Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2004Q2 Release Notes

Sun Java™ System Calendar Server Release Notes

Version 6 2004Q2

Part Number 817-5699-10

These Release Notes contain important information available at the time of the general release of Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2004Q2, including:

Read these Release Notes before you install and configure Calendar Server.

Sun Java System Calendar Server was formerly Sun™ ONE Calendar Server.

About Calendar Server, Version 6 2004Q2

Calendar Server is a scalable, web-based solution for centralized calendaring and scheduling for enterprises and service providers. Calendar Server supports personal and group calendars for both events and tasks as well as calendars for resources such as conference rooms and equipment. For a list of new features, see the following section, What’s New in Calendar Server 6 2004Q2.

Calendar Server offers two graphical user interfaces, Calendar Express and the new Communications Express. It also offers customers the flexibility to use the Web Calendar Access Protocol (WCAP) to access calendar data directly in either text/calendar or text/xml format.

What’s New in Calendar Server 6 2004Q2

Calendar Server 6 2004Q2 includes the following changes and new features:

Linux Platform Support

Java Enterprise System is now available on the Linux platform. The major differences in user experience will be the path names where product directories are installed. The Linux platform installs into a different directory than the Solaris platform.

The default installation locations are listed for the following:

Calendar Server

The following table compares the directory paths of both platforms for Calendar Server:

Table 1  Comparison of Directory Paths Between Linux and Solaris Platforms

Solaris Directory

Linux Directory*







* For Linux: Since other Java Enterprise System component products besides Calendar Server are being installed in the various ../sun directories, you may want to create a separate directory under the various ../sun directories specifically for Calendar Server files. For example: /etc/opt/sun/calendar.

Communications Express

The default installation location in Linux for Communications Express is:


User Management Utility


Installation Changes

The Calendar Server installer has been discontinued. You must use the Sun Java Enterprise System installer, with which you can also install other Sun component products and packages.

Consequently, the Calendar Server Installation Guide has been discontinued in favor of the Sun Java Enterprise System 2004Q2 Installation Guide.

Post-installation information (configuration) is now contained in the Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2004Q2 Administration Guide.

Configuration Changes

Perform Calendar Server configuration as a separate step after the Sun Java Enterprise System installer has successfully installed Calendar Server 6 2004Q2. There are two configuration programs that must be run:

Configuration issues and instructions on how to run the two configuration programs are covered in the Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2004Q2 Administration Guide.

Note that if you are installing the new Communications Express user interface (UI), you must run a separate configuration program for it. For instructions on how to run the configuration program, see the Sun Java System Communications Express 6 2004Q2 Administration Guide. For more information about the Communications Express UI, see the Communications Express - New Client User Interface section in this document.

New Database Version

Calendar Server 6 2004Q2 uses Berkeley DB version 4.2. No migration service is required for new customers of Calendar Server 6 2004Q2.

If you have Calendar Server 6.0 installed, with Berkeley DB version 3.2.9, then you will not have to run cs5migrate to update the database to 4.2; it will be done automatically.

If you have a Calendar Server 5.x installation that uses Berkeley DB version 2.6, you must upgrade your calendar database to version 4.2. using the cs5migrate or cs5migrate_recurring utility. See New Migration Utility for Recurring Events that follows.

If you have an existing Calendar Server 2.x installation, you must upgrade to Calendar Server 5.x before you can migrate to the current release.

For information about migration, see the Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2004Q2 Administration Guide at:

New Migration Utility for Recurring Events

Some applications, such as Sun Java System Connector for Microsoft Outlook require recurring events and tasks to be presented as a master component with exceptions. Earlier versions of Calendar Server did not offer this format for recurring events. Therefore, a new version of the cs5migrate utility, cs5mgrate_recurring, has been introduced.

As well as all of the standard cs5migrate functionality, the new utility generates master component and exception records for the recurring events and tasks already in your database. Going forward these records will be automatically generated by Calendar Server.

If you need to migrate your database but do not plan to use the Connector for Outlook, run cs5migrate instead.

Contact technical support for the download location and documentation for either utility. Be sure to specify whether you are migrating recurring events and plan to use the Connector for Microsoft Outlook.

The utility performs the following tasks:


If your site has an earlier version of Calendar Server and is configured for limited virtual domain mode or with multiple instances of Calendar Server on the same machine, contact your Sun Microsystems, Inc. sales account representative for an evaluation of your migration requirements and to ensure that you have the specific migration utility that supports those requirements.

And, as always, never migrate your database without first performing a full backup.

Web Calendar Access Protocol (WCAP) Changes

Changes were made to existing WCAP commands and four new commands were created to support Communications Express and the Connector for Microsoft Outlook.

Enhancements to Existing WCAP Commands

The following command changes were made:

Four New WCAP Commands

The following new WCAP commands have been added to support the Connector for Microsoft Outlook:

Communications Express - New Client User Interface

Calendar Server currently supports two client user interfaces (UI):

Known Problems Fixed in Calendar Server 6 2004Q2

Table 2 describes the most important problems (bugs) fixed in the Calendar Server 6 2004Q2 release.

Table 2  Fixed Bugs in Calendar Server 6 2004Q2

Problem Number



WCAP does not remove invalid XML UTF-8 characters.


Reminder list containing invalid user stops reminder from being sent.


csdomain accepts multi-byte characters, but csuser can’t display them.


Calendar did not allow customizing location of the config file.


Fetch for master component can return a non-recurring event.



cs5migrate does not convert existing recurring events to a master record plus exceptions.

The basic cs5migrate still does not, but an enhanced version that does is available from technical support.


Email notification not sent if creating or modifying an event and the attendee parameter has the common name specified.


DWP fails regularly on different backends.


Replying to one instance of an allday recurring event gives error.


After running Calendar Server configuration program, can’t start or stop Messaging Server.


Configuration failed for certain Base DN values.


Link creation problem after configuration program ran.


Configuration program not handling config directory properly.


Reminder emails not displaying Euro symbol correctly.


Linux: cshttpd not coming up when configured in SSL mode.


Linux: chsttpd hangs when DWP (CLD) is enabled.


Linux: Installing with /opt as base directory changes ownership of all point products.

Hardware/Software Requirements and Recommendations

This section describes the hardware and software required and recommended for this release of Calendar Server.

Hardware Requirements and Recommendations

Software Requirements and Recommendations

Supported Software Platforms

Recommended Browsers for Client Computers

Sun Java System Calendar Express 6 2004Q2 requires a JavaScript-enabled browser. For optimal performance, the following browsers are recommended:

Table 3  Recommended Browser Versions for Calendar Server 6


Solaris Systems



Netscape™ Communicator



Microsoft Internet Explorer     

5.5 or 6.0       



1.2 or 1.4

1.2 or 1.4

Pre-Installation Notes

This section contains information you should know before you install Calendar Server 6 2004Q2, including:

Front-End and Back-End Machines and Operating Systems

For Calendar Server installations that separate functionality across front-end and back-end machines, the hardware platforms must be the same on each end.

More specifically, due to big-endian versus small-endian incompatibility, you can’t use both an x86 platform machine and a Sparc platform machine in the same Calendar Server deployment containing front-end and back-end machines.

Moreover, mixing Solaris x86 and Linux operating systems for front-end and back-end machines has not been tested and is not currently supported.

