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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2004Q2 Desktop Customization Guide 

Chapter 2
Display Profile Properties

This chapter describes the display profile global properties, and provider and channel specific properties. It contains the following sections:

Overview of Display Profile Properties

Display profile properties control all aspects of a channel, including:

Display profile properties specify the per-channel configuration in the portal Desktop. Such properties define the visual representation of a channel in so much as the visual representation of the channel is affected by a display profile property.

The sample portal makes use of the following display profile definitions in the portal-server-install-root/SUNWps/samples/desktop directory:


Contains the display profile definitions for channels and containers.


Contains the display profile definitions for providers.


Contains the display profile definitions for channels and containers for the authlessanonymous and anonymous users in the default organization.

Display Profile Properties

The display profile properties are contained in a properties “bag.” A bag is simply a grouping mechanism for display profile entities such as channels, providers, and properties. The property itself does not have a properties bag associated with it.

You associate properties with the following display profile objects:

There are four basic categories of properties; they are:


Global properties are accessible to all channels. You set global properties, which are shared by all channels, in the <Properties> </Properties> definition. Themes are an example of a global property. You define the theme data globally to share it among all channels. See Display Profile Global Properties for more information.


Do not use global properties as defaults for all channels. Instead, use the <Provider> definition, as it sets the property interface used by the provider object that will use the <Provider> definition.


Provider properties serve two purposes:

If the property is not defined in channels based on this provider, the default value is used. If the default value is overridden by setting the value within the channel definition, then that value is used. By customizing a provider’s property values, you can customize all channels that the provider generates.


Channel properties are available to the channel in which that properties are associated with. By customizing an individual channel’s properties, you customize that particular channel.


Properties set in the <Provider> definitions are defaults for channels based on that provider. Properties set in <Channel> definitions override the defaults in the provider definition to customize the channel. For example, URLScaperProvider defines a url property. A default does not make sense here, thus a channel would naturally override this value.


Containers are simply channels that generate the majority of their content by executing other channels (or containers). Many of the properties defined for containers pertain to how to gather and arrange content from other channels. For example, properties set in the <Container> definition can describe how to display the contained channels in the container, including: the layout of the container (thin-wide, wide-thin, or thin-wide-thin), a list of the contained channels, the position of the channel (the row and column number), and the window state of the contained channels (maximized, minimized, or detached).

Lower priority display profile documents can overwrite properties of higher priority display profile documents using merge locking. That is, the lock stops the merge on a particular property or value. See the Portal Server Administration Guide for a complete discussion of the semantics of the display profile merging.

Display Profile Property Types

Table 2-1 lists the property types for provider definitions. These can be used with leaf and container providers. This three column table lists the property types in the first column, a brief description in the second column, and an example in the third.

Table 2-1  Display Profile General Property Types  

Property Type




An atomic object representing a Boolean value.

<Boolean name="removable" value="true"/>


An object representing either a list or hash table. A collection is a type of property, or named bag, in which to put other properties.

<Collection name="channelsRow">

    <String name="MailCheck" value="4"/>

    <String name="App" value="5"/>



Defines the filtering criteria. The most common conditions are locale and clientType, but the API is generic in that it allows you to define and base properties on any sort of condition. condition and value are required attributes.

In the administration console, the conditional properties are displayed as condition-value and can be edited like collections. The conditional properties can be nested and can be added to a channel or inside another conditional property. Use the Add Property page to add a new conditional property.

<ConditionalProperties condition="locale">

    <String name="en_US" value="English (United States)"/>



An atomic object representing an integer value.

<Integer name="numberOfHeadlines" value="7"/>


An object representing a pointer to a channel definition (that is, to a channel name in a container’s selected and available channel lists.) Reference is an unnamed string useful for design tools to be able to distinguish such things from strings.

<Reference value="UserInfo"/>


An atomic object representing a string value.

<String name="title" value="Table Container Channel 1"/>

Display Profile Global Properties

There are no global properties defined in the base Desktop. Global properties are added via the sample portal installation. So, if you did not install the sample portal, by default, you do not have any global properties defined in the base Desktop.

Use global properties to assign properties that apply to all channels. For example, Code Example 2-1 shows (a snippet of) the global properties defined in the dp-org.xml display profile file that is part of the sample portal. You assign the global properties inside the <Properties> </Properties> definition by using tags such as <Collection> </Collection>, <String> </String>, <Integer> </Integer>, and so on.

Code Example 2-1  Global Properties Sample in the Display Profile dp-org.xml File  

<DisplayProfile version="1.0" priority="10">


        <Collection name="GlobalThemes" propagate="false">

            <Collection name="SunTheme">




        <Collection name="UserTheme">



        <String name="docroot" value=”/docs/”/>

        <ConditionalProperties condition="locale">

            <String name="en_US" value="English (United States)"/>


        <String name="helpURL" value="en/desktop/usedesk.htm" advanced="true"/>

        <Collection name="userDefinedChannels" propagate="false"/>


The following is a list of all the global attributes available with the default installation of the sample portal. This two column table lists the attributes in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.


Defines the global themes for the Desktop. Themes are mainly focused on channel decoration like background color, channel border color, border width, and font face. Custom themes give the end user the ability to change the look and feel of the Desktop beyond the preset themes.

Global themes can be added in the display profile and changed by users in their Desktops. See Chapter 13, "Customizing the Global Themes" for information on adding global themes.


Defines the theme that shows up in the user’s Desktop. The value must be one of the collection values defined in GlobalThemes. In dp-org.xml file, the value can be either theme1 or theme2. When users customize their Desktops, the value UserTheme will change.


Used by UserInfoProvider to form the Language pull-down list.


Specifies the online help doc root relative to the installed portal/static location. See the Javadocs for more information on the getHelp() method in the ProviderContext API.


Specifies a default help file that is used by all containers. If helpURL is specified in the container provider definition, then that one is used.


