Java Desktop System Release 3 User Guide

To Save a File to Another Location

Perform the following steps:

  1. Start the application in which you want to work with the file.

  2. Open the file that you want to save.

  3. Choose the appropriate menu item to save the file. For example, to save a file in Text Editor, choose File -> Save As. A dialog that enables you to save the file is displayed.

    The following table lists the items that are typically in a dialog that you use to save a file:

    Table B–4 Save As Dialog

    Dialog Element 



    Type the name of the file. 

    Save in folder

    Select the folder in which you want to save the file from the drop-down list. 

    Character Coding

    To save the file in a different character encoding, select the character encoding from the drop-down list. 

    Browse for other folders

    Use this drop-down section to specify a location to save the file. For more information on the drop-down section, see To Open a File in an Application.

  4. Click Save.