For more information about installing Calendar Server on front-end and back-end machines, see the Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 20004Q2 Administration Guide at:

OS Patches

You must apply the required operating system patches before installing Calendar Server 6 2004Q2. Refer to the Sun Java Enterprise System 2004Q2 Release Notes for a list of required patches.

Required Privileges

To run the Sun Java Enterprise System installer or the Calendar Server 6 2004Q2 configuration program on Solaris Systems, you must log in as or become superuser (root).

Java Enterprise System Installer

Install Calendar Server 6 2004Q2 using the Sun Java Enterprise System installer. The Java Enterprise System installer installs the Sun component product packages, including Calendar Server 6 2004Q2, and the shared components that are used by the various products.

This section covers the following topics:

Default Installation Directory

The default installation directory (cal_svr_base) for Solaris packages (SUNWics5 and SUNWica5) is:


The default installation directory (cal_svr_base) for Linux packages (for core and API) is:


Linux RPM Files

Table 4 lists the Linux RPM packages for the various Calendar Server related components.

Table 4  Linux RPM packages for Calendar Server Related Components


RPM File

Calendar Server


Localized files:

Communications Express


User Management Utility


Upgrading From an Earlier Version of Calendar Server 6

Do not attempt to upgrade Calendar Server using the Sun Java Enterprise System installer. You must use the patchadd process. Find instructions for upgrading from Calendar Server 2003Q4 (6.0) to the current release in the Sun Java Enterprise System 2004Q2 Installation Guide.

See also the Sun Java Enterprise System 2004Q2 Release Notes.

These and other related documents can be found at:

Calendar Server Configuration Program

After installing Calendar Server, you must configure it as follows:

  1. Run the Directory Server Setup Script ( to configure Sun Java System Directory Server for Calendar Server schema.
  2. Run the Calendar Server Configuration Program ( to configure your site’s specific requirements.

For instructions, refer to the Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2004Q2 Administration Guide.

Where to Find Calendar Server Data and Utilities

For Java Enterprise System Release 2, Calendar Server provides the links shown in Table 5.

Table 5  Directory Locations 

File Names

Solaris Locations

Linux Locations*

Administrator utilities: start-cal, stop-cal, csattribute, csbackup, cscal, cscomponents, csdb, csdomain, csexport, csimport, csmonitor, csplugin, cspurge, csrename, csresource, csrestore, csschedule, csstats, cstool, and csuser

Migration utilities: csmig, csvdmig, and ics2migrate

Scripts: icsasm,,, and



Administrator utilities: csstart and csstop



Configuration files: ics.conf, version.conf, counter.conf, and sslpassword.conf

LDAP server update files: 60iplanet-calendar.ldif, ics50-schema.conf, and um50-common-schema.conf

After installation: /opt/SUNWics5/cal/config-template

During configuration, the various files from the above directory are moved to the locations specified by the configuration options you choose.


Mail formatting (*.fmt) files


where language is en, de, es, fr, ja, ko, zh-TW, or zh-CN.


Schema IDIF files: 20subscriber.ldif, 50ns-value.ldif, 50ns-delegated-admin.ldif, 55ims-ical.ldif, 50ns-mail.ldif, 56ims-schema.ldif, 50ns-mlm.ldif, 60iplanet-calendar.ldif, 50ns-msg.ldif

schema writes these files to the Directory Server.


Library (.so) files

SSL utilities: certutil and modutil



Session database



Counter statistics files: counter and counter.dbstat



timezones.ics file



The Linux installer does not add “calendar” to your /etc/opt/sun path names automatically. During configuration, do not take the default path offered. Add “calendar” to the path names.

Directory Server Performance

To improve the performance of your LDAP directory server, especially if you are using calendar searches of the LDAP directory consider the following items:

Indexing the LDAP Directory Server Attributes

To improve performance when Calendar Server accesses the LDAP directory server, add indexes to the LDAP configuration file for various attributes.

The configuration program,, will optionally do the indexing for you.

To see the performance difference indexing can give you, perform the following test:

  1. Enable calendar searches of the LDAP directory server by making sure the following parameter in the ics.conf file is set to “yes”:
  2. service.calendarsearch.ldap = "yes" (Default)

  3. Run the following LDAP command:

Tests have shown that with 60,000 entries, the above search took about 50-55 seconds without indexing icsCalendarOwned. After indexing, the above search took only about 1-2 seconds.

For more information about adding directory server indexes, refer to the Sun Java System Directory Server 5 2004Q2 documentation at:

Checking and Setting the Size Limit and the Look Through Limit Parameters

To determine if the Look Through Limit (nsslapd-lookthroughlimit) and Size Limit (nsslapd-sizelimit) parameters are set to appropriate values, try the following command:

ldapsearch -b "base"

where base is the LDAP base DN of the directory server where the user and resource data for Calendar Server is located, and user is the value that an end user can enter in the Calendar Express Subscribe > Calendar Search dialog.

If the LDAP server returns an error, the nsslapd-sizelimit or the nsslapd-lookthroughlimit parameter might not be large enough. Follow these guidelines to set these parameters:

Communications Express Using Schema 1

There are two issues with Schema 1 in Communications Express:

Provisioning Tools

There are two tools for provisioning users, groups and domains for Calendar Server:

User Management Utility

The Communications Services User Management Utility is the recommended mechanism for provisioning Calendar Server and Messaging Server for Schema 2. This utility assumes hosted domains, but you can specify the -k legacy option to create users suitable for a non-hosted domains environment. If you want hosted domains, be sure to configure Calendar Server to support hosted domains before using this utility (see the Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2004Q2 Administration Guide).

Calendar Server Utilities

For provisioning Calendar Server in Schema 1 mode, use the calendar utilities provided with the product and described in the Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2004Q2 Administration Guide.

Calendar Server 6 Documentation

Calender Server 6 includes the following documentation. Part numbers are in parentheses.

Calendar Express 6 2004Q2 Online Help is available with the Calendar Express software. Communications Express 6 2004Q2 Online Help is available with the Communications Express software.

Calendar Server 6 2004Q2 documentation is available on the following Web site:

Known Issues and Limitations

This section contains tables that list of the more important known issues at the time of the Calendar Server 6 release:


The following limitation is known at this time:

Pop-up Blockers

Limitation: Certain Calendar Server windows will not display if you have a pop-up blocker enabled.

Workaround: Disable pop-up blockers for the Calendar URL to ensure all Calendar Server windows will display.

Exception: Neither the Norton Inet Security AD_BLOCKER nor the Mozilla built-in POP_BLOCKER will affect Calendar Server windows.

Indexing attributes

Limitation: The script indexes certain attributes to help the efficiency of searching for data. The following attributes should be indexed, but have not yet been implemented: o, sunPreferredDomain, associatedDomain, and sunOrganizationAlias.

Workaround: Perform the indexing yourself. Instructions for adding indexes can be found in the Directory Server documentation:

Provisioning Users for Communications Express in Schema 1 Mode

Limitation: The csuser utility does not enable users it creates for Address Book.

Workaround: Enable the user using ldapmodify.

Multiple Domains (Hosted Domains)

Limitation: The configuration program,, configures only a single domain.

Workaround: If you need a multiple domain calendar environment (called either Virtual Domains or Hosted Domains), you must add the domains yourself using the User Management Utility, or the csdomain utility if you are still using Sun LDAP Schema 1. See “Setting up Hosted Domains” and “Administering Hosted Domains” in the Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2004Q2 Administration Guide.

