Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide

What to Do When You Cannot Take Ownership of A Disk Set

In cases in which you cannot take ownership of a disk set from any node (perhaps as a result of a system failure, disk failure, or communication link failure), and therefore cannot delete the disk set record, it is possible to purge the disk set from the Solaris Volume Manager state database replica records on the current host.

Purging the disk set records does not affect the state database information contained in the disk set, so the disk set could later be imported (with the metaimport command, described at Importing Disk Sets).

If you need to purge a disk set from a Sun Cluster configuration, use the following procedure, but use the -C option instead of the -P option you use when no Sun Cluster configuration is present.

ProcedureHow to Purge a Disk Set

  1. Attempt to take the disk set with the metaset command.

    # metaset -s setname -t -f

    This command will attempt to take (-t) the disk set named setname forcibly (-f). If the set can be taken, this command will succeed. If the set is owned by another host when this command runs, the other host will panic to avoid data corruption or loss. If this command succeeds, you can delete the disk set cleanly, without the need to purge the set.

    If it is not possible to take the set, you may purge ownership records.

  2. Use the metaset command with the -P to purge the disk set from the current host.

    # metaset -s setname -P

    This command will purge (-P) the disk set named setname from the host on which the command is run.

  3. Use the metaset command to verify that the set has been purged.

    # metaset

Example 25–5 Purging a Disk Set

host1# metaset -s red -t -f
metaset: host1: setname "red": no such set

host2# metaset

Set name = red, Set number = 1

Host                Owner

Drive    Dbase

c1t2d0   Yes  

c1t3d0   Yes  

c1t8d0   Yes  

host2# metaset -s red -P
host2# metaset

See Also