Logical Domains 1.2 Administration Guide

Using CPU Power Management Software

To use CPU Power Management (PM) software, you first need to set the power management policy in ILOM 3.0 firmware. This section summarizes the information that you need to be able to use power management with LDoms software. Refer to “Monitoring Power Consumption” in the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 CLI Procedures Guide for more details.

The power policy is the setting that governs system power usage at any point in time. The Logical Domains Manager, version 1.2, supports two power policies, assuming that the underlying platform has implemented Power Management features:

For instructions on configuring the power policy using the ILOM 3.0 firmware CLI, refer to “Monitoring Power Consumption” in the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 CLI Procedures Guide.

Note –

To achieve maximum power savings, do not run the ldm bind-domain command and then leave the domain in the bound state for a long period of time. When a domain is in the bound state, all of its CPUs are powered on.

Showing CPU Power-Managed Strands

This section shows how to list power-managed strands and virtual CPUs.

ProcedureList CPU Power-Managed Strands

  1. List power-managed strands by doing one of the following.

    1. Use the list -l subcommand.

      A dash (---) in the UTIL column of the CPU means the strand is power-managed.

      # ldm list -l primary
      primary      active  -n-cv  SP    8    4G      4.3%  7d 19h 43m
      Solaris running
          VID    PID    UTIL STRAND
          0      0      0.0%   100%
          1      1      ---    100%
          2      2      ---    100%
          3      3      ---    100%
          4      4      ---    100%
          5      5      ---    100%
          6      6      ---    100%
          7      7      ---    100%
    2. Use the parseable option (-p) to the list -l subcommand.

      A blank after util= means the strand is power-managed.

      # ldm list -l -p

ProcedureList Power-Managed CPUs

  1. List power-managed CPUs by doing one of the following.

    1. Use the list-devices -a cpu subcommand.

      In the power management (PM) column, a yes means the CPU is power-managed and a no means the CPU is powered on. It is assumed that 100 percent free CPUs are power-managed by default, hence the dash (---) under PM.

      # ldm list-devices -a cpu
         PID     %FREE      PM
         0       0          no
         1       0          yes
         2       0          yes
         3       0          yes
         4       100        ---
         5       100        ---
         6       100        ---
         7       100        ---
    2. Use the parseable option (-p) to the list-devices -a cpu subcommand.

      In the power management (pm=) field, a yes means the CPU is power-managed and a no means the CPU is powered on. It is assumed that 100 percent free CPUs are power-managed by default, hence the blank in that field.

      # ldm list-devices -a -p cpu
      VERSION 1.4