Reported Problems

Table 6 lists problems reported on the product. The problem number is a link to further explanation and the workaround.

Table 6  Known Issues for 2004Q2 

Problem Number

Short Description


UI defaults to English for anonymous login.


Spurious intermittent error message: Unable to delete Session database: it may not exist yet.


Need to improve the UI quality on IE 6.0 (irregular font size illegible)


Related to bug 4898611. Double-byte characters in calids generated by csuser cause errors in Calendar Express.


Leading white space in ics.conf causes fatal error when initializing configuration.


Misleading error messages if you uninstall SUNWics5 before running the program.


Data loss and button problems occur after resizing windows on GNOME 2.0 desktops.


Multibyte characters in HTML format string are corrupted in Event Title and Description.



Various csdomain errors.


For a recurring meeting, if the attendee accepts the first date and then opens the next instance and declines the whole series (this and forward), the entire series including the first instance are marked as declined.


Can’t start Calendar Server. Error message: “Fatal error: must run command as the calendar server user, root not allowed.” Related to 5012766.


In a recurring all-day event with attendees, reply fails with an error 14.


Running Every time it runs, it appends /var/opt/SUNWics5/csdb to the path for the following two ics.conf parameters: caldb.cld.cache.homedir.path, local.ldap.cache.homedir.path.


Configuration program shows a default of icsuser and icsgroup as the runtime user IDs, but if you just accept the default, it really is using “root” instead and allows you to continue with configuration. But the calendar services will not start afterward.


Configuration program in silent mode still needs user interaction.


All-day event reminders aren’t sent out until halfway through the day.


Spurious error message generated while autoprovisioning: attribute icsSubscribed is not allowed.


Wrong WCAP version number being written by Java Enterprise System installation program in post-install script.


In some circumstances search_calprops returns garbled data.


SSL fails to work in SSLv2 mode.


Javascript error in tab with users calendars. (French version)


Need a simpler solution for accessing user information. Setting up ldapproxy causes problems.


In GUI configuration, when the calmaster can’t be found in LDAP, an error message displays. The second choice is garbled. It should read “Don’t Create”.


If you create a recurring series of events, then delete part of the series using deletecomponents_by_range, exdates are not generated for those instances. Only Outlook uses recurring, but it never uses that command.


Blank baseDN, or Directory Manager DN causes the configuration wizard to hang.


If a get_freebusy command issued with noxtokens=1 results in an error, the X-NSCP_WCAP_ERRNO is stripped out of the output also. The user does not get an error message.


Using Outlook to invite a user, all of the user’s calendars are invited, even the free-busy only ones.


Problems in task reminder for Simplified and Traditional Chinese.


Start and Due time need translation in event reminder email in Simplified Chinese.


Window layout issues in the recurrence window in Simplified and Traditional Chinese.


Need good translation in Options->Setting for Simplified and Traditional Chinese.


If an attendee is invited to a single instance of a recurring event, he gets only that copy. There is no master record.


If the organizer removes an attendee from a single instance of a recurring event, the exdate is not generated on the attendees calendar. The master component however shows the instance as an rdate (if it was an exception before). This causes the fetch command to fail because it can’t retrieve the exception.


storeevents command fails to invite primary email addresses of newly provisioned users who have not yet logged into calendar (do not have a default calendar).


cscal can’t create calendar with non-ASCII characters in display name.


Default user calendar display name layout is improper for Asian names.


Wrong date range format under Options->Import/Export for Korean locale.


Improper date format displaying under Preview for all day event in Korean.


Due date format not in proper format under Task List dialog for Korean.


Linux: Running the GUI based configuration program in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Korean characters in square or junk characters.


Need to force -k flag for calendar user creation with commadmin.


Add an additional configuration question for virtual (hosted) domain support. Related to 5050077.


Linux: Calendar Server files installed by default under /etc/opt/sun/ and /var/opt/sun


Linux: csdomain -a option causes segmentation fault.


Linux: Locking region error in start.log.


Wrong date is set in yearly repeating event or task. (L10N)


Yearly repeating task increases one more year when modified.


Fatal Error 70: Cannot start Alarm Dispatch thread. For front-end/back-end configurations.



Documentation Incorrectly describes OIDs for two LDAP schema object classes.


Problem: UI defaults to English for anonymous login.

Workaround: None


Problem: After stopping cshttpd and csadmind, and then issuing: csdb -q delete, an intermittent spurious error shows up in the error logs and can stop scripts from completing. The error message is informational only and should not appear in the error logs.

Workaround: Ignore the message, or filter for it in scripts that check the logs for errors. The exact wording is: Unable to delete Session db; it may not exist?


Problem: Need to improve the UI quality on IE 6.0 (irregular font size illegible).

Workaround: None


Problem: Using csuser it is possible to enter an ISO88591 (special or double-byte) character in the user id.

Cause: csuser doe not validate the characters used for the calid/uid.

Workaround: Use the User Management Utility to provision create users. When using csuser only use characters that meet the following criteria:


For hosted domains, the at sign (@) is the exception to the above rule. For example, for a hosted domain, the calid might be:


Problem: Leading white space (blank) in ics.conf parameters causes fatal error when initializing configuration.

Workaround: Remove any leading blanks in the ics.conf parameters.


Problem: Misleading error messages if you uninstall SUNWics5 before running the program.

Workaround: Ignore them; the uninstall was actually successful. Verify that the directories are gone.


Problem: Data loss and button problems occur after resizing windows on GNOME 2.0 desktops.

Workaround: None. The problem can’t be addressed through Calendar Server. This is a GNOME issue.


Problem: For internationalized versions using Internet Explorer, multibyte characters in HTML format string are corrupted in the Event Title and Description in spite of correct ics.config settings.

Workaround: None.



Problem: Various csdomain errors.

Workaround: Don’t use csdomain, use the User Management Utility (commadmin), or ldapmodify.


Problem: For a recurring meeting, if the attendee accepts the first date and then opens the next instance and declines the whole series (this and forward), the entire series including the first instance are marked as declined. If you export the data at that point, the first instance shows as an exception, but its reply status is overwritten.

Workaround: None


Problem: Can’t start Calendar Server. Fatal error: must run command as the calendar server user, root not allowed.

Cause: The configuration program has not been run against the installation. This can be triggered by backing out a patch, if the configuration program was run against the patched installation instead of the original installation. Uninstalling a patch restores the system to the state it was in before the patch was applied. In this case, it is restored to an unconfigured state.

Workaround: Run the configuration program again. Or, run the configuration program against the fresh Calendar Server installation before applying the patch. Then if the patch is backed out, the configuration will not have to be redone.


Problem: In a recurring all-day event with attendees, reply fails with an error 14. Does not accept a DATE as the value for the RECURRENCE-ID, which violates RFC2445. Currently WCAP only accepts a DATE-TIME value for the RECURRENCE-ID.

Workaround: None


Problem: Every time the is run, it appends /var/opt/SUNWicse/csdb to the value of two ics.conf parameters: caldb.cld.cache.homedir.path, local.ldap.cache.homedir.path

Workaround: Edit the two ics.conf parameters to remove redundant path notation.


Problem: The configuration program,, asks for the runtime user IDs, suggesting that icsuser and icsgroup are the default settings. If you accept the defaults, the program gives you a warning “User ID root has root (super-user) privileges. This is not recommended. Are you sure you want the calendar server installed and run with the super-user?” The program will accept your affirmative answer, and continue. After configuration, calendar services can’t be started.

