Simplified Chinese Solaris User's Guide

Chapter 11 TTY Environment and Support

This chapter assumes that you are familiar with the following information.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Refer to the termio(7I)man page for background information on STREAMS and TTY drivers.

Terminal Support

The Simplified Chinese Solaris Operating System supports Chinese terminals (EUC-GB). The terminals should have built-in Simplified Chinese fonts and input methods.

Installing a Terminal

If you have not added a terminal to your system before, install a terminal in ASCII mode only.

How to Install a Terminal

You can use the serial ports option from the Admintool menu to configure serial ports for terminals. Serial ports provide the easiest means of installing a terminal.

  1. Become superuser.

    system% su
  2. Type admintool.

    The admintool menu appears.

    system# admintool
  3. Select the serial ports icon.

  4. Select edit on the serial ports menu.

    The modify service submenu appears.

  5. On the modify service submenu, select enabled, baud rate 9600. Then enter the terminal type.

    The preceding context describes the graphic.

How to Set Up a ttya Port from the Command Line

Use the following procedure is required tto set up a terminal on ttya port from the command line.

  1. Determine the port monitor version number.

    # ttyadm -V

    The port monitor version number will display.

  2. Enter the following commands and substitute the port monitor version number for ver.

    # pmadm -r -p zsmon -s ttya
    # sacadm -a -p zsmon -t ttymon -c /usr/lib/saf/ttymon -v ver

    For more information, see pmadm(1M) and sacadm(1M) man pages.

  3. Use the pmadm command that matches your terminal type to add a login service.

    For EUC terminals, use the following command.

    # pmadm -a -p zsmon -s ttya -i root -fu -v ver -m "`ttyadm -S y \
      -T terminal_type -d /dev/ttya -l 9600 -m ldterm,ttcompat -s \
  4. Turn on the terminal.

    Refer to the documentation that accompanies the terminal.

  5. Log in to the terminal.

  6. Check to see that the installation is correct.

    # setenv LANG locale
    # /bin/stty cs8 -istrip defeucw

    Note –

    These values show that the operating system is set to communicate with the terminal in 8-bit no-parity mode. Make sure the terminal is set up in 8-bit no-parity mode. Refer to the terminal's setup manual for the proper way to set terminal options.

How to Verify TTY Set Up

Do the Use the following procedure to verify that your TTY is properly set up .

  1. Type the /bin/stty command with the -a option.

    system% /bin/stty -a
  2. If the cs8, -istrip values set in the previous procedure are not listed, use the following command to set them.

    system% /bin/stty cs8 -istrip defeucw

This is the last step in setting up a terminal. The default setting of a Simplified Chinese terminal is the completion-code mode. Continue to the next section to install a Packed-code TTY.