Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment,
Enterprise Edition, Version 2.4, Release Notes

This document contains important information about the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software that was not available at the time the product was released. Read this document so that you are aware of issues or requirements that can impact the installation and operation of the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software.

The release notes consist of the following sections:

About These Release Notes

The information in these release notes applies to the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment, Enterprise Edition, Version 2.4, software when it is obtained as a standalone product from the Sun web site or from a CD.

These release notes assume that you have installed the latest patch (60) for Version 2.4 of the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment, Enterprise Edition, software. The software patches for this application are cumulative, so only the latest available patch need be installed.

If you acquired this product through the purchase of a Sun StorEdge array such as the Sun StorageTek 6140 array or the Sun StorEdge 6920 system, refer to the release notes for that device for additional information.

Note - These release notes contain only general instructions about required software patches. Before installing any patch, it is important that you read the README file that is included with the patch. The README file contains critical installation and configuration information about the software patch.

Features in This Release

The Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software is used for the fault management of Sun storage devices. It provides full-time device monitoring, local and remote notification, diagnostics, revision analysis, reports, and integration with appropriate device management software.

The agents supplied by the software can be used to collect data and analyze the condition of Sun StorEdge devices. The diagnostics can be used to verify the condition of a system, identify failing FRUs, and verify FRU replacement.

The Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software is for use by system administrators and support personnel who are familiar with the Sun disk array and storage area network (SAN) products.

Product Components

Note - If you obtained the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software bundled with a device-specific or system-specific software package, this section does not apply to you. Refer to the device-specific or system-specific release notes and documentation for product component information.

The Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software consists of two base software packages and five optional localization software packages:

SUNWstade is the base product package containing all product functions except the web browser-based user interface. The base package contains a command-line interface (CLI) for product configuration and use.

The optional SUNWstadm package adds a web browser-based graphical user interface to the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software.

Also included are five optional localization packages:

When you run the installation script, you have the following options:

With either installation option, the five localization packages are installed. For any localization package you intend to use, you must download and install the appropriate localization patch to obtain the translated files.

Main Features

The following are the main features of the base component (SUNWstade) of the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software:

Refer to the following file for a listing of all possible generated events:


Supported Devices

This section lists the devices supported in this release of the product.

Sun StorEdge and StorageTek Devices

Tape Devices


SAN Devices

Host Bus Adapters

Changes and Enhancements

Changes and enhancements in Version 2.4 are as follows.

System Requirements

This section describes the requirements for the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software.

Qualified Platforms

The following platforms are qualified for the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software.

Refer to the Best Practices for Deploying the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment Utility (817-5205-10) at

Versions 5.005 through 5.8.3 are mandatory. Use the following URL to download the proper version if necessary:

If a supported version already exists on your system, create a symbolic link of the executable to /usr/bin/perl.

The SUNWsan package is a requirement for installation on data hosts running the Solaris Operating System. The SUNWsan package is a component of the SAN software.

SUNWstade Requirements

Requirements for the SUNWstade package are as follows:

SUNWstadm Requirements

Requirements for the SUNWstadm package are as follows:

Installing the Software

Follow the instructions in this section to prepare for software installation and to run the product installation scripts.

Note - If you obtained the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software bundled with a device-specific or system-specific software package, this section does not apply to you. Refer to the device-specific or system-specific release notes and documentation for installation procedures.

Preparing for Installation

To prepare for installation:

1. Remove any prior version of the application:

# pkgrm SUNWstade

The Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software does not support an automatic upgrade to Version 2.4 from earlier versions. You must remove any existing version before installing Version 2.4.

2. Remove the data directory and ensure that the base directory is removed:

# /bin/rm -rf /var/opt/SUNWstade

# /bin/rm -rf /opt/SUNWstade

3. Find and download the installation package from the Sun Download Center web site:

4. Uncompress the .tar file:

# uncompress filename.tar.Z

5. Untar the .tar file:

# tar xvf filename.tar

Installing the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment Software

Use the following instructions to install the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software.

To install the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software:

Note - You must be logged in as superuser to install these packages and patches.

1. If you have not done so, download and untar the installation file as described in Preparing for Installation.

2. Run the installation script:

# ./install

The installation script adds all selected product components.

The key segments of a typical installation script are as follows:

Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment (Storage A.D.E.) installation ...

Version: 2.4.60.nnn

Current time: Fri May 19 09:12:27 MST 2006

Note: A log will be saved to: /var/sadm/install/Storage_ADE/Install.log

This script installs the Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software, referred to as Storage A.D.E., for your storage system. Software components included in this distribution include:

o Storage A.D.E. 2.4 - Enterprise Edition

o Storage A.D.E. 2.4 - Management Station UI

Please refer to the Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment 2.4 release notes for the Enterprise Edition and Management Station UI before installing this product.

Do you want to install ....

o The Storage A.D.E. 2.4 - Enterprise Edition [y/n] : y

o The Storage A.D.E. 2.4 - Management Station UI [y/n] : y

The Java Web Console is required by the Management Station UI and is not currently installed. Version 2.2 will be automatically installed by this program in order to satisfy this requirement.

Note - If the Java Web Console version is earlier than 2.2, you will receive a similar message and be prompted to upgrade the Java Web Console. For versions prior to 2.1.1, you must upgrade or the installation is not allowed. If version 2.2 or later is installed, the console installation is skipped.

Upgrade the Java Web Console to 2.2 [y/n] : y

You have selected to install the following:

o Storage A.D.E. 2.4 - Enterprise Edition

o Storage A.D.E. 2.4 - Management Station UI

o Java Web Console 2.2

Is this correct? [y/n] : y

Checking Solaris version ..... 5.8

Checking Solaris environment .....

