Java Desktop System Release 3 Accessibility Guide

2.2.3 To Enable the Slow Keys Feature

The slow keys feature enables you to customize how the keyboard handles user input in the following ways:

To enable and configure the slow keys feature, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Launch, then choose Preferences -> Accessibility -> Keyboard.

  2. Click on the Filters tab.

  3. Select the Enable Slow Keys option.

    Tip –

    To select or deselect the slow keys feature from the keyboard, press-and-hold Shift for eight seconds. The Shift keyboard shortcut automatically selects all of the slow keys options. If you selected the Beep when features turned on or off from the keyboard option, after four seconds the system beeps three times to indicate that the system is about to select or deselect the feature. If you enable this feature from the keyboard, you must press-and-hold Shift for eight seconds again to disable the feature.

  4. Use the Only accept keys held for slider or spin box to specify the duration, in milliseconds, for which you must press-and-hold a key before the system accepts the keypress. Use the Type to test settings text box to test the slow keys setting and modify the setting as required.

  5. To enable audible indications of keyboard input and acceptance, select the following options:

    Beep when key is pressed

    Select this option to hear a beep when you press a key.

    Beep when key is accepted

    Select this option to hear a beep when the system accepts a keypress.

    Beep when key is rejected

    Select this option to hear a beep when the system rejects a keypress. The system rejects a keypress if you do not press-and-hold the key for the duration that is specified in the Only accept keys held for spin box.