Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions User's Guide
 unlabeled screens
  lockscreen ( Index Term Link )
  login screen ( Index Term Link )
 upgrading information ( Index Term Link )
 user clearances, defined ( Index Term Link )
 user responsibilities
  password security ( Index Term Link )
  protecting data ( Index Term Link )
  when leaving workstation ( Index Term Link )
  accessing initialization files at every label ( Index Term Link )
  adding a labeled workspace ( Index Term Link )
  allocating a device ( Index Term Link )
  assuming a role ( Index Term Link )
  authorized to change label of file ( Index Term Link )
  authorized to change security level of data ( Index Term Link )
  changing workspace label ( Index Term Link )
  changing your password ( Index Term Link )
  customizing the Workspace Menu ( Index Term Link )
  determining the label of a file ( Index Term Link )
  finding online help for Trusted Extensions ( Index Term Link )
  getting online help ( Index Term Link )
  linking files at different labels ( Index Term Link )
  locking your screen ( Index Term Link )
  logging in at a different label ( Index Term Link )
  logging out ( Index Term Link )
  moving a window to a workspace at a different label ( Index Term Link )
  moving data between labels ( Index Term Link )
  moving files between labels ( Index Term Link )
   clearing devices ( Index Term Link )
   password security ( Index Term Link )
   protecting data ( Index Term Link )
   when leaving workstation ( Index Term Link )
  shutting down a workstation ( Index Term Link )
  switching to a workspace at a different label ( Index Term Link )
  unlocking your screen ( Index Term Link )
  viewing files in a workspace ( Index Term Link )
 using a device, See allocating a device
 using trusted desktop, single-level or multilevel ( Index Term Link )