Performing install of the Enterprise Edition .....

Note - If the Solaris 8 patches need to be installed, you will receive the following message:
install : Patch 110380-04 is Installed

install : Patch 110934-14 is Installed

Installing <SUNWstade>...




Installation of <SUNWstade> was successful.

Installing <SUNWstazt>...




Installation of <SUNWstazh> was successful.

Installing <SUNWstako>...




Installation of <SUNWstafr> was successful.

Installation successful

Performing install of the Java Web Console .....

Note - If you chose to upgrade the console, you are presented with the following message and prompt from Java Web Console installation script:
The Sun Java(TM) Web Console software is about to be upgraded.

Do you want to continue? [n]?

If you enter y, the upgrade occurs. If you enter n, the installation script continues but the management station install is left suspended. For example:
Installation of <SUNWstadm> was suspended (administration).

No changes were made to the system.

Error adding package: SUNWstadm




Installation complete.

Starting Sun Java(TM) Web Console Version 2.2...

See /var/log/webconsole/console_debug_log for server logging information

Performing install of the Management Station UI .....

Installing <SUNWstadm>...




Installation of <SUNWstadm> was successful.

Note - The script attempts to install the localization packages when either the Enterprise Edition base package or the Management Station user interface package is installed. If the localization packages are already installed, you receive the following message: SUNWstaxx is already installed.

Installation successful


| You have installed the following:

| o Java Web Console 2.2 - Success

| o Storage A.D.E. 2.4 - Enterprise Edition - Success

| o Storage A.D.E. 2.4 - Management Station UI - Success

| The UI can be accessed at the URL : https://<hostname>:6789/ +--------------------------------------------------------------+

Finished at: Fri May 19 09:25:53 MST 2006

Note: A log has been saved to: /var/sadm/install/Storage_ADE/Install.log

3. Locate, download, and install patches for the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software on the Sunsolvetrademark web site, using the Patch Portal at

Install them in the order listed: -> PatchFinder 117650 -> PatchFinder 117654

Note - Before installing any patch, it is important that you read the README file that is included with the patch. The README file contains critical installation and configuration information about the software patch.

4. Set the environment variables PATH and MANPATH to include the directories /opt/SUNWstade/bin and /opt/SUNWstade/man.

To verify that the PATH is set correctly, type any Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment command using the -h option (for example, ras_install -h) and then exit from the command.

To verify that the MANPATH is set correctly, run a man page command (for example, man ras_install) and then exit from the command.

Installing the Localization Patches

The installation script delivers and automatically installs the base localization packages for five locales (fr, ja, ko, zh_CN, and zh_TW) when the Enterprise Edition or Management Station package is installed. These packages serve as localization placeholders only and do not provide any content. You must also install a patch for each localized language that you intend to use.

The following procedure helps you to locate and install one or more localization patches for the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment.

To install a localization patch:

Note - You must be logged in as superuser to install these packages and patches.

1. Download the desired installation patches from the SunSolve web site:

The supported languages and patch numbers are as follows:

French (fr) - 118221-xx, SUNWstafr

Japanese (ja) - 118222-xx, SUNWstaja

Korean (ko) - 118223-xx, SUNWstako

Simplified Chinese (zh_CN) - 118224-xx, SUNWstazh

Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) - 118225-xx, SUNWstazt

You can install any combination of the five patches.

2. Use one of the following commands to uncompress each downloaded patch file.

# unzip

# unzip patchname-rev.jar

3. Use this command to install each uncompressed patch file:

# patchadd patchname

Getting Started

If you installed the SUNWstade base package only, complete the initial setup requirements by using the CLI-based procedure in Setting Up the Software With the CLI.

If you installed the SUNWstadm management station package, you have the option of completing the initial setup requirements by using the browser interface-based procedure to Setting Up the Software With the Browser Interface.

Note - If possible, correct any known problems before installing the SUNWstade package. If there are existing problems with a storage device when the package is installed, these problems might not be detected or reported. They will, however, generate an event. The type of event they generate is based on the type of failure they cause.

Setting Up the Software With the CLI

Note - If you obtained the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software packaged with a device-specific or system-specific software package, this section does not apply to you. Refer to Setting Up the Software With the Browser Interface or refer to the device-specific or system-specific release notes for setup procedures.

The following example procedures shows you how to set up the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software on a host server that does not have the browser interface management package (SUNWstadm) installed. The procedures guide you through the steps necessary to properly initialize the product using CLI commands.

Note - To obtain information on the example CLI commands used in this section, refer to the man page for the CLI command.

This section includes the following setup procedures:

Note - In the example procedures that follow, the name of the host on which the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software is installed is acmetw4.

Entering Site Information

To enter the required site information:

1. Change to the /opt/SUNWstade/bin directory:

# cd /opt/SUNWstade/bin

2. Execute the ras_admin command, specifying the argument site_info_upd:

# ./ras_admin site_info_upd

3. Follow the prompts to supply the information requested.

Note - Prompts marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields.

The following text shows a typical set of Site Information prompts and system output.

Type `q` to quit

Enter Company Name*: ACME Tools and Die Inc.

Enter Contract Number:

Enter Site Name*: ACME Tool Works Site #4

Enter Address: 123 Anystreet Blvd.