Specifies the page to allow users to Create New Channel.

Display Profile Container Provider Properties

This section contains information on the display profile definitions and the properties of the building-block and internally used container providers that ship with Sun Java System Portal Server software.

Container providers enable you to aggregate channels inside the Desktop. The container building-block providers are building blocks in a sense since you can also customize them or use them differently by changing the container properties. They include:

See the Javadocs for more information on these containers.

Available and Selected List

All containers must define a list of available and selected channels. The presence of these is what mainly distinguishes a container from a channel.

Conceptually, the available list defines the set of channels that can be displayed in the container. The selected list defines those that are actually displayed in the container.

To take a specific example, consider the table container. Table containers use the available channel list to store channels that the user may add to their Desktop. The selected list is used to store the set of channels that are visible in their portal page. Typically, the selected channels are a subset of the available channels.


Containers are not required to make use of the available and selected channel lists in the display profile. A container may manage its contained channels in other implementation dependent ways. However, it is recommended that containers use the display profile available and selected channel lists in order to standardize how they are administrated.

The following is a list of the required container properties. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.


Defines a list of all available channels for this container. The <Available> and </Available> tags define the list, and the <Reference value=> tag defines the list items. For example:


<Reference value="UserInfo"/>

<Reference value="MailCheck"/>

<Reference value="App"/>

<Reference value="Bookmark"/>



Defines a list of selected channels for this container. Only selected channels are displayed on the Desktop. The <Selected> and </Selected> tags define the list, and the <Reference value=> tag defines the list items. For example:


<Reference value="UserInfo"/>  

<Reference value="MailCheck"/>  

<Reference value="App"/>

<Reference value="Bookmark"/>  


Common Properties for Table Container

The following are the common properties for table containers. This two column table lists the property tags in the first column and a brief description in the second column.

The <Collection name> </Collection> tags define a list to contain these properties, which are set with the <String> tag.

Table 2-2  Table Container Properties  

Property Tag



Contained table containers have the parentTabContainer property whose value is the name of the tab container in which the contained table container is contained. If the contained table container has to be used in some other tab container, change this property value to the respective tab container name.




Defines the width of the table columns. Layout one (1) refers to thin-thick, layout two (2) refers to thick-thin, and layout three (3) refers to thin-thick-thin.


Defines the window height in pixels for the thin channel in the detached window.


Defines the window width in pixels for the thin channel in the detached window.


Defines the window height in pixels for the thick channel in the detached window.


Defines the window width in pixels for the thick channel in the detached window.


Defines the window height in pixels for the full_top or full_bottom channel in the detached window.


Defines the window width in pixels for the full_top or full_bottom channel in the detached window.


Defines the isMinimizable default value for the channels in this container. If you define a default value, then you do not have to define isMinimizable for all the leaf channels in the container. You can change the value for a leaf channel in the container if needed.


Defines the isMaximizable default value for the channels in this container. If you define a default value, then you do not have to define isMaximizable for all the leaf channels in the container. You can change the value for a leaf channel in the container if needed.


Defines the isMinimized default value for the channels in this container. If you define a default value, then you do not have to define isMinimized for all the leaf channels in the container. You can change the value for a leaf channel in the container if needed.


Defines the isDetached default value for the channels in this container. If you define a default value, then you do not have to define isDetached for all the leaf channels in the container. You can change the value for a leaf channel in the container if needed.


Defines the isDetachable default value for the channels in this container. If you define a default value, then you do not have to define isDetachable for all the leaf channels in the container. You can change the value for a leaf channel in the container if needed.


Defines the isRemovable default value for the channels in this container. If you define a default value, then you do not have to define isRemoveable for all the leaf channels in the container. You can change the value for a leaf channel in the container if needed.


Defines the hasFrame default value for the channels in this container. If you define a default value, then you do not have to define hasFrame for all the leaf channels in the container. You can change the value for a leaf channel in the container if needed.


Defines the isMovable default value for the channels in this container. If you define a default value, then you do not have to define isMovable for all the leaf channels in the container. You can change the value for a leaf channel in the container if needed.


Defines the column number default value for the channels in this container. If you define a default value, then you do not have to define the column number for all the leaf channels in the container. You can change the value for a leaf channel in the container if needed.


Defines the row number default value for the channels in this container. If you define a default value, then you do not have to define row number for all the leaf channels in the container. You can change the value for a leaf channel in the container if needed.


Defines a collection property to contain the isMinimized value for channels in this container.


Defines a collection property to contain the isDetached value for channels in this container.


Defines a collection property to contain the hasFrame value for channels in this container.


Defines a collection property to contain the isMinimizable value for channels in this container.


Defines a collection property to contain the isMaximizable value for channels in this container.


Defines a collection property to contain the row number value for channels in this container.


Defines a collection property to contain the column number value for channels in this container.


Defines a collection property to contain the isMovable value for channels in this container.


Defines a collection property to contain the isDetachable value for channels in this container.


Defines a collection property to contain the isRemovable value for channels in this container.


Defines the collection property to contain the channel name and Boolean value pair for specifying borderless channels in this container. A value of true means the channel does not have border.


Defines the default value for the borderless channels in this container. If you define a default value, then you do not have to define borderlessChannels for all leaf channels in the container. You can change the value for a leaf channel in the container if needed.

Common Properties for Tab Container

The following is a list of the properties common to all TabContainerProviders. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.


Tab that is displayed when the user logs in.


Container channel name to be used when the user creates a new tab.


Container provider to be used as a base provider when the user creates a new tab.


The maximum number of tabs that can be selected on the user’s Desktop.


Used in the naming of newly created tabs by user.


The content channel to be used as the Content page for a user created tab.


The collection property TabProperties creates the new tab. There needs to be a one-to-one mapping between the contents of the TabProperties collection and the available or selected tabs. That is, for every tab specified in the available or selected list, a new collection needs to be defined inside TabProperties collection.

