
Defines Web Services Security Token specification and Token interfaces with their respective implementation classes for different WS-* Security Tokens.


Interface Summary
SecurityToken This interface represents WS-Security token that can be inserted into or extracted from SOAP messages headers for Web Services Security transactions.
SecurityTokenSpec A transparent specification of the Security Token that constitutues a SecurityToken.
TokenProvider The interface TokenProvider represents a Security Token provider for generating the Security Tokens.

Class Summary
AssertionTokenSpec This class implements the interface SecurityTokenSpec to create SAML1.0 and SAML1.1 Assertions / Security Tokens.
KerberosTokenSpec This class represents Kerberos Security Token Specification.
PasswordCredential This class PasswordCredential is a place holder for the username/password object.
SAML2TokenSpec This class implements the interface SecurityTokenSpec to create SAML2 Assertions / Security tokens.
SecurityMechanism This class exposes the SecurityMechanisms used in the Web Services Security.
SecurityPrincipal This class SecurityPrincipal exposes the authenticated principal via the message level security.
SecurityTokenFactory This class SecurityTokenFactory represents a factory class to create WS-Security tokens.
UserNameTokenSpec This class defines the specification for generating the Username security tokens.
X509TokenSpec This class defines the specification for generating the X509 security tokens.

Exception Summary
SecurityException This class SecurityException is used to generate the exceptions during failures for generating or handing Web Services Security classes or functionalities.

Package Description

Defines Web Services Security Token specification and Token interfaces with their respective implementation classes for different WS-* Security Tokens.