Enter Address 2: Suite 2322

Enter Mail Stop: 61a2

Enter City*: Hometown

Enter State: Colorado

Enter Zip Code: 80000

Enter Country*: USA

Enter Contact*: John Smith

Enter Telephone Number: (888) 555-9876

Enter Extension:

Enter Contact Email*:


------ You entered -----

Company Name*: ACME Tools and Die Inc.

Contract Number:

Site Name* : ACME Tool Works Site #4

Address : 123 Anystreet Blvd.

Address 2: Suite 2322

Mail Stop: 61a2

City* : Hometown

State : Colorado

Zip Code : 80000

Country* : USA

Contact* : John Smith

Telephone Number: (888) 555-9876


Contact Email* :

4. Enter y to save the specified site information.

Do you want to save these values [y=yes, n=no, q=quit]: y

Discovering Devices

You can discover devices and add them to the system inventory in one or more of three ways, as described in the following sections:

Discovering Devices Out-of-Band Using a Device Configuration File

The device configuration file is /etc/deviceIP.conf. Similar to a hosts definition file, it can be used for discovery of all supported FC devices that have Ethernet connectivity and that have known IP address and device types.

To discover devices using the device configuration file:

1. Change your directory to the /etc directory:

# cd /etc

2. Use a text editor to open the /etc/deviceIP.conf file:

# vi deviceIP.conf

3. For each device to be discovered, specify the device IP, device name, device type, and comments, using the following syntax:

device-ip device-name [device-type] # comments

The device name that you specify will be used if the device name cannot be retrieved automatically from the device itself.

Note - The device type is required for devices that do not support Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). These devices include the Sun StorEdge 3310, Sun StorEdge 3320, Sun StorEdge 3510, Sun StorEdge 3311, and Sun StorEdge 6130.

Some examples of device entries follow:

IP Addr Name Type Comments t3-1a # My T3a array fc3510 3510 # My SE-3510 3900 se # My SE-3910 array sam samfs # SAM-QFS

Valid device type entries are the following:

  • brocade
  • se
  • t3
  • 3511
  • 6120
  • inrange
  • se2
  • 3310
  • 5210
  • 6130
  • mcdata
  • switch
  • 3320
  • 5310
  • 9900
  • samfs
  • switch2
  • 3510
  • 6020


4. Save the updated device configuration file.

5. Change your directory to the /opt/SUNWstade/bin directory:

# cd /opt/SUNWstade/bin

6. Execute the ras_admin command, specifying the argument discover_deviceIP to use the /etc/deviceIP.conf file:

# ./ras_admin discover_deviceIP

The following is a typical execution of the discovery process using /etc/deviceIP.conf:

Reading deviceIP: acmetw4-480a # Test Host

Start Discover:fromIP on

- snmp sysDesc is Sun SNMP Agent, Sun-Fire-480R

- found 1 device(s) using Discover::6130

Discovering Devices Out-of-Band Using the Search Subnet Method

To use this method, you must specify the device names as they are defined in the /etc/hosts file or specify IP addresses to discover those devices. An alternative is to search the subnet for all supported devices within the specified IP range. This takes a bit more time.

To discover devices using the search subnet method:

1. Change your directory to the /opt/SUNWstade/bin directory:

# cd /opt/SUNWstade/bin

2. Execute the ras_admin command, specifying the argument discover_subnet with the argument -I ipaddr,ipaddr...ipaddr:

# ./ras_admin discover_subnet -I 'acmetw4-480a,,acmetw4-sw102,acmetw4-sw192'

A typical discovery process using the subnet method follows:

Start Discover::fromIP on

- snmp sysDesc is system.sysDescr.0 = Sun SNMP Agent, Sun-Fire-480R

- found 1 device(s) using Discover::6130

Discovering Devices In-Band

Some devices do not provide out-of-band management paths; the discovery process must use the in-band path to find devices. Typically, devices such as host bus adapters (HBAs), and JBOD arrays without out-of-band management, must be discovered in this way.

Note - This method is required for devices that do not have out-of-band management. It is optional for devices with out-of-band management.

To discover devices in-band:

1. Change your directory to the /opt/SUNWstade/bin directory:

# cd /opt/SUNWstade/bin

2. Execute the ras_admin command, specifying the argument discover_inband:

# ./ras_admin discover_inband

A typical discovery process using the in-band method follows:

Discover::inband: trying Discover::3310

Discover::inband: trying Discover::6130

- found 1 device(s) using Discover::6130

Initializing All Slave Agents

If you have slave agents, you must set up the slave agents to report to the master agent of the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software. This step is required on all slave hosts that will report to the master agent.

single-step bulletTo initialize a slave agent, issue the following command:

# /opt/SUNWstade/bin/ras_install -s hostname

where hostname is the IP name or IP address of the host on which the master agent is installed.

Enabling Notification Recipients

Notification setup is required so that if something adverse happens to your storage network, the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software can notify someone about the problem. There are two classes of notification recipients: local and remote. Local notification methods include local email, SNMP traps, and Sun Management Center (SunMC) notification. Remote notification methods are specifically targeted for Sun and include Network Storage Command Center (NSCC) email and Sun Remote Services (SRS) Net Connect.

The following sections describe procedures for enabling notification recipients:

Enabling Email Notification

To enable one or more local email notification recipients:

1. Change your directory to the /opt/SUNWstade/bin directory:

# cd /opt/SUNWstade/bin

2. For each email recipient that you want to add, execute the ras_admin command, specifying the argument email_add with the argument -e email-address-of-user. For example:

# /ras_admin email_add -e

For more information on the ras_admin CLI command, see the ras_admin(1M) man page.