Other Container Properties

The following is a list of properties that are common to all container providers. This two column table lists the property in the first column and a brief description in the second column.


Defines the preset theme channel for the container. The JSP™ defined in the channel displays the Theme->Preset Themes page.


Defines the custom theme channel for the container. The JSP defined in the channel displays the Theme-> Custom Theme page.


Defines the edit container channel for this container. When a leaf channel defined in this container is of the type edit_subset, then the edit container channel is used to display a frame for the Edit page for the leaf channel.

Display Profile Leaf Provider Properties

Providers have required properties, as well as general properties. This section describes each provider-specific property and the general properties of the providers.

By editing the provider properties in the display profile XML files, you can create customized display profile provider definitions. Any time you modify a display profile document, use the dpadmin command (or the Sun Java System Identity Server software administration console) to store it in LDAP. For information about using the dpadmin command, see the Portal Server Administration Guide.

Display Profile Properties of Building-Block Providers

This section describes the display profile definitions and the properties of the leaf building-block providers.

Leaf building-block providers generate their own content. They include:


JSPProvider uses JavaServer Pages™ (JSP™). JSPProvider obtains content from one or more JSP files. A JSP file can be a static document (HTML only) or a standard JSP file with HTML and Java code. A JSP can include other JSP files. However, only the topmost JSP can be configured through the display profile. The topmost JSP files are defined through the contentPage, editPage, and processPage properties. See the Portal Server Developer’s Guide for more information on how JSPProvider uses these JSPs.

If you need to make other customizations, you do so in the JSP files themselves. The following is a list of the properties specific to JSPProvider. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

String name="contentPage"

Specifies the JSP that is used to generate the channel content (by using the getContent method).

String name="editPage"

Specifies the JSP that is used to generate the Edit page content (by using the getEdit method).

String name="processPage"

Specifies the JSP that is used to process the results of an Edit page (by using the processEdit method).

Boolean name="showExceptions"

If true, makes JSPProvider show exceptions generated while processing the JSP as the channel output for the getContent and getEdit methods. This can be useful for developing and troubleshooting your portal.


URLScraperProvider takes a URL, opens a connection to the URL, and reads the contents into a buffer. The contents are then sent to the Desktop servlet, which displays it. URLScraperProvider uses the Rewriter to construct the URL information and the content received contains the presentation markup (if applicable). See the Portal Server Administration Guide for more information on the Rewriter.

The following is a list of the properties specific to URLScraperProvider. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

String name="url"

Specifies the URL to be scraped. The default value is /desktop/ipinfo.html.

String name="urlScraperRulesetID"

Specifies the ID of the ruleset to be used by the Rewriter for rewriting content.

Boolean name="cookiesToForwardAll"

Specifies whether to forward cookies.

String name="inputEncoding"

Specifies the input encoding to be used by URLScraperProvider to encode the scraped content.

Collection name="cookiesToForwardList"

Specifies the list of cookies to be forwarded by URLScraperProvider if cookiesToForwardAll is set to false.

Integer name="timeout"

Specifies the timeout for which the provider should wait to fetch content before displaying the timed out message.

The isEditable property for URLScraperProvider cannot be turned on (set to true) as this channel is, by default, not editable. There are no getEdit() and processEdit() methods defined for this provider. If you want edit functionality for URLScraperProvider, define another provider that extends URLScraperProvider. In so doing, you would need to implement the getEdit() and processEdit() methods, and also define the editType property. See the Portal Server Developer’s Guide for more information on extending the URLScraperProvider.


XMLProvider transforms an XML document into HTML using an XSLT (XML Style Sheet Language) file. You must create the appropriate XSLT file to match the XML document type. XMLProvider is an extension of URLScraperProvider. This provider uses the JAXP 1.1 JAR files that come with Sun Java System Web Server software.


This guide does not discuss XML and XSL technologies. See for more information.

The following is a list of the properties specific to XMLProvider. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

String name="url"

Specifies the URL that XMLProvider is to transform.

String name="xslFileName"

Specifies the path to the local file to be used as the XSL style sheet.

The provider code tries to pick up the XSL file either from the XML channel directory (that is, /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/SampleXML), or if not specified here, from the XML provider directory (/etc/opt/SUNWips/desktop/default/XMLProvider/xml).

String name="urlScraperRulesetID"

Specifies the ID of the ruleset to be used by the Rewriter for rewriting content.

Boolean name="cookiesToForwardAll"

Specifies whether to forward cookies.

String name="inputEncoding"

Specifies the input encoding to be used by XMLProvider to encode the scraped content.

Collection name="cookiesToForwardList"

Specifies the list of cookies to be forwarded by URLScraperProvider if cookiesToForwardAll is set to false.

Integer name="timeout"

Specifies the timeout for which the provider should wait to fetch content before displaying the timed out message.

Display Profile Properties of Service Providers

Service providers are providers who provide a service, such as search service. The Sun Java System Portal Server software includes the following service providers:


SearchProvider supplies the search function using the Sun Java System Portal Server software Search Engine. SearchProvider is a JSP-based provider. The resultant channel has three interfaces:

Basic search    

Enables users to search within the default document database or discussion database. Document and category matches are then displayed.

Advanced search    

Enables users to search for documents based on author, title, URL within the default document database or discussion database, discussion, and/or comment. Users can also search on the last-modified date of a document. Advanced search is a more complex user interface, and supports customization. See Chapter 14, "Customizing the Service Providers" for more information.


Enables users to browse the category tree and search within categories.

Search results are displayed based on the categorySearch and viewHits properties. The following is a list of the properties specific to SearchProvider. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

String name="contentPage"

Specifies the JSP that is used to generate the channel content (by using the getContent() method).

String name="editPage"

Specifies the JSP that is used to generate the Edit page content (by using the getEdit() method).

