available for download from the Java Early Access Downloads site.

  1. Change to the directory to which you downloaded the ZIP file.

    cd download-dir

    download-dir is the directory where you downloaded the ZIP file.

  2. Unzip the ZIP file.


    When you unzip the file, a directory that is named monitoring_dtrace is created within the current directory. This new directory contains a subdirectory that is named lib, which contains the glassfish-dtrace.jar file.

  3. Copy the glassfish-dtrace.jar file to the Enterprise Server modules directory.

    cp monitoring_dtrace/lib/glassfish-dtrace.jar as-install/modules

    as-install is the directory in which Enterprise Server is installed.

  4. If necessary, start an administrative domain.

    asadmin start-domain domain

    domain is the name of the administrative domain to start.

  5. Enable support for DTrace monitoring in Enterprise Server.

    asadmin set configs.config.server-config.monitoring-service.dtrace-enabled=true

DTrace Documentation

For general information about using DTrace, see the following documentation:

Provider in the Names of Enterprise Server DTrace Probes

The provider of the Enterprise Server DTrace probes is glassfish. DTrace treats the Enterprise Server DTrace probes as process identifier (pid) probes and appends the process identifier (ID) of the Enterprise Server process to the provider in the names of these probes. Therefore, you must specify the process ID or the wildcard character * whenever you specify the provider of the Enterprise Server DTrace probes. Typically, you specify the provider in probe names in D scripts or in the -P option of the dtrace command.

Enterprise Server add-on components that are developed by an external vendor can also provide DTrace probes. The provider in the names of the probes for an add-on component need not be glassfish, but is determined by the developer of the add-on component.

Obtaining Information About Enterprise Server DTrace Probes

Information about Enterprise Server DTrace probes enables you to determine the DTrace probes to use for monitoring the aspects of Enterprise Server performance that are of interest to you.

You can obtain information about Enterprise Server DTrace probes by using the following software:

Using DTrace to Obtain Information About Enterprise Server DTrace Probes

You can obtain information about Enterprise Server DTrace probes by using the dtrace command with appropriate options to list the probes that are of interest to you.

Example 1 Listing All Enterprise Server DTrace Probes

This examples uses the -l option and the -P option of the dtrace command to list all Enterprise Server DTrace probes.

In this example, the process ID of the Enterprise Server process is 755.

For better readability, the spacing between columns is reduced and some probes that would listed by this example are not shown.

# /usr/sbin/dtrace -l -P glassfish\*
40518 glassfish755        kernel         thread-pool threadReleasedEvent
40519 glassfish755        kernel         thread-pool maxNumberOfThreadsReachedEvent
40520 glassfish755        kernel         thread-pool threadAllocatedEvent
40521 glassfish755        kernel         thread-pool setCoreThreadsEvent
40522 glassfish755        kernel         thread-pool threadReturnedToPoolEvent
40637 glassfish755           jca     connection-pool incrementNumConnFreeEvent
40638 glassfish755           orb   inboundconnection inboundConnectionClosed
40639 glassfish755           orb   inboundconnection inboundConnectionOpened
40640 glassfish755           orb  outboundconnection outboundConnectionClosed
40641 glassfish755           orb  outboundconnection outboundConnectionOpened
40786 glassfish755      security                 ejb policyDestructionEvent
40787 glassfish755      security                 ejb securityManagerCreationEvent
40788 glassfish755      security                 ejb securityManagerDestructionEvent
40789 glassfish755        jersey       server-hidden requestEnd
40790 glassfish755        jersey       server-hidden ruleAccept
40791 glassfish755        jersey       server-hidden requestStart

Using Monitoring Scripting Client to Obtain Information About Enterprise Server DTrace Probes

If you have installed Monitoring Scripting Client, you can obtain detailed information about each Enterprise Server DTrace probe. This information includes a description of the probe, an explanation of what causes the probe to be fired, and a description of the probe's parameters. This information is not available through standard DTrace tools.

For more information, see the following sections in Sun GlassFish Enterprise Manager Monitoring Scripting Client 3.0 Installation and Quick Start Guide:

Sample D Scripts for Monitoring Enterprise Server

The sample D scripts in this section show how to use Enterprise Server DTrace probes to monitor Enterprise Server.

Example 2 Tracing Network Connection Activity

This example traces network connection activity, such as the opening and closing of network connections, and the addition and removal of tasks from the task queue. Each time an operation on a network connection is performed, the probe for that operation and the probe's parameters are displayed on standard output.