Enabling Sun Management Center (SunMC) Notification

To enable SunMC notification:

1. Change your directory to the /opt/SUNWstade/bin directory:

# cd /opt/SUNWstade/bin

2. Execute the ras_admin command, specifying the argument provider_on with the argument -p sunmc -f report-frequency -i sunmc-server-address:

In the following example, the Sun Management Center (SunMC) host is acmetw4-sunmc and the reporting frequency is 1 hour:

# ./ras_admin provider_on -p sunmc -f 1 -i acmetw4-sunmc

Enabling SNMP Trap Notification

To enable SNMP Trap notification:

1. Change your directory to the /opt/SUNWstade/bin directory:

# cd /opt/SUNWstade/bin

2. Execute the ras_admin command, specifying the argument provider_on with the argument -p trap -i SNMP-receiver-address -o SNMP-port -l notification-level -t trap-slot-number:

In the following example, the SNMP trap receiver host is acmetw4-openview, the trap port number is 1992, the desired reporting level is error, and this is the first of five possible definitions in the SNMP traps table:

# ./ras_admin provider_on -p trap -i acmetw4-openview -o 1992 -l error -t 1

Enabling NSCC Notification

To enable NSCC notification:

1. Change your directory to the /opt/SUNWstade/bin directory:

# cd /opt/SUNWstade/bin

2. Execute the ras_admin command, specifying the argument provider_on with the argument -p nscc_email:

# ./ras_admin provider_on -p nscc_email

Enabling SRS Net Connect Notification

To enable SRS Net Connect notification:

1. Change your directory to the /opt/SUNWstade/bin directory:

# cd /opt/SUNWstade/bin

2. Execute the ras_admin command, specifying the argument provider_on with the argument -p netconnect:

# ./ras_admin provider_on -p netconnect

Checking the Revision of Devices

Revision analysis should be run after installation and whenever new components are added to the system. Updating all firmware and software components to the current revisions ensures that the devices have the capabilities required to be discovered, monitored and diagnosed properly.

To check the revision level of all discovered devices:

1. Change your directory to the /opt/SUNWstade/bin directory:

# cd /opt/SUNWstade/bin

2. Execute the revision checking command:

# ./ras_revcheck -h acmetw4 -M ALL -p

Running the Agent

After the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software is installed, a cron job is set up to run the agent automatically.

Perform this procedure if you want to force an agent to run out of cycle. It is not required, since the monitoring agent cron runs every five minutes by default. Running the agent now causes immediate notification for all previously discovered devices.

To run the agent:

1. Change your directory to the /opt/SUNWstade/bin directory:

# cd /opt/SUNWstade/bin

2. Specify the run agent command:

# ./rasagent -d2

The following confirmation message is displayed:

Agent running /opt/SUNWstade/DATA/rasagent.conf on 09-24 11:02:01, MASTER acmetw4

Examining the Topology Details

Perform this procedure if you want to review the details of your network storage topology.

To examine the topology:

1. Change your directory to the /opt/SUNWstade/bin directory:

# cd /opt/SUNWstade/bin

2. Get the name of the topology you wish to view by listing all available topologies.

# ./ras_admin topo_list

A list of topologies is displayed.

3. Display the desired topology details.

In this example, the topology name is acmetw4.

# ./ras_admin topo -t acmetw4

Setting Up the Software With the Browser Interface

Follow the instructions in this section to start setting up the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment using the browser interface.

Note - After logging in, refer to the online help for more information on the procedures in this section.

This section includes the following browser-based setup procedures:

Defining the sa_admin Role and Administrative Users

Users can log in to the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software management station using their standard UNIX accounts, but they will not be able to perform discovery, manage remote devices, or run diagnostics unless they have the assigned role of sa_admin.are restricted operations that are permitted only for users associated with the sa_admin role.

Note - If a network nameserver such as NIS or NIS+ is being used to supplement the local /etc/passwd file with additional entries, roleadd or rolemod cannot change the information provided by the network nameserver.

To create the sa_admin role and add administrative users:

1. Create the sa_admin role:

# roleadd -c "SA Role" -s /bin/pfcsh -A "solaris.*" -P "All" sa_admin

2. Assign a password to the sa_admin role. In this example, the password is fido.

# passwd sa_admin ### Use password fido

3. Create a user named admin assigned to the sa_admin role:

# useradd -c "SA Admin" -s /bin/csh -R sa_admin -A

"solaris.*" admin

4. Assign the password to the user admin. In this example, the password is fido.

# passwd admin ### Use password fido

Refer to CLI man pages roleadd(1M), rolemod(1M), roledel(1M), and roles(1M) for more information on role management. Refer to the man pages useradd(1M), usermod(1M), and userdel(1M) for information on user login management.

Logging In to the Java Web Console

To log in to the Java Web Console:

1. Access the browser interface at URL https://host-name:6789.

2. Enter a user name as defined on the host.

3. Enter the password defined for the user.

4. Select the desired role from the Role Name list.

5. Enter the password that is defined for the sa_admin role.

6. Click Log In.

Entering Site Information

To enter your required site information:

1. On the Java Web Console home page, click Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment.

The Site Information page is automatically displayed the first time you log in.

2. Complete the required fields on the Site Information page.

For more information, click the Help button.

3. Click Save.

Reviewing and Adding Hosts

To review or add hosts:

1. Click Inventory.

2. Verify that host information is entered correctly and that all expected hosts are present.

3. If you need to add a host, do so by running the following CLI command on the peer host:

# ras_install -s IP-of-Master

where IP-of-Master is the IP address or IP name of the host running the master instance of the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software.

