Sun GlassFish Enterprise Manager DTrace Monitoring 3.0 Beta Installation and Quick Start Guide

Provider in the Names of Enterprise Server DTrace Probes

The provider of the Enterprise Server DTrace probes is glassfish. DTrace treats the Enterprise Server DTrace probes as process identifier (pid) probes and appends the process identifier (ID) of the Enterprise Server process to the provider in the names of these probes. Therefore, you must specify the process ID or the wildcard character * whenever you specify the provider of the Enterprise Server DTrace probes. Typically, you specify the provider in probe names in D scripts or in the -P option of the dtrace command.

Enterprise Server add-on components that are developed by an external vendor can also provide DTrace probes. The provider in the names of the probes for an add-on component need not be glassfish, but is determined by the developer of the add-on component.