Cause: The wrong default is being used by the configuration program. And it should not continue with an invalid input.

Workaround: Specifically key in icsuser and icsgroup as the runtime user IDs. Do not just click Enter to accept the defaults.


Problem: Silent configuration needs user interaction.

Workaround: None


Problem: All-day event reminders aren’t sent out until halfway through the day.

Workaround: None


Problem: Spurious error message generated while autoprovisioning: attribute icsSubscribed is not allowed.

Workaround: None


Problem: Wrong WCAP version number being written by Java Enterprise System installation program in post-install script.

Workaround: None


Problem: search_calprops sometimes returns jumbled data.

Workaround: None


Problem: SSL fails to work in SSLv2 mode. This appears to be a problem when Calendar Server is deployed along with other component products such as Messaging Server, Web Server, Portal Server, Directory Server who have been configured into SSLv2 mode only and shares the same certificates for the SSL communication purpose.

Workaround: None


Problem: Javascript error is tab with users calendars. (French)

Workaround: None


Problem: Need a simpler method of accessing user information. Setting up ldapproxy is prone to error.

Workaround: None


Problem: GUI mode configuration doe not display correct string for missing calmaster. When the calmaster can’t be found in LDAP, an error message displays with two options. The second one is garbled.

Workaround: None. The string should read: Don’t Create.


Problem: If you create a recurring series of events, then delete part of the series using deletecomponents_by_range, EXDATEs are not generated for those instances.

Workaround: None


Problem: If you click Next with a blank baseDN, or blank Directory Manager DN, it causes the configuration wizard to hang.

Workaround: None.


Problem: If a get_freebusy command issued with noxtokens=1 results in an error, the X-NSCP_WCAP_ERRNO is stripped out of the output also. The user does not get an error message.

Workaround: None


Problem: Using Outlook to invite a user, all of the user’s calendars are invited, even the free-busy only ones.

Workaround: None


Problem: Problems in task reminder for Simplified and Traditional Chinese.

Workaround: None


Problem: Start and Due time need translation in event reminder email in Simplified Chinese.

Workaround: None


Problem: Window layout issues in the recurrence window in Simplified and Traditional Chinese.

Workaround: None


Problem: Need good translation in Options->Setting for Simplified and Traditional Chinese.

Workaround: None


Problem: If an attendee is invited to a single instance of a recurring event, he gets only that copy. There is no master record.

Workaround: None


Problem: If the organizer removes an attendee from a single instance of a recurring event, the EXDATE is not generated on the attendees calendar. The master component however shows the instance as an RDATE (if it was an exception before). This causes the fetch command to fail because it can’t retrieve the exception.

Workaround: None


Problem: The storeevents command fails to invite primary email addresses of newly provisioned users who have not yet logged into Calendar (do not have a default calendar).

Workaround: None


Problem: cscal can’t create calendar with non-ASCII characters in the display name.

Workaround: None.


Problem: Default user calendar display name layout is improper for Asian names.

Workaround: None


Problem: Wrong date range format under Options->Import/Export for Korean locale.

Workaround: None


Problem: Improper date format displaying under Preview for all day event in Korean.

Workaround: None


Problem: Due date format not in proper format under Task List dialog for Korean.

Workaround: None


Problem: Linux: Running the GUI configuration program displays Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Korean characters in square or junk characters.

Workaround: None


Problem: Need to force -k flag for calendar user created by commadmin. If you are working in a non-hosted environment and using commadmin to provision users, you must specify -k legacy so that the calendar ID (calid) is the simple form, such as, jdoe, rather than the compound calid format required for hosted domains, such as, Conversely, if you are working in a hosted domain environment (the ics.conf has been configured for it), then you would want the default value to be taken (-k hosted) so that calids are fully qualified, ( Related to 5050129, 5046517.

Workaround: If you are now using hosted domains, but some of your users have the simple (non-fully qualified) calid, then run the Calendar Server utility csvdmig. It creates fully qualified calids for existing calendars in your LDAP database, and updates the corresponding events and tasks in the calendar database to reference the new fully qualified calids.


Problem: Need to add an additional configuration question for the User Management Utility (commadmin) that specifies whether users are created in hosted domains (hosted mode) or in a single domain (legacy mode). This question would set a parameter in the file. Then, the default mode would be set at configuration time. Currently, the default mode is hosted and a user must specify -k legacy for each user created in single domain mode. Related to 5050077, 5046517.

Workaround: If you are now using hosted domains, but some of your users have the simple (non-fully qualified) calid, then run the Calendar Server utility csvdmig. It creates fully qualified calids for existing calendars in your LDAP database, and updates the corresponding events and tasks in the calendar database to reference the new fully qualified calids.


Problem: Calendar Server configuration program creates config and log files under the wrong directory (/etc/opt/sun and /var/opt/sun), such that the config files are under /etc/opt/sun/config and log files are under /var/opt/sun/logs.

Workaround: When running, add /calendar to the suggested defaults. For example: /etc/opt/sun/calendar/config, /var/opt/sun/calendar/logs.


Problem: csdomain -a causes a segmentation fault. Trying to add a domain, specifying domainAccess.

Workaround: None


Problem: Locking region error in start.log. First csstart releases a lock and then a second csstart tries to release the same lock. This error has no major effect on functionality.

Workaround: None


Problem: Wrong date is set in yearly repeating events and tasks. This happened when the Due Date was set to before the first instance of the event or task would occur.

Workaround: Adjust the due date to fall after the first instance of the event or task.


Problem: When a yearly repeating task is modified, the year advances by one.

Workaround: None.


Problem: Fatal Error 70: Cannot start Alarm Dispatch thread. When front-end/back-end configurations are specified.

Workaround: When configuring Front-End and Back-End servers, the front-end server ics.conf file should be configured such that:

service.ens.enable = “no”



Problem: Documentation Incorrectly describes OIDs for two LDAP schema object classes. The Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2004Q2 Schema Reference documents incorrect OIDs for the following object classes:

The correct OIDs are as follows:

Workaround: Edit the 99user.ldif file to replace the incorrect OIDs with the new ones. Then, restart the Directory Server.

Problems Reported in Beta that are Now Fixed

Table 7  Reported Beta Problems Fixed for General Release

Problem Number

Short Description




csdomain add command does not add icsCalendarDomain, which is necessary if you are using hosted domains in a Schema 1 environment. does not add icsCalendarDomain to default domain.


After backing out of a patch, services fail to start


Linux configuration program fails to obtain the baseDN


After Linux configuration, too many processes started.


csadmind won’t start when configured with SSL enabled.


csadmind fails to start after SSL enabled Calendar Server installed.



SSL not functioning in some mixed version scenarios.


import.wcap returns wrong error code when incorrect parameter sent in. Returns 60.


import.wcap returning error 53 when it should be returning error 29.


commadmin (User Management Utility) fails in config-wbsvr task. Configuration of the provisioning tool, commadmin, fails after installing Portal Server.


cshttpd fails to start.

5012131 file not included in the Calendar Server package.

5012170 fails.


Cannot change user password after accessing calendar.


Pop-up window should have been closed, but it is still open.


cs5migrate -t option not explained in the Calendar Server Administration Guide.


csmig utility error. Delete log problem.


sunlogo.gif is broken in zh locale online help.


