Solaris 10 5/09 Installation Guide: Network-Based Installations

ProcedureHow To Patch the Miniroot Image

Follow these steps to patch a network installation miniroot image.

Note –

These steps assume that you have a system on your network that is running the current Solaris release, and that system is accessible over the network.

  1. On a system that is running the current Solaris release, log in as superuser or assume an equivalent role.

  2. Change to the Tools directory of the installation image you created in Step 5.

    # cd install-server-path/install-dir-path/Solaris_10/Tools

    Specifies the path to the install server system on your network, for example, /net/installserver-1.

  3. Create a new installation image, and place that image on the system that is running the current Solaris release.

    # ./setup_install_server remote_install_dir_path

    Specifies the path on the current Solaris release in which to create the new installation image.

    This command creates a new installation image on the current Solaris release. In order to patch this image, you must temporarily place this image on a system that is running the current Solaris release.

  4. On the current Solaris release, unpack the network installation boot archive.

    # /boot/solaris/bin/root_archive unpackmedia remote_install_dir_path \

    Specifies the path to the network installation image on the current Solaris release.


    Specifies the path to the directory to contain the unpacked boot archive.

  5. On the current Solaris release, patch the unpacked boot archive.

    # patchadd -C destination_dir path-to-patch/patch-id

    Specifies the path to the patch that you want to add, for example, /var/sadm/spool.


    Specifies the patch ID that you want to apply.

    You can specify multiple patches with the patchadd -M option. For more information, see patchadd(1M).

    Caution – Caution –

    Don't use the patchadd -C command unless you have read the Patch README instructions or have contacted your local Sun support office.

  6. On the current Solaris release, pack the boot archive.

    # /boot/solaris/bin/root_archive packmedia remote_install_dir_path \
  7. Copy the patched archives to the installation image on the install server.

    # cd remote_install_dir_path
    # find boot Solaris_10/Tools/Boot | cpio -pdum \
Next Steps

After you have set up the install server and patched the miniroot, you might need to set up a boot server or add systems to be installed from the network.