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Sun Java(TM) System Administration Server 5 2004Q2 Administration Guide 

Chapter 1
Remote Server Administration Overview

Sun Java System Administration Server and Server Console are two parts of a system that lets you manage Sun Java System server software. This chapter presents a high-level overview of what this system is and how you can use it to work with resources across your network. Note that Sun Java System Server Console is referred to simply as Server Console throughout this guide.

The Java Enterprise System installer provides Server Console and Administration Server together as a single installable component. In addition, many Sun Java System servers depend on Sun Java System Directory Server. Although Directory Server, Administration Server, and Server Console work tightly with one another, each plays a specific role in the management of servers, applications, and users.

Directory Server stores server and application configuration settings as well as user information. This data is used by other servers in the enterprise. Typically, application and server configuration information is stored in one suffix of Directory Server while user and group entries are stored in another suffix. If you have a large enterprise, you can store configuration and user information in separate instances of Directory Server (which can be on the same host machine or on two different host machines). When the terms configuration directory and user directory are used in this guide, they refer to where the configuration information and the user information is stored—either in the subtrees of a single instance of Directory Server or in two separate instances of Directory Server.

Server Console is a stand-alone Java application that works in conjunction with an instance of Directory Server and an instance of Administration Server. It acts as the front-end management application for Sun Java System software. It finds all servers and applications registered in your configuration directory, displays them in a graphical interface, and lets you manage and configure them. In addition, Server Console provides graphical tools for locating and managing entries in the user directory. Figure 1-1 shows the Server Console interface.

Figure 1-1  The Sun Java System Server Console Interface

The graphical server console lets you manage remote servers centrally.

When you log in to Server Console, it connects to an instance of Administration Server using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Administration Server processes requests for Sun Java System servers installed in a server group under the same root directory, and then starts the programs required to fulfill the requests.

The system for managing Sun Java System products works as follows:

Server Console lets you manage resources (servers or applications) as well as add or edit user information. When you use Server Console to manage resources, the Console sends HTTP requests to the instance of Administration Server that controls the resource. Upon receiving these requests, the instance of Administration Server executes programs that perform the requested tasks. For example, Server Console can execute programs to modify the server and application settings that are stored in the configuration directory or to change the port number that a server listens to.

When you use Server Console to add or edit user entries, it sends Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) messages directly to Directory Server. The information in these messages is then stored in the user directory. Figure 1-2 illustrates the system.

Figure 1-2  Simple System With Sun Java System Server Console

The server console lets you manage both users and applications.

Figure 1-2 shows an example of a relatively simple system. As your enterprise grows and your needs change, you have the flexibility to add additional hosts and servers. Even when you install new hardware and software, you can continue to use a single instance of Server Console to manage your network. Figure 1-3 shows how a more complex system might be organized.

Figure 1-3  More Complex System With Sun Java System Server Console

The server console lets you manage servers on multiple hosts.

The rest of this guide shows you how to use Server Console and Administration Server to manage servers, applications, and users. For information on installing and uninstalling Administration Server, refer to the Sun Java Enterprise System 2004Q2 Installation Guide.

If you would like to learn more about how Server Console works before installing the product, see A Tour of Server Console.

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