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Sun Java(TM) System Administration Server 5 2004Q2 Administration Guide 


Who Should Read This Guide
How This Guide Is Organized
Using the Documentation
Resources and Tools on the Web
How to Report Problems
Sun Welcomes Your Comments

Chapter 1   Remote Server Administration Overview
Chapter 2   Introduction to Sun Java System Server Console
Starting Server Console and Logging In
Starting Server Console
Logging In to Server Console With a User Name and Password
Logging In to Server Console Using Client Authentication
A Tour of Server Console
Server Console Menus
Server Console Tabs
The Servers and Applications Tab
The Administration Domain
Customizing Server Console
Storing Display Settings
Setting Display Fonts
Customizing the Main Window
Creating Custom Views of the Navigation Tree
Working With Custom Views

Chapter 3   Managing Servers From the Console
Opening a Server Management Window
Creating a New Server Instance
Modifying Host, Server Group, and Instance Information
Removing a Server Instance
Uninstalling a Server
Merging Configuration Data From Two Directory Servers

Chapter 4   Managing Users and Groups From the Console
Interacting With Directory Server
Locating a User or Group in the Directory
Choosing a Different Directory to Search
Creating New Directory Entries
Organizational Units
Modifying Existing Directory Entries
Updating User and Group Entries

Chapter 5   Starting and Stopping Administration Server
Restarting Administration Server
To Restart the Server From the Console
To Restart the Server From the Command Line
Stopping Administration Server
To Stop the Server From Server Console
To Stop the Server From the Command Line
Logging Options
To View the Access Log
To View the Error Log
To Change Where Logs Are Stored

Chapter 6   Configuring Administration Server From the Console
Network Settings
To Configure Network Settings
Access Settings
To Set Administration Server Access Settings
Encryption Settings
To Request and Install a Certificate for Administration Server
To Activate SSL on Administration Server
Directory Settings
The Configuration Directory
Changing the Host or Port Number
The User Directory
User Directory Settings

Chapter 7   Configuring Administration Server From the Command Line
Syntax for mpsadmconfig
Tasks and Their Arguments
mpsadmserver admin_ip
ldapsearch, ldapmodify, and ldapdelete

Chapter 8   Access Control
Overview of Access Control
Examples of Access Control
Setting Access Permissions For Servers
To Set Access Permissions for a Server in the Navigation Tree
Working With Access Control Instructions
What’s in an ACI
Using the ACI Manager and ACI Editor

Chapter 9   Using SSL and TLS with Sun Java System Servers
The SSL and TLS Protocols
SSL and TLS Ciphers
Preparing to Use SSL and TLS Encryption
Using External Security Devices
Obtaining and Installing a Server Certificate
SSL Certificates
Preparing to Set Up SSL and TLS
Generating a Server Certificate Request
Sending a Server Certificate Request
Installing the Certificate
Backing Up and Restoring Your Certificate Database
Activating SSL
To Activate SSL on a Sun Java System Server
Managing Server Certificates
Renewing a Certificate
Changing the CA Trust Options
Changing Security Device Passwords
Managing Revoke Certificate Lists
Using Client Authentication
How Client Authentication Works
Preparing to Use Client Authentication
The certmap.conf File
Editing the certmap.conf File
Example certmap.conf Mappings
Using Client Authentication Between Servers
Client Authentication for Users

Chapter 10   Using SNMP to Monitor Servers
SNMP Basics
How SNMP Works
Sun Java System MIBs
Types of SNMP Messages
Setting Up SNMP
Using a Proxy SNMP Agent
Installing and Starting the Proxy SNMP Agent
Reconfiguring a Native Agent
Configuring the Master Agent
Community Strings
Trap Destinations
Configuring the Master Agent Using Server Console
Manually Configuring the Master Agent
Starting the Master Agent
Starting the Agent Using Server Console
Starting the Agent From the Command Line
Enabling the Subagent

Appendix A   Introduction to Public-Key Cryptography
Internet Security Issues
Encryption and Decryption
Symmetric-Key Encryption
Public-Key Encryption
Key Length and Encryption Strength
Digital Signatures
Certificates and Authentication
A Certificate Identifies Someone or Something
Authentication Confirms an Identity
How Certificates Are Used
Contents of a Certificate
How CA Certificates Are Used to Establish Trust
Managing Certificates
Issuing Certificates
Certificates and the LDAP Directory
Key Management
Renewing and Revoking Certificates
Registration Authorities

Appendix B   Introduction to SSL
The SSL Protocol
Ciphers Used With SSL
Cipher Suites With RSA Key Exchange
The SSL Handshake
Server Authentication
Man-in-the-Middle Attack
Client Authentication


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Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.