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Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2004Q2 Administration Guide 

Chapter 16
Automatic Message Reply

For automatically generated responses to email (autoreply), specifically vacation messages, the MTA uses Message Disposition Notifications (MDNs) and the Sieve scripting language. MDNs are email messages sent by the MTA to a sender and/or postmaster reporting on a message’s delivery disposition. MDNs are also known as read receipts, acknowledgements, receipt notifications, or delivery receipts. The Sieve is a simple scripting language used to create mail filters.

This section describes the vacation autoreply mechanism. In most cases, modification to the default configuration is unnecessary, but there is a case where you may wish to configure your system such that vacation processing is done on MTA relay machines rather than on back-end message stores.

This chapter consists of the following sections:

Vacation Autoreply Overview

Vacation Sieve scripts are generated automatically from the various LDAP vacation attributes (see Vacation Autoreply Attributes). They can also be specified explicitly for additional flexibility. The underlying mechanism for tracking vacations is a set of files, one per intended recipient, that keep track of when replies were sent to the various senders.

By default, the MTA evaluates vacation on the back-end store systems. However, since MTA relays do not do as much work as back-end stores, for performance reasons, you can have the MTA evaluate vacation on the mail relay machines instead of on the back-end store. Use of this feature, however, can result in vacation responses being sent out more often than intended because different relays handle different messages. If you do not want vacation messages to be sent out more often than you intend, you may share the tracking of files between the relays. If this is also unacceptable to you, you can always have vacation evaluated on the back-end store systems.

Configuring Autoreply

Delivery addresses are generated through a set of patterns. The patterns used depend upon the values defined for the mailDeliveryOption attribute. A delivery address is generated for each valid mailDeliveryOption. The patterns are defined by the MTA option DELIVERY_OPTIONS, which are defined in the option.dat file. The default autoreply rule in DELIVERY_OPTIONS in the option.dat file is:


The MTA notes the “^” on the autoreply DELIVERY_OPTION MTA option. This causes the MTA to check the vacation dates. If the current date is within the vacation dates, processing continues and the MTA notes the “!” on the autoreply DELIVERY_OPTION. The MTA then creates a vacation Sieve script based on the various autoreply LDAP attributes on the user’s entry. The autoreply rule can have the prefix characters ‘!’, ‘#’, ‘^’, and ‘*’.

You could have the ‘!’ flag on the mailbox delivery option. This would enable the generation of the vacation script unconditionally. It makes sense, however, to have the autoreply machinery enabled by a separate delivery option so that it can be further gated by the ‘^’ flag. Checking the dates at this stage is more efficient than engaging the Sieve logic.

Table 16-1 shows the prefix characters used for the autoreply rule in the first column and their definitions in the second column.

Table 16-1  Prefix Characters for the Autoreply Rule in DELIVERY_OPTIONS

Prefix Character



Enable the generation of the autoreply Sieve script.


Allows the processing to take place on relays.


Option is only evaluated if the vacation dates indicate that it should be evaluated.


Rule is only applicable to users.

The autoreply rule itself specifies an address destined for the bitbucket channel. The mail is considered delivered by this method once the autoreply is generated, but the MTA machinery requires a delivery address. Anything delivered to the bitbucket channel is discarded.

Configuring Autoreply on the Back-end Store System

The default autoreply rule in DELIVERY_OPTIONS causes the autoreply to take place on the mail server that serves the user. If you want vacation messages to be evaluated on the back-end store system, you do not have to configure anything. This is the default behavior.

Configuring Autoreply on the Relay

If you want to evaluate vacation on the relay rather than on the back-end store system to enhance performance, edit the option.dat file and prepend the character # to the autoreply rule in DELIVERY_OPTIONS. For example:

  1. Use an editor to open the option.dat file.
  2. Add or change the DELIVERY_OPTIONS option so the autoreply rule now looks like:
  3. #*^!autoreply=$M+$D@bitbucket

    The default DELIVERY_OPTIONS option looks like:

    DELIVERY_OPTIONS=*mailbox=$M%$\$2I$_+$2S@ims-ms-daemon, \
     &members=*, \
     *native=$M@native-daemon, \
     /hold=@hold-daemon:$A, \
     *unix=$M@native-daemon, \
     &file=+$F@native-daemon, \
     &@members_offline=* \
     ,program=$M%$P@pipe-daemon, \
     #forward=**, \
     *^!autoreply=$M+$D@bitbucket \

This allows the processing to take place on relays. If you have the MTA perform autoreplies on the relays, then either each relay can keep track independently of whether a particular correspondent has sent an away message recently, or this information can be shared between the relays. The former case is simpler, especially if having away messages sent out too many times does not matter. If you want strict application of the away message frequency rules, then the information must be shared between relays. To share the information among the relays, the files should be NFS mounted

The location of these files is controlled by the option VACATION_TEMPLATE. This option (in option.dat) should be set to /<path>/%A where <path> is the path to a directory that is shared between the various relay machines. The template needs to be a file:URL and you use $U to substitute the name of the user. The default setting is:


Vacation Autoreply Theory of Operation

The vacation action, when invoked, works as follows:

  1. The Sun Java System Messaging Server checks to make sure that the vacation action was performed by a user level rather than a system level Sieve script. An error results if vacation is used in a system level script.
  2. The “no vacation notice” internal MTA flag is checked. If it is set, processing terminates and no vacation notice is sent.
  3. The return address for the message is now checked. If it is blank processing terminates and no vacation notice is sent.
  4. The MTA checks to see if the user's address or any of the additional addresses specified in the :addresses tagged argument appear in a To:, Cc:, Resent-to:, or Resent-cc: header field for the current message. Processing terminates and no vacation notice is sent if none of the addresses is found in any of the header fields.
  5. The Messaging Server constructs a hash of the :subject argument and the reason string. This string, along with the return address of the current message, is checked against a per-user record of previous vacation responses. Processing terminates and no response is sent if a response has already been sent within the time allowed by the :days argument.
  6. The Messaging Server constructs a vacation notice from the :subject argument, reason string, and :mime argument. Two basic forms for this response message are possible:
    • A message disposition notification of the form specified in RFC 2298, with the first part containing the reason text.
    • A single part text reply. (This form is only used to support the “reply” autoreply mode attribute setting.)

Note that mailautoreplymode is automatically set to reply when vacation messages are configured through Messenger Express.

The “no vacation notice” MTA flag is clear by default. It can be set by a system level Sieve script through the use of the nonstandard novacation action. The novacation Sieve action is only allowed in a system level Sieve script. It will generate an error if it is used in a user level script. You can use this action to implement site-wide restrictions on vacation replies such as blocking replies to addresses containing the substring “MAILER-DAEMON”.

Per-user per-response information is stored in a set of flat text files, one per local user. The location and naming scheme for these files is specified by the setting of the VACATION_TEMPLATE MTA option. This option should be set to a file: URL.

Maintenance of these files is automatic and controlled by the VACATION_CLEANUP integer MTA option setting. Each time one of these files is opened, the value of the current time in seconds modulo this value is computed. If the result is zero the file is scanned and all expired entries are removed. The default value for the option is 200, which means that there is 1-in-200 chance that a cleanup pass will be performed.

The machinery used to read and write these flat text files is designed in such a way that it should be able to operate correctly over NFS. This allows multiple MTAs to share a single set of files on a common file system.

Vacation Autoreply Attributes

The set of user directory attributes that the vacation action uses are:

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