Running csdb results in loss of deleted master.


csresource -o option doesn’t work. “Error modifying calendar properties, error=-1”

5041023 5050372

Authentication does not use a configurable filter for user lookup. (Request to authenticate with mail attribute instead of uid.)


Trusted circle SSO not working between Calendar Server and Messaging Server.

5049203 5052128

Linux: cshttpd not coming up when configured with SSL.


cscal -o is case-sensitive, but the calendar login is case insensitive.




Problem: Various failures, such as errors on fetchcomponents commands, or in the calendar utilities, such as csdomain: “LDAP error 32: No such object.”

Cause: You have hosted domains in a Schema 1 environment, but the icsCalendarDomain object class is not present in the domain entry.

There are two issues:

Fix: csdomain works correctly. The configuration program adds icsCalendarDomain to the default domain.


Problem: Can’t open calendar database. After uninstalling Calendar Server 6 2004Q2, services fail to start.

Cause: For Calendar Server 6 2004Q2, the Berkeley DB version was upgraded. The uninstall does not revert your database to the earlier version.

Workaround: To revert to the Calendar Server 6.0 (2003Q4) version of your system, back up the LDAP database before you install Calendar Server 6 2004Q2, then restore from the backup copy.


Problem: Linux configuration program fails to obtain the baseDN when you use “get” function for the field value.

Fix: Fixed in Calendar Server 6 2004Q2.


User perception error. Linux ps command shows threads not processes.


Problem: csadmind won’t start when configured with SSL enabled.

Fix: With SSL configured, the value of service.admin.port.enable is ”no”.


Problem: DWP fails to start if service.http.ssl.usessl=”yes” set in the ics.conf file.

Cause: Currently configuring SSL with DWP or CLD is unsupported.

Workaround: Set the ics.conf parameter to “no”:




Problem: SSL may not function in a mixed deployment, due to certdb version conflicts.

Solution: All of the following products and components installed on the same machine must be upgraded to the same release, so that cert8db can be used:


Problem: import.wcap returns wrong error number (60) when incorrect parameter sent in.

Fix: Fixed in the general release of Calendar Server 6 2004Q2. A new error number was created: 77 AC_ERR_BAD_IMPORT_ARGUMENTS.


Problem: import.wcap returns wrong error number (53) when calid is invalid or the calendar is not found. Should be sending error 29.

Fix: Fixed in the general release of Calendar Server 6 2004Q2. Error number 29 sent instead.


Problem: commadmin configure fails in config-wbsvr task. Configuration of the provisioning tool, commadmin, fails after installing Portal Server.

Fix: Fixed in the general release of Calendar Server 6 2004Q2.


Problem: cshttpd fails to start. Log file shows: “Fatal error: 70: Cannot open cld cache data base” Invalid argument passed.

Cause: This can happen when Calendar Server 6.0 was installed and then the 2004Q2 patch is added. The process is trying to regenerate the __db.00? and log.000* files in the csdb, cld_cache and ldap_cache directories, but files left over from 6.0 are still there, which causes the error message.

Workaround: Remove any leftover __db.00? and log.000* files in the csdb, cld_cache and ldap_cache directories before starting cshttpd for the first time after the upgrade.


Problem: .zip file not included in the Calendar Server package.

Fix: now included in Calendar Server package.


Problem: fails. Cannot access install-root/SUNWics5/cal/sbin/*ldif.

Fix: The symbolic link is now set up properly:


Problem: Cannot change user password after accessing calendar.

Fix: This is fixed in general release of Calendar Server 6 2004Q2.


Problem: When configuring the Calendar Server and not using Identity Server, when you enter the top-level baseDN, a pop-up window opens saying, "The configuration program is verifying that the LDAP Server is reachable and that Directory Manager credentials are valid." Then, another pop-up window opens saying, "The base DN specified is equal to the root suffix, what do you want to do?"

At this point, the first pop-up window should have been closed, but it is still open. So then when you click “choose new” in response to the second pop-up and it closes, the first pop-up is still there, making it confusing about what to do next.

Fix: The window now closes.


Problem: cs5migrate utility mentions but does not explain -t option.

Fix: The -t option was never implemented. It was incompletely removed from the documentation last time. It is completely removed this time.


Problem: csmig reports internal error messages.

Fix: Fixed in general release of Calendar Server 6 2004Q2


Problem: csdb rebuilt results in the loss of the deleted master.

Fix: Fixed in general release of Calendar Server 6 2004Q2.


Problem: sunlogo.gif is broken in zh locale online help.

Fix: Fixed in general release of Calendar Server 6 2004Q2.


Problem: csresource -o does not work. “Error modifying properties, error=-1”

Fix: Fixed in general release of Calendar Server 6 2004Q2


Problem: Authentication does not use configurable filter for user lookup.

Fix: To enable authentication using a different LDAP attribute:


Problem: Trusted circle SSO not working between Calendar Server and Messaging Server. It works the other way, from Messaging Server to Calendar Server.

Fix: Fixed in the general release of Calendar Server 6 2004Q2.


Problem: cshttpd not coming up when configured in SSL mode, DWP/CLd mode.

Fix: Fixed in general release of Calendar Server 6 2004Q2.


Problem: cscal -o is case-sensitive but the calendar login is case-insensitive. The search for the calendars for JDoe (cscal -o JDoe list), with uid of jdoe, it would not find the calendars.

Fix: Fixed in general release of Calendar Server 6 2004Q2. The search will now find the calendars belonging to the uid jdoe, no matter what case is used in the -o option. Thus, the command cscal -o JDoe list will now find the calendars for jdoe.

Redistributable Files

Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2004Q2 contains the following set of files for which Sun Microsystems, Inc. grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to reproduce and distribute in binary form.

In addition, you may copy and use but not modify the listed header files and class libraries solely to cause your resulting binaries to be able to interface with Sun’s software APIs.

Sample code is provided solely for reference purposes pursuant to creating the above mentioned binaries.

All the redistributable files for Calendar Server are for the plugin API, known as CSAPI. The API is described in the Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2004Q2 Developer’s Guide at:

In the following files, cal_svr_base is the directory into which Calendar Server was installed. The default for Solaris is /opt/SUNWics5/cal, for Linux it is /opt/sun/

Redistributable files are found in various subdirectories of cal_svr_base/csapi:


The following are the redistributable files in this subdirectory (cal_svr_base/csapi/authsdk/):










The following are the redistributable files in this subdirectory (cal_svr_base/csapi/bin/):


The following are the redistributable files in this subdirectory (cal_svr_base/csapi/classes/):






The following are the redistributable files in this subdirectory (cal_svr_base/csapi/include/):










































































This directory (cal_svr_base/csapi/plugins/) has redistributable files in the following subdirectories:


The following redistributable files are found in this subdirectory (cal_svr_base/csapi/plugins/accesscontrol/):








The following redistributable files are found in this subdirectory (cal_svr_base/csapi/plugins/authentication/):








The following redistributable files are found in this subdirectory (cal_svr_base/csapi/plugins/datatranslator/):








The following redistributable files are found in this subdirectory (cal_svr_base/csapi/plugins/userattributes/):








This directory (cal_svr_base/csapi/samples/) has redistributable files in the following subdirectories:


The following redistributable files are found in this subdirectory (cal_svr_base/csapi/samples/authentication/):














The following redistributable files are found in this subdirectory (cal_svr_base/csapi/samples/datatranslator/):








The following redistributable files are found in this subdirectory (cal_svr_base/csapi/samples/ens/):










The following redistributable files are found in this subdirectory (cal_svr_base/csapi/samples/userattributes/):







Communications Express

Sun Java™ System Communications Express Version 6 2004Q2 provides an integrated web-based communication and collaboration client that consists of three client modules - Calendar, Address Book and Mail. The Calendar and Address Book client modules are deployed as a single application on any web container and are collectively referred to as Unified Web Client (UWC). Messenger Express is the standalone web interface mail application that uses the HTTP service of the Messaging Server.

This section contains the following topics:

Supported Browsers

Communications Express can be viewed using:

Installation Notes

The following are the dependent services for Communications Express:

  1. Directory Server. Install Sun Java™ System Directory Server version 5.2.
  2. Calendar Server. Install Sun Java™ System Calendar Server Version 6 2004Q2 (6.1).
  3. Web Container. Install Sun Java™ System Web Server version 6.1 SP1 with JDK version1.4.2.
  4. Messaging Server. Install Sun Java™ System Messaging Server 6 2004Q2 (6.1).
  5. Identity Server. Install Sun Java™ System Identity Server 2004Q2 (6.2).

  6. Note

    Communications Express has been tested and is supported only with the server versions mentioned above.

Refer to chapter 1, “Installing and Configuring Communications Express” of Sun Java™ Systems Communications Express Administration Guide for instructions on how to install and configure Sun Java System Communications Express.

Refer to chapter 4, “Implementing Single Sign-On” and chapter 5, “Deploying Communications Express and Identity Server” of Sun Java™ Systems Communications Express Administration Guide for instructions on how to configure Sun Java System Communications Express when Identity Server is deployed.

Known Issues and Limitations

This section contains a list of the known issues with Calendar Server 6 2004Q2. The following product areas are covered:

General Issues

This section lists general known issues.

Bug no 5008104: Fully qualified host name required in URL even when the user is authenticated.

The domain name is not set in the cookie if the URL is not a fully qualified host name, even when the user is authenticated.

Work around

Always access the application using a fully qualified host name.

Bug no 5025449:The day and year formats in the calendar views are not consistent.

For Asian locales, in the Day View the Month has the correct format, but the Day and Year fields in the calendar are not displayed in an Asian format.

Config Tool Issues

This section contains a list of known issues in the configurator and workaround.

Refer to chapter 1, “Installing and Configuring Communications Express” of Sun Java™ Systems Communications Express 6 2004Q2 Administration Guide for post configuration instructions.

No support to modify web-container configuration for IS SDK integration

The configurator does not support modification of web-container configuration, for Identity Server SDK integration.


Manually invoke tools provided with Identity Server to modify web container configuration for Identity Server.

Java Enterprise System Unconfigure is not supported

The uwc client does not allow you to undeploy the uwc application, remove files created at config-time, and remove files created during run-time.


To unconfigure Communications Express:

  1. Remove the Communications Express package.
  2. For example on Solaris type: pkgrm SUNWuwc

  3. Remove the staging and deploy directories
  4. Remove the WEBAPP entry from Web Server or Application Server server.xml file.

Bug no 4988408: A wrong error message is displayed when no components are selected in the config tool.

The config tool displays a wrong error message when no components are selected.

The error message says, �You have not selected Components to be configured.

Click Ok and then go to the Directory Selection Panel to specify a different directory or exit configuration.”

Bug no 4982590: The components for Communications Express are shown to be zero bytes.

The configurator while displaying the Mail and Calendar components for Communications Express shows the component size as 0 bytes.

Bug no 4996723: GUI config input fields should not be right aligned.

The field names and browser buttons are truncated or not visible when the configuration wizard is invoked in a language other than English.


Resize the configuration panels to view its contents properly.]

Bug no 5028906: UWC Configurator: devinstall is dumping core if host aliases are not resolved.

UWC configurator fails to complete the configuration process if your system is not configured for host name aliases.


Ensure that you have configured one or more host name aliases for your system.

To configure one or more host name aliases on UNIX systems:

  1. Provide the configuration for the hosts in /etc/nsswitch.conf file:
  2. hosts: files dns nis

    This configuration indicates to the name service the lookup order it should use to resolve host names and host aliases. The name service lookup order is: files, dns, and nis.

  3. Ensure that the /etc/hosts file contains two or more host names defined against your machine’s IP address.
  4. For example, if your system IP address is, then in /etc/hosts file, you can configure the IP address as: budgie

    or budgie loghost

    An example of an incorrect IP address: budgie

Bug no 5024149: Misleading error message while installing Communication Express from JES2.

After installing the following components from Java Enterprise System 2003Q4 1 installer, Webserver 6.1 SP1 is grayed out when Communication Express is selected from JES2 installer:

The following misleading and incorrect error message is displayed when Web Server 6.1 SP1is not available for selection and when you click Next in the Component Selection panel:

[Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 Service Pack2, Sun ONE Application Server 7.0 Update 3]

You must select one of these in the Component Selection panel. Either one of these is required by [Sun Java System Communications Express]

The error message should mention that an older version of Web Server has been detected and that the users are required to uninstall the previous version of Web Server and install the latest version of Web Server from JES2 installer.

Bug no 5043406: Remove am*.jar from the Communications Express bundle.

When accessing the Communication Express login page, “Server Error” page is displayed.


If Communication Express is configured to use Identity Server:

  1. Remove am_sdk.jar,am_services.jar, am_logging.jar from uwc-deployed-path/WEB-INF/lib directory.
  2. For example, /var/opt/SUNWuwc/WEB-INF/lib

  3. Restart the web container.

Bug no 5043951: Multiple jss3.jar in classloader error when Communications Express installed.

When accessing Communications Express or Identity Server console, the "Server Error" page is displayed. This problem is encountered when Communications Express and Identity Server are deployed in the same web container instance.


  1. Remove jss3.jar from uwc-deployed-path/WEB-INF/lib directory.
  2. For example, /var/opt/SUNWuwc/WEB-INF/lib

  3. Restart the web container.

Calendar Issues

Issues with Default Event Status Filter

The Default Event Status Filter in the Options Calendar window specifies the events to be displayed in the day, week, and month calendar views. The options available are: Accepted, Tentative, Declined, No Response.

When only the “accepted” option is selected as the event status, only invitations you have accepted are displayed in the day, week or month calendar views. However, all events created by you are always displayed in the day, week or month calendar views.

In the Options Calendar Window, by default only “Accepted” and “Tentative” are selected, which means as a user you will not see events you have declined or to which you have not responded as yet.

To view all the events in the Day, Week, Month, and Year views, you should select all the options, that is, Accepted, Tentative, Declined, No Response in the Options Calendar window.

Incompatibility between the semantics used by Sun Java System Calendar Express and Sun Java System Communication Express for First Day of Week.

The next day appears as the “First Day of Week” in the Options Calendar window when you view calendars created using Calendar Express from Communications Express.

For example if “Sunday” is regarded as the First Day of Week in Calendar Express, it appears as “Monday” in Communications Express. Therefore, Communications Express considers “Monday” to be the first day of the Week.