Discovering Devices

You can discover devices and add them to the system inventory in one or more of three ways:

Discovering Devices Using the In-Band Method

This method of device discovery is used to search the in-band data path for discoverable devices.

To discover devices using the in-band method:

1. Click Discover.

2. From the Agents list, select the agents on which you want to run discovery.

Note - The selected agents must have in-band access to the desired devices.

3. Select Inband from the Discovery Mechanism list.

4. (Optional) Select a Prefix device-naming convention.

5. Accept the remaining defaults and click Start Discovery.

Discovering Devices Using the Out-of-Band (IP) Method

This method of device discovery enables you to specify the IP addresses of the devices to discover using an out-of-band Ethernet connection.

To discover devices using the out-of-band (IP) method:

1. Click Discover.

2. From the Agents list, select the agents on which you want to run discovery.

Note - The selected agents must have intranet access to the desired devices.

3. Select IP from the Discovery Mechanism list.

4. Specify the IP addresses to be discovered.

5. (Optional) Select a Prefix device-naming convention.

6. Accept the remaining defaults and click Start Discovery.

Discover Devices Using the Out-of-Band (File) Method

The device configuration file is /etc/deviceIP.conf. Similar to a hosts definition file, it can be used for discovery of all supported FC devices that have Ethernet connectivity and that have known IP address and device types. Refer to Discovering Devices Out-of-Band Using a Device Configuration File for information on setting up the device configuration file before using this method of discovery.

To discover devices using the out-of-band (file) method:

1. Select Out-of-Band (File) from the Discovery Mechanism list.

2. Click Discover.

3. From the Agents list, select the agents on which you want to run discovery.

Note - The selected agents must have intranet access to the desired devices.

4. Select File from the Discovery Mechanism list.

5. Click Start Discovery.

Running Revision Analysis

Revision analysis should be run after installation and whenever new components are added to the system. Updating all firmware and software components to the current revisions ensures that the devices have the capabilities required to be discovered, monitored and diagnosed properly.

To run revision analysis:

1. Click Inventory.

2. From the Actions list, select Run Revision Maintenance.

3. Select the host on which revision analysis is to run.

4. Select the revision matrix to be used for revision checking.

5. Select All from the Modules list.

6. (Optional) Enter an email address to which the results will be sent.

7. Click Run.

Enabling Notification

Notification setup is required so that if something adverse occurs to your storage network, the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software can notify someone about the problem. There are two classes of notification recipients: local and remote. Local notification methods include local email, SNMP traps, and Sun Management Center (SunMC) notification. Remote notification methods are specifically targeted for Sun and include Network Storage Command Center (NSCC) email and SRS Net Connect.

The following sections provide procedures for enabling notification recipients:

Enabling Email Notification

To configure email recipients:

1. Click Administration > Notification > Setup.

2. To enable local email, add the desired SMTP server under the Email Notification Setup section called "Use this SMTP server for Email."

Note - If the host running this software has the sendmail daemon running, you can enter localhost or the name of this host in this field.

3. Click Test Email to verify the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server.

4. Click Save to verify the email configuration.

5. Click the Email tab.

6. Follow these steps for each email recipient that you want to receive notification.

a. Click New.

b. Enter an email address for local notification.

Specified addresses receive email notifications when events occur. Emails can be customized to specific severity, event type, or product type.

c. Click Save.

Enabling SNMP Notification

To configure SNMP trap recipients:

1. Click Administration > Notification > Setup.

2. In the Remote Notification Setup section, select the SNMP Trap check box.

3. Click the SNMP tab.

4. Click New.

5. For each SNMP recipient that you want to add, specify the name or IP address of the recipient, the port on which to send traps and, optionally, the minimum alert level for which you want SNMP notification, and click OK.

Configuring Remote Notification

To configure remote notification recipients:

1. Click Administration > Notification > Setup.

2. Select the check box next to each Remote Notification provider that you want to enable.

3. Specify the setup parameters for any remote notification recipient that you enable.

4. Click Save.

Running the Agents

You can manually run the monitoring agents to initiate the generation of event notification for the discovered devices.

To manually run the agents:

1. Click Administration > Agents.

2. Perform the following steps for each agent you want to run:

a. Select the check box of the agent.

b. Click Run Agent.

Note - If you do not click Run Agent, the selected agent will automatically run after five minutes.

Reviewing the Topology

You can review graphical depictions of your storage network topology.

To review the storage network topology:

1. Click Topology.

2. Review the displayed topology for expected results.

Uninstalling the Software

To uninstall the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software:

1. Change to the directory in which you extracted the CD image for the software.

Note - If you have removed the directory containing the original extracted CD image for the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software, the uninstall script will not be available to you. You must download the CD image and extract it again to access the uninstall script.

2. Issue the following command at the prompt:

# ./uninstall

Respond as appropriate to the prompts.

The following is a typical example of the uninstall script:

Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment (Storage A.D.E.) uninstallation ...

Version: 2.4.60.nnn

Current time: Fri May 19 15:29:03 MST 2006

Note: A log will be saved to: /var/sadm/install/Storage_ADE/Install.log

This script uninstalls the Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software, referred to as Storage A.D.E., for your storage system. Software components included in this distribution include:

o Storage A.D.E. 2.4 - Enterprise Edition

o Storage A.D.E. 2.4 - Management Station UI

Please refer to the Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment 2.4 release notes for the Enterprise Edition and Management Station UI before uninstalling this product.