String name="processPage"

Specifies the JSP that is used to process the results of an Edit page (by using the processEdit() method).

Boolean name="showExceptions"

If true, makes SearchProvider show exceptions generated while processing the JSP as the channel output for the getContent() and getEdit() methods. This can be useful for developing and troubleshooting your portal, and for debugging the Search provider.

String name="searchServer"

Specifies the Search server’s URL.

Integer name="viewHits"

Specifies the number of hits that should be displayed per page. The maximum desirable number is 25. (The Edit page specifies to choose a number between 1 and 100.) This property is user editable. Edit page displays allowable values as 5, 8, 10, 16.

Boolean name="basicSearchDefault"

If true, specifies that the default search mode should be basic. (Users can set this to advanced if desired.)

String name="defaultMode"

Specifies the default search mode. Allowable values are basic, advanced, or browse.

Boolean name="categorySearch"

Specifies the category search to be displayed by default. If set to false, category matches are not displayed.


The DiscussionProvider is JSPProvider based and uses the Desktop themes. It retrieves data from the back end Search service using search taglibs and API. The discussions and comments are stored as separate Resource Descriptors (RDs) in the discussion database. Discussion RDs require special schema. See schema.rdm file in the /var/opt/SUNWps/https-psserver/portal/config/ directory.

Discussions are stored in the discussion database specified in the dbname property in the display profile. Search server host (searchServer property) and database name (dbname property) are advanced properties that can be configured in the display profile.

The following is a list of properties specific to DiscussionProvider. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.


Specifies the path to the search server. By default, the value is portal/search.


Specifies the discussion database where discussions are stored. Any valid database can be specified.


Specifies the number of discussions to display on the main discussion page (full view).


Determines how the comment subtree is displayed. It can be set to flat or threaded to allow the comment subtree to be displayed as flat or threaded.


Specifies the filter for searching and displaying discussions and this controls display of the subtree. It can be based on ratings such as irrelevant, routine, interesting, important, or must read. By default, its value is irrelevant; so all comments rated irrelevant and above are displayed. The Must read filter will highlight the highly rated comments.


It can be set to expand all or collapse all. By default, its value is set to collapse all. If set to expand all, it will expand all the filtered comments, show description, rating menu, and allow user to post reply via links.


A user configurable property. If set to true, the discussion link gets displayed on an entire page; that is, JSPDynamicSingleContainer is invoked. If set to false, the discussion gets displayed within the channel within the tab.


An anonymous user can submit comments. Default author value for an anonymous user is picked from this property. Default value is anonymous. For example, it can be set to unknown author.


Enable or disable Search in discussions.


Specifies whether or not to show a description of the discussion.


Specifies the type of rating that can be done on a discussion. By default, discussions can be rated as irrelevant, routine, interesting, important, or must read. This property is not used in this release.


SubscriptionsProvider provides subscriptions service to users. The Subscriptions service enables users to create a set of profile of interest over a source of information. The source of information supported are categories, discussions, and searchable documents. The profile is updated with the latest information every time the user accesses the Subscriptions channel. The Subscriptions channel summarizes the number of hits (relevant information) that matches each profile entry the user defined for categorized document and/or discussions.

Display Profile Properties of Content Providers

This section provides definitions and examples for the following content providers that ship with the Portal Server software.

You cannot extend content providers as their APIs are not public.


The address book provider works with the Sun Java System Messaging Server to provide simple personal address book functionality.

The following is a list of the properties specific to AddressBookProvider. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

String name="sunPortalABSortBy"

Specifies the value of the entries displayed to sort by.

String name="sunPortalABSortOrder"

Specifies the sort order of the entries displayed.

String name = "ssoAdapter"

Specifies the SSOAdapter configuration used by this provider/channels.

Integer name="maxEntries"

Specifies the limit for the number of address book entries to display.

Integer name="numEntries"

Specifies the number of entries to display.

Boolean name="displayEntries"

Specifies if the entries should be shown.

Collection name="applicationHelperEdit"

Specifies the mail application helpers that you can edit settings on.

String name="applicationHelperURL"

Specifies the default mail application helper.

Collection name="ssoEditAttributes"

Specifies the attributes that will appear on the 1st edit page for the provider. These are usually server settings and have nothing to do with display profile attributes.

Collection name="dpEditAttributes"

Specifies the attributes that will appear on the edit page for the application helper. These are usually display attributes and there can be multiple attributes based on number of clients, and so on.

Collection name="sunPortalABSortBySelectOptions"

Used to generate the drop down select boxes on the edit page. This specifies None and Full name.

Collection name="sunPortalABSortOrderSelectOption s"

Used to generate the drop down select boxes on the edit page. This specifies Ascending, Descending, and None.


AppProvider enables a user to add or remove applications from a list of applications.

The following is a list of the properties specific to AppProvider. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

String name="windowPref"

Specifies how to launch a link. The possible values are:

  • all_new (New window is opened for every link)
  • one_new (All links open on the same new window)
  • same (Desktop window)

Collection name="targets"

Specifies the list of application links in name | URL format, where name should match should match the entry in the userApps collection.

Collection name="userApps"

Specifies the list of applications that appear in the applications channel.


BookmarkProvider enables a user to add or remove URLs from a list of bookmarks.

The following is a list of the properties specific to BookmarkProvider. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

String name="windowPref"

Specifies how to launch a link. The possible values are:

  • all_new (New window is opened for every link)
  • one_new (All links open on the same new window)
  • same (Desktop window)

Collection name="targets"

Specifies the list of bookmarks that is shown in the channel in the following format:



The calendar provider works with the Sun Java System Calender Server so that you can view tasks and events and launch Calendar Express without having to sign in.

The following is a list of the properties specific to CalendarProvider. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

String name="view"

Specifies the view (day, week, or month) used.

String name="calendar"

Specifies the calendar to display.

String name="ssoAdapter"

Specifies the ssoAdapter configuration to use.

Boolean name="loadSubscribedCalendars"

If set to true, it will try to load all of the subscribed calendars and display them.

Boolean name="disableTaskEventURLs"

If set to true, it will not display links for tasks and events.

Collection name="calendarSelectOptions"

Specifies a list of all subscribed calendars.

Collection name="applicationHelperEdit"

Specifies the mail application helpers that you can edit settings on

String name="applicationHelperURL"

Specifies the default mail application helper

Collection name="ssoEditAttributes"

Specifies the attributes that will appear on the 1st edit page for the provider. These are usually server settings and have nothing to do with display attributes

Collection name="dpEditAttributes"

Specifies the attributes that will appear on the edit page for the application helper. These are usually display attributes and there can be multiple attributes based on number of clients, etc.

Collection name="viewSelectOptions"

Specifies the different Calendar views displayed in the Calendar edit page.


The IMProvider includes:

The information is gathered by accessing the Instant Messaging server through the use of the Instant Messaging APIs.

The following is a list of the properties specific to IMProvider. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.


Specifies the name of the instant messaging server to use.


Specifies the port on which the instant messaging server listens.


Specifies the name of instant messaging multiplexor to use (used by IM client.)


Specifies the port on which the instant messaging server listens.


Specifies where to find the instant messaging client.


Specifies where to find the instant messaging client when using the netlet. By default, the value is IM.


Specifies how the Instant Messaging server client must be run. The client can be run as either a plugin or jnlp. By default, the value is plugin.


Specifies the authentication method. Clients can authenticate either via idsvr (for Identity Server) or ldap. By default, the value is idsvr.


Specifies the LDAP attribute where instant messaging username is found. By default, the value is uid.


Specifies the username for LDAP authentication. This is not applicable if authMethod is set to idsvr.


Specifies the password for LDAP authentication. This is not applicable if authMethod is set to idsvr.


Specifies the contact group to display, or blank for all.


LoginProvider enables the Login channel to show up in the anonymous user’s Desktop. You can configure LoginProvider to enable users to log in and out using the Login channel. The system administrator can select one out of the three methods to enable users to log in: LDAP, Membership, or UNIX.

For the sample portal, if you type the following URL in a browser, you see the authlessanonymous user’s Desktop, which has the login channel.


By default, LoginProvider uses Membership authentication. No additional setup is required to use this channel. From the authlessanonymous user page, valid users can use the login channel, and new users can register using the Sign me up link in the channel. You can change the authentication module for the login channel.

The following properties are specific to the LoginProvider. This two column table lists the property in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

Boolean name="persistentCookie"

Specifies if a persistent cookie is used to remember the user ID and password.

Boolean name="federationEnabled"

If set to true, the libertyLogin.Template is inserted.

String name="preLoginURL"

The value specified in the channel. This property is typically of the form: /portal/dt


The address book provider works with the Lotus Notes Server to provide simple personal address book functionality.

The following properties are specific to LotusNotesAddressBookProvider. This two column table lists the property in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

String name="sunPortalABSortBy"

Specifies the value of the entries displayed to sort by.

String name="sunPortalABSortOrder"

Specifies the sort order of the entries displayed.

String name = "ssoAdapter"

Specifies the SSOAdapter configuration used by this provider/channels.

Integer name="maxEntries"

Specifies the limit of address book entries to display.

Integer name="numEntries"

Specified the number of entries to display.

Boolean name="displayEntries"

Specifies if the entries should be shown.

Collection name="applicationHelperEdit"

Specifies the mail application helpers that you can edit settings on.

String name="applicationHelperURL"

Specifies the default mail application helper.

Collection name="ssoEditAttributes"

Specifies the attributes that will appear on the 1st edit page for the provider. These are usually server settings and have nothing to do with display attributes.

Collection name="dpEditAttributes"

Specifies the attributes that will appear on the edit page for the application helper. These are usually display attributes and there can be multiple attributes based on number of clients, etc.

Collection name="sunPortalABSortBySelectOptions"

Used to generate the drop down select boxes on the edit page. This specifies None and Full name.

Collection name="sunPortalABSortOrderSelectOption s"

Used to generate the drop down select boxes on the edit page. This specifies Ascending, Descending, and None.


The calendar provider works with the Lotus Notes Server so that you can view tasks and events and launch the web application without having to sign in.

The following properties are specific to LotusNotesCalendarProvider. This two column table lists the property in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

String name="view"

Specifies the view (day, week, or month) used.

String name="calendar"

Specifies the calendar to display.

String name="ssoAdapter"

Specifies the ssoAdapter configuration to use.

Boolean name="loadSubscribedCalendars"

If set to true, it will try to load all of the subscribed calendars and display them.

Boolean name="disableTaskEventURLs"

If set to true, it will not display links for tasks and events.

Collection name="calendarSelectOptions"

Specifies a list of all subscribed calendars.

Collection name="applicationHelperEdit"

Specifies the mail application helpers that you can edit settings on.

String name="applicationHelperURL"

Specifies the default mail application helper.

Collection name="ssoEditAttributes"

Specifies the attributes that will appear on the 1st edit page for the provider. These are usually server settings and have nothing to do with display attributes.

Collection name="dpEditAttributes"

Specifies the attributes that will appear on the edit page for the application helper. These are usually display attributes and there can be multiple attributes based on number of clients, etc.

Collection name="viewSelectOptions"

Specifies the different Calendar views displayed in the Calendar edit page.


The mail provider works with the Lotus Notes Server to provide simple mail functionality.

The following properties are specific to LotusNotesMailProvider. This two column table lists the property in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

String name = "sortOrder"

Specifies the sort order for the messages currently displayed.

String name = "ssoAdapter"

Specifies the SSOAdapter configuration used by this provider/channels.

