SunPCi User's Guide

The SunPCi Command Line

To use a command-line option with the sunpci command, type the command, followed by a dash, followed by the command-line option, followed by any required file name or command (if needed).

For example:

% sunpci -option

option is the command-line option you want to use. filename is the name of the file you want to use with the option. Not all options can accept file names. Note that there is no space between the dash and the option.

For example, to start SunPCi software and route the Windows 95 screen to an external VGA monitor, type the following:

% sunpci -vga

To start up SunPCi with a C: drive other than your default C: drive, type this command and substitute the name of the new C: drive file for C.newdrive:

% sunpci -C C.newdrive

Table 5–1 lists the available SunPCi command-line options.

Table 5–1 SunPCi Command-Line Options




Routes the Windows 95 screen to an external VGA monitor. For more information on how this option works, refer to Connecting an External Monitor to SunPCi.

-C filename

Boots the SunPCi window using filename as drive C:. This overrides the default drive specified in the default properties file /$HOME/pc/SunPCi.ini.

-D filename

Boots the SunPCi window using filename as drive D:. This overrides the default drive specified in the default properties file /$HOME/pc/SunPC.ini.


SunPCi command-line help; displays a list of all SunPCi command-line options. 

-p filename

Starts SunPCi with the configuration information in the properties file specified with filename. The default properties file for SunPCi is $HOME/pc/SunPC.ini.

-display hostname.domain: 0.0

Displays the SunPCi window on another workstation hostname in domain. For example, to open the SunPCi window on another system named willow in the eastern domain, type the following command on your workstation (where the SunPCi card is installed): /opt/SUNWspci/bin/sunpci -display willow.eastern:0.0