Line breaks are added to the printf() statements in this example to enhance readability. In an actual D script, the added line breaks would cause the script to fail to compile.

#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Zs

dtrace:::BEGIN {
    printf("%-Y     Starting DTrace...\n", walltimestamp);

glassfish*:kernel:connection-queue:connectionAcceptedEvent {
glassfish*:kernel:connection-queue:connectionClosedEvent {
glassfish*:kernel:connection-queue:connectionConnectedEvent {

glassfish*:kernel:connection-queue:onTaskQueuedEvent {

glassfish*:kernel:connection-queue:onTaskDequeuedEvent {

glassfish*:kernel:connection-queue:onTaskQueueOverflowEvent {

glassfish*:kernel:connection-queue:setMaxTaskQueueSizeEvent {

dtrace:::END {
    printf("%-Y     Finished DTrace of glassfish*...\n", walltimestamp);

This script can be run with a command similar to the following:

# /usr/sbin/dtrace -s http-conn.d

Information similar to the following is displayed.

dtrace: script 'http-conn.d' matched 9 probes
CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME
  0      1                           :BEGIN 2009 Dec  2 18:19:27     Starting DTrace...

  0  40548 connection-queue:connectionAcceptedEvent connectionAcceptedEvent(
  0  40549 connection-queue:onTaskQueuedEvent onTaskQueuedEvent(
  0  40550 connection-queue:onTaskDequeuedEvent onTaskDequeuedEvent(
  0  40549 connection-queue:onTaskQueuedEvent onTaskQueuedEvent(
  0  40550 connection-queue:onTaskDequeuedEvent onTaskDequeuedEvent(
  0  40549 connection-queue:onTaskQueuedEvent onTaskQueuedEvent(
  0  40550 connection-queue:onTaskDequeuedEvent onTaskDequeuedEvent(
  0  40548 connection-queue:connectionAcceptedEvent connectionAcceptedEvent(

The script runs until a user types Ctrl-C to stop the script.

Example 3 Tracing HTTP Requests to the Web Container

This example traces HTTP requests to the web container and calculates the time that is required to handle each request. Each time a request is handled, details of the request and the time in microseconds to handle the request are displayed on standard output. When the script is stopped, it displays a summary of the requests that were handled while the script was running.

#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Zs

dtrace:::BEGIN {   printf ("%-20s \n", "Monitoring Requests");   total = 0; } 

glassfish$1:web:http-service:requestStartEvent {
   self->ts = timestamp;

   printf ("%s %s %d\n", copyinstr(arg0), copyinstr(arg1), arg2);
   @time[execname] = quantize(timestamp - self->ts);
   printf ("time in microseconds: %d\n", (timestamp - self->ts));
   self->ts = 0;
   total++; }
dtrace:::END {   printf ("Total requests = %d\n", total); } 

This script requires the process ID of the Enterprise Server process. The process ID can be obtained with the following command:

# jps | grep ASMain
1086 ASMain

In this example, the process ID of the Enterprise Server process is 1086.

This script can be run with a command similar to the following:

# /usr/sbin/dtrace -s trace-web-requests.d 1086

Information similar to the following is displayed. For better readability, the spacing between columns is reduced.

dtrace: script 'trace-web-requests.d' matched 4 probes
CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME
  0      1                           :BEGIN Monitoring Requests  

  0  41085   http-service:requestStartEvent   requestStartEvent                
  0  41084     http-service:requestEndEvent   requestEndEvent hello server 3418876592
time in microseconds: 70935041

  0  41085   http-service:requestStartEvent   requestStartEvent                
  0  41084     http-service:requestEndEvent   requestEndEvent hello server 3419925040
time in microseconds: 2174591

  0  41085   http-service:requestStartEvent   requestStartEvent                
  0  41084     http-service:requestEndEvent   requestEndEvent hello server 3418876592
time in microseconds: 13554111

  0  41085   http-service:requestStartEvent   requestStartEvent                
  0  41084     http-service:requestEndEvent   requestEndEvent hello server 3419925040
time in microseconds: 2499509

The script runs until a user types Ctrl-C to stop the script. When the script stops, information similar to the following is displayed.

  0      2                             :END Total requests = 4

  requestEndEvent                                                   4
  requestStartEvent                                                 4
           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count    
         1048576 |                                         0        
         2097152 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                     2        
         4194304 |                                         0        
         8388608 |@@@@@@@@@@                               1        
        16777216 |                                         0        
        33554432 |                                         0        
        67108864 |@@@@@@@@@@                               1        
       134217728 |                                         0