Communications Express and Calendar Express will behave correctly if they are used exclusively (that is if one is used and the other never used). But, if the user transitions from Calendar Express to Communications Express, or vice-versa, a shift in the “First Day of Week” option would be observed. This is because there is an incompatibility between the semantics used by the two products associated with this particular option.

Bug no 4902650: Calendar grid lines are not visible on Netscape 7.0 run on Solaris 9.

When you invoke Communications Express from Netscape 7.0 running on Solaris 9, the calendar grid lines are not visible in the application.

Bug no 4956450: Search for calendars returns all user’s calendars

When calendars with a particular calendar ID is searched for from the Calendar UI, the search results contain the calendars that do not match the criteria.


Set service.calendarsearch.ldap = "no" in ics.conf, the calendar server configuration file and restart the Calendar Server.

Bug no 5030757: Locale fallback mechanisms does not work for certain locale names.


Create resource bundle directories with "-" instead of "_" when a locale name with an underscore is to be supported.

For example, if locale en_US needs to be supported, create a directory en-US in <uwc-data-dir>/domain/<domain-name>.

Bug no 5019828 Calendar UI does not render html in the calendar description.

All HTML content in calendar description tag are rendered as garbage in the UI.

Mail Issues

If the Sun Java System Messaging Server is installed from Java Enterprise System 2003Q4, apply the following 2 patches:

Bug no 5032016: Not able to see mail tab or mails in uwc

If user entry in ldap has inetUserStatus and mailUserStatus set to “Active” the Mail tab is not shown to the user.

Work around

Change the inetUserStatus and mailUserStatus to “active.”

Bug no 5006218: Netscape 7: Sun logo does not appear for mail URL

In Netscape 7, the URL in the browser has Sun logo in the Mast head when Address Book or Calendar is accessed and Java icon when Mail is accessed.

Work around

Copy the favicon.ico file from $UWCDEPLOYDIR/favicon.ico to docroot directory of Web Server where UWC is deployed.

The value of docroot can be found in server.xml. An example docroot entry appearing in server.xml is:

<PROPERTY name="docroot" value="/opt/SUNWwbsvr/docs"/>

Bug no 5032833: Mail filters: Creating Mail Filter with certain conditions, throws Application Error.

Creating Mail Filter with certain conditions throws the following error page:

Application Error

com.iplanet.jato.NavigationException: Exception encountered during forward

Root cause = [java.lang.StackOverflowError]

Work around

To be able to create and manipulate large-sized filters, configure the Java thread stack size appropriately.

Bug no 5032888: Mail filters: Settings not saved properly.

The “File message to folder:” and “Forward to email address:” settings are not saved properly when the Mail Filter details are viewed in the Edit mode.

Bug no 5047833: get inputObj is null error when adding addresses to email using Mozilla 1.4

The "inputObj is null" JavaScript error message is displayed when a user adds addresses from the address book to email To or Cc fields.

This bug is noticed only in Mozilla 1.4, Netscape 7.1.

Address Book Issues

Bug no 4995472: The address book Name cannot be localized by defaultps/dictionary-<lang>.xml for every session.

This bug exists because the localized value, based on the resolved session language and the domain specific defaultps/dictionary-<lang>.xml, is assigned when the address book is accessed for the first time.

Also the "Name" and "Description" entered in the Address Book Options page are not displayed in the Current Address Book drop-down list that appears on the Address Book tab page.

Bug no 5025048: I18n Strings are to be localized.

Bug no 5052474: Address Book does not use LDAP VLV control even when vlv_paging=true

When you set vlv_paging=true in, Address Book still does not use the Virtual List View control while doing an LDAP search. This may affect the performance of Directory deployments that have VLV indexes set up.

User Management Utility

This section describes known issues in Communications Services User Management Utility.

Manual steps are required to enable the commadmin utility to run against an LDAP directory in Schema 2 compatibility mode. (5042801)

To enable commadmin to work on an LDAP directory in Schema 2 compatibility mode, you must manually take the steps described below.

Take the following six steps:

1. Add the following ACIs to the OSI root. (Be sure to replace ugldapbasedn with your usergroup suffix.)

# acis to limit Org Admin Role
# dn: <local.ugldapbasedn>
dn: <ugldapbasedn>
changetype: modify
add: aci
aci: (target="ldap:///($dn),<ugldapbasedn>")(targetattr="*")
(version 3.0; acl "Organization Admin Role access deny to org node"; deny (write,add,delete) roledn = "ldap:///cn=Organization Admin Role,($dn),<ugldapbasedn>";)

dn: <ugldapbasedn>
changetype: modify
add: aci
aci: (target="ldap:///($dn),<ugldapbasedn>")(targetattr="*") (version 3.0; acl "Organization Admin Role access allow read to org node"; allow (read,search) roledn = "ldap:///cn=Organization Admin Role,($dn),<ugldapbasedn>";)

2. Add the following ACIs to the DC Tree root suffix. (Be sure to replace dctreebasedn with your DC Tree root suffix and ugldapbasedn with your usergroup suffix.)

# acis to limit Org Admin Role
# dn: <dctreebasedn>
dn: <dctreebasedn>
changetype: modify
add: aci
aci: (target="ldap:///($dn),<dctreebasedn>")(targetattr="*")
(version 3.0; acl "Organization Admin Role access deny to dc node";
deny (write,add,delete) roledn = "ldap:///cn=Organization Admin Role,($dn),<ugldapbasedn>";)

dn: <dctreebasedn>
changetype: modify
add: aci
aci: (target="ldap:///($dn),<dctreebasedn>")(targetattr="*")
(version 3.0; acl "Organization Admin Role access allow read to dc node"; allow (read,search) roledn = "ldap:///cn=Organization Admin Role,($dn),<ugldapbasedn>";)

aci: (target="ldap:///<dctreebasedn>")(targetattr="*")
(version 3.0; acl "S1IS Proxy user rights"; allow (proxy)
userdn = "ldap:///cn=puser,ou=DSAME Users,<ugldapbasedn>";)

aci: (target="ldap:///<dctreebasedn>")(targetattr="*")
(version 3.0; acl "S1IS special dsame user rights for all under the root suffix"; allow (all) userdn ="ldap:///cn=dsameuser,ou=DSAME Users,<ugldapbasedn>";)

aci: (target="ldap:///<dctreebasedn>")(targetattr="*")
(version 3.0; acl "S1IS Top-level admin rights";
allow (all) roledn = "ldap:///cn=Top-level Admin Role,<ugldapbasedn>";)

3. Set the property in the file to your DC Tree root suffix. For example, modify the following lines in the <IS_base_directory>/lib/ file:


4. Enable Identity Server to use compatibility mode. In the Identity Server Console, in the Administration Console Service page, check (enable) the Domain Component Tree Enabled check box.

5. Add the inetdomain object class to all the DC Tree nodes (such as dc=com,o=internet), as in following example:

/var/mps/serverroot/shared/bin 298% ./ldapmodify -D "cn=Directory Manager" -
w password
dn: dc=com,o=internet
changetype: modify
add: objectclass
objectclass: inetdomain

6. Restart the Web container.

If you upgrade the User Management Utility (commadmin) from version 6 2003Q4 to version 6 2004Q2, the domain administrator can add and delete services to the domain and can modify domain attributes. (5026945)

The domain administrator should not have the authority to change domain attributes.

