Traditional Chinese Solaris User's Guide

How to Define New Phrases

You can define single phrases with up to 8 Chinese characters.

For example, this procedure describes how to define the following new phrase:

The preceding context describes the graphic.
  1. Using the New ChuYin input method, type the key sequence 5jaj4x;3a83z/.

    The new ChuYin input method automatically adds spaces between each syllable.

    The first Chinese character is not shown in the lookup window.

    The preceding context describes the graphic.
  2. Press the Return key to change to the single character group.

    The preceding context describes the graphic.
  3. Press the spacebar to select the first character.

    The first character is inserted into the preedit string. The second character does not appear in the lookup window.

    The preceding context describes the graphic.
  4. Press the ] key to go to next page, which contains the second Chinese character.

    The preceding context describes the graphic.
  5. Press the spacebar to select the second Chinese character.

    The preceding context describes the graphic.
  6. Repeat the previous steps to input the third, fourth, and fifth Chinese characters.

    The phrase is committed automatically after the last Chinese character is selected.

    The preceding context describes the graphic.

    The new phrase is saved.

    When you type the string 5jaj4x;3a83z/ now, the new phrase appears for selection in the lookup window.

    The preceding context describes the graphic.