System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (NIS+)

nislog Command

The nislog command displays the contents of the transaction log.

/usr/sbin/nislog -h [number]
/usr/sbin/nislog -t [number]
Table 18–5 Options for the nislog Command



-h [num]

Display transactions starting with the head (beginning) of the log. If the number is omitted, the display begins with the first transaction. If the number 0 is entered, only the log header is displayed. 

-t [num]

Display transactions starting backward from the end (tail) of the log. If the number is omitted, the display begins with the last transaction. If the number 0 is entered, only the log header is displayed. 


Verbose mode. 

Displaying the Contents of the NIS+ Transaction Log

Each transaction consists of two parts: the particulars of the transaction and a copy of an object definition.

Here is an example that shows the transaction log entry that was made when the directory was first created. “XID” refers to the transaction ID.

rootmaster# /usr/sbin/nislog -h 1
NIS Log printing facility.
NIS Log dump:
 Log state : STABLE
Number of updates : 48
Current XID : 39
Size of log in bytes : 18432
#00000, XID : 1
Time : Wed Nov 25 10:50:59 1992
Directory :
Entry type : ADD Name
Entry timestamp : Wed Nov 25 10:50:59 1992
Principal :
Object name :
Object Name : org_dir
Owner :
Group :
Domain :
Access Rights : r---rmcdr---r---
Time to Live : 24:0:0
Object Type : DIRECTORY
Name : `'
Type: NIS
Master Server :
#00000, XID : 2