Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.8 Configuration File Reference


Applicable in AuthTrans-class directives.

The basic-ncsa function verifies authorization information sent by the client against a database. The Authorization header is sent as part of the basic server authorization scheme.

This function is usually used in conjunction with the PathCheck-class function require-auth.


The following table describes the parameter for the basic-ncsa function.

Table 5–33 basic-ncsa Parameters




Specifies the type of authorization to be used. Set this value to basic.


(Optional) Specifies the full path and base file name of the user database in the server’s native format. The native format is a system DBM file, which is a hashed file format that provides instantaneous access to large number of users. If you use this parameter, don’t use the userfile parameter as well.


(Optional) Specifies the full path name of the user database in the NCSA-style HTTPD user file format. This format consists of lines using the format name:password, where password is encrypted. If you use this parameter, don’t use dbm.


(Optional) Specifies the NCSA-style HTTPD group file to be used. Each line of a group file consists of group:user1 user2. userN where each user is separated by spaces.


(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions.


AuthTrans fn=basic-ncsa auth-type=basic dbm=/sun/server61/userdb/rsPathCheck 
	fn=require-auth auth-type=basic realm="Marketing Plans"AuthTrans 
	fn=basic-ncsa auth-type=basic userfile=/sun/server61/.htpasswd 
	grpfile=/sun/server61/.grpfilePathCheck fn=require-auth auth-type=basic 
	realm="Marketing Plans"

See Also
