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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2004Q2 Migration Guide 

Chapter 1
Planning the Migration


All instances of the Sun™ ONE Portal Server 3.0 product refer to what were formerly known as the iPlanet™ Portal Server 3.0, Service Pack 3a, iPlanet™ Portal Server 3.0, Service Pack 4 products, and iPlanet™ Portal Server 3.0, Service Pack 5 products.

Also, all instances of the Sun™ ONE Identity Server 5.1 product refer to what was formerly known as the iPlanet™ Directory Server Access Management Edition 5.1 product.

This chapter provides an overview and discussion on how to plan for converting users, roles, domains, components, templates, providers, channels, properties files, and packs from Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 to Sun™ ONE Portal Server 6.2.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Overview of Data Migration

Several features in Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 product require format changes in the data store of Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 because the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 software uses new access layer and APIs provided by Sun ONE Identity Server 6.1 release. The Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 Data Migration Tool Suite provided with Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 release enables you to migrate your LDAP data, templates, JavaServer Pages™ (JSP™), resource bundles, certificates (with the exception of gateway certificates), authentication module data, and properties files fromSun ONE Portal Server 3.0 to Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 or to Sun ONE Identity Server as necessary. The Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 Data Migration Tool Suite does not migrate gateway certificates.

These are the high-level steps to migrate your data from Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 to Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2. (Subsequent chapters provide step-by-step instructions for performing the actual migration.)

  1. Perform a full installation of Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 including the Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 Data Migration Tool Suite.


    The Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 product supports migration of a Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 installation to a Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 installation deployed on a the Sun™ ONE Web Server (which uses the Java™ 2 SDK (J2SDK™), Standard Edition 1.4.1_05 for its Java™ run-time environment) as well as Sun™ ONE Application Server, IBM Websphere application server, and BEA Weblogic application server.

  2. Install the Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 Data Migration Tool Suite on a system that has an existing version of Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 already installed.
  3. If you are migrating from a Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 system to a separateSun ONE Portal Server 6.2 system, you need two installations of the Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 Data Migration Tool Suite, one for each system.

    If you are performing a single-system migration, you can install Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 on a Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 system.

  4. Install the Sun™ ONE Compass Server migration tools if you need to migrate a Sun ONE Compass Server. Sun ONE Compass Server migration tools are separate from the Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 Data Migration Tool Suite. See Chapter 8, "Migrating Sun™ ONE Compass Server" for details on migrating Sun™ ONE Compass Server 3.01C, Service Pack 1 or later to Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2.
  5. Run the export tool on the Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 system. This script stores the existingSun ONE Portal Server 3.0 data to the file system. This data collection is an automated process.
  6. Move the exported data from the Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 system to the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 system if you are using two separate machines.
  7. Run the conversion tool on the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 system. This script modifies the Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 data exported using the export tool so that the data is usable by Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2. This process might require manual intervention since there is no way to know all possible customizations and their desired effect by the portal server that you have envisioned.
  8. Run the import tool on theSun ONE Portal Server 6.2 system. This script imports the data which was exported and converted using the export and conversion tools. This process is automated requiring little to no intervention.


    You can add functionality to the core tools by writing your own custom migration module and installing it into the migration tool suite. The migration tools will detect the modules and update user menu options as needed. See Appendix B, "Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 Data Migration Module Author's Guide" for more information on migration modules.

Figure 1-1 provides an overview of the migration process. It shows that the export tools take data from iPlanet Directory Server 4.1x and templates, JSPs, and resource bundles from Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 and store them as a flat file representation of theSun ONE Portal Server 3.0 system. The conversion tools convert the flat file representation of Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 into a flat file representation of Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 customizations. The import tools then import LDAP data into Sun ONE Identity Server, and the templates, JSPs, and resource bundles into Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2.

Figure 1-1  Overview of Migration Process

This image shows a graphical representation of the migration process as described in the paragraph preceding the image.

Throughout the migration process, the tools produce a report listing actions taken or not taken, along with warnings and errors. You can use this report to troubleshoot the migration.

