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Sun ONE Message Queue Installation Guide

Chapter 4   Windows Installation

This chapter explains the following topics as they apply to a Windows installation:

Hardware and Software Requirements

At a minimum, your Windows development system should satisfy the requirements indicated in the following table.

Table 4-1    Hardware and Software Requirements for Windows 



Operating system  

Windows 2000 (Professional, Server, Advanced Server) SP2, Windows XP  


Intel Pentium 166 MHz (or compatible) workstation that is TCP/IP networked  


128 Mbytes  

Hard drive space  

The self-extracting installation file is approximately 25 Mbytes.

The temporary directory used for extracting the installation files requires an additional 45 Mbytes.

The installed product requires approximately 45 Mbytes. MQ, however, may need more space if the broker stores persistent messages locally.  


1.4 JVM

The MQ installation program will (optionally) install the JRE 1.4 version in IMQ_HOME\jre.  

Installing MQ on Windows

The Sun ONE Message Queue product can be downloaded from the Sun ONE website or installed from the product CD-ROM.

The following instructions explain how to install the MQ product either by downloading from the Sun ONE website or using the CD-ROM.

Note If you are installing MQ after a previous uninstall, remove any references to the previous MQ installation from the system's PATH environment variable.

To install MQ on Windows

  1. Quit any other programs you are running.

  2. Download the distribution into a temporary working directory.

    If you are installing from CD-ROM, insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive.

  3. In the Windows Explorer, double-click the imq3_0-edition-win.exe file

    where edition takes one of the following values: plt or ent, depending on whether you are installing the Platform Edition or Enterprise Edition, respectively.

    The installation file is extracted and setup is launched. If you are installing from CD-ROM, the setup program is started automatically.

  4. Read the license agreement. Installation and use of the product is subject to acceptance of the license agreement.

  5. Follow the setup program's instruction to select installation options.

    1. Select the type of installation.

      • Compact Includes only the files necessary to run the broker, administration, and client applications. No documentation or example client applications are installed.

      • Custom Lets you specify which MQ modules you want to install. Your options include the broker, client runtime, administration tools, documentation, example client applications, and Java runtime.

      • Typical Installs all files, including broker, client runtime, administration tools, documentation, example client applications, and Java runtime.

      • Feature License Installs only the files necessary to enable the licensed capacity of an MQ messaging system. This option does not overwrite the MQ files already installed, and does not modify the configuration of your messaging system.

    2. Select a location for the installation.

    3. Select or create a folder for the Windows Start > Programs menu.

    4. Choose whether or not to install the broker as a Windows service. If you choose to install the broker as a Windows service, the broker will be started automatically at system startup and run in the background. This option requires Windows Administrator Group privileges.

      If you choose not to install the broker as a Windows service now but later change your mind, you can use the imqsvcadmin utility to do so. See the MQ Administrator's Guide for information on using the imqsvcadmin utility.

  6. Verify installation by choosing Start > Programs > Sun ONE Message Queue 3.0 >Message Broker to run the broker.

    You can also compile and run example applications located in the
    c:\Program Files\Sun Microsystems\Message Queue 3.0\demo directory. See the MQ Developer's Guide.

Installation Defaults

The following table indicates the installation defaults for Windows.

Table 4-2    Windows Installation Defaults 

Installation directory  

The product is installed, by default, into the following directory:

C:\Program Files\Sun Microsystems\
Message Queue 3.0

Environment Variables  

IMQ_HOME: The installer automatically sets the IMQ_HOME environment variable to the installation directory.

IMQ_VARHOME: The IMQ_VARHOME environment variable defaults to IMQ_HOME\var.

IMQ_JAVAHOME: The IMQ_JAVAHOME environment variable defaults to IMQ_HOME\jre.

PATH: The installer automatically sets PATH to %PATH%;%IMQ_HOME%\bin. This enables you to run utilities, such as imqbrokerd, imqcmd, and imqobjmgr without specifying the entire path.  

Troubleshooting Installation Problems

If the MQ installation program does not complete successfully on your Windows platform, try the following remedies. These apply regardless of whether you installed the product from CD-ROM or downloaded it from the Web.

To troubleshoot installation problems on Windows

  1. Use the Windows Task Manager to end the MQ installation program.

  2. Clear any temporary directories (for example, temp or tmp).

  3. Start the MQ installation again, being certain to install to the same directory as the initial installation attempt.

If your Windows installation of the MQ product is still not successful, try this more comprehensive procedure:

  1. Use the Windows Task Manager to end the MQ installation program.

  2. Clear any temporary directories (for example, temp or tmp).

  3. In the Services control panel, temporarily stop any non-Windows network-related services (for example, a Solstice NFS Server service).

  4. Delete the Message Queue 3.0 directory and all its contents.

  5. In your Systems control panel, remove all references to MQ 3.0 from your environment settings.

  6. Restart your Windows operating system.

  7. Reinstall MQ in the same directory location as the initial failed installation.

  8. Reset any services in the Services (Control Panel) that you stopped in Step 3.

Upgrading Editions

MQ comes in two editions, as explained in "Product Editions".

You can upgrade from the Platform Edition to the Enterprise Edition by installing the Enterprise Edition. The Enterprise Edition is available from the Sun ONE website.

To upgrade to Enterprise Edition on Windows

  1. Stop any running brokers.

    imqcmd shutdown bkr -u name -p password [-b hostName:port]

  2. Follow the installation procedure explained in "Installing MQ on Windows." Choose the Feature License option when it appears on your screen.

    This setup does not overwrite the MQ modules installed, and does not modify the configuration of your MQ messaging system.

Where To Go Next

Read the README and MQ Release Notes (relnotes.html) files.

  • The README includes information on where to find documentation, news and updates, and how to send feedback.

  • The MQ Release Notes contain information on code and documentation changes, open bugs, and important technical notes. This document is available on the Sun ONE website.

For an overview of Sun ONE Message Queue concepts, a brief introduction to writing and compiling a client application, see the MQ Developer's Guide.

For details on configuring brokers and managing an MQ messaging system, see the MQ Administrator's Guide.

For class and member information used when writing a client application, browse the API documentation in the IMQ_HOME/javadoc directory.

To uninstall the product, see the following section.

Uninstalling MQ on Windows

The following instructions explain how to uninstall MQ on Windows.

To remove MQ on Windows

  1. Stop any running client applications.

  2. Stop any running brokers.

    imqcmd shutdown bkr -u name -p password [-b hostName:port]

    If you had installed the broker as a Windows service, you can stop it as follows:

    • From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings, then Control Panel.

    • Double-click the Administrative Tools icon, then the Services icon.

    • In the Services panel, select the iMQ Broker entry, then click Stop.

    • Close the Services panel.

  3. Unless you want to retain dynamic broker data, remove all data files associated with each broker instance.

    imqbrokerd -name brokerName -remove instance

  4. Remove the Sun ONE Message Queue product.

    • From the Windows Start menu, choose Programs.

    • From the Sun ONE Message Queue 3.0 program group, choose Uninstall.

    • After Uninstall completes, remove any leftover files.

    The Windows Uninstall utility does not remove any files or directories installed into the product directory that were later modified. It also does not remove any files or directories created by the user as a result of product operations.

  5. Manually remove MQ references from your environment.

    • From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings.

    • In the Control Panel, double-click the System icon.

    • On the Environment page, select the PATH environment variable and remove the Message Queue 3.0 reference from the value.

    • Click Set then OK.

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Copyright © 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated June 20, 2002