Do you want to uninstall ....

o The Storage A.D.E. 2.4 - Enterprise Edition [y/n] : y

o The Storage A.D.E. 2.4 - Management Station UI [y/n] : y

o The Java Web Console 2.2 [y/n] : y

You have selected to uninstall the following:

o Storage A.D.E. 2.4 - Enterprise Edition

o Storage A.D.E. 2.4 - Management Station UI

o Java Web Console 2.2

Is this correct? [y/n] : y

Checking Solaris version ..... 5.9

Performing uninstall of the Management Station UI .....

Removing package: <SUNWstadm> ...




Removal of <SUNWstade> was successful.

Storage A.D.E. removal successful


| You have uninstalled the following:

| o Java Web Console 2.2 - Success

| o Storage A.D.E. 2.4 - Enterprise Edition - Success

| o Storage A.D.E. 2.4 - Management Station UI - Success


Finished at: Fri May 19 15:37:06 MST 2006

Note: A log has been saved to: /var/sadm/install/Storage_ADE/Install.log.

Device and Product Use Information

This section provides device-specific and general use information.

Configuring Slave Agents on Data Hosts

After installing the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment on a data host, issue the following command to configure the software as a slave agent and to synchronize the slave agent with the master agent on the management host. The management host software must be installed and the IP address defined before you issue this command on the data host:


Note - Use the ras_install command only on data hosts, never on the management host that contains the management software with the master agent.

The ras_install script runs. Enter the following options:

Following is the output from a sample ras_install script:

| Installing the Package and Crons |
? Are you installing a Master or a Slave Agent? (Enter M=master, S=slave, E=Empty Master)
[M/S/E]: (default=M) S
The address of the master must already be defined before a slave can be installed.
If the master has not been installed yet, abort this install and go install this package on the host that was selected to be the master.
? Enter the IP Name/Address of the Master Host Agent
- Testing communication with host '' ..
- Communication successful.
- Starting the Storage A.D.E service (rasserv):
/opt/SUNWstade/rasserv/bin/apachectl startssl: ./rasserv started
- Setting up crons:
? Do you want to C=start or P=stop the Agent cron
[C/P] : (default=C) C
- cron installed.
- Testing access to rasserv (this test will timeout after 4 tries of 10 secs):
- ping '' succeeded!
- 1/4 attempting to contact agent service...
- Contacted agent with hostid=80cffc87.
| SUNWstade installed properly |
- Sending monitored device-list to agent at
-- diag-lsi1.Central.Sun.COM already there 

Alarm Management

Alarms are no longer automatically deleted from the Alarms page. You must manually delete any alarm that you want to remove from the Alarms page. If you do not remove alarms that are no longer current, more recent minor alarms for the same component will not be displayed on the Alarms page.

When the Enterprise Edition of the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software is working with System Edition, such as the diagnostic and monitoring software on the Sun StorEdge 6920 system, alarms initiated in the System Edition and passed to the Enterprise Edition must be manually deleted from the browser interface of both editions in order to allow additional alarms of lower severity for the same component in the Enterprise Edition.

Post-Installation Log Messages

After installing SUNWstade, you might temporarily receive outdated device and host event notification messages. Event notification messages that are dated earlier than the installation of SUNWstade may not reflect the current state of the device or host.

Removing Hosts

Hosts, or agents, cannot be removed from the Inventory page. They must be removed from the Agent Summary page.

Note - When you remove a host from the Agents page, the devices that are monitored by that host are also removed. The host and its devices are no longer monitored once removed.

To remove a host:

1. Click Administration > Agent.

The Agent Summary page is displayed.

2. Select the check box for each agent that you want to delete.

3. Select Remove from the More Actions list.

Stopping Monitoring

For most storage arrays, it is important to stop all monitoring during upgrade operations.

Use one of the following methods to stop monitoring:

Use the browser interface to disable the execution of the specific agent. This allows the continued monitoring of other types of devices with other agents.

Manually remove the cron entry as described in the CLI man page crontab (1M). The entry for the rasagent executable must be removed from the root crontab.

Execute ras_install and select P to postpone the execution of rasagent from cron. This will remove the cron entry that starts the agent every five minutes.

Note - The CLI method will not immediately stop an ongoing execution of the agent. Use the ps command to ensure that all agent activity has ended:
ps -ef | grep ras

Upgrade Information

The following information applies to upgrades:

If you do not apply the latest Sun StorEdge device patches before you upgrade the product to Version 2.4, the devices will no longer be recognized.

To correct this problem:

1. Delete the devices from Inventory.

Click Help on the Inventory page for instructions.

2. Apply the latest patches to the affected devices.

3. Rediscover the affected devices.

Process CPU Utilization

This section provides information about system processes

During normal operation, the following processes are active:

To restart, issue the following command:

# /opt/SUNWstade/rasserv/bin/restart

# /opt/SUNWstade/bin/rasagent -d2

The application uses 120 Mbytes of memory, as shown in the following table.


Memory Usage (Mbytes)




Application server (1-4 instances)



Probing agent (only during probe)



SNMP trap listener (port 1162)



Process delegation/queue



JVM for probing some devices

Browser Security

As a system administrator, you should know about security risks associated with installing a web server and take appropriate actions to protect access to the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment port 6789.

Some browsers such as Netscape 7 will prompt for a user name and password when applets are loaded. Enter the same user name and password that you used to log in initially.


This release of the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software is available in English, French, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.

The following information applies to localization of the product.

To display the man pages in Japanese using the man page command, you must use ja locale and update your MANPATH variable with one of the following procedures.

To update your MANPATH Variable in a Bourne or Korn shell:

a. Update your .profile file MANPATH statement to include /opt/SUNWstade/man and make sure your MANPATH is exported.