This situation occurs when you upgrade the User Management Utility (commadmin) from version 6 2003Q4 to version 6 2004Q2. If you do a fresh installation of the upgraded version of commadmin (bundled with Identity Server 6 2004Q2), the proper usergroup.ldif files are added automatically when you configure commadmin with the config-iscli program.

To obtain the ACIs to properly restrict the privileges of the domain administrator, take the following steps:

1. Open the usergroup.ldif, located in the msg_svr_base/lib/config-templates directory, and replace ugldapbasedn in the template ldif with your usergroup suffix.

2. Add the edited usergroup.ldif into the LDAP directory.

The commadmin configuration process does not detect the default web container (Application Server). (5015063)

When the commadmin is configured, the configuration utility does not detect the default web container. (The default web container for Identity Server is Application Server.) Instead, the utility asks for the Web Server instance directory. At the end of the configuration, the utility asks you to manually deploy the war file to the web container used by Identity Server and modify the classpath.

To configure commadmin properly, using Application Server as the web container, take the following steps:

1. When you perform the commadmin configuration, when asked for the Web Server Instance Directory, enter the Application Server instance directory instead of the web server instance directory. By default, the Application Server instance directory should be in the following directory:


2. After you complete the commadmin configuration, find the server.xml file in the Application Server configuration directory. By default, the server.xml file should be in the following directory:


Search for server-classpath and add the following to server-classpath:


3. Deploy the war file as:

cd /opt/SUNWappserver7/bin

./asadmin deploy --user "admin user name" --password "admin user password"
--host hostname --port 4848 --name commcli --contextroot
commcli /opt/SUNWcomm/lib/jars/commcli-server.war

4. Restart Application Server as follows:

cd /var/opt/SUNWappserver7/domains/domain1/server1/bin
./stopserv ; ./startserv

commadmin configuration fails during the config-wbsvr task. (5011077)

In rare cases, the config-wbsvr task fails during the configuration of commadmin (after Messaging Server has been installed and configured).

Do not install Portal Server before you configure commadmin. Install Portal Server after you have completed configuring commadmin.

Cannot modify non-ASCII groups. (4934768)

If a group is created with a group name that contains non-ASCII characters, it cannot be modified with the commadmin group modify command.

For example, if a group with the non-ASCII characters XYZ is specified with the -G option in the commadmin group create command, an email address of XYZ is automatically added to the group’s LDAP entry. Since non-ASCII characters are not allowed in email addresses, modifying the group with commadmin group modfiy fails.

Use the -E email option when creating a group. This option will specify the group’s email address. For example: commadmin group create -D admin -w password -d -G XYZ -S mail \ -E

Creating a group with multiple -f options adds only one attribute. (4931958)

If you specify multiple -f options for creating dynamic groups in the commadmin group create command, only the value specified with the last -f option is added to the LDAP entry. The other values are not added.

Do not specify the -f option multiple times when using the commadmin group create command.

External members cannot be added to or removed from groups passing the -M option to the group modify command. (effect of 4930618)

You cannot use the -M option with the commadmin group modify command to add or remove external group members from groups.

Use the -A option to pass the attribute name mgrpRFC822MailMember and its desired value to the group modify command, as in the following examples:

./commadmin group modify -D admin -w password -G Group1 -A

./commadmin group modify -D admin -w password -G Group1 -A

Connector for Microsoft Outlook

This section contains the latest information that is not contained in the product documentation and is missing from the Release Notes for the Connector for Microsoft Outlook

Under the heading “Shared Calendar LDAP Lookup Configuration”, the example of how to set the calmaster ACI for proxy authentication is out of date.

The following example shows the correct ACI for the root suffix (node):

dn: o=usergroup
changetype: modify
add: aci
aci: (targetattr="icscalendar || cn || givenName || sn || uid ||
mail")(targetfilter=(objectClass=icscalendaruser))(version 3.0; acl
"Allow calendar administrators to proxy -
product=ics,class=admin,num=2,version=1"; allow (proxy) groupdn =
"ldap:///cn=Calendar Administrators,ou=Groups,o=usergroup";)

For the domain basedn node, the following example shows the correct ACI:

changetype: modify
add: aci
aci:(targetattr="icscalendar || cn || givenName || sn || uid || mail")(targetfilter=(objectClass=icscalendaruser))(version 3.0; acl "Allow calendar users to read and search other users - product=ics,class=admin,num=3,version=1"; allow (search,read) userdn = "ldap:///uid=*, ou=People,, o=usergroup";)

If there is no domain, add this ACI to the root suffix itself by removing the part on the dn: line.

The Calendar Server configuration program,, adds these ACIs. If you are upgrading from Java Enterprise System Release 1, you must rerun the configuration program to get these updated ACIs.

How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback

If you have problems with Sun Java System Calendar Server, contact Sun customer support using one of the following mechanisms:

So that we can best assist you in resolving problems, please have the following information available when you contact support:

To assist in reporting problems, Sun provides the tool, a Perl script that captures the current Calendar Server environment, including the ics.conf file, log files, calendar database files, platform information, and core files (if available). These files can be useful to Calendar Server development to debug problems.

To run the tool:

  1. If necessary, download the tool from customer support.
  2. If necessary, install Perl and add it to your path. (If you cannot install Perl, see the instructions in the file that describe how to manually create a snapshot of your Calendar Server environment.)
  3. Log in as (or become) root.
  4. Run the tool. The tool copies the files to a directory named archive_directory. On UNIX systems, it places all files into a tar file named tar_file. On Windows 2000 systems, however, you must manually add the files in archive_directory to a Zip file.
  5. Send the tar_file or Zip file to customer support.

Sun Welcomes Your Comments

Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions. Email your comments to Sun at this URL

Please include the part number (817-5699-10) and title (Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2004Q2 Release Notes) in the subject line of your email.

Additional Sun Resources

Useful Sun Java System information can be found at the following Internet locations:

Copyright � 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating to technology embodied in the product that is described in this document. In particular, and without limitation, these intellectual property rights may include one or more of the U.S. patents listed at and one or more additional patents or pending patent applications in the U.S. and in other countries.


U.S. Government Rights - Commercial software. Government users are subject to the Sun Microsystems, Inc. standard license agreement and applicable provisions of the FAR and its supplements.

Use is subject to license terms.

This distribution may include materials developed by third parties.

Portions may be derived from Berkeley BSD systems, licensed from U. of CA.

Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, Java and Solaris are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.

Copyright � 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Tous droits r�serv�s.

Sun Microsystems, Inc. d�tient les droits de propri�t� intellectuels relatifs � la technologie incorpor�e dans le produit qui est d�crit dans ce document. En particulier, et ce sans limitation, ces droits de propri�t� intellectuelle peuvent inclure un ou plus des brevets am�ricains list�s � l'adresse et un ou les brevets suppl�mentaires ou les applications de brevet en attente aux Etats - Unis et dans les autres pays.


L'utilisation est soumise aux termes du contrat de licence.

Cette distribution peut comprendre des composants d�velopp�s par des tierces parties.

Des parties de ce produit pourront �tre d�riv�es des syst�mes Berkeley BSD licenci�s par l'Universit� de Californie.

Sun, Sun Microsystems, le logo Sun, Java et Solaris sont des marques de fabrique ou des marques d�pos�es de Sun Microsystems, Inc. aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays.

Toutes les marques SPARC sont utilis�es sous licence et sont des marques de fabrique ou des marques d�pos�es de SPARC International, Inc. aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays.