Solaris SAN Configuration and Multipathing Guide

ProcedureTo Plumb an IPFC Instance

Each FP instance on the system has an entry in /dev/fc. If HBAs have been removed, some stale links might exist. Use this procedure to load and plumb IPFC.

  1. For each entry in /dev/fc, issue a luxadm -e dump_map command to view all the devices that are visible through that HBA port:

    # luxadm -e dump_map /dev/fc/fp0
    Pos  Port_ID Hard_Addr Port WWN         Node WWN         Type
    0    610100  0         210000e08b049f53 200000e08b049f53 0x1f (Unknown Type)
    1    620d02  0         210000e08b02c32a 200000e08b02c32a 0x1f (Unknown Type)
    2    620f00  0         210000e08b03eb4b 200000e08b03eb4b 0x1f (Unknown Type)
    3    620e00  0         210100e08b220713 200100e08b220713 0x1f (Unknown Type,Host Bus Adapter)
    # luxadm -e dump_map /dev/fc/fp1
     No FC devices found. - /dev/fc/fp1
  2. Based on the list of devices, determine which destination HBAs are visible to the remote host with which you want to establish IPFC communications.

    In the example for this procedure, the destination HBAs have port IDs 610100 and 620d02. The originating HBA’s port ID is 620e00.

  3. List the physical path of the originating HBA port from which you can see the destination HBA port, where originating-hba-link is a variable for the link determined in Step 2.

    # ls -l /dev/fc/fp originating-hba-link

    In the following example, 0 is the number for the originating-hba-link:

    # ls -l /dev/fc/fp 0
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          51 Sep  4 08:23 /dev/fc/fp0 ->
  4. Search the physical path identified in Step 3.

    You must remove the leading ../../devices from the path name output. For example

    # grep pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@1/fp@0,0 /etc/path_to_inst 
    "/pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@1/fp@0,0" 0 "fp"
  5. Determine the fp instance for the originating HBA port from the output of the command in Step 4.

    The instance number precedes “fp” in the output. In the following example output, the instance number is 0.

    "/pci@8,600000/SUNW,qlc@1/fp@0,0" 0 "fp"
  6. Use the instance number from Step 5 to load IPFC and plumb the IPFC interface.

    In this example, the instance is 0.

    # ifconfig fcip 0 plumb