# MANPATH=$MANPATH:/opt/SUNWstade/man

# export MANPATH

b. Save this file and exit the editor.

c. Reload your .profile file for your shell session.

# . ./.profile

To update Your MANPATH Variable in a C Shell:

a. Add /opt/SUNWstade/man to your MANPATH statement in your .login file:

setenv MANPATH $MANPATH:/opt/SUNWstade/man

b. Save this file and exit the editor.

c. Reload your .login file for your shell session.

# source .login

Otherwise, notification messages are received with garbled characters. If you are not sure whether your email system supports UTF-8 encoding, enter and save only ASCII characters in the Site Information text fields.

Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS and Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Devices

Use this procedure for setting up a Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS or a Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS device to send SNMP traps to the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software host:

1. Enter the IP address of the Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS device or Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS device in your web browser to start the Web Admin application, and press Return.

2. Enter the device password and click Apply.

3. From the Web Admin sidebar, click Monitoring and Notification > Configure SNMP.

4. Select the Enable SNMP check box.

5. In the Server SNMP Community field, enter public.

6. In the Destination IP address column, enter the IP address of the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software host.

7. In the corresponding Port # column, enter 1162.

Port 1162 is the port on which the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software listens for SNMP traps.

8. In the Version column, enter 2.

9. In the Community column, enter public.

10. Select the Enable check box.

11. Click Apply.

Your SNMP changes are saved.

Note - The Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS devices and Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS devices do not report a state change when a power cable is removed from the power supply. Therefore, the application will not generate an alarm. The visual LED status and audio beep on the device behave correctly. For more information, see descriptions for the following bugs:
- 5087394 Disconnected power cable not detected or reported by 5210 or 5310
- 6180035 5210 Power supply cable disconnect not detected

Sun StorEdge 3310, 3320, 3510, and 3511 Arrays

This release provides limited password support for Sun StorEdge 3310, 3320, 3510, and 3511 arrays. You can monitor these arrays with password setup, but be aware of the following:

To update the password, issue the following CLI command:

# /opt/SUNWstade/bin/ras_admin password_change -i ipaddress -p password

where ipaddress is the IP address of the device and password is the password you are assigning to the array.

Note - If you want to run the out-of-band diagnostic functions (for example, write/read buffer test, loopback test, echo test, and so on) for the Sun StorEdge 3510 device, you must first disable the password. There are no diagnostic functions for the Sun StorEdge 3310, 3320, and 3511 arrays.

The patches can be obtained from

Sun StorEdge 9900 Arrays

The Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software requires SNMP to be enabled on the Sun StorEdge 9900 array service processor. Before attempting to discover a Sun StorEdge 9900 array, confirm that SNMP is enabled and that the community string public is enabled.

Documentation for enabling SNMP is included in the following Hitachi Data Systems publications:

The Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software monitors the following sub-system conditions on the Sun StorEdge 9900 array:

In addition, the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software can display in-band topology from a host or switch to the Sun StorEdge 9900 array and it can track FC counter increments.

Brocade Switches

Brocade FC Switch configurations using QuickLoop ports can be monitored and diagnosed, but the topology views will not show connections between devices.

Brocade switches 2400 and 2800 must be updated to at least firmware version 2.6.0g.
For more information, see change Request (CR) 4819138.

Sun StorEdge SAM-FS and Sun StorEdge QFS Software

The information in this section applies to the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS and Sun StorEdge QFS products.

Additional Features

The Sun StorEdge QFS version 4.2 and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS applications provide a fault management API that increases the level of fault coverage for the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software. In order to obtain this additional coverage, you must install the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software (master or slave) on the same host as the Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS software to be monitored. The additional features are as follows:

Note - In order for this feature to be effective, the Sun StorEdge QFS
sam-log file must be enabled by an entry in the following files:

Refer to the Sun StorEdge QFS documentation for details.

Additional Interaction Information

The following items apply to the use of Sun StorEdge SAM-FS and Sun StorEdge QFS with the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software:

If you do need to turn SNMP alerts on, then you must restart the Sun StorEdge QFS software.

By default, it is set to the local host as follows:


Change TRAP_DESTINATION to local host port 1162:


For example:




Note - Port 1162 is the general SNMP trap listener for the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software, and for this patch it cannot be changed. This port is shared by other agents that receive traps processed by the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software.

This occurs because shared Sun StorEdge QFS software does not run the sam-amld daemon. The sam-amld daemon runs the local tape drives and libraries and exposes the health API that the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software uses to assess the health of the hardware.

Even with a lost communication alarm, the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software processes SNMP traps and sam-log events and alarms posted by this Sun StorEdge QFS file system if configured to do so. However, it does not process the health or revision checking of its tape drives and libraries, because they are attached to and monitored by a different host.

No adverse conditions or errors occur as a result. However, the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software never receives an SNMP trap or posts an alarm for that instance of Sun StorEdge QFS software.

Solaris Version 10 Operating System

If Solaris version 10 zoning has been activated on a system, the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software is installed in the current zone the user is logged in to. It is best to install it in the global zone, however. If the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software is installed before zones are created, the software will be installed in new zones as they are created.

Solaris Operating System Host

If the Solaris Operating System host on which the master is installed uses compat in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file, you must manually set the user password. Selecting the NIS Password check box does not work in conjunction with compat.

Hitachi Data Systems

In order for the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software to monitor Hitachi Data Systems (HDS) products, the monitoring host must be given SNMP access to the HDS array.