The Migration Process

This section describes how the migration process works and outlines what you need to know before beginning the migration process

How the Migration Process Works

You migrate a system by using three command-line scripts, or tools: the export tool, the conversion tool, and the import tool. This section describes how these tools work. See Appendix A, "Tool Design" for the syntax of these scripts.

Export Tool

The export tool performs the following tasks:

Conversion Tool

The conversion tool performs the following tasks:

Import Tool

The import tool performs the following tasks:

What You Need to Know Before Beginning the Migration Process

Use the following information to help plan the migration process.

Migration Checklist

  1. Will you migrate from one system to another? Or will you perform a single-system migration?
  2. Are there customizations to the Desktop templates that you need to migrate?
  3. Is there any custom provider code? If so, this will need to be compiled and added manually.
  4. Are there customizations to the authentication modules that you need to migrate?
  5. Is the name of the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 system the same as the name of the Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 system from which you are migrating? If not, you need new certificates.
  6. Do you have test systems set up for the migration that you can put into production after the migration is complete in order to avoid down time?
  7. When will the migration begin?
  8. When do you expect the migration to finish?
  9. How many domains are you migrating?
  10. How many users are you migrating?
  11. How many roles are you migrating? What is this impact on your migrating given the new role concept in Sun ONE Identity Server?
  12. How many customized providers do you need to migrate manually to the new provider APIs (PAPI)?
  13. Do you have a multi-node environment that requires additional planning for migration?
  14. Do you have an existing installation of Sun ONE Compass Server that requires migration?
  15. What other manual steps do you need to perform for successful migration (outside of the automated steps via the migration tools available)?

Migration Tools Overview

This section describes how the individual migration tools work and the options you have for migrating data. The migration package is SUNWpsmig and you need to install it on both the Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 and Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 systems.

Export Tool

The export tool:

Export Tool Modules

The export tool uses modules to create the script menus. This modularity enables you to create new modules and add them to the menu. The export tool creates the executable files. The export tool also creates the export menu from the text returned from invoking each module with the --menu option.

The export tool runs the modules based on user selection.

The export tool runs any modules that do not return a menu item along with a single module user selection.

Files are considered export modules when they meet the following criteria:

LDAP Database Export Module

The LDAP database export module:

Flat File Export Module

The flat file export module creates a tar file that contains:

Certificate Export Module

The certificate export module copies:

Conversion Tool

The conversion tool:

Conversion Tool Modules

The conversion tool uses modules to create the script menus. This modularity enables you to create new modules and add them to the menu. The conversion tool creates the executable files. The conversion tool also creates the export menu from the text returned from invoking each module with the --menu option.

The conversion tool runs the modules based on user selection.

The conversion tool runs any modules that do not return a menu item along with a single module user selection.

Files are considered conversion modules when they meet the following criteria:

LDAP Database Conversion Module

The LDAP database conversion module:

Gateway Rules to Rewriter Rulesets Conversion Module

The gateway rules to Rewriter rulesets conversion module:

Desktop Conversion Module

The Desktop conversion module:

Certificate Conversion Module

The certificate conversion module copies web server certificates from the export directory to the import directory. It does not copy gateway certificates.

Import Tool

The import tool:

Import Tool Modules

The import tool uses modules to create the script menus. This modularity enables you to create new modules and add them to the menu. The import tool creates the executable files. The import tool also creates the export menu from the text returned from invoking each module with the --menu option.

The import tool runs the modules based on user selection.

The import tool runs any modules that do not return a menu item along with a single module user selection.

Files are considered import modules when they meet the following criteria:

LDAP Database Import Module

The LDAP database import tool module:

Flat Files Import Module

The flat file import module extracts the following from the import tar file to the appropriate locations:

Certificate Import Module

The certificate import module:

Table 1-1 shows the destination of migrated data on the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 system. This two-column table lists the data types in the first column and the destination directory in Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2.

Table 1-1  Destination of Migrated Data on the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 System  

Data Type

Destination Directory in Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2

Desktop data


Resource bundles


Sun ONE Portal Server 3.0 user documents from BaseDir/SUNWips/public_html/docs


Static web data


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