Integer name="numberHeaders"

Specifies the limit of message headers to display. Hard limit is 30.

Boolean name="displayHeaders"

Specifies if the headers should be shown.

Boolean name="sentFolderCopy"

Specifies if sent messages should be copied to the Sent Folder (used by MA).

Collection name="applicationHelperEdit"

Specifies the mail application helpers that you can edit settings on.

String name="applicationHelperURL"

Specifies the default mail application helper.

Collection name="ssoEditAttributes"

Specifies the attributes that will appear on the 1st edit page for the provider. These are usually server settings and have nothing to do with display attributes.

Collection name="dpEditAttributes"

Specifies the attributes that will appear on the edit page for the application helper. These are usually display attributes and there can be multiple attributes based on number of clients, etc.

Collection name="sortOrderSelectOptions"

Specifies the different mail sort order options (recent at top or bottom).


MailCheckProvider gives information about a user’s mail status.

The following is a list of the properties specific to MailCheckProvider. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

String name="IMAPServerName"

Specifies the IMAP server name.

String name=”IMAPUserID”

Specifies the IMAP user name.

String name="IMAPPassword"

Specifies the IMAP password.

Collection name="targets"

Specifies the list of application links in name | URL format, where name should match should match the entry in the userApps collection.

Collection name="userApps"

Specifies the list of mail applications that appear in the applications channel.

Boolean name="defaultConfigParameters"

MailCheckProvider uses the defaultConfigParameters property to read a user’s mail settings. If set to true, MailCheckProvider reads the mail settings (server name, username, and password) from the NetMail service definition. If set to false, MailCheckProvider reads the mail settings from the properties defined in its display profile provider properties (IMAPServerName, IMAPUserId, and IMAPPassword). When defaultConfigParameters is set to true, the property isEditable is set to false implying that the Edit button is not available. If you change defaultConfigParameters to false, change isEditable to true for the Edit button to appear.


The mail provider works with the Sun Java System Messaging Server software to provide simple mail functionality and single sign-on services.

The following is a list of the properties specific to MailProvider. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

String name = "sortOrder"

Specifies the sort order for the messages currently displayed.

String name = "ssoAdapter"

Specifies the SSOAdapter configuration used by this provider/channels.

Integer name="numberHeaders"

Specifies the limit of message headers to display. Hard limit is 30.

Boolean name="displayHeaders"

Specifies if the headers should be shown.

Boolean name="sentFolderCopy"

Specifies if sent messages should be copied to the Sent Folder (used by MA).

Collection name="applicationHelperEdit"

Specifies the mail application helpers that you can edit settings on.

String name="applicationHelperURL"

Specifies the default mail application helper.

Collection name="ssoEditAttributes"

Specifies the attributes that will appear on the first edit page for the provider. These are usually server settings and have nothing to do with display attributes.

Collection name="dpEditAttributes"

Specifies the attributes that will appear on the edit page for the application helper. These are usually display attributes and there can be multiple attributes based on number of clients, etc.

Collection name="sortOrderSelectOptions"

Specifies the different mail sort order options (recent at top or bottom).


The address book provider works with the Microsoft Exchange Server to provide simple personal address book functionality.

The following properties are specific to MSExchangeAddressBookProvider. This two column table lists the property in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

String name="sunPortalABSortBy"

Specifies the value of the entries displayed to sort by.

String name="sunPortalABSortOrder"

Specifies the sort order of the entries displayed.

String name = "ssoAdapter"

Specifies the SSOAdapter configuration used by this provider/channels.

Integer name="maxEntries"

Specifies the limit of address book entries to display.

Integer name="numEntries"

Specified the number of entries to display.

Boolean name="displayEntries"

Specifies if the entries should be shown.

Collection name="applicationHelperEdit"

Specifies the mail application helpers that you can edit settings on.

String name="applicationHelperURL"

Specifies the default mail application helper.

Collection name="ssoEditAttributes"

Specifies the attributes that will appear on the 1st edit page for the provider. These are usually server settings and have nothing to do with display attributes.

Collection name="dpEditAttributes"

Specifies the attributes that will appear on the edit page for the application helper. These are usually display attributes and there can be multiple attributes based on number of clients, etc.

Collection name="sunPortalABSortBySelectOptions"

Used to generate the drop down select boxes on the edit page. This specifies None and Full name.

Collection name="sunPortalABSortOrderSelectOption s"

Used to generate the drop down select boxes on the edit page. This specifies Ascending, Descending, and None.


The calendar provider works with the Microsoft Exchange Server so that you can view tasks and events and launch Exchanges web application.

The following properties are specific to MSExchangeCalendarProvider. This two column table lists the property in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

String name="view"

Specifies the view (day, week, or month) used.

String name="calendar"

Specifies the calendar to display.

String name="ssoAdapter"

Specifies the ssoAdapter configuration to use.

Boolean name="loadSubscribedCalendars"

If set to true, it will try to load all of the subscribed calendars and display them.

Boolean name="disableTaskEventURLs"

If set to true, it will not display links for tasks and events.

Collection name="calendarSelectOptions"

Specifies a list of all subscribed calendars.

Collection name="applicationHelperEdit"

Specifies the mail application helpers that you can edit settings on.

String name="applicationHelperURL"

Specifies the default mail application helper.

Collection name="ssoEditAttributes"

Specifies the attributes that will appear on the 1st edit page for the provider. These are usually server settings and have nothing to do with display attributes.

Collection name="dpEditAttributes"

Specifies the attributes that will appear on the edit page for the application helper. These are usually display attributes and there can be multiple attributes based on number of clients, etc.

Collection name="viewSelectOptions"

Specifies the different Calendar views displayed in the Calendar edit page.


The mail provider works with the Microsoft Exchange Server to provide simple mail functionality.

The following is a list of the properties specific to MSExchangeMailProvider. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

String name="sortOrder"

Specifies the sort order for the messages currently displayed.

String name="ssoAdapter"

Specifies the SSOAdapter configuration used by this provider/channels.

Integer name="numberHeaders"

Specifies the limit of message headers to display. Hard limit is 30.

Boolean name="displayHeaders"

Specifies if the headers should be shown.

Boolean name="sentFolderCopy"

Specifies if sent messages should be copied to the Sent Folder (used by MA).

Collection name="applicationHelperEdit"

Specifies the mail application helpers that you can edit settings on.

String name="applicationHelperURL"

Specifies the default mail application helper.

Collection name="ssoEditAttributes"

Specifies the attributes that will appear on the 1st edit page for the provider. These are usually server settings and have nothing to do with display attributes.

Collection name="dpEditAttributes"

Specifies the attributes that will appear on the edit page for the application helper. These are usually display attributes and there can be multiple attributes based on number of clients, etc.

Collection name="sortOrderSelectOptions"

Specifies the different mail sort order options (recent at top or bottom).


NotesProvider enables the administrator or users the administrator has authorized to post a note to all users’ Desktops in the Notes channel.

The following is a list of the properties specific to NotesProvider. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

String name="location"

Specifies the path to the text file, which contains the notes, in the file system.

String name="lines"

Specifies the number of lines of notes that is displayed in the channel.

String name="maxLines"

Specifies the maximum number of lines that can be displayed in the channel.

Integer name="timeout"

Specifies the time zone of the time stamp at which the notes were logged, either as an abbreviation such as PST, a full name such as America/Los_Angeles, or a custom ID such as GMT-8:00. Support of abbreviations is for JDK™ 1.1.x compatibility only and full names should be used.

Notes are stored and read in a text file in the following format:

userid | date | message

where | is the delimiter and date is the long value that denotes the time elapsed in milliseconds since January 1, 1970.

Following is a sample notes file.

User1|1007159465858|Message to Portal Desktop Team : Lets meet today at 2PM

User2|1007159465858|Information related to project is availble at home page


SimpleWebServiceProvider, an extension of JSPProvider, makes simple web services available to an end user channel. SimpleWebServiceProvider dynamically constructs a user interface given a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) URL and a web service method name.

Using the URL, SimpleWebServiceProvider fetches the WSDL document, parses and validates it. Based on its content, SimpleWebServiceProvider generates input parameters to the method that return the information from the web service. The information is then displayed in the channel content window.

SimpleWebServiceProvider can generate channels that use the same web service, and the same method, so default parameter values can be stored using the Edit function.

SimpleWebServiceProvider supports basic data types such as String, int, and float as defined in the WSDL specification. It supports Complex Types if they are made up of only basic types (one level of nesting). There is no support for arrays.

SimpleWebServiceProvider can provide WSDL parsing for any other provider that needs it. SimpleWebServiceProvider is designed for stock quote or currency exchange rate content.

The following is a list of the properties specific to SimpleWebServiceProvider. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

String name="wsdlURL"

Specifies the URL to web service WSDL.

String name="methodName"

Specifies the web service method name that is going to be executed.

Boolean name="isDefaultShowOutput"

Specifies the default value. If true, the channel uses the default input value. If false, the channel uses the user input value.

String name="contentPage"

Specifies the JSP that is used to generate the channel content (by using the getContent() method).

String name="editPage"

Specifies the JSP that is used to generate the Edit page content (by using the getEdit() method).

Boolean name="showExceptions"

If true, makes SimpleWebServiceProvider show exceptions generated while processing the JSP as the channel output for the getContent() and getEdit() methods. This can be useful for developing and troubleshooting your portal.

Boolean name="isDefaultAvailable"

If true, the default value is available from the profile database.

Collection name="defaultInput"

Specifies the default input value.


SimpleWebServiceConfigurableProvider is similar to SimpleWebServiceProvider, except that it permits users to use the Edit function to change URLs and methods, hence, it is configurable.

The following is a list of the properties specific to SimpleWebServiceConfigurableProvider. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

String name="wsdlURL"

Specifies the URL to web service WSDL.

String name="methodName"

Specifies the web service method name that is going to be executed.

Boolean name="isDefaultShowOutput"

Specifies the default value. If true, the channel uses the default input value. If false, the channel uses the user input value.

String name="contentPage"

Specifies the JSP that is used to generate the channel content (by using the getContent() method).

String name="editPage"

Specifies the JSP that is used to generate the Edit page content (by using the getEdit() method).

Boolean name="showExceptions"

If true, makes SimpleWebServiceConfigurableProvider show exceptions generated while processing the JSP as the channel output for the getContent() and getEdit() methods. This can be useful for developing and troubleshooting your portal.

Boolean name="isDefaultAvailable"

If true, the default value is available from the profile database.

Collection name="defaultInput"

Specifies the default input value.


UserInfoProvider collects information from the display profile and Identity Server software. It displays a greeting, the user’s name, time zone, and locale, and has access to the user’s IMAP and SMTP data.

The following is a list of the properties specific to UserInfoProvider. This two column table lists the properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.

Collection name="tags"

Specifies the collection tags used in the user info template.

String name="greeting"

Specifies the tag name for greeting.

String name="cn"

Specifies the tag name for common name.

String name="givenname"

Specifies the given name.

String name="sn"

Specifies the surname.

String name="uid"

Specifies the user ID.

String name="sunPortalNetmailIMAPServerName"

Specifies the IMAP server name.

String name="sunPortalNetmailSMTPServerName"

Specifies the SMTP server name.

String name="sunPortalNetmailIMAPUserid"

Specifies the IMAP user ID.

String name="sunPortalNetmailIMAPPassword"

Specifies the IMAP password.

String name="currentDate"

Specifies the tag name for the current date.

String name="timeLeft"

Specifies the tag name for the time remaining.

String name="maxIdle"

Specifies the tag name for the maximum idle time.

String name="preferredtimezone"

Specifies the user’s preferred time zone.

String name="timezoneList"

Specifies the tag name for the time zone.

String name="locale"

Specifies the user’s locale.

String name="localeList"

Specifies the tag name for language.

String name="preferredlocale"

Specifies the user’s preferred locale.

String name="membershipNewPassword"

Specifies the tag name for membership new password.

String name="membershipConfirmPassword"

Specifies the tag name for membership confirm password.

String name="membershipOriginalPassword"

Specifies the tag name for the original membership password.

Collection name="tagModules"

Specifies the collection of tag modules.

String name="dp"

Specifies the tag module to get and set user info channel properties.

String name="attribute"

Specifies the tag module to get and set user info channel attributes.

String name="imappw"

Specifies the tag module to get and set IMAP password.

String name="datetime"

Specifies the tag module to get current time.

String name="timezone"

Specifies the tag module to get and set time zone list.

String name="localelist"

Specifies the tag module to get and set local list.

String name="membershippw"

Specifies the tag module to get and set membership password.

Collection name="authTypes"

Specifies the collection of authentication types.

String value="Membership"

Specifies the value of authentication type.

String name="netmailServiceName"

Specifies the NetMail service name.

Display Profile Common Properties for Leaf Providers

The Portal Server software sample portal display profile XML fragments define the default values for all expected properties, so that channels that use the supplied providers do not have to define all the properties, only the ones that need to be different.


Depending on the merge priorities and locking assigned to the display profile documents that make up a user’s display profile, the ultimate property values that are returned to a user’s Desktop can change. See the Portal Server Administration Guide for more information on merging.

The following is a list of common properties for a <Provider> definition. In addition to the following properties, there are properties that are used in specific providers. For example, the lines and maxLines properties are required by the notes provider code.

The following two column table lists the general properties in the first (left) column and a brief description in the second (right) column.


Specifies the title that appears in the channel title bar in the Desktop.


The description is displayed on the content page to give the user a little more information about what the channel is more. For example:

title: Bookmarks

description: manage your portal-specific bookmarks


The refreshTime property controls how often a channel’s content is reloaded.


Specifies the edit type, either edit_complete or edit_subset. If edit_complete, the provider’s getEdit() method is responsible for generating the complete Edit page content. If edit_subset, a generic edit provider container is used to put a frame around the Edit page. The provider’s getEdit() page is then called, and displays the content of the Edit page.


Determines if the provider has an edit view. If true, the Edit button is generated in the channel title bar. By clicking the Edit button, users can display an Edit page and customize channel settings such as whether the channel is minimized or detached. The Edit page is generated by the Provider.getEdit() method.

If isEditable is false, no edit view is provided and no Edit button is generated in the title bar and users cannot change the settings for the channel. To implement an editable provider, the default no-operation implementations of ProviderAdapter.getEdit() and ProviderAdapter.processEdit() must be overridden.

If the provider has the getEdit() and processEdit() methods defined, you can change the value of isEditable from false to true to cause the Edit button to appear in the channel title bar.


A channel’s width setting is a suggestion for containing channels as to how much screen real estate the channel may require. This value is only a suggestion; a container is not required to utilize this value for its contained channels. Possible values are thin, thick, full_top, or full_bottom. In general, these values only make sense for an HTML-based Desktop.


Specifies the online help URL, which can be either a fully qualified URL value or a relative path to the doc root location. For example, the online help URL for the bookmark channel is:


This URL could also be defined as desktop/bmark.html. In this case, the provider context code figures out the doc root and the user locale, and locates the online help URL.

A return value of null signifies that this provider does not have a help page.

To have the provider code not generate a Help icon on the title bar for the channel, use a value of “”.


Specifies the default font face for the channel, for example, Sans-serif.


Specifies the name of the product, for example, Sun Java System Portal Server. This is not required by all providers.

Required properties and their values for the <Provider> definition are based on the Provider interface. The required properties are necessary for the provider code if the provider class extends ProviderAdapter or the ProfileProviderAdapter class. Note that the channel can set its own properties that override these values.

Other Leaf Provider Display Profile Properties


The authlessState property determines how client specific state is managed when the Desktop is operating in authless mode. Client specific state is accessed via the ProviderContext.get/setClientProperty() methods. The authlessState client type property can take on three values: client, server, and none. When set to:

By default, the authlessState client type property is not present, and defaults to client for HTML devices, and none for non-HTML devices. To modify the default value for a specific client type, add the authlessState client type property and set its value to either client, server, or none.


The encoderClassName client type property maps an encoding algorithm (class) to a specific client type. This information is used by the ProviderContext.escape() method to escape strings in a client type specific manner.


This provides a generic operation for retrieving conditional properties. The most common conditions are locale and clientType, but the API is generic in that it allows you to define and base properties on any sort of condition.

In the administration console, the conditional properties are displayed as condition-value and can be edited like collections. The conditional properties can be nested and can be added to a channel or inside another conditional property. Use the Add Property page to add a new conditional property.

The <ConditionalProperties> tag must be used to define the filtering criteria. The tag contains the following required attributes:


Specifies name of the filter


Specifies the value to be used in the filter

In the display profile, the <ConditionalProperties> tag can be defined as outlined in Code Example 2-2.

Display Profile Channel Properties

The provider definition is the template that decides the properties for a channel. However, the display profile channel definition ultimately decides the values for the channel attributes. The display profile channel definition can define properties that overwrite the properties defined by the provider definition.

Container channels are channels that primarily generate its content by aggregating the content of other (its child) channels. A container channel allows for available and selected channel lists (see Available and Selected List) and can contain leaf channel definitions.

Both container and leaf channel properties can be configured from the administration console. See the provider-specific display profile properties for more information on the channel properties.

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