JNI Host Bus Adapters

If you had JNI HBA cards installed with the previous version of SUNWstade, you will need to run device discovery again in order for the current release of the Sun Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment software to detect the JNI HBA cards.

Only the following JNI HBA cards are supported:

Inrange Switches

Support for inrange switches includes topology and port status only.

Known Issues

This section identifies known issues with the SUNWstade and SUNWstadm product components.

SUNWstade Issues

This section identifies known issues with the SUNWstade base package.

[Wed May 3 09:36:56 2006] [alert] rasserv: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName /opt/SUNWstade/rasserv/bin/apachectl startssl: nice -5 ./rasserv started.

To avoid this message, edit the /etc/hosts file and add an alias for localhost.

Reference CR: 5076153

Reference CR: 5092555

Reference CR: 5044120

Reference CR: 5041448

Warning: The HBA Api library ( is missing.

This library is needed to find inband devices.

Please see the release notes for a complete list of dependencies.

NOTE: Monitoring of inband devices using the HBA Api are blocked until the libraries have been updated and ras_install has been run again

Reference CR: 6199419

SUNWstadm Issues

This section identifies known issues with the SUNWstadm management station package.

Workaround: Remove the /usr/bin/true entry from the /etc/passwd with the following command:

# passmgmt -m -s "" noaccess

Workaround: Modify the permissions on the root directory so that "others" (noaccess) have both read and execute permissions.

# tail -2 /var/log/webconsole/console_debug_log

Error occurred during initialization of VM

java.lang.Error: Properties init: Could not determine current

working directory.

Workaround: Modify the permissions on the root directory so that "others" (noaccess) have both read and execute permissions.

After the workaround is applied, start the Java Web Console using the following command:

# /usr/sadm/bin/smcwebserver start

Reference CR: 5109055

Reference CR: 6246249

Obtain the latest patches for the device from the SunSolve web site at:

Reference CR: 6267594 Illegal to flush within a custom tag

If this occurs, upgrade Tomcat software to version 4.0.3 or later.

If this occurs, inspect the Java Web Console java.home setting using the Java Web Console smreg(1M) command as follows:

# /usr/sbin/smreg list -p | grep java.home

If the java.home setting does not point to the SDK location or if it incorrectly references the JRE or an earlier version of the SDK, update it using smreg(1M) and restart the Sun management console using the smcwebserver(1M) command as follows:

# /usr/sbin/smreg add -p -c java.home=/usr/j2se

# /usr/sadm/bin/smcwebserver restart

a. Click Search.

b. Enter the term glossary.

c. Click Search.

d. Click Glossary in the search results display.

Reference CR: 6319459

Workaround: Obtain one of the following localization patches, which have the latest localized versions of these files, from the SunSolve web site at

Reference CR: 6430756

Workaround: Do either of the following:

a) Click the Graphics Off button before right clicking on the device layout.

b) Use the Mozilla 1.4 or Netscape 7 browser instead of Mozilla 1.7.

Reference CR: 6435931

Service Advisor Issues

This section identifies known issues with the SUNWstadm management station package that affect the Service Advisor.

Reference CR: 6417279

Workaround: If you need to perform tray midplane removal and replacement, call Service.

Reference CR: 6418428

Reference CR: 6421335

Workaround: Delete the events in the Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment so the array can report an OK status.

Reference CR: 6419046

After completion of step 4 of the procedure to set a drive channel to optimal, the following message is displayed:


This is an invalid error message.

Workaround: Continue with step 5 of the procedure to verify that the drive channel is set to optimal.

Reference CR: 6418380

Workaround: Do not use the reserve maintenance function for the redistribute volumes, place a controller online or offline, and perform controlle replacement procedures.

Reference CR: 6405520

Resolved Issues

Refer to the README file for a list of issues resolved in this product release.

Release Documentation

This section lists the documentation provided with this product and lists other related documentation.

Product Documentation

The product includes online help for all functions. In addition, the following man page documentation is delivered with this product:

Related Documentation

The following table lists all related documentation.



Best Practices for Deploying the Sun StorADE Utility

Sun StorageTek 6140 array documentation

Sun StorEdge 6130 array documentation

Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS documentation

Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS documentation

Sun StorEdge 6920 system documentation

Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI array documentation

Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array documentation

Sun StorEdge 3511 FC array documentation

Sun StorEdge 3120 SCSI array documentation

Sun StorEdge SAM-FS 4.1 documentation

Sun StorEdge QFS 4.1 documentation

Sun StorEdge QFS 4.2 documentation

Sun StorEdge T3 and T3+ array documentation

Sun StorEdge A5000 array documentation

Sun StorEdge PCI FC-100 Host Adapter Installation Manual

Sun StorEdge PCI Dual Fibre Channel host adapter documentation

Sun StorEdge 2 Gb PCI Single Fibre Channel host adapter documentation

Sun StorEdge 2 Gb PCI Dual Port Fibre Channel host adapter documentation

Sun StorEdge 2 Gb Compact PCI Dual Port Fibre Channel host adapter documentation

Sun StorEdge A3500/A3500 FC system documentation

Sun StorEdge RAID Manager 6.22 software documentation

Sun StorEdge Network FC Switch-8 and Switch-16 documentation

Sun StorEdge Network 2 GB FC Switch-8, Switch-16, and Switch-64 documentation

QLogic SANbox 5200 Stackable FC Switch documentation

McData ED6064 and ES3232 FC switch documentation

Sun StorEdge 3900 and 6900 Series documentation

Solaris Handbook for Sun Peripherals

Service Contact Information

If you need help installing or using this product, go to: