man pages section 7: Device and Network Interfaces
  • D
    • dad(7D)– driver for IDE disk devices
    • daplt(7D)– Tavor uDAPL service driver
    • dbri(7D)– Dual Basic Rate ISDN and audio Interface
    • dca(7D)– Crypto Accelerator device driver
    • dcam1394(7D)– 1394–based digital camera (IIDC) driver
    • dcfs(7FS)– Compression file system
    • devfs(7FS)– Devices file system
    • devinfo(7D)– device information driver
    • dkio(7I)– disk control operations
    • dlcosmk(7ipp)– Data Layer Class of Service Marker
    • dlpi(7P)– Data Link Provider Interface
    • dm2s(7D)– loadable STREAMS driver
    • dmfe(7D)– Davicom Fast Ethernet driver for Davicom DM9102A
    • dnet(7D)– Ethernet driver for DEC 21040, 21041, 21140 Ethernet cards
    • dpt(7D)– DPT ServeRAID IV SCSI host bus adapter and RAID adapter driver
    • dr(7d)– Sun Enterprise 10000 dynamic reconfiguration driver
    • drmach(7d)– Sun Enterprise 10000 dynamic reconfiguration driver
    • dscpmk(7ipp)– Differentiated Services Code Point Marker
    • dtrace(7D)– DTrace dynamic tracing facility