Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions Configuration Guide

ProcedureInitialize the Solaris Management Console Server in Trusted Extensions

This procedure enables you to administer users, roles, hosts, zones, and the network on this system. On the first system that you configure, only the files scope is available.

Before You Begin

You must be superuser.

To use the LDAP toolbox on the LDAP server from a Solaris Management Console that is running on a client, you must complete all of the tasks in Configuring the Solaris Management Console for LDAP (Task Map).

  1. Start the Solaris Management Console.

    # /usr/sbin/smc &

    Note –

    The first time the Solaris Management Console is started, it performs several registration tasks. These tasks can take a few minutes.

    Figure 4–1 Solaris Management Console Initial Window

    Graphic shows the Solaris Management Console welcome

  2. Do one of the following if toolbox icons do not appear in the Solaris Management Console:

    • If the Navigation pane is not visible:

      1. In the Open Toolbox dialog box that is displayed, click Load next to this system's name under Server.

        If this system does not have the recommended amount of memory and swap, it might take a few minutes for the toolboxes to display. For recommendations, see Installing or Upgrading the Solaris OS for Trusted Extensions.

      2. From the list of toolboxes, select a toolbox whose Policy=TSOL.

        Figure 4–2 shows a This Computer (this-host: Scope=Files, Policy=TSOL) toolbox. Trusted Extensions modifies tools under the System Configuration node.

        Caution – Caution –

        Do not choose a toolbox that has no policy. Toolboxes without a listed policy do not support Trusted Extensions.

        Your toolbox choice depends on which scope you want to influence.

      3. Click Open.

    • If the Navigation pane is visible, but the toolbox icons are stop signs:

      1. Exit the Solaris Management Console.

      2. Restart the Solaris Management Console.

        # /usr/sbin/smc &
  3. If you have not yet done so, select a toolbox whose Policy=TSOL.

    The following figure shows a This Computer (this-host: Scope=Files, Policy=TSOL) toolbox. Trusted Extensions modifies tools under the System Configuration node.

    Figure 4–2 Trusted Extensions Tools in the Solaris Management Console

    Window shows the System Configuration node with the Users
tools and the Computers and Networks tools.

  4. (Optional) Save the current toolbox.

    Saving a Policy=TSOL toolbox enables a Trusted Extensions toolbox to load by default. Preferences are saved per role, per host. The host is the Solaris Management Console server.

    1. From the Console menu, choose Preferences.

      The Home toolbox is selected.

    2. Define a Policy=TSOL toolbox as the Home toolbox.

      Put the current toolbox in the Location field by clicking the Use Current Toolbox button.

    3. Click OK to save the preferences.

  5. Exit the Solaris Management Console.

See Also

For an overview of the Trusted Extensions additions to the Solaris Management Console, see Solaris Management Console Tools in Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions Administrator’s Procedures. To use the Solaris Management Console to create security templates, see Configuring Trusted Network Databases (Task Map) in Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions Administrator’s Procedures.