SunPCi User's Guide

Setting Screen Code Pages

This example uses two prepared code pages—no hardware code pages are used—to set up the system to support Denmark/Norway and the Multilingual national languages.

To the end of your CONFIG.SYS file, add the following on separate lines:

device=c:\dos\display.sys con:=(ega,,2)
install=c:\dos\nlsfunc.exe c:\dos\country.sys

These CONFIG.SYS commands tell DOS that the EGA's hardware code page is not used, and that you are allocating space for two prepared code pages. Also, they load memory-resident, national support functions.

To the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, add the following exactly as shown (on separate lines):

mode con cp prep=((865,850) c:\dos\ega.cpi) 
keyb dk,,c:\dos\keyboard.sys 
chcp 865 

Note –

If the AUTOEXEC.BAT file contains two lines at the end of the file that invoke AUTOEXEC.BAT files on the E: or H: drive, place the international command lines before these lines.

These AUTOEXEC.BAT commands do the following: