Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.3 管理ガイド msgcert について

msgcert を使用すると、証明書要求の生成、証明書データベースへの証明書の追加、データベース内の証明書の一覧表示などを行うことができます。詳細な情報を表示するには、コマンド行で次のコマンドを入力します。

msg-svr-base/sbin/msgcert --help


# ./msgcert --help

Manages the Messaging Servers Certificate Database
The accepted values for SUBCMD are:

add-cert              Adds a certificate to the certificate database
add-selfsign-cert     Creates and adds a selfsign certificate to the 
                      certificate database
export-cert           Exports a certificate and its keys from the database
generate-certDB       Creates Messaging Server Databases cert8.db key3.db 
                      secmod.db and sslPassword
import-cert           Adds a new certificate and its keys to the cert database
import-selfsign-cert  Adds a new selfsign certificate and its keys to the 
                      cert database
list-certs            Lists all certificates in the Certificate database
remove-cert           Removes a certificate from the database
renew-cert            Renews a certificate
renew-selfsign-cert   Renews a selfsign certificate
request-cert          Generates a certificate request
show-cert             Displays a certificate

The accepted value for GLOBAL_OPTS is:-?, --help
                Displays SUBCMD help

NOTE: You must stop all the TLS or SSL-enabled servers before making any 
changes to the Certificate Database.


msgcert SUBCMD –help
