Interface LogoutResponse

All Superinterfaces:

public interface LogoutResponse
extends StatusResponse

This class represents the LogoutResponse element in SAML protocol schema. The recipient of a LogoutRequest message MUST respond with a LogoutResponse message, of type StatusResponseType, with no additional content specified.

 <element name="LogoutResponse" 

Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.identity.saml2.protocol.StatusResponse
getConsent, getDestination, getExtensions, getID, getInResponseTo, getIssueInstant, getIssuer, getSignature, getStatus, getVersion, isMutable, isSignatureValid, isSigned, makeImmutable, setConsent, setDestination, setExtensions, setID, setInResponseTo, setIssueInstant, setIssuer, setStatus, setVersion, sign, toXMLString, toXMLString