Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.8 Configuration File Reference


Applicable in AuthTrans-class directives.

The basic-auth function calls a custom function to verify authorization information sent by the client. The Authorization header is sent as part of the basic server authorization scheme.

This function is usually used in conjunction with the PathCheck-class function require-auth.


The following table describes the parameter for the basic-auth function.

Table 5–32 basic-auth parameters




Specifies the type of authorization to be used. Set this value to basic.


(Optional) Specifies the full path and file name of the user database to be used for user verification. This parameter is passed to the user function. 


Name of the user custom function to verify authorization. This function must have been previously loaded with load-modules. It has the same interface as all of the SAFs, but it is called with the user name (user), password (pw), user database (userdb), and group database (groupdb) if supplied, in the pb parameter. The user function checks the name and password using the database and return REQ_NOACTION if they are not valid. The user function returns REQ_PROCEED if the name and password are valid. The basic-auth function then adds auth-type, auth-user (user), auth-db (userdb), and auth-password (pw, Windows only) to the rq->vars pblock.


(Optional) Specifies the full path and file name of the user database. This parameter is passed to the group function. 


(Optional) Name of the group custom function that must have been previously loaded with load-modules. It has the same interface as all of the SAFs, but it is called with the user name (user), password (pw), user database (userdb), and group database (groupdb) in the pb parameter. It also has access to the auth-type, auth-user (user), auth-db (userdb), and auth-password (pw, Windows only) parameters in the rq->vars pblock. The group function determines the user’s group using the group database, add it to rq->vars as auth-group, and return REQ_PROCEED if found. It returns REQ_NOACTION if the user’s group is not found.


(Optional) Common to all obj.conffunctions.


In magnus.conf:

Init fn=load-modules shlib=/path/to/ funcs=hardcoded_auth


In obj.conf:

AuthTrans fn=basic-auth auth-type=basic userfn=hardcoded_authPathCheck 
	fn=require-auth auth-type=basic realm="Marketing Plans"

See Also
